OpenSUSE :: Install AWN For A Month Now On 3 Different 11.2 Installations And Kde And Gnome?
Jan 28, 2010
I have tried to install AWN for a month now, on 3 different 11.2 installations and kde and gnome, and would really like to know why I can't install it. I have tried:
SuSe 11.4 install problem. I've installed 11.4 and have the following sequence of events Power on - dell hardware boot options Grub Choice of Standard suse boot Safe mode Windows 1 Windows 2
Choosing standard goes through a boot sequence but leaves me with a invalid screen setting with a scrambled display. Are there any options I can provide grub with that will enable me to boot and trouble shoot the system? Grub has vga = 0x348 The graphics are NVidia geforce 6150se Monitor Dell 22 inch widescreen SuSE 11.1 worked fine and the windows side works fine.
how i can use the cal command so it displays the current month and the next month, i know you can use cal -3 9 2007 to show the previous current and next but i just want to display the current and next.
I'm looking for a powerful network traffic monitor that can do all of the following (or at least a combination of tools that can do the following):
Tell me how much data was downloaded/uploaded on an interface this month and the previous month tell me how the traffic was used throughout the monthshow which internal IPs (IPs in the network) used how much traffic show which ports/protocols on those IPs used all that traffic
Hhow LIVE traffic flow statistics that can tell me total speed of traffic going through an interface as well asshow which internal IPs (IPs in the network) are using how much of the traffic show which ports/protocols on those IPs are using that traffic
This tool will run on a linux router through which all my internal PCs are connected to the Internet. This means the tool(s) need to work with NAT (traffic being forwarded and not necessarily destined for the interfaced being monitored).
The distribution being run doesn't have a package manager so any packages or dependencies have to be manually compiled and SCPed over file by file. For this reason, the tool/tools need to be simple (things like vnstat, not things like ntop that have their own web interface).
I know that vnstat can tell me the first bullet point so it's only there incase there's a tool out there that can do everything. If there's a tool that can only do the second or third bullet point, that's great too - I'll just keep using vnstat and look for something else to do the other task.
My system (opensuse 11.2, kde 4.x) got significantly slower after a year of usage. Its response time is higher, boots longer. Filesystem is ext3 and is not fragmented. Number of daemons loaded on startup hasn't changed.
Imagine my surprise when, after accepting the proposed upgrades posted for OS 11.1 today, that my SeaMonkey email client shows NO messages from Sept. 2010 in any account, sent or received.
More info: Upon checking for messages, an unusually large number were seem to download (POP server) but few appeared in the in boxes. Old messages from August appeared for the first time.
I am looking to install a c++ compiler. I run 11.4, and was told to look in the Software Manager for easy installation. I have no repositories installed, as the repositories in the Application sticky only applied to Suse installations through 11.3. I found the package "gcc45-c++" (Version Number 4.5.1_20...208-9.8) when I searched the Software Manager. I proceeded to install it, and had no problems, but when I looked in "applications", the compiler was not there. I'm aware that I may be revealing some great ignorance here, so I'll ask, should gcc appear? If not, how do I execute the program?
Tried to install Gnome after the minimal server (console based) install.I would like to install a graphical GUI now What to do? wich packages? tried zypper gnome-desktop (or something similar) but it wasn't enough.
I have a SONY PCG-R505TE laptop with an external CD/DVD, it connects via what I think is a PCMCIA card, the drive came with the laptop and functions fine. I currently have Windows XP running on this laptop, but it's very slow.I downloaded openSUSE-11.3-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso and sucessfully burned it to a CD.I have the laptop bios set to boot from CD, and it appears to be doing that no problem. When it boots I first see the welcome screen, then the openSUSE Installer, whether I select the Live (GNOME) option, or the Installation.. it loads the kernel, and then loads the KIWI boot systemit is on the third event, waiting for CD/DVD dvices to appear... that something seems to fail... I then see Failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drivethen a rebootexception and it reboots in 120 seconds.
i'm trying to install my updates through install/remove software in gnome opensuse, but when I click apply everything just disappears, can I install them some other way?
