Programming :: Bash Script In Based Hosting?
Apr 4, 2010i have a question in my mind.sorry if its irrelevant to this topic.Can i run bash script (which i currently run on cygwin) in linux based web hosting?
View 2 Repliesi have a question in my mind.sorry if its irrelevant to this topic.Can i run bash script (which i currently run on cygwin) in linux based web hosting?
View 2 RepliesI have designed name based virtual hosting in apache. as of now,I am able to access website using IP also. which is I am looking to block, only can access by the name
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a text based menu layout in bash were it is possible to browse through. The menu list should look something like this:
user: root
colour: blue
number: 4
animal: dog
At the start the cursor should blink at the r from root so that text can be entered. When pressing the enter the cursor should go to the b from blue and so on. the imported thing is that all the text is visible also beyond the position from the cursor.
I'm trying to call a specific variable based on a user selection. For example:
Code: Select a file:
[1] foo.tar
[2] bar.tar
Enter a selection: I have already coded each possible selection to have its own variable. If the user selects 2 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR2, or if they select 1 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR1 and then do something like this behind the scenes:
Code: cp /home/user/$SELECTED_TAR2 /home/user/backup/$SELECTED_TAR2
I was thinking something like this:
Code: echo "Enter a selection: "
cp /home/user/$SELECTED_TAR$SELECTED_NUMBER /home/user/backup
I'm writing a bash shell script that among various other things will traverse through a directory with hundreds of files and rename those who match a pattern found in a config file. It's expected that only about one in ten files will actually match, and those who don't, will simply just be ignored for this purpose.
This should for instance cause the file "dBase program file December 1987.prg" to be renamed "Clipper source code December 1987.prg", and conversely "C++ source August 1996.cpp" to be renamed "C source code August 1996.cpp" etc.A sample file such as "Random Data File.dat" should not be renamed here since it's not mentioned in the config file..What is the quickest, most elegant way to do this in bash?I am thinking of using bash's built-in regex matching combined with the /bin/rename utility, but don't quite know how to get started to catch this..I guess there are plenty ways of doing this in perl and elsewhere as well, but since this has to integrate into a pre-existing bash script, that's what I'm looking for.Anyone out there with a spare moment to offer a hint in the right direction?
I have very little linux experience. And need some help with a bash script. I need to a script I can set cron to run to sort files out of a holding folder into final folders. It doesn't necessarily have to be bash, but I think it would be sufficient for this. File names are formatted as such when created: Dest-Date-Time-CID-Destination# I want the files to be moved from a all in one holding folder to a folder structure like this.
I would need an if/else if/else statement to say if Dest = A set VarX = B If for example the file name was
I would like the above file to end up moved from
So the script will need to make directories based on information in the file name which is delimited by single dashes. Then move files from the holding folder to the newly created "sorted" folders.
I've been trying to get my name-based server to work for a week now. I've read about everything there is and double checked my configs, but when I go to any of my sites, it always goes to the first virtual host.Here is my Webmin system info -Quote:
System hostnamelocalhost.localdomain
Operating systemRedhat Linux Fedora 11
Webmin version1.530
Know any documentation or software packages to do a open source "File Hosting" or also known as "one-click hosting" server.I want to create my own private secure site to easily have clients download sensitive files. If it could be setup to use SSL that would be great.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble setting up name based virtual hosting on my Linux Webserver. I have two websites: I need the lowcostchemicals site to use a SSL certificate which I have already created and added to a folder [URL] The lowcostchemicals site needs to go into the folder:[URL] The [URL] site needs to go into the folder [URL] I have tried to set up the virtual hosts but all of the sites go to the root folder: var/www/html/
View 1 Replies View Relatedam having following error while installing TimeTrex payrollable Cache Directory: Warning: Not writable (/hrm/cache) Writable Storage Directory:arning: Not writable (/hrm/storage) Writable Log Directory: Warning: Not writable (/hrm/log) I did apply permission settings: i.e777 on cpanel.but invain.i got info. abt .htaccess files from where we can apply write attributes to the directory. (not getting how to apply on a linux based hosting)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI will have to code this. However I am lacking of time since I have too much to do. make a short code bash/dash to prompt the country with Zenity, then, get the PLS or m3u url and prompt with another zenity which radio to play.
