OpenSUSE :: Terminal For Updating Gnome - Can't Write Password

Jun 25, 2010

I want to update my gnome to the latest version (2.30) because I have 2.28 so I go to terminal and enter the command "apt-get" or try "zypper dup" which both ask for root so I just add "sudo" before the commands and when it ask for the password it doesnt let me write it.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-terminal Require Password At Start?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm usingg Ubuntu 10.04. When i start gnome-terminal (from terminal or gui) at the first i see invite to enter sudo pass: Terminal window is opening and i see the string:

[sudo] password for tenhi:

Yesterday i changed .bashrc file and some settings in User and Groups management.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Write In Terminal As Root?

Jan 2, 2010

If my password is for root and me is the same, how do I write my password as root and get permission to enter as root?

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OpenSUSE :: Require A User To Enter Password To Open Terminal?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm in the process of configuring a "guest" account for houseguests tose my computer. I've got the file permissions set, but I'd also like to restrict their access to the terminal. It seems to me that most of the damage that can be done to a computer goes through the terminal.I downloaded Pessulus (I use Gnome)but it doesn't require a password. the profiled user can just open Pessulus and alter their profile -- what's the point?Is there a way I can require a user to enter a password, either for any terminal or Pessulus?I like Pessulus -- it's concise and easy to use. But it doesn't seem very secure as I understand it.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.0 Weird Password In Gnome?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm guessing this problems came with one of the recent updates but I have no idea what it might be. I can "su" to the root user no problem in bash. However, I can't login to root through gnome on startup, nor can I login when asked to for things like allowing updates through the gui. Basically the root user is unavailable through the gui but is accessible through the command line.

I've had this system for over year and it just started doing this. Does anyone have a clue what I could do to fix this? I have already done the obvious of using "passwd" to change the root password to see if that action would correct whatever went awry without success.

The last update I was able to do, which must be close to the last time I was able to log in as root user was on 24 Feb. 2010 and it installed gmime, mozilla-xulrunner190, libgmime-2_0-3, mozilla-xulrunner190-gnomevfs, mozilla-xulrunner190-devel, gmime-sharp.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal Not Working?

Jan 23, 2011

When i log in to my suse server enterprice editions (virtual) it doesnt show gnome terminal also there's no a button to go tot computer .

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal At Kde Start?

Apr 26, 2011

I installed gnome 3.0 through the one installer, and now every time I start kde I get a gnome terminal that says

** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowState' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowActions' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'
** (orca:4321): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowMoveResizeMask' as enum when in fact it is of type 'GFlags'

It keeps shrinking everytime I try to expand it a bit, I had to edit > select all and copy to be able to read it. And it sounds like it's trying to play a sound that sounds like welcome, but it gets cut off, it also makes a sound when closing it. I'm assuming this was supposed to be a first time run thing for gnome but it keeps showing up in kde.

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Use Evolution Because Of Keyring Password In Gnome

Jun 13, 2011

I cannot log on to my server because of the pop up window that asks for a password to unlock the keyring. I have tried to just hit cancel

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Terminal: How To Get The Bash Shell

Mar 17, 2010

i've finally got a NIX environment...yipee! Installed opensuse 11.2 in a dual boot with windoze with no problem whatsoever. unfortunately, my NIX skills are sadly dated or maybe things have changed or both. in any case, i have a rather trivial problem that i have not been able to figure out.

i go to gnome terminal to get to the bash shell, no problem except when i do things like cat, less and so on. the commands do what they do then when done the last line output is "some text" and "(END)" - at the completion of the command it does not return to the bash shell. i've tried ctrl-everything, enter, escape, actually all keystrokes i can think of to get back to the bash luck. man and docs have not been helpful or i simply missed the answer (i'm a little saturated at this point).the only thing i've been able to do to solve my dilema is close the terminal an start a new instance, not elegant but works.

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OpenSUSE :: Start A Gnome-terminal From Firefox Url?