I am trying to create an usb install from an gnome-live cd. All I have done is not working:
dd fedora liveusb-creator fusbi linuxlive usb creator unetbootin pendrive
All I can get are errors saying cang find kernel or error like that. I have used linux and windows environment. The iso I am using is fine, I am sure because I have instaled it on two pcs. Iso gnome-live >> usb (bootable to install)
I've just installed 11.4 and then updated to gnome 3. I've noticed that Nautilus doesn't appear to mount my windows NTFS partition. I find this odd because both Ubuntu and Fedora detect and mount it just fine in Gnome 3 (I've been trying all 3 this week).
When i installed 11.4 i selected gnome as my desktop. Now i want to give KDE (suse´s default desktop) a shot. Witch packages do i have to install to have a FULL KDE enviroment as if i would have selected KDE when i installed suse? Not just the desktop, but kde apps, themes, etc. Or even better. Is there a "Meta package" that installs everything?
I upgraded from 11.2 gnome to 11.4 gnome. I have not found a way to install Vuze. It does not show up in Software Management. I have read that Packman repository is needed, which I have. I have been searching for some instructions, but only find postings about Vuze that has already been installed.
I installed KDE from a CD. Then decided I wanted to have Gnome has an option. I installed "gnome-desktop" via software manager (as per some other instructions on the forum) but I still have no option to choose Gnome when logging in.
What all do I choose to get the complete Gnome environment? Or is it better (& easier?) to reinstall with a DVD?
is it possible to install suse with just xfce or do you need to install gnome as well, or kde. Once the new update hits i might just install the system new. Thats why kinda curious about this.
how to install the gnome desktop. I have attempted in the past to search for gnome within the Download openSUSE 11.3 site without success.
Btw, I'm using opensuse 11.3 and am running KDE as my default desktop.
I am currently running open suse 11.4 and using kde and want to be able to use gnome also, what do I have to do to install it so I can choose which I want?
Google is littered with people wanting to know how to get gnome three on the open suse 11.4 distro. Lots of people are saying to use: Frederic Crozat: how ever if you go to his link for the distro youll find its 404 as in taken down. Now there is another way: openSUSE News but there is no one click installer.So how do you install gnome three on open suse 11.4?
I am running Open Suse 11.4 and when I installed it GNOME became the Desktop, how can I change it so that I can use KDE and see if I would rather use it instead of GNOME, and is it possible to choose what Desktop to use during the boot process?
I am trying to install OpenSUSE with the 4.7GB install iso that I burned, everything worked fine and I am now in the "Perform Installation" part. It seems to be stuck at that, it says "Preparing disks." and is at 0%. The mouse has the circle loading thing and its moving,I am unable to change the tabs from Slide SHow to Details and cant click . Should I abort and try again? Or does this normally take a long time. Been about 15 minutes.
Other Info Windows 7 previously installed, trying to dualboot Gigebyte Motherboard 500GB Sata Hard Drive 3GB RAM @ 800MHz Intel Core 2 Duo Dual-Core processor @ 2.50 GHz 64bit version
From a fresh install of OpenSuse 11.2 64 bit the default is KDE. But if you want to install both KDE and Gnome on the same machine. I got to Yast --> Patterns --> And tick Gnome Desktop Environment and Gnome Base System.
That inturn pops up with a dependency issue. That states the following: #### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2010-02-24 13:18:37 #### pattern:gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64 requires patterns-openSUSE-gnome, but this requirement cannot be provided uninstallable providers: patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.3-1.1.1.i586[] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.3-1.1.1.x86_64[] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64[openSUSE 11.2-0] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.i586[repo-oss] patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64[repo-oss] [ ] do not install pattern:gnome-11.2-20.22.1.x86_64 [ ] break gnome by ignoring some of its dependencies [x] deinstallation of patterns-openSUSE-kde4_pure-11.3-1.1.1.x86_64 #### YaST2 conflicts list END ###
So my question is what exactly does removing and applying the Gnome pattern do. Because it seems to change alot more than just branding. It changes the default environment to GTK. How would go about reverting the pattern back to KDE after the install of all the correct Gnome Dependencies.
I want to know if i can install programs of gnome in KDE or otherwise.Gnome have a good editor called Gedit, this program can recognize php, html... and he works using tabs, and i believe that surpasses the Kwrite.This it's one of the examples.Can i run Suse with this two desktops? In One installation?