Programming :: Command Line Works - Won't Work From Inside Bash Script

Feb 16, 2011

Writing script to create backup of file by adding datetime to file name. Basically test for file presence if there, cp with datetime then rm original cp works fine from command line but get cannot stat `full path to file': No such file or directory


Here are the errors: cp: cannot stat `~/html/CVP_dadamail/.dada_files/.logs/errors.txt': No such file or directory rm: cannot remove `...': No such file or directory

The for statement is a placeholder as I have same file to backup out of several directories. using "bash -x scriptname" -OR- inserting echos, I can see I've constructed the strings properly. Believing it might be related to the hidden directories, I tried setting the shopt "glob" options to no avail.

Ultimately I'll add the other directories to the for loop and then run this from a cron job, so if you see potential pitfalls knowing I'm headed in that direction...believe construct would be


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Programming :: BASH - Works On The Command Line, Hangs As A Script?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm writing a Bash script to take IPTC keywords from a text file and write them, via Exiv2, to several (first batch is 100) JPEG files in a single directory. The script has one while loop inside another while loop, both terminated, but I'm pretty sure that's not my problem. I think it's how I'm incrementing the "counter" variable, although it could also be the method of parsing the text lines from the file (using cut with delimiters that have worked fine in simpler scripts).

Here's the code as I've worked it up to this point.


And yes, "keywords" checks out in Crimson Editor, Emacs GUI and nano as an ASCII file with UNIX line endings. No issues on that score.

Feeding each line consecutively into a terminal (excepting the exiv2 command) works fine: each variable echoes with the part of the text line used as a variable value as it should, even when the b variable is incremented the quick&dirty way (up arrow three commands and hit enter).

Running the above script in eval mode (sh -x) stalls after setting the b variable to one and reading in the first line of text. I'd like to know why. I'd also like some advice on another reliable method of parsing the read-in lines.

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Software :: Create A Command Line Inside A Bash Script That Contains Arguments?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm having problems with bash quoting. Maybe someone can tell me what's going on.. Basically, I need to create a command line inside a bash script that contains arguments that contain spaces and bash variables that need to be expanded.


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General :: Mkdir Won't Work In A Script But Works On Command Line

Feb 4, 2010


This won't work in a script but it WILL work on the commandline...

Here is my output when I try the script:


Also, what is the at the end of the path in the error?

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Programming :: Echoing A Command Line Within A Bash Script?

Jul 8, 2011

Bash 3.1.7

Suppose this bash script:

ls foo

I would like the output to be

ls foo

That is, the command is first echoed then executed. Is it possible to do this? Or is the only way to debug the script?

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Programming :: Global Bash Shell Functions - Line 2: Echotm: Command Not Found

Sep 13, 2010

I wonder if there is anyway to make a user-defined bash shell function global, meaning the function can be use in any bash shell scripts, interactively or not. This is what I attempted:


$ tail -n 3 /etc/bashrc
echotm () {
echo "[`date`] $@"


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Programming :: Bash Shell Read User Argument From Command Line And Test It

Aug 29, 2010

Trying to create a small script that will read user's input, test if user entered some input and if not display some message or display a text using user's input.

The script is the following but i get an error saying "[: 6: =: argument expected"

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General :: Using Shortcuts/alias Inside A Bash Command?

Jan 28, 2010

I know that using alias I can run a whole command with a shortcut. But my requirement is to use parts of a long command and in between I have to pass some user defined values.
E.g. Suppose I have to routinely copy a directory to another remote directory on a remote machine.The remote machine name is quite long as well as the directory path to which I want to copy the files into.So the command to do scp would look like this[URL]Now I want to do some sort of aliasing (say "ecp") so that I just need to pass the source_directory name and the ecp command and do my job

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Programming :: Awk Commands Inside Of A Bash Script ?

May 4, 2011

im pretty sure this is a remedial task for many of you but im having an issue with arrays from a shell script being accessed in an awk command. im pretty good with shell scripting but i am embarrassingly unfamiliar with awk. so here's the meat of the script...


I am trying to take an input file of ip addresses and corresponding netmasks and put it into a format to be loaded onto a juniper switch. the result should look something like this.. x.x.x.x/netmask using the cidr notation. no matter what subnet is provided though, /32 always gets appended to the end of the ip even when it should be /16, /24, etc... also, the cisco part works fine so that doesnt need any attention.

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Programming :: How To Redirect Inside Bash Script

Oct 23, 2010

I want to do the following redirectin inside a bash script :

1. all the stdout will be redirected to a /tmp/log

2. all the errors will go to the stderr and also to the /tmp/log.

The following inside a bash script is not working, WHY and HOW to do it:

Rest of the bash script.

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Programming :: Bash Script And Grep Inside File?

Apr 2, 2010

What I'm trying to do is grep [mysqld] from inside my.cnf and then add lines inside the file should they not be there. how do i do that?

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Programming :: BASH: Each Line Of Multiple Text Files Gets Added To One Line?