Aug 14, 2011

Does anyone knows how to start a gnome-terminal from firefox url? With a protocol or something? Is this possible? Or any other command line.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Remote Desktop - Vino Asking For Password

Jan 23, 2009

I'm trying to use Gnome's built in remote desktop viewer, Vino, to remote to my PC. When I use the vnc client on another computer to get to my OpenSuse 11.1 box, it lets me type in a password and pauses. If I look at the screen on my OpenSuse box it is waiting for the gnome keyring password and it wanting it for vino-preferences. It specifically says: The application gnome remote desktop (/usr/bin/vino-preferences) wants access to the default keyring but it is locked.

Does anybody know how to bypass needing the password for this? I'm not sure how to begin to figure this out. I've been a longtime Fedora user and vino worked fine there so I don't think this is the way it is supposed to work.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Remote Desktop - Vino Asking For Password?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm trying to use Gnome's built in remote desktop viewer, Vino, to remote to my PC. When I use the vnc client on another computer to get to my OpenSuse 11.1 box, it lets me type in a password and pauses. If I look at the screen on my OpenSuse box it is waiting for the gnome keyring password and it wanting it for vino-preferences. It specifically says: The application gnome remote desktop (/usr/bin/vino-preferences) wants access to the default keyring but it is locked. Does anybody know how to bypass needing the password for this? I'm not sure how to begin to figure this out. I've been a longtime Fedora user and vino worked fine there so I don't think this is the way it is supposed to work.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 - Setting Gnome Terminal Window Size

Feb 5, 2011

I'm using the Gnome desktop in openSUSE 11.3. I've set the "Command" to gnome-terminal --geometry=80x58 for the Gnome terminal in its Launcher Properties. This opens a terminal of the size I want every time I click it. However, when I right-click the desktop and click "open in terminal" it opens a terminal of a much smaller size and I can't figure out how to correct this. The same thing happens when I click:
File->Open Terminal from a terminal window, and also when
I click File->Open in Terminal from from the File Browser.
Why am I getting a much smaller window and how to fix?

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OpenSUSE :: Transparent-embedded Gnome-terminal With Devilspie?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a working trans.ds file and installed devilspie.It runs great, but the stickler is that if I "click off" or change application focus, I no longer can get the focus back to the terminal.The terminal window is responsive other than that.I can open a new tab, but I get no focus there either.Here's the trans.ds code

; generated_rule trans
( if


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OpenSUSE :: Update Applet - Su / Root Password Always Needed (GNOME)

Apr 30, 2010

I have a minor problem with my "Update Applet 2.28.0" in Gnome. It occurs when I want to make the applet do one or more suggested update(s). It always asks me for the password of superuser/root: "Authenticate : Authentication is required to update packages. [...]". I think under my installation before (11.1 maybe updated from an older version) I could tell the automatic/semi automatic updater to remember the su password (in YaST or in the authentication dialog?).

In the help manual on my computer (and in the internet) there is the possibility to make the updater remember the password via policy kit: ("Access to all privileged operations is controlled via PolicyKit." See: GNOME Documentation Library : gnome-packagekit Manual : Introduction) I could not find any policy kid or any other possibility to give to the automatic updater (or its user) that privilege permanently (=to remember authorization). I think on a system with more (real) users this could be a real problem (not just an inconvenience).

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME - Font In The Terminal Window Appears Very Blocky And Some Of The Letters Run Into Each Other

Feb 23, 2011

I've just installed openSUSE 11.3 on a workstation in my office and am having trouble with the font in the terminal window. It appears very blocky and some of the letters run into each other, regardless of font chosen. Here is a pic of the issue: Has anyone any ideas as to what is going wrong? I've gone through the 'Preferences' on the terminal window but nothing I change helps.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome-terminal Glitch Causes Upper Left Of Screen Freeze

Apr 14, 2011

When it launches, sometimes a few mins later, the upper left of the screen (where gnome-terminal sits) freezes and becomes unresponsive. The cursor always stays as the 'text entry' cursor when in the region. If I alt-drag the window and close, nothing changes.It only goes away when I right click the area (even if I have moved/closed the terminal window) I have terminal options so I select 'close' then the screen resumes.

