Software :: Devilspie And Compiz Viewports On Multiple Rows?

Feb 4, 2011

I installed gDevilspie and am using that to configure it, and I have Compiz running with a 2x2 viewport layout (2 horizontal and 2 vertical viewports).I have Devilspie working beautifully for any application that is assigned to either viewport 1 or 2. However, if I try to set them to viewports 3 or 4, the viewports on the bottom, Devilspie does not do anything.Devilspie does not give me any errors when I run it from the terminal. What I've noticed is that it only seems to work with horizontal viewports. I changed the viewport layout from 2x2 to 4x1 (so they were all on a single row), and then setting viewports 3 and 4 worked beautifully. However, with a 2x2 layout, I can only use viewports 1 and 2.

Furthermore, I noticed that if I had an application set to, say, viewport 1 (e.g., Firefox), then it would open in viewport 3 if I was currently viewing viewport 4. In other words, it's treating my viewports as if I have two sets of viewport 1 and viewport 2; one set on the top row, and the second on the bottom row.I'm not sure what's causing this, or if there's some sort of trickery that needs to be done to make the bottom row of viewports work, but any help would be appreciated.In case it's needed, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, devilspie 0.22, gdevilspie 0.5, and compiz 0.8.6. Pasted below is one of the problem scripts (note that if I were to set it to viewport 1 or 2, it would work fine).

; generated_rule XChat
( if


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General :: Transpose Multiple Rows Into A Single Column?

Apr 7, 2011

I need to transpose a file with over a 1000 rows of 5 columns of numbers into a file with a single column of numbers. The numbers are separated by a single space and range from one digit to 5 digits each. I tried using awk, but can only get it to grab one column of numbers.


1 2 3 4 50
600 7 8 9000 10
11 12000 13 14 15

Desired output:



Tried using: awk '{split($0,a,""); print $NF}' <filename> and got:


It only grabbed the last number in each row.

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Programming :: AWK (or TCL/TK): Matching Rows And Columns Between Multiple Files?

May 26, 2011

I've been hitting my head against a wall for awhile with this one:As the last part of some data analysis I performing I would to construct a matrix from a series of different files. These files have the format:

file 1 file 2 file 3


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Ubuntu :: Add More Viewports On System?

May 23, 2011

How do i add more viewports on ubuntu?

i can switch between the 4 default ones that come with the installation (ctrl+ARROWKEY) but i want to add more.

Ive booted into classic ubuntu mode and change it to what i want but when i boot back into ubuntu default mode (the one with unity dock) it is still 4 viewports

Ive also looked around compiz settings but i cant find any setting for adding viewports.

does anyone know how to do this? tha

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Ubuntu :: Add Viewports In Desktop Wall?

Mar 1, 2010

i have enbled desktop wall in compiz. problem is, it seems that i only have two viewports available (left and right), whereas i see viewports way more than two in screenshots and videos videos. how do i go about this?

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Ubuntu :: Configuring Terminator And DevilsPie Sorted

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying (well aiming) to customize my desktop so that on login Terminator is on workspace 3 (split 3 ways and running lynx, irssi and top. I'm using gdevilspie to configure it but I understand and can use the normal config files. When I use gdevilspie to make a terminal background it works but when i try to do stuff with terminator it doesn't.

Here's my terminator config so far:
( if
( begin
( is ( window_class ) "terminator" )
( begin
( undecorate )
( spawn_sync "top" )
( set_workspace 3 )
( maximize_horizontally )
( center )
( below )
( set_viewport 3 )
( println "match" )
) )

Once I do get devilspie sorted I also want to make Terminator automatically split and run the correct commands.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Wallpapers With Compiz?

May 3, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.04. I switched from KDE4, where it was possible to use Compiz's Wallpaper plugin to have multiple wallpapers, so that each desktop has a different wallpaper. I tried to use this plugin now, and it doesn't work.

I read some interesting facts here:


Obviously this info is a little obsolete since it is about Hardy, but it looks like recompiling Nautilus is still required. Can somebody tell me how to do this? Which packages do I need? Where to pull the right code from? Are there any precompiled Nautilus packages for Ubuntu 10.04 supporting Wallpaper plugin? (that would be amazing)

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OpenSUSE :: Transparent-embedded Gnome-terminal With Devilspie?