Sep 12, 2010

I currently have 3 files with floating point data that I wish to have in a single file with the format:


F1 F1 F3 Output
a1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1
a2 b2 c2 a2 b2 c2
a3 b3 c3 a3 b3 c3
a4 b4 c4 a4 b4 c4

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Programming :: Create An SSL Certificate And Answer The Questions Inside A Bash Script

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to create an SSL certificate and answer the questions inside a bash script. The command used to create the SSL certificate

Code: openssl req $@ -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/apache2/apache.pem -keyout /etc/apache2/apache.pem
The first question asked is. Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:

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Programming :: Bash: Printing The Line Number In Bash Script?

Feb 4, 2011

I would like to know how do I print the line # in a script. My requirement is, I have a script which is about ~5000 lines long. If there are any errors happen I just exit. And I would like to add the line # of the script where the error happened.

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Programming :: Bash: Read A Text File Line By Line?

Jul 7, 2011

bash 3.1.17(2) I'm trying do write a shell script which must operate on each line of an ASCII text file. So, all the code must be inside a loop, and inside the loop, the first thing should be to read the next line from the file. I have the bash read command. But it reads from stdin. Any way to make read from a file?

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Programming :: Bash Reading Multiple Files Line By Line?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a set of files containing data that I need to re-arrange into one single property list.

The files that I have look like this:

# cat uk


So the lines in the files match up but I haven't found a way of reading several files line by line.

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Programming :: BASH Sort List By End Of Line To X Position In Each Line?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm trying to make another file annotation script a little speedier than it has been by the up-until-now proven method of checking the last four characters in a filename before the "dot" (eg .jpg, .psd) against a list of known IPTC categories and Exiv2 command files. It occurred to me that if one script generated a list of files in directory foo, and the same or another script sorted that list by that four-letter tag,then that list could be used(instead of a for/do/done loop on the real files in the folder) by the command-file-matching script to "vomit out" which annotator file would go with file nastynewfile.jpg, f'r'instance. The script I had been using for this task looks like this:


while read 'line';
sp=$(echo $line)
vc=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f1)
cv=$(echo $sp | cut -d"," -f2)


Where I seem to be stuck is with how to sort the lines in templist, which may be any number of different lengths, from back to front. sort -k looked promising, except it seems only to work the other way round. I thought of invoking a


q=$(expr length $line); echo $q
n=$[q-8]; echo $n

kind of thing, but that presented the problems of how to sort by those, how to tell sort where to find them (grep?) and how to "stitch them back in" to the original list, which is what I want to sort in the first place.

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Programming :: Bash Wait For One Line To Finish Before Going To The Next Line?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a wrapper script called that runs several other script. It looks like this:

#! /bin/sh


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Programming :: Line By Line Reading And Writing In Bash?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a text file (myfile.txt) with columns a,b,c.

123 2 23
124 2 24
125 2 22


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ad-Hoc Works With GUI But Not Command Line

Jul 17, 2010

I have two Roboards that need to communicate with one another. I have sucessfully installed Ubuntu 9.04 using the 386 kernel based on instructions found online.I can use the GUI to set up an Ad-Hoc network using one Roboard ("Create New Wireless Network"), call it Manet, and connect to "Manet" using the GUI on the other Roboard and ping/ssh between the boards. However, when I try to create the same wireless network using the command line using:

ifconfig wlan2 down
iwconfig wlan2 key off essid 'Manet' channel 5 ap any
ifconfig wlan2 up

I don't see any entry in iwconfig under "Cell". It keeps giving me "Not Associated"When I try to enter the same information on the other Roboard to try to connect to the network, it doesn't connect and under iwconfig, I don't even see any entry for ESSID. Could somebody please tell me why it works when I use the GUI and not the command line.

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Ubuntu :: FTP Works Through Command Line - Not From Nautilus

Jan 28, 2011

Does anyone know why Nautilus would allow me to login to a server but not display any files, but when I log in via the 'ftp' command-line binary, it works and allows me to display all the files, make directories, etc.? I was able to login via FileZilla too.

Here's part of the log:
Response:220 Microsoft FTP Service
Command:USER ----
Response:331 Password required for ----.
Command:PASS ***********
Response:230-Welcome to the Alentus FTP server.
Response:230 User ---- logged in.
Response:215 Windows_NT
Response:211 END
Status:Retrieving directory listing...

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Ubuntu :: Mail() Works In Command Line But Does Not In Browser?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to configure sending mail from my site under Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.I have installed LAMP and postfix. To test mail I created the file test.php with code:

PHP Code:
$to = '';
$subject = 'The subject';


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Server :: Crontab Fails But Command Line Works ?

Feb 19, 2011

Having an odd problem running a mysqldump via crontab. I have the script running on other servers and they work fine, so not sure how to actually troubleshoot, but the script looks like the following;

If I run it as a cronjob as root, it finishes in a second and a 20k file is there. If I run it from the command line as root it does the backup (takes a few minutes) but does complete the backup and can be unzipped and read successfully.

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Server :: Gawk Works From Command Line But Not From Cron

Jun 5, 2010

I have a very simple gawk script to add commas to numbers to make them more readable:

It works perfectly from the command line, but when run from cron it doesn't add the commas.

