OpenSUSE Multimedia :: MediaSharing For Windows And Xbox360

Jan 7, 2011

I want to set up a media server on my OpenSuse 11.3 machine for sharing mainly video files (mostly .mkv) to my xbox 360 and my other windows 7 pc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ubuntu 9.10 No Sound For Xbox360 Connection

Apr 6, 2010

I'm running Asus M2N32-D motherboard which has on-board sound.

I also have a 24' monitor which I connect the Xbox 360 to, and the PC. Xbox 360 takes up the VGA connector, and the PC runs through DVI connection.

The connection that goes from Xbox 360 has a splitter basically one end is VGA, other end is a sound output a White / Red splitter which connects into a regular 3.5mm audio jack which then plugs into the motherboard input sound device. Here's a pic of the wiring harness I use:

The white / red ends plug into the 3.5mm audio jack which then goes into the back of the PC in the Input jack.

In windows, I only have to turn on the xbox and switch the output on my monitor, and then use my PC speaker system to have xbox sound, and PC monitor to have the video come in.

In ubuntu, everything works the same except there is no sound coming in, so basically either I'm missing a driver somewhere, or the sound is turned down by default. (In windows, this option is turned down to 0 by default).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Films From Ubuntu To TV Via Xbox360?

Dec 7, 2010

Does anyone have experience of the above? My Xbox automatically identifies my Windows 7 laptop and allows me to stream videos from it to my TV.

Can you do the same with Ubuntu? I would love to hear anyone's experiences.

I'm not very experienced with Ubuntu or unix generally.

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Ubuntu :: Get Wireless Access To WiFi Router With Xbox360 Wireless Network Adapter

Dec 10, 2010

I want to try to get wireless access to the wifi router with the xbox360 wireless network adapter.Is this possible?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Slower Than Windows 7 In 3D And X264 Play?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm using openSUSE 11.2 64bit in Dell E6400 with Intel video chipset. I can play x264 720p files without any problems in Windows 7, but in openSUSE, I could play it in Totem, but it is very slow (lots of stopping).

In addition, in songbird, if I use the mediaflow add-on,the scroll becomes really sluggish.

In general, I feel like openSUSE is showing less ram usage but higher CPU usage than Windows 7. Is my video card driver is messed up? I really like openSUSE a lot but so it is disappointing....

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Video Looks So Crappy Compared To Windows?

Feb 2, 2011

first of all im new to OpenSuse i have been using different distros since early 90's if theres one i havent tried i would be very surprised anyway im very picky when it comes to sound and picture maybe its the fact that im a developer and also art director anyhoo i got tired of my HTPC ( windows ) i thought linux has to be able to do it just as well i mean i only use it for movies and music but was surprised to see how video works in linux picture is somewhat ok compared to Windows but movement is another story even vsync off it looks like a old VHS tape when it should be DVD. Cam-panning is even worse. How is this and can it be fixed?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Windows Media QUicktime And MPEG Along With WAV File?

Nov 27, 2009

I am wanting to know how would i get the following video and files to play Windows Media Quick time MPEG and WAV. I dont want to mess up my system got it running great would like a little help choosing and installing and how to install the right problem. And instructions on how I am still learning opensues it is great. A lot better than windows with virus virus virus.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sound Is Staticky / Skips If Click Other Windows?

Mar 21, 2010

In the sound preferences if i set the sound to ALSA sound skips like a scratched CD when i move, maximize, open, close window. If i set the sound to PulseAudio sound skips on everything (vlc ,banshee)except Totem.

On both of these options Banshee is rendered totally unusable. If i set the sound to ESD, than VLC and Banshee work fine though VLC still skips a little bit though less than before. Totem however will no longer be able to play most of the files it could before without extreme unbarable static. Though some files it will still play fine.

HOWEVER with all three of these there is no skipping whatsoever when i play sound on ..... videos in the browser whereas if i play the same video in .flv on a media player the same problems persist.. so the browsers seem unaffected

OSS is by far the best in terms of skipping, none whatsoever. However OSS has a constant steady crackle behind anything that is playing. The crackle is low but still irritating and the crackling makes my ears ring after but i can still listen to music and just try my best to ignore it much like listening to a radio station that barely comes in. So how do i either to stop the static behind OSS... or stop the skipping with ALSA and Pulse, or stop the crackling in ESD or OSS??