Feb 27, 2011

I have a working trans.ds file and installed devilspie.It runs great, but the stickler is that if I "click off" or change application focus, I no longer can get the focus back to the terminal.The terminal window is responsive other than that.I can open a new tab, but I get no focus there either.Here's the trans.ds code

; generated_rule trans
( if


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Ubuntu :: Desktop And Gnome Panels Won't Keep Still When Switching Viewports In 11.04 / Fix It?

Apr 29, 2011

When I switch viewports in 11.04, the gnome panels, desktop and stickied windows slide when they would stay put in 10.10. How do I change back to the previous behaviour? I'm using Ubuntu Classic (Gnome 2) and love that Compiz didn't carry over my settings during the upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Tsclient Settings Trumping Devilspie Config?

Jun 27, 2011

I have 2 1680x1050 monitors at work set in Twinview. What I'd like to do is have tsclient open a full screen on one of the monitors leaving the other screen free for local apps (IM, Chrome, email etc).If I set tsclient t "Operate in full Screen Mode" it takes over both monitors and there is no 1680x1050 option under "Use Specified Screen Size"I've used Devilspie in the past to do similar things, so I installed it and built the following config (Ok, I used gdevilspie ):

( if
( begin


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Ubuntu :: Multiple Wallpapers Using Netbook And Compiz?

Aug 8, 2010

Does anyone know how to get multiple wallpapers to work with a netbook logon? i.e a different wallpaper for each desktop.I am able to achieve this with a gnome login but when I login with a netbook window manager all desktops have the same wallpaper that is set in System->Appearance->Backup

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Software :: How To Get 80 Rows By 130 Columns?

Aug 27, 2010

I have been messing with a2ps in order to print a text file I have that has 130 columns by 80 rows per page. It appears that a2ps automatically scales the number of rows based upon the number of columns I try to print.The file prints properly for the columns but a2ps scales the rows to be 97 rows per page. So the 80 rows print but the next 17 rows are blank. It is not scaling the font for for 80 rows.

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General :: How To Concatenate Rows Of 2 Files

Apr 3, 2011

How can i concatenate rows of 2 files.



How want file3 to be like?

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Programming :: Convert Columns To Rows

Aug 10, 2009

I bet this is a Perl one-liner (or very simple python script).I have a tab separated files in which each row looks like:Unique_Eight_Character_Sequence [3 tabs] data1~moredata1~moredata1 [3 tabs] data2~ moredata2~ moredata2 ... dataN~.The output file should have each column converted into a row (with the unique character sequence copied in for the first column), and then each "~" replaced by a comma.

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Programming :: Mysql Compare Two Rows

Aug 21, 2010

I would like to compare to mysql rows as follows:

Select count(*) from stocks2.historical where close*1.05 < (select open from stocks2.historical where date = date_add(date,interval 1 day))
and year(date)=2010;

The problem is with the "date" in bold... i want that date to be the date of the previous row. is there a way to do that purely with mysql? (naturally, i can write a script to go through and compare each date; what i'm asking for is a mysql solution.)

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Programming :: Placing Array Into Rows ?

Oct 27, 2010

In placing array data into while statement that will be looped to recreate more lines as information is populated.

unfortunately i'm not getting this to work.

PHP Code:

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General :: Merging Files With Different Number Of Rows Using Awk?

Apr 18, 2011

Does anyone have a solution for merging files if the number of rows in the two (or more) files is non-equivalent.To exemplify, how about merging the following 3 files:



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General :: Transform Rows Into Columns In Bash

Jul 29, 2011

I would like to transform rows into columns from a file in bash.

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Server :: Run Firefox Or IE6 SP2 The Rows Return In About 9 Seconds?

Jul 15, 2010

We're currently running a web site on CentOS 5.5 running Apache - Tomcat - Mysql. A part of the web site runs slowly or it would appear to be.

The part in question returns records from mysql about approx 200 - 400 rows of data.

The first point of call was the SQL database we've managed to fine tune this. The problem I have is with IE7 and IE8 when I run Firefox or IE6 SP2 the rows return in about 9 seconds. I use IE7 or IE8 and it takes about 20 - 25 seconds.

Could this be an APACHE problem?

