Debian :: Reload Plasma From Backup After Recovery From Disk Crash?

Jan 19, 2016

After recovery from a disk crash, everything seems fine except that I have lost plasma. I have a backup. Is there a way to reload plasma from the backup? I can recover kde by reloading /home/.kde from the backup. But there is no .plasma file.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Hard Disk Crash / Data Recovery In RAID1 Webhosting Server

Feb 1, 2011

We have had a hardisk crash in our RAID1 webhosting server running CentOS5 and Plesk. We first realized something was wrong when our main site didn't load but showed MySQL errors. We then found out that the system was in read-only state. Something that also happened the day before yesterday, but we could fix with a FSCK. Then the system worked well til around 18 hours later when it crashed with the same sympoms. So, we rebooted the server and wanted to do a filesystem check again. But the HDD wouldnt even load. It was gone. Unfortunatelly it was not realized that the second disk in the system was also not working any more for some time now. Fortunatelly we had our main site backed up externally though. So we could re-install a fresh box and mounted the two drives to the system. We checked the harddisk. One is practically empty (the older one), the other has almost only files in 'lost + found' but these are all "numbered", no real filenames or so.

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Workspace Crash After Upgrade To KDE 4.5?

Jan 9, 2011

I have just upgraded KDE to 4.5 but after reboot and login i can't see my desktop. Only cursor, blank screen, and a window says:

Plasma Workspaces - The KDE Crash Handler We are sorry, Plasma Workspaces closed unexpectedly. You can help us improve KDE software by reporting this error

Details: Executable: KDEinit4 PID:3787 Signal: 8 (Floating Point Exception)

My PC:
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4000+
GeForce 6100 nForce 405
openSUSE 11.3 32-bit
Using nVidia driver.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Plasma Crash At Startup

Oct 26, 2010

I am having plasma crashes for the past few days. I'm running KDE 4.5.2 and it was all running fine. Then the latest runs of updates happened and now I can't get a desktop. KDE runs but plasma fails to start leaving me with a black screen and a mouse pointer. This happens in both failsafe and normal, with or without a fresh .kde4 folder and consistently! Here's what the KDE bug window tells me.


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Ubuntu :: Plasma Workspace Crash After Login?

Feb 3, 2010

I have just did some recent updates and when i did that, i wanted to have the full effect of the updates.Once i restarted, It came up with a black screen, had a couple of windows open(because i had them open before.) All i can do is enter windows, I am on Kubuntu 9.10. There is some blocked updates and one is Kubuntu-Desktop. But i can't get it.

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Ubuntu :: Natty Plasma Crash On Login

Apr 16, 2011

I just upgraded to Natty Beta 2, and when I tried to login, I was told that /tmp/2145539930/.kde/share/config/kdedrc is not writable (along with tmp/2145539930/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc is not writable). When I run ls -l, I get


-rw------- 1 kdm nogroup 39 2011-04-16 19:55 kdedrc

I can dismiss the dialog box, and after a few seconds of delay, see a crash report that kdeinit4 seg faulted. I dismiss this and log in to see plasma not running, but I can Alt+F2 any command I wish (except plasma-desktop, it doesn't run). I already purged kdm and reinstalled, and I'm trying plasma-desktop now.

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Debian Configuration :: Raid 5 Recovery After Mistakenly Removing Disk?

Aug 12, 2010

I've got an 8-disk raid-5 setup, and one of the disks failed. I shut the system down, replaced it, and powered the box back on again. Then, I made a catastrophic mistake; I 'failed' and removed the wrong disk (should have been sdj1, and I typed sdk1 by accident). I tried to re-add sdk1 back to the raid array, but it got listed as 'spare'. My raid array is off-line, since I now have 2 disks unavailable.

I know that the data still exists on sdk1, is there any way I can get the raid array to recognise the fact that it's a valid part of the array, and not a spare disk? At least if I can do that, I'll have a degraded but accessible array, and then I can rebuild the array on the properly replaced disk.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Plasma Crash Solved By Downgrading NVIDIA Drivers

Jan 30, 2011

It's been mentioned several times in this forum already that downgrading to NVIDIA driver version 256.53 can solve random-seeming plasma crashes (the error dialog box usually mentions a "floating point error").So, I upgraded openSUSE 11.3 to KDE 4.5.5 today and couldn't add a clock - any clock - to my desktop or panel without a plasma crash. I had been using the latest NVIDIA kernel modules (v260.19) from the openSUSE NVIDIA repo. I uninstalled them, installed the gcc, make, and kernel-devel packages, and manually installed the latest NVIDIA driver (270.18). No joy; same crash. So I installed version 256.53. solved the problem.

