OpenSUSE :: S11.2 - Couchdb 1.0.1 - Password Required After Ymp-installation?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm new to linux and that forum, so a (possibly) silly question: I installed couchdb 1.0.1 w/ ymp (one-click) from and when I try to start it like /etc/init.d/couchdb start or sudo -i -u couchdb couchdb I am asked for a pwd, which I never put in. tried several standards or my own already. Didn't find anything in any documentation. Am I doing something wrong here?

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Ubuntu :: Restore The CouchDB Password In Keyrings?

May 2, 2010

already beginning to destroy my new 10.04 installation :/ was conducting some diagnostics on the computer and removed passwords amongst keyrings that i thought was unused.

I deleted two CouchDB passwords, because i don't use Ubuntu One... But now i get an anoying warningmessage everytime I go into contacts in Evolution saying:


Error loading address book.

This address book cannot be opened. This either means that an incorrect URI was entered, or the server is unreachable.

Detailed error message: Address Book does not exist

How do I restore these passwords that seem to be needed for the adressbook to work properly, or how do I remove CouchDB Ubuntu One synchronization all together from Evolution.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get To Pop Up Required Username And Password

May 13, 2010

Well I have tried everything I can think of and anything on a google search.What I'm trying to do it secure the phpmyadmin folder.I put a .htaccess file in /usr/share/phpmyadmin.I can still just can't get it to pop up a required username and password.

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Ubuntu :: Password Required After Screensaver?

Mar 25, 2011

I upgraded from 9.1 to 10.04 and now if I leave the machine for 5 mins the screen darkens and I am sked for a password. I already use my password to log on on and this nre request is becoming a dammed nuisance. Can someone tell me how to stop it from happening. I can't even go for a leak without having to reenter my password.

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 After Screensaver Password Required

Jun 10, 2010

I don't require any password at boot but to resume after the screen saver I have to log in. The prompt references dabuntu. I have tried the normal settings with no luck.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Add Repository Required By Hugin 1-click Installation

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to do a 1-click install of hugin (hugin-2010.0.0-13.8.i586.rpm) from Search Results and during installation the repo can't be added due to a missing primary.xml file in this repo: Index of /repositories/graphics/openSUSE_Factory

all the other possibilities on this page to do an installation result with same error.Can someone have a look please? Or what can I do to add this repo? There are some dependencies that could be fixed having this repo.

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General :: Setup A SSH Key Between Servers So No Password Is Required?

Nov 2, 2010

I am trying to set up a SSH key between servers so no password is required when I have to "scp" files between the two. This is what I have tried so far but still requires a password:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
scp /home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa <>:/home/<user>/.ssh/athorized_keys

When I scp after this I wasn't expecting to need a password but it is still prompting. Now I have used this same method before and it has worked great. The only difference this time is server2 is not in the same cage.

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Ubuntu :: Screen Sleep Password Required?

May 5, 2010

is there a way to get rid of the required password after i go away from my computer for 10 mins and the screen goes to sleep? It's getting really annoying

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Required Password After Hibernate?

Sep 9, 2010

Running Lucid. Every time I hibernate, when I come back, it requires entering a password. I would like to disable this.In the config editor, under apps -> gnome-power-manager -> lock, I've already unchecked _everything_ there, and it still asks me for a password after hiberate.

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Ubuntu Networking :: TOR Relay Required Password Access?

Nov 23, 2010

I would like to set up a TOR relay and add a password so only those that have the password is able to browse the web using my ip.

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Ubuntu Security :: No Password Required For Encrypted Emails?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm running Thunderbird with Enigmail, and I have this very annoying problem. When I open an encrypted email for the first time, it asks me for my key password. It then remembers my password. This is fine for a few minutes, since I don't want to enter the password every time if I look at seven emails in five minutes. However, I WOULD like it to EVENTUALLY forget. At the moment, it doesn't even forget if I shut off Thunderbird. I have to restart my computer, in fact.

The preferences for Enigmail don't help. I've configured it to remember the password for 0 minutes, for example. I don't know how to edit the preferences for gpg-agent or anything else like that.

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Ubuntu :: CouchDB 0.11 - No Views / Useless CPU Usage

May 24, 2010

recently I installed CouchDB 0.11 from source. Everything seemed to be fine, but yesterday I found out, that I can not use CouhDB Views. There are two reasons:

1 - I get no response from CouchDB if I created a Views and tried to execute it. There's no response neither in futon non in terminal. Everything I get is an endless loading-circle (if I use futon)

2 - CouchDB immediately "eats" all free resource. CPU usage jumps to 99% right after I executed a (temp)view. Only restarting of the couchdb stops this useless CPU crap

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Programming :: Automate The Password Prompt Required For Sudo Commands?

