Programming :: Bash: Printing The Line Number In Bash Script?
Feb 4, 2011
I would like to know how do I print the line # in a script. My requirement is, I have a script which is about ~5000 lines long. If there are any errors happen I just exit. And I would like to add the line # of the script where the error happened.
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Feb 4, 2011
I would like to know how do I print the line # in a script. My requirement is, I have a script which is about ~5000 lines long. If there are any errors happen I just exit. And I would like to add the line # of the script where the error happened.
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May 15, 2011
How can i get bc to subtract negative numbers?
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Jul 1, 2010
Is there a way to count the number of errors- an exit variable $? from one function?
The output from the exit variable (either erroneous or correct (1) or (0)) is it possible to add the erroneous one ups?
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Sep 12, 2010
I currently have 3 files with floating point data that I wish to have in a single file with the format:
F1 F1 F3 Output
a1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
a4 b4 c4 a4 b4 c4
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Jul 7, 2011
bash 3.1.17(2) I'm trying do write a shell script which must operate on each line of an ASCII text file. So, all the code must be inside a loop, and inside the loop, the first thing should be to read the next line from the file. I have the bash read command. But it reads from stdin. Any way to make read from a file?
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a set of files containing data that I need to re-arrange into one single property list.
The files that I have look like this:
# cat uk
So the lines in the files match up but I haven't found a way of reading several files line by line.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm trying to make another file annotation script a little speedier than it has been by the up-until-now proven method of checking the last four characters in a filename before the "dot" (eg .jpg, .psd) against a list of known IPTC categories and Exiv2 command files. It occurred to me that if one script generated a list of files in directory foo, and the same or another script sorted that list by that four-letter tag,then that list could be used(instead of a for/do/done loop on the real files in the folder) by the command-file-matching script to "vomit out" which annotator file would go with file nastynewfile.jpg, f'r'instance. The script I had been using for this task looks like this:
while read 'line';
sp=$(echo $line)
vc=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f1)
cv=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f2)
Where I seem to be stuck is with how to sort the lines in templist, which may be any number of different lengths, from back to front. sort -k looked promising, except it seems only to work the other way round. I thought of invoking a
q=$(expr length $line); echo $q
n=$[q-8]; echo $n
kind of thing, but that presented the problems of how to sort by those, how to tell sort where to find them (grep?) and how to "stitch them back in" to the original list, which is what I want to sort in the first place.
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Jan 10, 2011
I have a wrapper script called that runs several other script. It looks like this:
#! /bin/sh
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a text file (myfile.txt) with columns a,b,c.
123 2 23
124 2 24
125 2 22
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Jan 29, 2010
I have no Bash skills but Im badly in need of a script to move the first 20,000 or whatever number of files from a directory containing over 200,000 files to a new directory. The problem is that I cant access the directory because its so large so I want to break it into chunks, but keep the files in order if possible. If you know of a script to meet my needs, please post it. Otherwise Ill post my fumblings with Bash until I find the right way to fix my problem.
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Sep 18, 2010
I want to move files from a $SOURCEDIR to a $DESTBASE/$DESTDIR. Under $DESTBASE there are many directories, and I need to test beforehand if a file from $SOURCEDIR already exists in any of them.
This is obviously extremely slow, and the real use case involves dozens of dirs and thousands of files. Creating a temporary "index" file for the find command (instead of running it every iteration) speeds it up a little, but it's still very clumsy.
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Aug 11, 2010
I would like to parse an input file in which there are two columns per each row. We want to see how many lines are duplicated where we define duplicate to be having the same second field and different first field. For instance if the input file looks like the following:
79874 13131
79873 12309
79820 13131
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Nov 29, 2010
i have a text file like
abc abc abc abc
abc abc abc abc
--- --- --- ---
i want to add a string xyz to end of each line..
abc abc abc abc xyz
abc abc abc abc xyz
abc abc abc abc xyz
--- --- --- --- xyz
--- --- --- --- xyz
how do i do this in bash?
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Nov 18, 2010
I'm writing a mass snmp toner check which polls any toners available to be snmp polled, however when using a loop statement I get the results on different lines; which sounds good, however the tool I use to check with (nagios) ignores the new lines.
Is there any way I can get the output on one line? Also, I need to raise a fault if any of the toners are below a specific level (with nagios you raise faults with the exit code) - any way I can do this without exiting the loop. Code below with bits and bobs commented out.
check_ink_levels ()
for ID in $INKS
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Apr 9, 2011
I would like to delete a single line from a file that contains many lines passing through the same values as the two parameters. Again, I would like to delete a single line and not all those that contain parameters. How can I make bash?