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Software :: Convert Columns Of Data Into Rows

Jun 28, 2010

I need to create an out put file, last two columns as a row of data (using the first columns as heading) with the file name as first row. For an example the out put file should look like; system_name,0900_in,1000_in,1100_in,1200_in,1300_in,1400_in,0900_out,1000_out,1100_out,1200_out,1300 _out,1400_out

I need to run a script to do above conversion. Need your help.

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Programming :: Delete - Selected Rows In Perl / CGI?

Apr 6, 2010

How can I delete selected rows of a table in perl/CGI??

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird: Display Message List In Two Rows?

Jun 7, 2010

When you view mail in evolution in the vertical mode with the folders on the left, then the mail list in the middle and the message on the right, the mail list displays each message on two rows. But in thunderbird, the mail list is just in one row which means that much of the message header is not visible.

how to get thunderbird to display message lists using two rows per message?

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Ubuntu :: Repeat Rows In Open Office 3.2 Calc?

Oct 28, 2010

I have been trying to repeat the first two rows in a Calc document but I keep getting an error.

Here are the instructions that I used.

Printing Rows or Columns on Every Page If you have a sheet that is so large that it will be printed multiple pages, you can set up rows or columns to repeat on each printed page. As an example, If you want to print the top two rows of the sheet as well as the first column (A)on all pages, do the following:

1.Choose Format - Print Ranges - Edit. The Edit Print Ranges dialog appears.

2.Click the icon at the far right of the Rows to repeat area. The dialog shrinks so that you can see more of the sheet.

3.Select the first two rows and, for this example, click cell A1 and drag to A2.
In the shrunk dialog you will see $1:$2. Rows 1 and 2 are now rows to repeat.

4.Click the icon at the far right of the Rows to repeat area. The dialog is restored again.

5.If you also want column A as a column to repeat, click the icon at the far right of the Columns to repeat area.

6.Click column A (not in the column header).

7.Click the icon again at the far right of the Columns to repeat area.

Rows to repeat are rows from the sheet. You can define headers and footers to be printed on each print page independently of this in Format - Page.

And here is the error.

"invalid sheet reference"

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Programming :: Have Files With Rows Of Data And Need To Check If The Next Row Of The Same Type?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a problem - I have files with rows of data and I need to check if the next row (of the same type) has the NEXT date in it so I need to extract a date in YYYYMMDD format from a row (easy enough) then add one day to it and compare it to the the next date I encounter on a subsequent row.

So if I have


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General :: Debian Resolution Screen And Three Green Rows

Apr 7, 2011

When Debian 6 (amd 64, testing) is loaded, before desktop appears, for a while, the screen is black and three strange green rows appear. Then, all is ok and I can see a normale desktop and start to use Debian. So, an error in video config could be possible. Linked to this fact (I think) , there is the impossibility to modify the resolution screen (that is fixed to 1024x768) and the refresh frequency. I've tried to find "xorg.conf" in order to modify it like various guides suggest me, but this file is not present.

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General :: Delete Rows Based On Values In A Column Using Sed?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a lot of files with thousands of rows and usually two columns of data. Column 1 is a coordinate, column 2 is a score. I want to delete rows that have a value in column 2 over, in this case, 50.

For example, here's a clip from a file:

2999898 39
2999899 40.9
2999900 42.7
2999901 44.7
2999902 46.7
2999903 48.9
2999904 51.1
2999905 53.3
2999906 55.7

I want the output to be this:

2999904 51.1
2999905 53.3
2999906 55.7

I know how to use sed for very basic things like deleting rows or ranges of rows but I can't figure out this ostensibly easy command.

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General :: How To Ignore Rows With Specific Character In Csv File?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a csv file that has around 3 million rows. I want to process this file so that it creates a new file that contains only the rows that have 2 characters or less in the first column column.At the moment i am using SQL Loader but its taking too long so im wondering whether this would be easier if done in Unix?

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General :: The Maximum Number Of Characters And Rows In A Database?

Apr 18, 2010

Is the maximum number of letters a database table column can contain 255?and is it a bad idea to build a table with about 15 columns?

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Programming :: Deleting Rows From Text File In Perl?

Jun 21, 2010

How can I delete rows into text file in perl?

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Programming :: Get Number Of Rows And Columns Support In Screen?

Jul 18, 2011

In linux terminal; how can we get the number of rows ad columns from linux kernel? I tried from environment variables(LINES,COLUMNS) but, I could not retrieve them as my editor program is a child process to linux terminal process.

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