OpenSUSE :: Role Of Hfs+ Media Storage Drives In HTPC's Instability - Particularly In XBMC?

Jun 14, 2011

So recently I've been trying out openSUSE, along with a few other distros, for use on my HTPC. Previously, I'd been using a hackintosh build, so my external media storage HDDs are all formated HFS+. It was actually surprisingly easy to get openSUSE to mount them for both reading and writing.

Only thing is, XBMC has been pretty unstable on all of the linux distros I've tried, and I'm wondering to what degree the HFS filesystem might be affecting things? It would take a fair bit of juggling -- or going out and buying a new multi-TB HDD -- to clear out the disks in turn so as to reformat them with an ext filesystem, but if that would help me get a more stable HTPC with opensuse -- the linux distro I've settled on -- it'd be worth it. I'll paste a link to the log from an xbmc crash, in case that would be helpful, but really, I'm just curious, since I don't really know all that much about how different filesystems work or anything, how much extra strain does the filesystem translating entail?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Media Storage Shared Between HTPC

Jan 14, 2010

I'm planning on setting up a home file server. I was wondering what platform would be recommended for something like this. The server would be used mainly for media storage which would be shared between an HTPC and a couple desktops and laptops. I was thinking of just getting whatever motherboard had the most SATA headers on it (which currently seems to be something P55-based) and setting up a RAID5 fakeraid with some 1.5 or 2TB drives and the OS in RAID1 with whatever drives I have laying around. It there anything flawed with this approach? P55 boards with 10 SATA headers are currently upwards of $200, which is kind of pricey. Is there a more economical route that I should consider? Also, are there any known problems with setting up a fakeraid like this using certain motherboard's SATA controllers?

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General :: Xbmc Media Server Is Recognized On Ps3 But No Videos?

Mar 18, 2010

setting up a media server on my computer i got sabayon linux running. i have it installed and setup through the guide on the xbmc wiki. the video files are able to play and be seen in libary mode on my computer. but when i turn on the ps3 the media server is visible except when i go into the videos or music folders its empty no files at all.

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OpenSUSE :: System No Longer Responds To Removable Media Such As Flash Drives And Insertions Of DVD/CD Disks?

May 20, 2010

Through some recent update, which one I am not sure, my system no longer responds to removable media such as flash drives and insertions of DVD/CD disks. Whereas before, for instance, if I inserted a USB flash drive, the "Device Notifier" would pop up, tell me that a new device had been detected, and ask me what I wanted to do with it, now nothing. "My Computer" (sysinfo:/)does not update either. The kernel knows the device is there, since I can see it when I do "lsusb". OpenSuSE x86_64 11.2.

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Hardware :: Most Durable Storage Media?

Jan 25, 2011

Let's say a guy wanted to construct a time capsule. I'm referring to one of those boxes or containers that you drop in the ground, and decades later you (or someone else) digs it up to learn things from that time. And let's say you wanted to drop several Gigabytes worth of digital data in that capsule. What kind of storage media would you put it on? CD-ROM? DVD-ROM? USB stick? SATA drive? Magnetic Tape?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Instability With Version 11.3

Dec 12, 2010

I'm having stability problems with opensuse 11.3. On three occasions when you login the system is rebooted. Also blocked the entire system three times. This happens shortly after starting and running amule, but not if due to this application. Use kde 4.5, these problems are happening in the last week.

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General :: Home Media And Storage Server?

Jun 2, 2010

i have a spare computer and 4 hds and was planning to make this computer a storage server with a media place aswell... i do have some linux knowledge but never used it for this and am not sure how good it will be initially the media files are in an HD with ntfs format which i want to keep as is... but i was wondering what options i had to make a media folder over network where i could browse and watch from any computer in my network ? is it samba my only options or is there a more media like solution for this ? There will aswell other features i was planning to use on it which made me think of linux, for example, svn server, websever with mysql to testing my applications, connection manager, all these i am sure on how to make and setup... but i am not very familiar with samba hence i am not sure if it is the best options for file sharing aswell as media sharing and/or my only option.i also heard that ntfs might be trouble some for linux in some cases

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Flash Drives For Storage?