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Jan 22, 2010
I keep time sheet entries at work in an sqlite database called 'timesheet'. I have a shell script called 'today' which queries for all timesheet entries which are less than 24 hours old; it looks like this:
echo "select datetime(start_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), datetime(end_time, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), project, site, duration from timesheet where start_time > strftime('%s', 'now', '-1 day', 'localtime');" | sqlite3 ~/.timesheet/timesheet.db
In an effort to make it more readable, I've put the query inside a here document:
cat | sqlite3 ~/.timesheet/timesheet.db << query
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Mar 24, 2010
Below is the part of my bash script which uses awk to to fetch a line from a file. Choice is set by a case, and i know it is receiving a proper number because of the echo statement. The problem is with the syntax of the awk command it says the error is with one of the ', but when I run the command at the command line and replace "$choice" with a number it works properly. So I am not sure what is going on.
echo "announcing choice $choice"
command="awk 'NR = "$choice"' beerpong.txt | say"
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Jul 7, 2011
I need a command to search a string in a file and then to convert the next string in the same line from hexadecimal to binary. I was able to put everything in capitals. The original file can be as such:
E 2
C 1 794
T ffff
E 2
C 1 787
It is not always FFFF! I am trying to do this in a file at once, not reading line by line (using while).
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Jul 8, 2011
Bash 3.1.7
Suppose this bash script:
ls foo
I would like the output to be
ls foo
That is, the command is first echoed then executed. Is it possible to do this? Or is the only way to debug the script?
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Apr 23, 2011
I've got a bash script I'm using to download a text file list of links via axel. What I'd like to do is automate the movement of completed links in the for loop when axel has successfully completed the download. This is what I've got. I can figure that I can just echo append the line to a new file, but what is the easiest way to delete the line with the link I just downloaded?
for i in $( cat $1); do
axel --alternate --num-connections=6 $i
export RC=$?
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Jan 24, 2010
simple bash code:
trap "echo 'you got me'" SIGINT SIGTERM # to trap ctrl+c
echo "Press ctrl+c during 5 sec loop"
for ((i=0;i<5;i++)); do
How come code behaves normally and stops when ctrl+c signal is caught and resumes, but after I use at least one timeout read in the code it looks like, if signal is caught again it doesn't pause the execution but skips the loop. If you remove -t (timeout) option from the read, both loops look the same!
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Feb 15, 2011
At the moment I got my md5sum checking working which I write to a text file and see below.
If the md5sum works it will write the output to check2.md5 test.txt: OK
If the md5sum fails it will write test.txt: FAILED
How do I write if statement to check the output whether or not the md5sum failed or not ?
cd /home/ops/Desktop/test1
md5sum test.txt > $check1
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm writing a Bash script to take IPTC keywords from a text file and write them, via Exiv2, to several (first batch is 100) JPEG files in a single directory. The script has one while loop inside another while loop, both terminated, but I'm pretty sure that's not my problem. I think it's how I'm incrementing the "counter" variable, although it could also be the method of parsing the text lines from the file (using cut with delimiters that have worked fine in simpler scripts).
Here's the code as I've worked it up to this point.
And yes, "keywords" checks out in Crimson Editor, Emacs GUI and nano as an ASCII file with UNIX line endings. No issues on that score.
Feeding each line consecutively into a terminal (excepting the exiv2 command) works fine: each variable echoes with the part of the text line used as a variable value as it should, even when the b variable is incremented the quick&dirty way (up arrow three commands and hit enter).
Running the above script in eval mode (sh -x) stalls after setting the b variable to one and reading in the first line of text. I'd like to know why. I'd also like some advice on another reliable method of parsing the read-in lines.
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Jul 20, 2011
I am writing a bash script to run everyday and output results to a file. When the same results are produced i want to overwrite the line from the previous day. (Or remove and add). So if the script finds a variable in a line. i want it to output the results to that line . sed -i did not work for me; sed: couldn't open temporary file ./sedTvOCEg: Permission denied
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Nov 26, 2008
I have a config file that contains:
Now in my bash script, I want to get the output /home/user instead of $HOME once read. So far, I have managed to get the $HOME variable but I can't get it to echo the variable. All I get is the output $HOME.
Here is my parse_cmd script:
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Jul 25, 2011
I have written quite a few separate bash & scripts and php scripts that up to now I have run from cron jobs. However I have to estimate how long each takes to run, before running the next and so it probably takes much longer than necessary to run them all. They have to run in order.
Now there are so many I am thinking it would be better to have a master bash script that would run one after the other, but I am not sure how to get the master script to wait before starting to run the next script. Is this possible and is there a command that will make the script wait between bash and php scripts , for them to finish, before running the next?
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Dec 8, 2010
I have grepped a log file to obtain every line that contains a word (let's call it 'blah'). I now want to only display a list of entries within that search result that feature the word 'host' anywhere in the line, and I also want to display the single word *after* 'host' (up until the next space). So, the end result will look like this:
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Feb 16, 2011
Writing script to create backup of file by adding datetime to file name. Basically test for file presence if there, cp with datetime then rm original cp works fine from command line but get cannot stat `full path to file': No such file or directory
Here are the errors: cp: cannot stat `~/html/CVP_dadamail/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `...': No such file or directory
The for statement is a placeholder as I have same file to backup out of several directories. using "bash -x scriptname" -OR- inserting echos, I can see I've constructed the strings properly. Believing it might be related to the hidden directories, I tried setting the shopt "glob" options to no avail.
Ultimately I'll add the other directories to the for loop and then run this from a cron job, so if you see potential pitfalls knowing I'm headed in that direction...believe construct would be
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Jan 26, 2011
I'm having issue when trying to change a line in a file
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