My code to get url's radio country.htm is:
If any of you have successfully created a video hosting server with Fedora, can you give me any ideas of what software to get and how to configure it and so on? Or, if you have been unsuccessful, can you tell me what doen't work?
View 1 Replies View Related**Forenote** i HAVE posted the other threads with the same intro of "hosting cp - " for the subject. I am attempting to create a web based hosting control panel and i figured that it would be easier & less confusing to post each different issue in a different thread so that answers to several differant problems weren't getting mixed up together. Ok, so as i said i'm building a hosting control panel and i need to figure out how to make my software control the functions of apache2. like setting up virtual hosts, sub domains, domains, etc.
if anyone can direct me to some good articles on interfacing with apache, or some open source projects that i could try to reverse engineer, that would be great. ive tried searching google, but i couldnt really find anything that really explained what i am trying to do. probably because most people usually dont try to use php to control apache as a weekend project, or a task to pass the time.
[URL] Essentially, this module can be fine-tuned to the user's liking, using four integers instead of a boolean. By allowing for the red, green, blue, and alpha values to be fine-tuned, the user can control how transparent or opaque their desktop is. And how is this possible? C++ instead of C. How do you guys think of being able to customize RGBA?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get a bash script to do different things based on the time of day, but at least once a day the test fails:
Code: Select allNOW=$(date +%k%M)
if [[ "$NOW" -ge 1000 ]] && [[ "$NOW" -le 2200 ]];then
alarm lon
alarm loff
This is the error, and line 59 is the second quoted above:
Code: Select all/home/electrolux/bin/ line 59: [[: 059: value too great for base (error token is "059")
The script is run every minute, and this error only occurs at 12:59AM, or 00:59.
I presume the problem is either $NOW is being set to 059, or the testing is seeing 0059 as 059. I think the latter, because for the rest of midnight 'til 00:58 the script works. And with some Googling it seems that the leading 0 is making test treat the number as octal... is there a way to tell it it is decimal?
Perhaps this is just some poor time-testing code? Looking at it I don't think it will cope with set time period that crosses midnight..... there's probably just a command to do what I want, isn't there? I know I could have two different scripts cron'd for the different time periods, but it would be much more preferable to be just the one.
I'm pretty new to bash scripting, but I really want to wrap my head around it.What I'm trying to do is: From directory "A": Go in to all subdirectories and rename all files within icrementally according to the directory name. SO:
|-- Varian
| |-- FB1-page132.pdf.png
| |-- FB1-page133.pdf.png
having my data backed up properly, but it's also in different places (e.g. photos and music on separate flash drives), so I have a few rsync's that I can execute manually, drives are mounted. Unfortunately, it gets confusing very quickly, I'd like a simple bash script that goes something like this (this pseudo-code would be most like REXX):
pair.1 = (/dev/sdb1, /dev/mmcblkp01)
pair.2 = (/some/other/device, /yet/another/device)
for i = 1 to #pairs
Seems simple enough, but I've never written a bash script and wouldn't know where to start.
I can set my EDITOR variable in my .bashrc to e.g. gedit, which is a nice graphical editor on ubuntu. But when I log in over PuTTY that editor will fail.What is the best way to detect if I'm logged in and can run a graphical editor, or not, and set EDITOR appropriately?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how do I print the line # in a script. My requirement is, I have a script which is about ~5000 lines long. If there are any errors happen I just exit. And I would like to add the line # of the script where the error happened.
View 3 Replies View Relatedsimple bash code:
trap "echo 'you got me'" SIGINT SIGTERM # to trap ctrl+c
echo "Press ctrl+c during 5 sec loop"
for ((i=0;i<5;i++)); do
How come code behaves normally and stops when ctrl+c signal is caught and resumes, but after I use at least one timeout read in the code it looks like, if signal is caught again it doesn't pause the execution but skips the loop. If you remove -t (timeout) option from the read, both loops look the same!