So, to underscore the point, if you have a recent NVIDIA card and you're having random plasma widget crashes, try downgrading your NVIDIA driver.

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Ubuntu :: Change Disk Portition And Reload Image File

Jul 23, 2010

My ubuntu partition is 19GB on 80GB hard disk. Then Reformat Hard Disk to 50GB and reload partimage image file. After reload the image file, using df to check Still 19GB.

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Ubuntu :: Make Emacs Reload A File When Changed On Disk?

Apr 21, 2011

I've noticed that emacs does not notice when an open file is changed on disk (unlike ,say, geany). Is there any way of making it watch for changes of files on disk?

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Ubuntu :: Xubuntu 10.10 Recovery From Crash

Nov 2, 2010

I installed Xubuntu 10.10 on a penstick and made some changes to FSTAB. Now I get a


Can I use the Xubuntu 10.10. install cdrom to get to the command prompt to make some changes?

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Debian :: Create A Warm Backup (clone Disk) Of O.S. Without Restart Computer?

Jan 17, 2011

I use clonezilla cd live to backup my Debain Squeese O.S.,

there is the possibility to create a warm backup (clone disk) of O.S. without restart the computer ?

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Ubuntu :: Backup The Entire Disk Using Some Popular Backup Tool?

Sep 1, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 onto HP EliteBook 8540w notebook and would like to backup the entire disk using some popular backup tool.

I have searched in the internet and found the closest tool is PartImage. But the bad news is that it does not support ext4 fs!

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Server :: Phone System Reload Backup System?

Oct 7, 2010

At work we have a linux based ip phone system. Now this system was buggy for a bit but we now have it working perfectly. As it is we clone this hard drive and on backup I clone it back. This works but if for whatever I'm not in the office the backup can't go through because apparently no one can read the VERY simple instructions. What i would like to do is burn a cd with a copy of the hard drive (this configuration will change once every 6-12 months at maximum) as well as a VERY minimal linux install.

The goal is they stick the cd in and reboot. The system loads the super minimal linux then it runs a batch file that clones the portion of the CD that has the hard drive onto the system then it asks the nice remove the cd and reboot All I need is a a bootable system to a bash script that will run live from cd. I can make the nice bash script that puts to the screen a nice ascii graphic telling the lucky sap it's running and to come back in a little bit to make sure it's done.

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General :: Setting Up Backup And Recovery On RHEL5?

Feb 16, 2010

I am finishing up setting up my LINUX workstation and have configured an external hard drive to use for full and incremental backups.Can someone point me in the right direction on how and what to use to do the backup that would allow me a warm to hot recovery.

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Software :: Drive Image For Backup & Recovery?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a new HP ML150 G6 Server. I had some trouble getting CentOS to recognise the RAID array, but with some help from a LQ user, I got it sorted :-)Now I need to make an exact copy of the system. Normally I would use Acronis Echo Workstation, or the newer Acronis Backup and Recovery 10. However, this software doesn't recognise the RAID array eitherAcronis tell me that they can't help as HP won't supply the source code for the driver, and a quick phone call to HP Support confirms this.So, finally you might say, I come to my question: Is there a Linux based tool that can perform the same action as Acronis? Or... does anyone know of alternative software that would do the trick

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Server :: When Rndc Reload Or /etc/init.d/bind9 Reload Got This: Rndc: Connection To Remote Host Closed?

Nov 30, 2010

We have ubuntu server and bind9 installed and setup.When I issue rndc reload or /etc/init.d/bind9 reload I got this:rndc: connection to remote host closedThis may indicate that* the remote server is using an older version of the command protocol,* this host is not authorized to connect,* the clocks are not syncronized, or* the key is invalid.If I issue named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf I got this:/etc/bind/named.conf.local:165: unknown key 'rndc-key'I got the key files in the right location but I'm not sure if we even need to use them.

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Ubuntu :: Full System Backup For Disaster Recovery Use In Ver. 10.4?

May 5, 2010

I want to be able to recover from a disaster by simply inserting a CD of my entire system, boot from it, and reinstall my system back to the way it was before the disaster. After much research here, I feel the need to ask this question directlybut as a new user, I find it somewhat difficult locating information.

I have seen references to all sorts of backup software. I am trying to use Simple ackup.Each time I run this utility, it gives me a process ID and then apparently vanishes. I don't see the process running in System Monitoror see anything recognizable in var/backups.Perhaps, being as new to Linux as I am, I am simply overlooking something. I must say though, that these are the friendliest user groups I have ever seen. It amazes me that so many people are so willing to post long, complicated solutions to someones problem

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CentOS 5 :: Recovery From Crashed Hard Drive With No Backup?