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Software :: Command Line Browsing That Works With JavaScript Sites?

May 9, 2011

How can I verify JavaScript on a site (not on the same server) is working from command line access of the URL?

On checking some of what was written in 2005 I find most of it isn't still relevant (if it was then - I noted the w3m-js stuff mentioned in 2005 hadn't been updated since 2003).

Since then a couple of times I've looked into it but didn't make much headway but also didn't spend a lot of time on it. So far as I could tell from other posts I'd seen others hadn't either.

Recently I found out about Mozilla's SpiderMoneky js library and that it could be linked into elinks text browser and did same on my RHEL5 system.

I found Spidermonkey rpms in the EPEL (Fedora sponsored) repository:

I was able to download and install using rpm then compile elinks from source to include the above. Running elinks version after that shows the ECMAScript support is compiled into the new elinks binary. Also setting various ecmas* flags in the elinks.conf does have effect so clearly it is using them. (As opposed to another system where I use the original RHEL5 provided elinks RPM it complains about the ecmas* stuff being invalid options.)

It appears that by default it has this enabled but just for good measure I added:

set ecmascript.enable = 1.

Despite that when I pull up the page I see:

This product requires use of a browser that supports JavaScript

As a test I set the above to 0 on the off chance it was backwards and saw the same thing.

I then set the following:

set ecmascript.error_reporting = 1

On pulling up the page I now see a popup box:


JavaScript Error:

A script embedded in the current document raised the

following exception:

TypeError: Window.Focus is not a function


That seems to suggest that despite the earlier message about needing a browser that supports JavaScript that it is in fact executing at least one JS but that it is getting an error. Can anyone confirm that?

Does anyone have any idea what I�d need to do to deal with the Window.Focus message?

Essentially the site is a login page and even though I am able to input username and password after opening in browser when I tell it to POST it simply returns to the same login/password page.

And of course it doesn't have to be elinks/spidermonkey. I'd be interested in finding out if anyone knows a way I can verify a site that is running JavaScript is actually responding properly from command line rather than via a browser?

The SpiderMonkey stuff from Mozilla when compiled into elinks is supposed to do that but given my results Im not sure if it is or not.

Most of the documentation I can find on JavaScript stuff appears to be aimed at developers testing their own JS code from command line rather than accessing a web page with JavaScript.

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Slackware :: Can't Find Pdf Reader That Works In Command Line Mode

May 13, 2010

So, in finishing my nFlux slack current edition.I have set it up for users to do certain things in console
and one of the things I want is a way to view slackbook-2.0 in runlevel 3 console.I cant find a pdf reader that works in command line mode and I cant figure out how to either convert slackbook 2.0 pdf into html/text Or find a slackbook download that is html or text?I tried converting it using pdftotext, which didnt work very well So, I need a command line pdf viewer or a converter that works good?

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Programming :: Cmd Works In Bash, Not Crontab?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to write the date & time and a text string to a file from crontab.The following line works fine in the CL:echo $(/bin/date +"%F %T")" Some text" >> /home/me/foo.txtI installed in crontab and no text appears in the file that it is redirected to.The crontab entry looks like:* * * * * echo $(/bin/date +"%F %T")" Some text" >> /home/me/foo.txtTried a version to just write to stdout....* * * * * echo $(/bin/date +"%F %T")" Some text"No date, time or text appears at the command line

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General :: CIFS Mounting Works Via Command Line - Fails With Fstab

Dec 2, 2009

I've successfully mounted a network share with mount.cifs for the past 2 years using fstab with credfile.


Yesterday I moved this system to a new datacenter, but did not alter fstab or the credfile. The //server/share directory has IP rules in place, but this was updated with the new system IP while we moved the system. Now, I am mysteriously unable to automount //server/share. The local error is 13 (permission denied). The Windows server we are mounting returned a code that is defined as "username is valid but password is incorrect" Again - no changes (content or permissions) were made to my credfile or fstab entry. I've restarted netfs a few times, including rebooting the system twice. What is baffling is I can successfully mount //server/share via command line: Code: mount -t cifs //server/share /mnt/mycooldir -o username=foobar,password=1234

The username and passwords are identical in credfile and the mount options - I copied & pasted username / password from the credfile itself.

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Programming :: C++ - Snprintf - Inside - For - Doesn't Work As Expected. - Int To Char

Aug 30, 2010

I need to convert an int array into a char* array.

I'm using the following code:


But it returns me


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General :: Empty Bash Command Line?

Sep 28, 2010

I am looking for a way to delete the currently entered commandline without wasting seconds on the "Backspace"-key.

For example I scrolled the bash history and have a long commandline that would execute when I pressed ENTER:

~$ aptitude search openssl | grep dev

But now I decide that I do not want to execute this command. Can I get an empty prompt fast without deleting the whole line with Backspace? On the Windows "cmd" you can just press ESCAPE and it is gone. This behavior would be what I want.

The question may seem trivial but this is bothering me for a long time now.

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