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Type In Password At Login Screen And Hit Enter / Gnome Do Not Start

Feb 5, 2010

It happens like 50% of my Suse 11.2 startups, when I type in my password at login screen and hit enter, Gnome do not start, i can only see the green blank screen,or sometimes it start to show only my custom wallpaper and nothing more, when i try ctrl+alt+backspacex2 and login again everything seems to work fine, but what could be wrong ? is it a hardware issue ? Moreover, sometimes when I want to shutdown my laptop and click the shutdown button, suse do logout, but instead of turning off the laptop , it brings me to login screen, clicking the shutdown button at login screen makes my hdd lamp blink and thats all.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Any Substancial Difference Between Gnome Terminal Or Hitting 'c' To Bring Up Command Line

Feb 25, 2010

so the safest way to go about this is to assume I know nothing. I mean, I have a rough Idea of what a kernel is, no idea what a shell is, etc. I do consider myself computer savvy, but know NOTHING about linux and thats why I'm Diving in, hopefully not too much, this is just to give you an idea of what we're working with here.

After several install attempts I kept getting a blank screen. Whether it be black,white, or the default gnome desktop (without any icons, and simple things like ctrl+alt+backspace just doesn't work, or anything else for that matter) I was ending up with a blank screen. Driver for moniter....maybe....but I did succesfully install it once, and it worked like a charm...shutdown properly, and the next day after work...Boom, same thing after I started from scratch and re-installed....samething, until I hit the power button, went from the dvd(iso) and did a fail safe, now my resolution is much better than it was the first time..Actual questions.....what did I do to fix it when failsafe never worked before?

Is there a way to save these settings, so I don't run into the problem again, because I don't even want to turn of my computer at this point?If i'm trying to dive in and learn the command line actions, is there any substancial difference between gnome terminal or hitting "c" to bring up the command line?

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General :: Updating Ubuntu 10.04 But Forgot Password

Sep 8, 2010

I am trying to use Ubuntu 10.04 update, but have forgotten the password. If I could get the GRUB prompt, I could use a method I picked up somewhere, but where is the GRUB prompt, which I understand is a bootloader? My installation is single installation on a single partition. I press ESC before the Splash Screen, but just get a square bracket and pressing ESC makes no difference, to the continued boot process, except perhaps make it a little slower. I can use the Desktop and the software I use works fine. There is also something about a 'ring' that requires a password, which I also don't know.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Does Not Read Terminal Sizes From Gconf

Jan 24, 2011

gnome-terminal from the Debian squeeze does not use the 'default_size_columns' and 'default_size_rows' from the /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ folder of gconf.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Broken, Lost Functionality In Terminal (gnome-terminal)?

Dec 10, 2010

Linux-goers. I did some research on this, but I am still fairly new to Linux. In Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), I accidentally overwrote my "/bin/bash" file. Dude, using "sudo" with a small typo can work disasters. Bash is now broken in the Terminal (gnome-terminal). Terminal itself still works fine, technically, but bash is still hosed/broken. Here is what I did to try to fix it: Booted from Ubuntu 10.10 live CD. Mounted my Ubuntu partition and manually copied the good/fresh "bash" file onto my hard drive. Verified copy was successful. Didn't help, as you see. Reinstalled "gnome-terminal" using synaptic package manager. Tried to reinstall bash via synaptic, it failed with error, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bash_4.1-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"

In Terminal, all basic commands work as far as I can tell. ("ls", "pwd", navigation, etc.) Here are some problems:My "username@computername" does not display in the prompt; only the $ sign. Bash keyboard shortcuts such as uparrow and tab do not work. Instead, each inserts a key code. I can't even move the cursor left/right. Aliases (a function of bash and .bashrc) are broken, of course. My sanity level decreases when I use Terminal now. For what it's worth, even with "sudo" I get a "permission denied" error when trying to run Google Chrome! I read something about a ".bashrc" file being a possible problem, but I don't know how to make it work, or the file's proper locations in Ubuntu 10.10. Is there something I can do with a "make" or "apt-get install" command or something?? Could this simply be a permissions problem? Is the link to "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", or a ".bashrc" file broken? Guide me, oh Linux gurus.