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Flashes Small Windows While Playing?

May 1, 2011

while amarok plays, a small window similar to a file copying status window opens and closes on continuously its own. anyone else having a similar problem?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Java Runtime Environment For Windows 98 & Ies4linux-latest.t On IE6

Jan 10, 2009

I have installed IE6 [URL] On IE6 Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Shockwave Player 8.0 & Real Player 10.5 are working fine. When I tried to embed J2SE-Runtime Environment-1.5_17 by clicking 'Windows 98 & Windows ME Online'

---> 'open' ---> 'Modify'
---> 'Installation Completed' ---> 'Finish', i hoped that

everything will be fine. However, after closing the browser and restarting it I found that jre has not been installed on IE6. Incidentally the same thing occurred on debian-4.0r0-i386-netinstall.iso OS.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Play Windows Media Player Content From Web Using Firefox?

Aug 11, 2010

I was unable to play windows media player content from WEB using Firefox. Firefox is asking to install missing plug-ins. But when I click on "install missing plug-in" button, its showing "No plug-ins found". In windows its played by windows Media player plug-in.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Do Voice Chats With Windows Live Messenger And Need Replacement

Mar 15, 2011

I do voice chats with Windows Live Messenger and need a replacement. Was looking at the default Empathy IM, but I'm not sure if it supports this.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: "Scrub" Files / Windows Doesn't Read Any Of The Jpg's?

May 7, 2010

Uploaded a bunch of photos to my Linux machine. (Windows got a bug, didn't want to infect any other windows machine, so I decided to "Scrub" files with Linux.) I'm now attempting to rip these files to dvd to upload onto other computers. Burning to DVD seems to be fine, but windows doesn't read any of the jpg's.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot Opensuse And Windows 7 With Windows Bootloader?

Jun 8, 2011

I installed opensuse in my laptop in which I already installed opensuse.Now the grub shows first, on boot up. I want to set windows bootloader in front. In order to do that, I did the following,

1. unmount all devices "umount /windows/*"
2. my hard disk partition:- see the link cfdisk /dev/sda | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
3. mount the C drive (where win 7 is installed)
"ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /mnt/windows -o force "
4. dd if=/dev/sda8 of=/mnt/windows/suse.bin bs=512 count=1
5. kwrite /mnt/windows/boot.ini and write the following,

[boot loader]
default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(1)partition(1)c: suse.bin
[operating systems]
c: suse.bin="openSUSE"

6. change the boot to sda3 using "sudo /sbin/cfdisk /dev/sda"

Problem is,

now windows bootloader shows when boot up, showing two options,

windows option works normally; but openSUSE option doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Windows 7 And Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant Working With SAMBA?

Dec 10, 2010

I have 3 computers. One running openSuse 11.3 with SAMBA and the other 2 are Windows 7 Professional boxes. I have the same user name and passwords for all three boxes.

From the Linux box I can access one of the Windows 7 boxes but the other won't accept my user name and password. The one that won't accept has Windows LiveID Sign-In Assistant installed. Apparantly that's an automatic install now.

I've read that there is a bug with the SAMBA libsmbclient [URL].

I tried updating via YAST but still end up with version 3.5.4-5.1.2 and this doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE :: OpenOffice And Mounting Windows Drives - /c/windows/doc.odt Does Not Exist

Sep 12, 2010

When I try to save a new or edited file via OO I get the following error

Error savind the document doc: /c/windows/doc.odt does not exist

I assume that it is a mounting error but due to my newbieness dont know how to confirm this. I see that I can not copy to the windows drives via Dolphin either.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unplug Windows Hard Drive While OpenSUSE Installs?

