OpenSUSE :: Plasma Workspace Crash After Upgrade To KDE 4.5?

Jan 9, 2011

I have just upgraded KDE to 4.5 but after reboot and login i can't see my desktop. Only cursor, blank screen, and a window says:

Plasma Workspaces - The KDE Crash Handler We are sorry, Plasma Workspaces closed unexpectedly. You can help us improve KDE software by reporting this error

Details: Executable: KDEinit4 PID:3787 Signal: 8 (Floating Point Exception)

My PC:
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+
GeForce 6100 nForce 405
openSUSE 11.3 32-bit
Using nVidia driver.

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Ubuntu :: Plasma Workspace Crash After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

I have just did some recent updates and when i did that, i wanted to have the full effect of the updates.Once i restarted, It came up with a black screen, had a couple of windows open(because i had them open before.) All i can do is enter windows, I am on Kubuntu 9.10. There is some blocked updates and one is Kubuntu-Desktop. But i can't get it.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Restart Plasma Workspace

Dec 12, 2009

I've just killed plasma-workspace process and it doesn't restart itself, how can I restart it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Plasma-Workspace Crashes On Login?

Dec 22, 2009

After updating some of my packages to the newer versions, I restarted my computer so that I could experience the full effect of the update. When I attempted to login, Plasma Workspace crashes and nothing loads. I am forced to use another window manager to login into the system, and when I investigated into this problem by typing plasma-desktop in the command terminal, I receive this error:

plasma-desktop(18223) getComponent: Failed to connect to the kglobalaccel daemon QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner", "Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel': no such name")

explain to me how I can fix this error so that I can finally go back to using KDE4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Plasma Crash At Startup

Oct 26, 2010

I am having plasma crashes for the past few days. I'm running KDE 4.5.2 and it was all running fine. Then the latest runs of updates happened and now I can't get a desktop. KDE runs but plasma fails to start leaving me with a black screen and a mouse pointer. This happens in both failsafe and normal, with or without a fresh .kde4 folder and consistently! Here's what the KDE bug window tells me.


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Plasma Crash Solved By Downgrading NVIDIA Drivers

Jan 30, 2011

It's been mentioned several times in this forum already that downgrading to NVIDIA driver version 256.53 can solve random-seeming plasma crashes (the error dialog box usually mentions a "floating point error").So, I upgraded openSUSE 11.3 to KDE 4.5.5 today and couldn't add a clock - any clock - to my desktop or panel without a plasma crash. I had been using the latest NVIDIA kernel modules (v260.19) from the openSUSE NVIDIA repo. I uninstalled them, installed the gcc, make, and kernel-devel packages, and manually installed the latest NVIDIA driver (270.18). No joy; same crash. So I installed version 256.53. solved the problem.

So, to underscore the point, if you have a recent NVIDIA card and you're having random plasma widget crashes, try downgrading your NVIDIA driver.

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Fedora :: Using Plasma Workspace In GNOME?

May 13, 2010

I want to use Plasma workspace that comes in KDE on my F12 running GNOME. I don't intend to shift to KDE but would love to use Plasma workspace in gnome.I found some links but they were Ubuntu specific and didn't work in F12 for me.

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Fedora :: Turning Off The Plasma Workspace?

Jan 11, 2011

I am looking to turn off Plasma Workspace and keep it off! Today I was informed by a family member that their desktop had drastically changed. After investigating this, I had noticed that they were now running what was called Plasma Workspace. I am truly baffled right now as to how this was activated/turned on for only 1 out of 5 users on my computer. None of them are computer savvy, so it would also help me out considerably if I knew how this was turned on without the use of the terminal.

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OpenSUSE :: Workspace Switcher Bugged After Gnome 2.32 Upgrade?

Dec 18, 2010

After doing the upgrade per this thread my gnome panel gets bugged when the workspace switcher applet is attached to it. Also the Cairo Dock bugs out with the workspace switcher applet attached to it. I can change desktops with key commands fine. It would just be nice if this could be fixed. I am sticking with gnome 2.32 because of my affinity with Evolution which performs better in 2.32.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Plasma Crash On Login

Apr 16, 2011

I just upgraded to Natty Beta 2, and when I tried to login, I was told that /tmp/2145539930/.kde/share/config/kdedrc is not writable (along with tmp/2145539930/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc is not writable). When I run ls -l, I get


-rw------- 1 kdm nogroup 39 2011-04-16 19:55 kdedrc

I can dismiss the dialog box, and after a few seconds of delay, see a crash report that kdeinit4 seg faulted. I dismiss this and log in to see plasma not running, but I can Alt+F2 any command I wish (except plasma-desktop, it doesn't run). I already purged kdm and reinstalled, and I'm trying plasma-desktop now.

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Debian :: Reload Plasma From Backup After Recovery From Disk Crash?

Jan 19, 2016

After recovery from a disk crash, everything seems fine except that I have lost plasma. I have a backup. Is there a way to reload plasma from the backup? I can recover kde by reloading /home/.kde from the backup. But there is no .plasma file.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Klasma-desktop Crash After Upgrade KDE To 4.7?