Aug 4, 2010

Recently I built a web server for my clients to host in house. After talking with the web developer they informed me that i needed a CentOS computer with Drupal for them to design the website. This is my first Linux install and after spending hours upon hours configuring the server with FTP, SSH, and configuring our DD-WRT router with proper port forwarding we turned it over to the web designers to start work on the website.

A month goes by and the website is almost done, at this point we go to make a full backup of the hard drive. Due to a hardware problem it fried the circuit board of the hard drive. After attempting to recover the files myself we opted to send it to a HD data recovery facility to recover the information. We have received back a DVD containing the 2GB's worth of data from the CentOS hard drive. It contained 2 folders one for each of the partitions. I can view and see all the files on my windows machine and it appears that all of the data was recovered successfully. I harbored some hope that i could simply reinstall CentOS with the same account information and then just drop the recovered files on top of the new installation and have it start working.

I then reinstalled CentOS on another hard drive in the same computer and used the same credentials for installation. After i successfully booting into CentOS i turned off the machine and connected the hard drive it to my Windows bench machine. After booting into Windows i was unable to browse the hard drive. After doing more research and installing Ext2fsd i was able to see the 2 partitions CentOS had just created, but only able to access the Boot partition. After more research i discovered the default installation of CentOS creates a Raw file type for the 2nd partition and that is why i am having issues reading it inside of Windows.

I then downloaded a copy of Knoppix to see if this would allow me to write the old files over the new ones. After booting up the CD i could only browse to the /boot drive(and im not even sure if this is Knoppix's Virtual /boot or my CentOS /boot).

My question is what would be the best steps to recovery for my scenario? Can the files be placed to the drive and have everything restored? Is the only way to recovery thru reinstalling all applications and reconfiguring from scratch? How difficult is Drupal DB to recover in this type of scenario?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create Backup Of Laptop Recovery Partition?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm about to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix and my Acer machine has a recovery partition at the beginning of the drive. I've created the eRecovery discs but those will only restore XP - not the actual recovery partition (which I'd like to have in case I sell the laptop later etc).

How can I backup the actual recovery partition, and keep its boot file intact. Then how can I restore this partition at a later time?

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Fedora :: Live Disk Creation & Disk Image Backup

Aug 6, 2009

I need little help on live disk creation and disk image backup.

Can I create live disk using my hard drive installation? If yes then, can I restore the fedora from the live disk to the hard drive. I mean to say that from that live disk can I install fedora again in my hard drive.

Second question is, if I create the disk image of my hard drive( including ntfs & FAT32 partition) , can I restore it in a blank drive. If so , then can os will be restored also?

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Security :: Clone Hard Disk With Cat /dev/sda >/media/disk/backup?

Apr 16, 2009

Can this be done and to restore the disk with a similar cat command.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup, Restore And Crash (in That Order, Unfortunately)?

Sep 30, 2009

this message is a bit long but I've been pulling my hair for 2 days now. I am installing Centos 5.3 on a Dell Powerege R610, x86_64 flavour. That part goes well. next is testing backup & restore. I've tried MondoArchive, that I used on other OS, but it fails to remount the LVM correctly, and disk formatting fails. Now, I am trying another way: boot with centos 5.3 i386 live cd, take the disks online, cpio to a usb file everything but: /tmp /proc /boot /dev /etc/fstab /etc/mtab

then, reinstall a fresh centos to erase the disk (crash simulation) and to simulate the initial restore I would do after a crash. From there, I go again with the livecd, mount r/w the logical volume, cpio -i all my files, and reboot. It sort of goes well. system reboots correctly - it loads all my drivers (even asterisk & dahdi and the T1/E1 card light goes green...), starts KDE, but from there I get an infamous error message preventing me to log in "Your session only lasted less than 10 seconds" - looking in the details, i get this message "could not exe /etc/X11/xinit/XSession default' - but I dont think X11 has so much to do with it...

When I go to a text console (ctrl alt f1), and try to log, no luck either - and no time to see why. I've modified initrd to level 1 - there I get the single user prompt, that's ok - but init 3 brings me to a screen where I cant log (either with root or a user) - there is a clear difference between an incorrect password and a failed login - the later, as soon as I enter the password, I return to a login prompt Now my questions. 1/ how can I make a "system backup" of Centos 5.3 x64 -ie after a crash, I want an image tha t I will restore and bring back OS + Applications (data can be backed up separately) 2/ what is wrong with my restore thru livecd ? why cant I log into the system ?


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CentOS 5 :: Server Crash - Restore Backup - Scsi ?

Apr 25, 2011

Client has a server running 5.5 (I think) and it they moved locations. This server is used in other locations (state) via ssh tunnel as well so they can all access files.