Jan 4, 2010

I am running Karmic on a stripped laptop, and running it off a usb thumbdrive.Its purpose is mainly as a slide show/video show inset in a tableI did not really want to go out and buy a HDD, since it does not need to store that much. Then I went to aldi and they had 8gb flash drives for $5, so I got 6. The ultimate question comes down to the best way to make use of them. I ordered a 7 slot USB hum off ebay for cheap, and I was going to go from there. would it be easier/better to just plug them in and make links to them from the normal folders and just operate directly from there, or is there a better option. I guess a usb raid array could be neat

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Networking :: PC Many Hard Drives - Use It As A Storage Cluster?

Nov 30, 2010

Have many computers at works. Not always on as students works on it from time to time. I already have a nfs server for files, but there's plenty of disk space on workstations. I wanna make use of it as a "performance booster".Which distributed file system should i use ? Looked for Plan 9 fs, but seems a bit new and "complicated" for me.

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General :: Media Storage Options (moved To Server Forum)

Nov 4, 2010

Deleted. I tried to delete the entire posting, but could only edit.

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Ubuntu :: Why Doesn't Ubuntu Use XBMC As Default Media Player

Oct 21, 2010

I was just wondering why Ubuntu, with the direction they are going in, would not choose XBMC as the default media player rather then Rythmbox. Anyone have ideas or thoughts? I was wondering if it had to do with licensing issues of some sort or if there is no reason. Personally I think with a little work XBMC would fit in with Ubuntu much better. XBMC it is a Media Center that is very nice in my opinion.

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Fedora Installation :: Live Usb Media Persistent Storage Feature Not Working

Sep 1, 2009

live usb media does not let me to to save files and make modifications to live operating system that will persist after a reboot

I made the bootable stick with the liveusb creator at using an iso image of f10 live cd, a flash drive with 2 Gb capacity and a paersistent storage setting of 200 Mb

I changed root=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXi-do-not-remember-XXXXXXXXXXXX to

On the flash drive to make it bootable

I installed gparted on live operating system and when i rebooted gparted was not installed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Accessing Storage Array Drives From LiveCD?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm trying to delete directories (long story, Mac temp files there, Windows not cooperating) on a sever connected to a HP 20 Modular Smart Array set up as RAID5. System currently running Windows. I've booted from a 9.10 LiveCD but can't see the external drives. Is it correct that I need to install mdadm to "see" those drives from LiveCD? From a different machine (linux) I can mount the drive using samba like so:

sudo smbmount //IP address/hostname RAID5 Root Share /mnt/ntserver -o username=smith,password=abcde123

I have admin privileges on the Windows OS. In linux (or Windows beforehand), is it possible to take ownership of the directories so that I can do a rm -f -r <dir> ?

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Ubuntu :: Duplicate Drives In Media Folder?

Sep 6, 2010

Ive been noticing lately that in my media folder, where I am able to see all the drives I have connected, it seems that each one is duplicated. For example, if I have a drive called "WD" theres another called "WD_", or "Lacie" and "Lacie_". And when I click on the ones with the "_", it says I don't not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of 'lacie'. But when I click the ones without the underscore, I get in. But heres the funny part, when using jdownloader, and i choose the folder where to save the files, I have to select the drive that has the underscore in it. Heres some pics and if you look at my info screenlet to the left, you will see that it shows the drives with the undercore.

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Ubuntu :: Has 'Removable Drives And Media' Option Been Moved Somewhere Else In 10.04?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm running a fresh 64-bit install of Ubuntu 10.04. I no longer have a System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media option in my menus, and need to re-configure it (I had set it to "Do Nothing" and "Always do this action" sometime in the past, but now I want to change it)I have right-clicked my menu, went to edit, and made sure it wasn't un-checked)Has the "Removable Drives and Media" option been moved somewhere else in 10.04?

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Fedora Hardware :: Optical Drives Not Reading Burned Media?

Mar 12, 2010

I am having problems reading burned media from my optical drives. I can burn media but after it's burned my drives do not read them, but if I use a different system it reads just fine.I am a newbie at this so I have no idea what I did wrong.