Aug 7, 2011

After upgrade KDE to 4.7, I restarted system, when login, the klasma-desktop always crash. can't start.See, below picture: got below info:

Application: Plasma Desktop Shell (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault
[KCrash Handler]


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Fedora :: Plasma Freezes Desktop After Upgrade To Constantine

Dec 20, 2009

after the upgrade to Constantine I have a strange behaviour with plasma. The whole desktop freezes when a plasma widget pops up - like opening the menu or plugging in a disk and the mount options are shown. The X server still runs fine (Mouse and Keyboard are still working). Afterwards everything works fine again, I can even use the widget. I also tried a fresh install, and with the noveau driver the problem wasn't there, only after I installed the nvidia driver the problem reappeared again. Desktop effects are diabled. When I try killing plasma-desktop and restarting it from the command line, the desktop also freezes for a short time again, and I get teh following output:


I couldn't find anything helpful in Xorg.0.log or dmesg/syslog. I used nvidia-settings to configure xorg. I have a nvidia 6600 GT. If you need more infos just ask.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade Broken Unity Instead Of Plasma

Apr 29, 2011

Upgrade of kubuntu to 11.04 from 10.10 using kpackagekit appeared okay, as did the reboot and login from the new panel. Then, instead of seeing my custom background and plasma desktop all I see is the color wash of the Unity background. There is a right button menu in this desktop with a Create Launcher option that allows me to make launchers for konsole, firefox, and ksystemlog. Windows come up, but with Unity window decorations. Sure enough unity-window-decorator is running, but there is no plasma. System logs don't reveal anything obvious that failed. There is a kdm process running and kdeinit4 appears to have tried to start klauncher and kde4, but they are not actually running.It seems like somehow GNOME and Unity have somehow collided with the KDE environment.

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Ubuntu :: No Longer Drag Windows From One Workspace To Another Since Upgrade

May 2, 2010

1. I can no longer drag windows from one workspace to another. Instead I have to drag them so they are off screen and then switch workspaces and drag it the rest of the way. Is there anyway I can change this.

2. Rhythm Box no longer minimizes into the to the top panel into the notification area icon. Is there anyway I can change this?

3. The volume control is now horizontal, no longer vertical is there a way I can change this?

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Ubuntu :: Applications Jump From Their Workspace To The Current Workspace

Jul 20, 2011

I believe I may have found a bug in Unity. Under the right circumstances an application will jump from the workspace where I left them to my current workspace. This is most noticeable with VirtualBox. I built an Ubuntu 11.04 virtual machine so that I could test out new packages before I push them out to the rest of my machines. But the window for the virtual machine constantly appears in my current workspace. It may take a few minutes, or 30 minutes, but it will happen.

I can kind of understand it if a new window appears, but at least with VirtualBox, this happens on a running virtual machine seemingly randomly.

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Ubuntu :: Way To Setup Each Workspace To Have Different Icons On Each Workspace

Nov 13, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.Is there a way to setup each workspace to have different icons on each workspace. Example:

Workspace 1 = Internet icon stuff (IM, Browsers, Etc...)
Workspace 2 = Multimedia icons (Video Editors, Music Clients)

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Ubuntu :: Workspace Rows Without Workspace Switcher?

Mar 31, 2011

Is there any way to have workspaces on multiple rows without the workspace switcher added to a panel? I have limited screen space so i want to try and remove any unnecessary items. I have tried using a drawer, but the workspace application is not loaded until the drawer is opened once. Also note I am not running compiz as the computer is a netbook.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE4 - Plasma Lock Up?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been experiencing a strange problem with Plasma locking up. Running system monitor it shows the KDE4 process using 20% CPU time, and Plasma around 10-15%. This seems way too much since on my six year old Laptop the cpu load of both processes is barely noticeable. My Laptop is an old single core 3000+ AMD Athlon 64, while my Desktop has a Quad core Xeon 2.33Ghz chip, so the fact that the KDE4/Plasma system load is many times higher than on the Laptop, indicates something is wrong.

I'm not sure what else to look for troubleshooting wise, any suggestions? *Actually, thinking about it, the KDE4 process is timing out one CPU core, which indicates to me something is really not right.

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OpenSUSE :: Get Plasma Netbook Workspaces In 11.3?

Jul 22, 2010

I've been fooling around with Gnome-Shell for a while now, which fits nicely on my small-screened (12") laptop, but the openSUSE 11.3 version has proven less-than-stable for me. Now I am interested in the Plasma Netbook Workspaces, which looks intriguing... The question is, [ 1 ] to install it (which I can do from Plasma Netbook Workspace - openSUSE, but the documentation is rather sparce), do I need to run MeeGo, or can I take a stock installation of openSUSE?

I don't have much luck installing openSUSE via DVD (or DVD image via USB) so I am thinking of installing via the KDE Live CD and then install the Plasma Netbook Workspace. This is basically how I installed Gnome-Shell (install from the Gnome Live CD, then install Gnome-Shell). Once it is installed, [ 2 ] how do I turn it on? Will it be an option in the login screen? I'll admit, though, I am more of a Gnome guy, but going to Gnome-Shell may be a half-step towards something like this.