When attempting to boot up I get screenshot 1 (superblock errors)[url]

They supposedly have a backup on a hot swap scsi and I want to know how/if I can restore it using that backup if I cant fix the superblock boot/error issue.

I took some other screenshots:


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Debian :: Still Can't Reload Network Interfaces?

Mar 24, 2011

So I've always asked this in the past when I get on a Debian system. This makes no sense to me but I just don't see how I restart network interfaces (i.e. eth0) on a standard Debian install. If I change the static I.P. address listed in /etc/network/interfaces from x.x.x.100 to x.x.x.101, I then assume I can simply do any of the following:

- /etc/init.d/networking stop | start
- ifdown eth0
- ifup eth0
- service networking stop
- service networking start

All the commands above do nothing. My only solution I know that works and implements the changes I've made is a complete system reboot which to me in Linux, is ridiculous. I've struggled with this over and over and nothing I do correctly assigns the new I.P. in the 'interfaces' file to the actual adapter. This isn't my single isolated Debian machine but every Debian machine I can get my hands on. Servers, workstations, VM's, any release, etc etc etc. Below is my interfaces configuration file:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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General :: Disk Recovery Using Testdisk

Jun 28, 2010

I was installing ubuntu and somehow formatted the D partition on my hdd. I have installed testdisk and have been running quick search and deep search. Testdisk found my partition as a NTFS (I used windows vista). When I press P to list files, testdisk gives me the following message: Cant open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged.Is it possible to recover any data from the partition or is it lost?

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Ubuntu :: Make A Recovery Disk With Clonezilla?

Mar 18, 2010

I am a noob at Ubuntu. I currently have 8.04 and I am looking at upgrading to 8.10 and beyond. I want to make a recovery disk with Clonezilla so if something goes wrong with the upgrade I can go right back to where I am now. I have a 16 Gig thumb drive that I want to boot Clonezilla from. Then I want to burn an image to my DVD burner. I am stuck at one point in the process. I am reading the instructions from[URL]..

This part is where I am stuck is step 4.To make your USB flash drive bootable, first change the working dir, e.g. "cd /media/usb/utils/linux", then run "bash /dev/sdb1" (replace /dev/sdb1 as your USB flash drive device name), and follow the prompts to finish that. My USB drive is named M-S325 so if I enter cd/ media/M-S325/utils/linux in terminal I get the error no such file or directory. I know it is something stupid simple I am doing wrong, but I am stuck. What do I need to do to make my UBD drive bootable with Clonezilla ?

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Ubuntu :: Data Recovery On My Broken Disk

Mar 22, 2010

A while ago my harddrive kinda failed. I didnt notice untill I got "Grub error 17" one time when I was trying to boot my computer. The problem is not really that I couldnt log on to my computer, but rather that I have alot of important information on the computer I would hate to lose. At the time I used Ubuntu 8.04 and had reiserfs filesystem on the computer. I bought a new computer and decided to wait untill I could rescue the data before doing to much dmg to it. But I dont really remember if I tried something to fix it before I realised that it was the harddrive and bad sectors that made me get gruberror 17. Hopefully I didnt do anything.

Anyway. Now today I had some extra time, so I decided to dive in. I booted from a linux mint disk and used ddrescue to transfer all the rawdata over the network to an image file laying on an ext4 drive. Once there I used reiserfsck to try and repair the filesystem. After that i mounted the image file and tried to access the files. Thats where the probelms started. I could see the whole treestructure of the harddrive and everything seemed ok, but when i tried to open the files, none of the pictures, documents and so on could be opend, and when I tried to open stuff like MP3 files they played quite strange. Videofiles was really messy, kept changing resolution and was almost always just gray and green squares on the screen. I decided to use ddrescue and move the files from the image file and on to a clean disk. So when I was done I could mount the filesystem on the new disk, but with the same resault, so I did reiserfsck again, and when that didnt help I did a buildtree also. Still with the same resault. So I decided to investigate the data abit. Opening files at random trying to understand what had hapend. And I saw that some MP3 files (the easiest to open) was some kind of mixing between several difrent mp3 files. Some files wasnt even in the same folder, so it was probably just that the file pointer was pointing at the wrong data on the disk. I dont know how that works really, so I dont know how to go on.

So now to the question. How do I get the data back? Have I done something wrong, can I redo somethig? I still have the broken disk and can take data from it once again, but I want to wait to do that untill I really know what to do. I also still have the image file, and the disk with the copied data. I have a ubuntu 9.10 system at my disposal atm.

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Ubuntu :: Photo Recovery After Disk Wipe

Mar 30, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu and completely wiped the disk with windows and everythingelse on it and now it seems I forgot to save a few important photos.

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