P.S. I always wondered what exactly bash was and how it was different from the basic terminal. LoL, this is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference, and I WANT IT BACK!

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn On Terminal Bell In Gnome-terminal Using Remote Screen Session With Irssi

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using 10.04, and gnome-terminal GNOME Terminal 2.30.2 . I have irssi running on screen session on remote host. And I've been struggling for quite many days to configure it to produce either visual feedback or ring terminal's bell when I receive a private message or one of those that are highlighted.

My compiz settings window in General tab has 'Audible bell' checked.

My GNOME terminal has 'Terminal bell' checked.

I also added 'set bell-style audible' to my ~/.inputrc

And I also tried to manually load pcspkr module into my kernel.

No of the above helped or at least I haven't been able to notice any difference.

I also used some commands for irssi to produce bell sign.

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General :: Terminal Emulator For GNOME With Display Features Like Mac OS X Terminal?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).

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Ubuntu :: Formatted Output To Terminal - Fields Need Updating

Jan 25, 2010

I'm writing a couple of programs in C and need to do something to formatting the output. I'm after producing something like a old mainframe screen or early micro where you could PRINT (x,y) to put something on the terminal where you want it. Learning GTK or such is not an option due to time constraints, and some fields need updating frequently during processing, so letting the terminal scroll is going to drive the operator up the wall pretty quickly.

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General :: Logging - How To Keep A Live-updating Log File Open In Terminal

May 20, 2011

This must've been done before: I want to keep a log file open in terminal so I can monitor updates to it as they occur. My searches are coming up with everything but this situation... I must be missing some terminology or something key, because people do this all the time inside of other programs (NetBeans, or rails server, for example).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Updating To Gnome 3 In 10.10?

Aug 11, 2011

How can I Update my Gnome 2.32.0 to Gnome 3 in ubuntu 10.10? I don't want to upgrade to ubuntu 11.04.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Password But When Type In The New Password Get This "The Password Is Longer Than 8 Characters?

Jan 8, 2010

hello i am trying to change my password, but when i type in the new password i get this:"The password is longer than 8 characters. On some systems, this can cause problems. You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is."my question is what kind of problem could i get and how can i change so i have to log in every time i start the computer?

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General :: Determine What Gnome Desktop Number A Gnome Terminal Is Connected To?

Apr 29, 2010

In KDE's Konsole, I can do the following from the terminal:

dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop

And it will tell me which desktop my terminal is connected to ( per [URL])

How can I determine what desktop number the current gnome terminal in a gnome session is connected to?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xcompmgr 'master' - Rounded Window Borders Don't Draw And Redraw Properly When Using The Terminal (gnome-terminal And The LXDE And Xfce Ones)

Aug 26, 2011

I find xcompmgr more than adequate for making a desktop look pretty modern, and I don't like the more extravagentCompiz gimmicks - but there is one thing that irritates when using xcompmgr which someone here might have worked round.

Rounded window borders don't draw and redraw properly when using the Terminal (gnome-terminal and the LXDE and Xfce ones) or system monitor and moving them from their default place. You get this little white botch at the corners. I'm not massively technical and I'm ambivalent about how much more I want to learn as I have plenty of creative outlets already, but I would like to solve this. Somehow xcompmgr is treating these programs as a different class? It's capable of drawing the window borders properly as it is just these two programs that get botched. Possibly this doesn't get noticed as maybe people usually use xcompmgr with openbox and LXDE and their square window borders. I did do a search but there was nothing matching what I saw.

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