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Ubuntu :: Get Extra Media Drives To Auto Mount At Boot?

Apr 10, 2011

Im trying to get my extra media drives to auto mount at boot, having problems with it. Does this line look right?

/dev/sdb /media auto auto,user,noexec,rw,sync 0 2

The one thing I'm not sure about is the mount point, am I just putting '/media' or am I putting '/media/MKV' or whatever the name of the drive may be?

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Debian :: Optical Drives Don't Show Up Unless Boot With Media - Then They Disappear

Aug 8, 2010

I have two optical drives (not SATA) that previously showed up as /dev/hda and /dev/hdb. No longer. I see no mention of them in fstab and catting all the /dev/dvd /dev/cd... /dev/sr.. turns up nothing. If I place a disk with info in the drive nothing appears anywhere I can see (not in dmesg).

K3b tells me no devices found. wodim tells me Detected CD-R drive: /dev/sr1 wodim: Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder. Errno: 5 (Input/output error), test unit ready scsi sendcmd: fatal error CDB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s (These are not SATA drives.) I noticed rebooting will show drives if there is media in there. However, that disappears after a while as well. Then inserting and reinserting cdroms gives no messages in dmesg.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unabling Autorun Without Removable Drives And Media Option?

Jan 10, 2010

I've just partitioned my hard drive with GParted so that I have space to install and run Windows OS based programmes such as Monkey Island (wine simply won't work) and other PC games. I have the Windows XP SP2 Installation CD but my OS (Intrepid Ibex) won't allow me to autorun the CD and proceed to installation.

Now having hunted around the net little, it seems the answer is System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media. Problem is, I don't have a Removable Drives and Media option on this menu. Is there a workaround for this? E.g., is there a way of using the Terminal to enable autorun, or is there another way I can do this?As I'm pretty new to this thing, feel free to use short words and detailed explanations.

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Ubuntu Security :: Virus Scanner To Scan Some Removable Media (USB Drives, Mp3 Players, Etc)?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm looking for a virus scanner to scan some removable media (USB drives, mp3 players, etc). Since there's so many choices to choose from, can anyone recommend any?

I've heard a lot of people recommending clam av, but everything I've read suggests that clam av is better used for scanning e-mail servers and not home desktop application...

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Ubuntu :: Home Network - Media Drives Are Automatically Mounted To Allow Access If The Admin User Is Not Logged In?

Jul 9, 2010

This is the set up I have: PC downstairs by a tv, with 3TB of storage containing my media, connected to the tv too. HTPC upstairs by another tv and connected to it. A few laptops and other desktops around the house which are windows based

I want the downstairs pc to act as a file server and to run my torrent client, it is running Ubuntu desktop version and has xbmc installed too for use with the tv. The upstairs htpc has xbmc live on and will access the media from the file server. What I am looking to do is to be able to log into my ubuntu machine remotely from a laptop running windows so I can manage the files and add torrents for download etc, but for this to be a complete remote session, rather than taking control over what is already being shown on the downstairs pc, like VNC does in windows.

I have two user accounts set up on the main ubuntu machine, the admin account and a media user account which is set to go straight to xbmc after log in. Also how can I make sure that the media drives are automatically mounted to allow access if the admin user is not logged in?

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Software :: XBMC On OpenSUSE Fails To Launch

Jan 2, 2010

I've never played with XBMC before and I installed it today on my openSUSE 11.2 64bit system using Yast. I found the package and installed it just fine, but when I try to launch XBMC from the applications menu, the screen flickers once but then nothing happens. Here's the output:


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound When Playing Avi Files In XBMC?

Sep 6, 2010

There is no sound when playing avi files in XBMC.The videos play fine & there is sounds in menu.When i switch to Root the movies have sound,so whats wrong here?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Duplicate Drives In "Places" - Error "mount: /dev/sdd1 Already Mounted Or /media/Data Busy Mount: According To Mtab, /dev/sdd1 Is Already Mounted On /media/Data"

Feb 13, 2010

Just moved to Ubuntu from XP. Whole process has gone very smoothly, but left with a small problem (i.e. it isn't actually affecting usability) that I don't seem to be able to fix and can't find on forums/internet. I also have a problem with the Floppy drive, but I've seen that problem elsewhere in the forums.