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Crashes In New 11.3 Install?

Dec 16, 2010

I just installed OpenSUSE 11.3 last night and so far today I have had TWO Plasma crashes which leave the taskbar in a black color with stripes.

After the first one I located a post on the Web that said to do the following:

Do CTRL-ALT-F1 (this does not work on my system at all, why?)
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma*
CTRL-D to logout

I did that and it did not fix the problem. I messed around with the desktop settings and somehow got the task bar back to gray.

Now during a copy of a large number of files from one disk to another with Dolphin, it crashed AGAIN.

So far 11.3 is proving a massive disappointment compared to the 11.0 I had on up to last night. Things are more complicated and clearly not as stable as KDE 3.5.x.

And I'm switching back to Konqueror as the default file manage because Dolphin appears to be unstable at doing a simple task like copying files without freezing.

I also hate the task notifier which during a copy pops up and covers my NoScript bar in Firefox.

do I have to switch to another distro? I really don't want to do that, but so far OpenSUSE 11.3 is a massive problem.

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Air Theme Missing - How To Get It Back

Feb 15, 2010

After KDE 4.4 installation I'm missing Plasma Air theme. how could i get it back?

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OpenSUSE :: KDE4 - Plasma Crashing After Login ?

Mar 12, 2010

There's just one minor glitch - everytime I log in after reboot, the plasma desktop crashes right at the beginning - a window appears saying something like "The desktop process unexpectedly quit" ( I have a polish version, don't know the exact translation ) and leaves me with a big red button in the middle of the screen ( but the system seems to be fully functional ). When I log out and log back in without rebooting everything works just fine. The error is 100% reproducible. On the other hand - if I log into runlevel 3 first and then start the X manually, then there's no error.

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Options Missing With Certain Themes

Aug 3, 2010

Since installing 11.3 I've noticed that with certain Workspace themes the plasmmoids and panel have options missing: The theme in the screenshot is "Elegance" others have the same problem; "Oxyglass", "Heron" & "Aya". The panel has the resizing sliders missing. These were working ok in 11.2.

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OpenSUSE :: Last Plasma Desktop Activity Deleted?

Sep 4, 2010

I have accidentally deleted the last desktop activity for Plasma. I cannot access the cashew and right clicking on the desktop does nothing. I can still see and use my panels just as I would before but there is nothing that I can put on the desktop do I get a desktop activity back from where there is nothing?

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Desktop Crashes After Update?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm running SUSE 11.3 32-bit and have run into an issue with the KDE Plasma Desktop crashing after login. I've submitted a bug report with the KDE folks, but thought it might be OpenSuSE specific. Details from the my KDE bug report [URL].. is as follows:

Application: plasma-desktop (0.3)
KDE Platform Version: 4.5.2 (KDE 4.5.2)
Qt Version: 4.7.0
Operating System: Linux i686
Distribution: "openSUSE 11.3 (i586)"

Information about the crash: What I was doing when the application crashed: After updating my OpenSUSE 11.3 32-bit workstation to the latest (as of October 22, 4pm EST) available here:


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OpenSUSE :: Plasma-desktop Crashes On Login?

Dec 16, 2010

I had openSuse 11.3 KDE4.4.4 installed and used the 1-Click install to get the nVidia drivers. However, this gave me the problems with Amarok and other applications crashing. I switched the system repos to use packman but that didn't help.

The solution on the forums seemed to be either recompile with an old nVidia driver or upgrade to KDE4.5 as most people were reporting to not see it under 4.5.

Upgrading seemed to be the easiest method, especially as there appeared to be a stable repo now.

I upgraded and now plasma-desktop crashes on login! Is getting the old nVidia driver my only option now?

zypper lr -d


# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type | URI | Service
1 | KR45 | KR45 | Yes | Yes | 99 |


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OpenSUSE :: Plasma-Theme Changings Irregular?

Jan 28, 2011

Can't change the Plasma-Themes in System-Settings/Desktop-Theme Detail any more!Changed the user,same
behaviour ("Apply"-button not highlighted after selecting a theme)!And more confusing,in the System-Settings/Appearence/Style/Workspace setting,there I can changethe Plasma-Themes !Downloaded a Plasma-Theme before from,that seems not to work,deleted it,but no changing.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE Plasma Desktop Calendar Widget 1.0

Feb 6, 2011

I have been enjoying my newly installed openSuse installation for the past two weeks. I used it to run on a free computer I received so I didn't have to purchase that other operating system. It has come a long way since my last tinkering with linux/unix in college 12 years ago!I think that I noticed a problem with the calendar widget 1.0. When you change the month, the days don't update in the calendar.

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Settings Get Lost After Reboot?

Sep 5, 2011

I run OpenSuse 11.4 with KDE 4.7. When I change the positions of icons in the main plasma panel, or reshape folder view plasmoids on my desktop, these changes are lost when I start my computer the next time...

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