May 31, 2011

I have written a script to run commands on remote servers, it is working fine. But when I am running "sudo commands" on the remote servers, it asks for me password after prompting for ssh password. I am unable to automate this password prompt (which is just after ssh password prompt). This is the function I am using to provide passwords


pass ()
cd $DIR/"$dt1"_"$dt"
/usr/bin/perl << 'EOF'
use strict;


I want the same function to be used , when it expects for sudo passwords for any of the below lines:


[sudo] password for vikas: orPassword: This is my "cmd" file passed in pass () function.


ssh -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "bash rcmds"

This is my script output


[vikas@box1 ~]$ ./
++ rm -rf /home/vikas/May_31
++ mkdir -p /home/vikas/May_31
++ set +x


how to automate the password prompt required for sudo commands.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Password But When Type In The New Password Get This "The Password Is Longer Than 8 Characters?

Jan 8, 2010

hello i am trying to change my password, but when i type in the new password i get this:"The password is longer than 8 characters. On some systems, this can cause problems. You can truncate the password to 8 characters, or leave it as it is."my question is what kind of problem could i get and how can i change so i have to log in every time i start the computer?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi 10.04 Could Not Retrieve The Required Installation File?s

Nov 29, 2010

Wubi 10.04 could not retrieve the required installation files

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OpenSUSE Install :: USB Installation - Password Not Accepted On Different Computer?

Mar 5, 2011

I have installed suse 11.3 on a USB drive and can boot from it successfully. The install was done using my desktop computer. I then booted my netbook using the usb drive, linux loads and runs fine, however when i need to enter the password to make any changes it will not accept it. I can not even access the hard disk in the netbook. I rebooted using the desktop just to check that the password I was using was correct and it worked fine.

USB drive is a 250GB western digital with only linux on it
Desktop is running Windows XP service pack 3, 4GB RAM
Netbook is running Windows 7 Starter 2GB RAM.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Could Not Retrieve The Required Installation Files?

May 8, 2011

I was trying to install Ubuntu on my netbook (doesnt have a cd rom drive)I downloaded the iso, did the pendrive to it. tried rebooting and putting boot priority to the usb (disabling hdd boot). wouldnt pick up the pendrive at all so i reverted back to windows log on.after logging on, installed wubi but i keep getting this problem with installing: Exception: Could not retrieve the required installation files here is the log file that it generates (attached). i dont know how else to install ubuntu

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OpenSUSE :: Why Getting This Popup - Repository Signature Required

Feb 17, 2010

Why am I getting this popup? Is this safe? What's the "dummy" part? This came up right when I started my computer up.
kde_popup on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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OpenSUSE :: Different Compilers Required For Diverse Applications?

Mar 2, 2010

I have noticed there are a lot of programs that you can download for linux, but need compiling. How do you do this? I assume you need a compiler, which one do I download? Do I need different compilers for different applications?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: 3 Passwords Required For Networkmanager?

Jun 23, 2011

Having an issue with networkmanager. When I login it is not automatically connecting to my wireless. When I click on networkmanager icon it has the correct connection. When I click the connection I get asked for 3 passwords

1) System policy prevents control of network connections Password for root:

2) System policy prevents use of user-specific connections Password for root:

3) kde wallet managern Just a little annoying.

Anyone know how to fix this ? My machine got a fresh install of opensuse11.4 with my /home restored from backup.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change In Inittab - Login - Does Not Ask For A Password And It Says Wrong Password

Nov 22, 2010

I work on a product that have to start automatically an application. Running Opensuse 11.2 So in the inittab I have : 1:2345:once:/root/Velox/ 2:2345:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty2

In the, if I don't press any key, my application starts after a timeout. If the user presses a key I want to have a login prompt. Unfortunately, if I start /bin/login, I have a prompt with login, but once I enter my login, it does not ask for a password and it says wrong password

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OpenSUSE :: 11.1 - Repository Signature Required Message In Updater

Mar 5, 2010

After booting up openSUSE 11.1 i586 this morning, I got a message I had never seen before:

Repository Signature Required
Do you want to accept this repository signature?
repository_name: repo-update
key_url: [URL]
key_useridpenSUSE Project Signing Key <>
key_timestamp:Fri Nov 7 09:10:07 2008
type: gpg
Yes No

So I said Yes. But then it wanted root access, which I declined to provide and canceled the thing, whatever it is. Now, of course, my updater is displaying the yellow triangle with the ! in the center. This is the creepiest thing I have encountered since starting to use openSUSE several years ago. Did this result from some kind of screwup by the folks of openSUSE?