I have a config file that contains:
Now in my bash script, I want to get the output /home/user instead of $HOME once read. So far, I have managed to get the $HOME variable but I can't get it to echo the variable. All I get is the output $HOME.
Here is my parse_cmd script:
I have written quite a few separate bash & scripts and php scripts that up to now I have run from cron jobs. However I have to estimate how long each takes to run, before running the next and so it probably takes much longer than necessary to run them all. They have to run in order.
Now there are so many I am thinking it would be better to have a master bash script that would run one after the other, but I am not sure how to get the master script to wait before starting to run the next script. Is this possible and is there a command that will make the script wait between bash and php scripts , for them to finish, before running the next?
I would like to get the filename (without extension) and the extension separately. The best solution I found so far is:
Let FILE="thefilenameofsomefilesfor_instance.txt"
NAME=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f1`
EXTENSION=`echo "$FILE" | cut -d'.' -f2`
I think it would be better to count the len and remove 3 chars to right to get the extension, but it can be macintosh filenames with have 4 chars for extensions.
Is there any way to filter the output of a command based on the values on the output columns. For example i execute du -h on directory with many files. Now I want to filter the output based on the size (i.e. M or G or K ). The filtered o/p should contain only M(megabytes) or G(gigabytes) and also all columns.
20K ./fload/temp/20000101/Pam
15K ./fload/temp/20000101/NAVEX
29K ./fload/temp/20000101/Avenge
I'm looking for a version of Getopts for Java that isn't licensed under the GPL and accepts long options (i.e. both -h and --help). My code is licensed under BSD and I don't really want to change that just because a module uses the GPL...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a folder named Pictures that contains a bunch of .jpg files. My problem is that they all have randomly numbered names, then there is a duplicate of the file that is random numbers then the letter a right before the .jpg.for example, there would be 123.jpg and 123a.jpg, where 123a.jpg is just a resized version of 123. What i'd like to do but have NO clue how to, is to have a script or something go through my Pictures folder, then copy the ones that end in a.jpg to a folder called Resized, and ones that dont have that to a folder called Originals. That way my Pictures folder will be in tact, and i'll have copies of them all separated out.I have to do this all through the CLI on a machine, maybe I dont even need a script and can just do it with a slick command?
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there any API to get partition name based on file path in C on Linux OS?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a LAMP based web hosting account (BlueHost). I have an existing simple MS Excel application which I would like to make it web based. However I am not sure what tools or features of PHP are out there that will aid me with this task. Here are some details:
1. I don't want to create an entire Excel program online. For that there are plenty of existing applications like Google Docs, MS's own online version of Excel, etc.
2. My current excel file uses some of the following excel functions:
a) SUM
b) Product Sum
c) Conditional Formatting (like changing font color if an amount is below a threshold, etc.)
d) Sorting (Date, Amount)
e) Drop Down Box to select pre-defined values
3. Ability to add/delete/modify a entry (row)
4. I don't care whether the application has the same look-n-feel as MS Excel.
As you can see it is a very simple home grown excel application with few basic mathematical functions. Here are some few thoughts that I have currently in my mind:
i) Just start coding intuitively as you would develop a normal web based application.
ii) Do (i) but use some of the PHP's excel oriented helper functions (COMs?) if there are any
iii) Use completely a different set of tools permitting that they run on LAMP environment.
I could have started with (i) but before making a costly mistake I thought I would get some opinion from the community to see if this is the right approach.
I need to launch programs in my program and the program can be a script, a Linux executable or even a Windows executable. The first thing i tried is to use xdg-open from my program, but i can't pass arguments to it, otherwise it would have worked perfectly. Is there maybe a way to determine which program is set as default according to the mime-type of the program i want to launch? I also tried kfmclient and gnome-open, they don't allow arguments either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn an Ubuntu Server I am running, I wrote a small Ncurses program in GCC. It worked just fine.
Then, I copied the executable over to my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition with sftp. No matter what I did, it kept giving the error:
error opening terminal: xterm.
I had copied other non-curses programs and they all ran just fine.
Finally, I copied over the source, recompiled with GCC and voila, the executable now runs fine.