Jun 14, 2010

I want to dual boot openSUSE 11.2 and Windows 7. I already have Windows 7 installed but I have encountered multiple issues in the past with trying to make dual boots. Usually when I install Linux, GRUB decides it wants to go into world domination mode, and "breaks" my Windows installation. I have reason to believe this is because the distros I use come with legacy GRUB, (v0.97) and for some odd reason it lacks commands such as "update-grub" etc. This means I cannot add Windows 7 to the boot menu without going into extreme complications, which have NEVER, I repeat NEVER succeeded. When I boot the Windows drive directly, I get some error about GRUB not finding the device, and it puts me into a grub rescue command line. Now I am no expert in this field at all, but wouldn't that mean that GRUB wrote itself to the MBR of...oh I don't know, ALL of my hard drives? I really want to install openSUSE 11.2, but from bad experience I am really put off as I know that it ships with legacy GRUB v0.97.I am also running Fedora 13 at the moment, I have quite an experimental dual boot running..been trying to get GRUB 2 for hours now, it is definitely there but no commands work, "upgrade-grub-from-legacy" and "update-grub" return with command not found. I've heard this is just a bug but can anybody confirm that there will definitely be a way for me to "fix" my windows installation after it gets "broken" by GRUB?Second idea, unplug my windows hard drive while openSUSE installs?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Option (Installation Regarding To Opensuse And Windows Server 2008?

Mar 20, 2011

right now, my machine runs ubuntu 10.10 due to work issue, i need to use windows server 2008 R2 (its a windows exclusive company) but i never used any of the active directory or anything from the windows server (only experience with windows is visual studio and those GAMES!), so i figure i need to practice a bit on my own b4 starting the job and just at the same time I found out as a univ student i get it for free! And plus, I am finding opensuse a better option for me than ubuntu So im wondering what i should do regarding these 2 systems here s some option

1). Install openSuse 11.4, and install VirtualBox and use windows server 2008 R2 on vbox
2). Install windows server 2008 R2 and then install openSuse alongside with it
3). Install windows server 2008 R2 and install openSuse in virtualBox

I have been using linux as my primary OS for more than a year now and I rlly need it for both school and my own entertainment. So wondering which option would best work out for me

wat are your opinions? PS: my machine is about 2 years ago a Dell laptop, with core 2 duo p8700 (2.53ghz) 4GB ram, and nvidia gfx, which even tho is still fast, but isnt rlly that snappy when it comes to virtualization even running xp in a virtual machine is quite laggy at times :S

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OpenSUSE Install :: 80 Is Too Small To Dual Boot OpenSuse And Windows 7?

Jan 19, 2010

ere's my issue I've got an 80GB SATA drive and a 320GB IDE drive, I've already installed Windows 7 on the SATA drive. 80 is too small (in my opinion) to dual boot openSuse and Windows 7. Can someone explain me how to use a partition from the 320 IDE to install openSuse, and how to setup grub so I wouldn't have any problems booting to Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows And OpenSuse 11.4 Dual Boot?

Apr 24, 2011

I have installed openSuse 11.4 and works perfectly. The main problem is, I have another system on my HD, Windows XP, and unable to boot to my XP system. If I choose Windows on Grub menu, its just show me the same text as in the menu.lst at Windows' section. I am able to boot in Windows, by adding 'makeactive' but then, I unable to see the grub menu. And to boot to oS again, I must insert DVD installer and made an update. How tiring.


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Script For Unattended Setup/remove Multimedia Packages?

Nov 18, 2010

I've built a script that should meet the requirements to pass the MMCHECK script written by J. McDaniels and RedDwarf. Save anywhere, call anything, and then (must be run as root):

chmod +x <nameOfFile>
./<nameOfFile> setup|remove
function addRepo() {


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Applications Recognize Gnome Shortcuts For Multimedia Keys?

Jan 8, 2011

Recently I installed MPlayer with its default gui and its interfaces SMPlayer and GnomeMPlayer. When I'm using GnomeMPlayer it responds to multimedia keys as configured in Gnome shortcuts, even if it's minimized or running in another virtual desktop. But it doesn't happen to the other two gui's mentioned above. I have also noticed that native Gnome applications or with Gnome support like Banshee and Rhythmbox rspond to multimedia keys even when the gui is closed and they are running only in the system tray. But it never occurs in non-Gnome applications like VLC, MPlayer and others. Jetaudio wich responds to these keys in MS Windows running under Wine doesn't even recognize them.

So I came to the conclusion that only native Gnome applications or with Gnome support recognize multimedia keys because, as it seems, they receive the signal from Gnome configurations. Others applications doesn't do so. Here is my question: Is there some way to make all applications recognize the configuration of Gnome multimedia keys shortcuts? (Of course it would not be fine if they recognized ALL Gnome shortcuts because they could conflict with shortcuts from another applications. The idela would be that they recognize ONLY Gnome multimedia shortcuts.)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Building A "Windows-less" HD (no Versions Of MS Windows)

Aug 29, 2011

I am building a "Windows-less" HD (no versions of MS Windows). I have acquired the first of two 500GB Seagate Momentus drives for this purpose. The Seagate was selected because the drive being replaced is the exact same geometry, however the new drive is 7200rpm vs 5400rpm. If this process is successful, I may repeat with an SSD. The current drive is partitioned as follows:


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Multimedia - Cannot Load Library /usr/lib/kde4/

Apr 11, 2010

When trying to access "Multimedia" from System Settings, I get an error message as follows:


Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)

Possible Reasons:

* An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module

* You have old third party modules lying around.

Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor or packager. And then when I click OK, it closes, and that's it. how to prevent this, so I can access the multimedia settings and change them. The reason I want to see the settings, is because Amarok 2.3 won't play any songs (even though version 1.4 still works).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play DVDs - Multimedia RPMs Are Installed

Aug 9, 2011

Normally I find everything I need either in the documentation or forum, but it's been months, and this time I'm stumped. I'm posting the results of my latest tests, so I'm really sorry about the length of this post.

I can't play DVDs unless they've been burned by myself or a friend. I had no problems until around the beginning of April. I was running 11.2 on both my laptop and desktop. I think an update changed something. This was before 11.2 was officially retired a week or so later. I wanted to upgrade to 11.4 anyway, so I began with my laptop. During installation I wiped everything from my hard disk by creating new partitions and formatting them. After installation I installed the multimedia packages using one-click (, not, although I did read what they said). I know one-click is not ideal, but I was curious. The result was that I still couldn't play DVDs.

I did a fresh installation, just to be on the safe side. This time I installed the packages according to Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide by caf4926. But I still couldn't play DVDs, so I went through the thread Check your multimedia problem in ten steps. Then I ran mmcheck (v2.35). I tried a few times, experimented, and in the end did another fresh install.

In the meantime, on my desktop, which still has 11.2 on it, I found the file which had been changed and changed it back, so I could play DVDs on it again. It was in /etc/udev/rules.d/, 70-persistent-cd.rules. This does not appear to be the problem in 11.4 on my laptop.

I have again installed the packages according to the multimedia installation guide, and done the ten-step check and run mmcheck and these are the results as they stand:

I couldn't find a package called mplayerplug-in. I used zypper to look for it.

I tried installing the totem packages in a previous installation, but they didn't make a difference, so I left them out this time.

I deinstalled my jdk, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference, except that I get an error notification everytime I want to use LibreOffice. And I need it, so I'm putting it back soon.

So, these are my packages:

And this is what happens when I try to play a DVD using Kaffeine (since I don't an error message except from Kaffeine, and I've forgotten where my logs are):

And then comes Read error from: Error reading from DVD over the GUI.

And nothing else happens... I get no feedback from smplayer whatsoever. It opens, trys to read the DVD, and sits there. Even on the console.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install Restricted Multimedia Codecs?

Mar 7, 2010

I was using THIS guide to install restricted multimedia codecs. I got to the part where I had to switch system packages to the Packman packages. It came up with a number of dependency errors. I then had a stupid moment and told it to ignore the dependencies and break the applications. Now Xine won't even start, and Amarok seems to have disappeared on my computer. Oh and I also got a bunch of weird dependency problems when I was trying to install some of the packages from Packman too as listed on the guide. I also told it to ignore them when it couldn't find the dependencies. I'm scared I fudged multimedia up so badly I would have to do a clean install to get it back. BTW, I'm running openSUSE 11.2. I don't know if there are other specifications that matter.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Install Multimedia Codec, After Installing?

Jan 22, 2011

i can't install multimedia codec, after installing i restart PC and then linux writes error kde4int i hadn't this error before, it begins after installing new monitor Samsung syncmaster B1940

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Mmcheck - Multimedia Check ?

Jan 21, 2011

I start this thread just to say publicly thanks to jdmcdaniel3 for his script mmcheck. It's very useful, and very well explained. As his thread is closed, I needed to start a new one. I would even suggest to make it a sticky.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to install missing codecs to my openSUSE 11.4.I found this.How to Install Multimedia Codecs in Linux - Softpedia.I downloaded file all-20110131.tar.bz2.There is no instructions where to download this file so i downloaded to /home/downloads.Before i use this i have a question - is this install all required codecs?I need codecs to play mkv, mp4, H264(x264), avi, no DVD

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