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OpenSUSE :: Nautilus - Unable To Mount - Authentication Required

Apr 1, 2010

I put a cd or dvd in and i get this error message "Unable to mount ..... Authentication is required" What's going on? i used to be able to do this no problems

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Repository Signature Required For New Updates

Jan 13, 2011

Today, shortly after booting my OpenSUSE 11.3 I got this popup. [URL]. I guess it was caused by the Updater Applet when checking the repos for new updates. But what does it mean? Why do I get this now and not when adding the repo. It seems to belong to the filesystems repo and I have indeed added that some time ago (in order to install davfs2). I'm not sure what it means to accept a signature.

Normally with public key infrastructure, you need to accept other's public keys or certificates containing their public keys. And before doing so you need to verify the fingerprint, otherwise the whole procedure is useless, because it might be a fake certificate / man in the middle talking to you. Once you have accepted (trusted) the public key (or a certificate containing it), the system will check signatures for you.

So the question "do you want accept this signature" sounds weird to me. In openSUSE repos I have come across fingerprints many times before. But whenever I have searched google in order to verify the fingerprint I have not received any useful hit. I would have expected that valid keys and their fingerprints are listed on some web site. It appears there are three instances of package signing keys ... but there has not been any answer.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 'ERROR 407 Proxy Authentication Required'

Jan 19, 2010

I set up the 'Proxy' from Yast and they tested successfully. I can connect to internet, but why am I getting 'ERROR 407 proxy authentication required'?

FYI, my comp is the part of company .NET network with bunch of firewall and security...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling Of OS Is Required Or Not?

Feb 23, 2010

Currently I am having a pc with AMD athlon 64 3000+ and I am thinking to to upgrade this with a 64 X2 4800+ processor.I want to know whether reinstallation of OS (XP sp2 and UBUNTU gutsy) is required for this or they will detect the new processor and work fine without any problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: MBR Fix For Win7 Required Using U10

Jul 28, 2010

I made the MOST basic of errors. I had ubuntu 9 installed on a partition of my netbook HD that was primarily running w7. I was running out of disk space and decided to remove the ubuntu partition as a short term measure - however I didn't change any of my GRUB settings so now I can boot into anything...

In only get a GRUB RESCUE> prompt on trying to boot. From searching the internet I've come to the conclusion that my MBR is F%^ked and need to restore it. I've downloaded ubuntu 10 and can run it from a mem stick, but I cannot get the ms-sys package to install - I keep getting the following error.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ms-sys
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package ms-sys

Is there another way of removing GRUB completely? Or is there something else that I can try to successfully install ms-sys?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Login Uses Local Password Instead Of Nis Password?

Jul 2, 2011

I have setup a nis server and client. At first I didn't have a local user defined on the client. The client then used the user and passwords from NIS, so that was ok.

The problem then is, that when the server is down, I couldn't login to my client anymore. So I created a local user with the same name on the client but with a different password (after I shut the nis server down, if nis server was on, I couldn't create a local user with the same name). I then edited etc/nssswitch.conf as follows:

# (like no NIS server responding) then the search continues with the
# next entry.
# Legal entries are:
# compat Use compatibility setup


If NIS server is on: client has to login with the nis password If NIS server is down: client has to login with the local password (as fallback)

However the actual behaviour is that I can only login with the local password now. The NIS pasword doesn't seem to be used anymore.

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Upload Images Because It Cannot Create The Directories Required

Jun 1, 2010

I'm running OpenSuse 11.0 in a lamp configuration with Apache 2. I configured Apache with the .conf files instead of YAST because I am running virtual hosts (that's another story).

My problem is that my server will not render the pages unless the permissions are set to 775 which I know is not necessary. This is also causing a problem because I am trying to install WordPress onto the server. WordPress will run, but it unable to upload images because it cannot create the directories required.

Apache2 is running as 755 with root as owner and www as group. I changed the owner of the htdocs sub-directories to myself, and created a group that has permissions to write to the directory. WordPress runs as my user and has the same permissions (775).

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OpenSUSE :: Install Boxee / Error: Could Not Find A Required Library

Feb 10, 2011

I am trying desperatly to install boxee onto my pc Boxee - Watch Movies, TV Shows and clips from the Internet on your TV.without success.I have downloaded the source code from the site and have ran


The ./configure last few lines =
checking for boost/shared_ptr.hpp... yes
checking for main in -lGL... no
configure: error: Could not find a required library. Please see the README for your platform.

I'm not sure what this lGL is referring to. The readme states that I need the below to run the configure, though that doesn't say lGL either?

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50), quilt, python-support, cmake,
autotools-dev, autoconf, automake, unzip, libboost-dev,
libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev, libglu-dev, libglew-dev, libmad0-dev, libjpeg-dev,
libsamplerate-dev, libogg-dev, libvorbis-dev, libfreetype6-dev,
libfontconfig-dev, libbz2-dev, libfribidi-dev, libsqlite3-dev,

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