It's a dual boot system with both NTFS and Ext4 drives. All are visible and fully accessible. I decided to convert one of the NTFS drive to Ext4. That appeared to be successful and was successfully remounted as an Ext4 drive. The drive label is "Data". I did have a bit of a problem getting it remounted so that I could see/use it under my log-in as opposed to just under root. It's at this point I think that I did something to create the problem.

I now have two entries for "Data" in drop down menu for Places. The true one is shown as a standard hard drive icon, but the false one is shown as a different icon - possibly an external drive icon (note that the floppy drive is also showing as the same icon and I can't access that, but I've seen that's a problem elsewhere in the forums).

I can write and read to the true "Data" hard drive. If I click on the other false "Data" icon, I get the message "mount: /dev/sdd1 already mounted or /media/Data busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdd1 is already mounted on /media/Data". If unmount the true drive and try to mount the false drive, the system mounts the true drive instead. If I log into nautilus as root, neither the false data drive or the floppy appear in the left hand panel.

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Debian Configuration :: Error "mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed With: Mount: Wrong Fs Type" Mounting Any External Storage Media

Feb 27, 2011

I've just made the switch from Ubuntu to Debian Squeeze and am having trouble connecting external media (be it a USB stick or an ext HD). The error I am getting when I connect anything via usb is the following:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: XBMC Playback Of DVD Folders Broken After Packman Updates?

Jun 29, 2011

I run XBMC 10.1 (packman version) on openSUSE 11.4 x86_64. After a normal package update (zypper up) last weekend, I can't play none of my DVD folders (VIDEO_TS structure) anymore. When selecting a movie to play nothing happens (XBMC log file message "WARNING: could not find codec parameters for /path_to_movie/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO"). AVIs still play fine. I reproduced the problem on my laptop too: After the following updates the problem occurs:


2011-06-26 15:51:35|remove |libavcore0||i586|root@fsc.dimplemania
2011-06-26 15:51:36|install|libpcrecpp0|7.9.0-6.7|i586||repo-oss|73b84e4d75db3b5c2c62a04d9cc3263b66ab0ff0
2011-06-26 15:51:39|install|libreoffice-templates-en|3.3-1.2.1|noarch||repo-


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Ubuntu Servers :: Mainboard And Storage System - How Both Storage Devices Will Be Supported By Debian

Mar 11, 2011

I'm interested in buying a new hardware for my company. The old server (now 10 years old) should be replaced with a new one. Till now, I was looking on different hardware suppliers, boards and different other places. I found a Tyan board [URL]. The hardware spec is quite interesting and the board would fullfill our claims.

how both storage devices will be supported by Ubuntu or Debian??

- SATA-Controller: AMD SP5100
- SAS-Controller: LSI 1068E

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Ubuntu :: Role In Sun Java?

Feb 16, 2011

I am having problems with Open Java. I need to role in Sun Java. How? I have tried all the usual uninstall methods and hit a wall. I am using Kubuntu 10.10 on a 32 bit processor.

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Programming :: Add New Role To Tomcat?

Feb 28, 2010

I installed Tomcat6.0.24 on my system(from their site not from repos) and i needed to add a manaager account ,

<role rolename="manager"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="s3cret" roles="manager"/>


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General :: Permissions For USB And "media" Drives?

Jan 21, 2010

How do I configure permissions and ownership [aka, access control] for USB and other "media" drives? In general, I want the plain user to have read-write-modify access. For the long haul, I would prefer some sort of config table that says this media gets those access settings on an individual basis.

While on the subject of "media" drives, how do I configure where a drive gets mounted? It appears that the defaults is /media/someString where "someString" is either a generated string or the volume label. Is this accomplished by a script somewhere that I might modify or configure?

I login using my personal, non-root account. When I connect a USB or other "media" drive, the permissions and ownership are such that I cannot use the desktop tools to alter the drive contents. Also, I need to guess where a given drive contents can be found.

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