OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Flashes Small Windows While Playing?

May 1, 2011

while amarok plays, a small window similar to a file copying status window opens and closes on continuously its own. anyone else having a similar problem?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok 2.1.1 Not Playing Mp3?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm using 11.2 KDE4.3.1 x86-64 final,my Amarok Version 2.1.1 (Using KDE 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1) "release 6") not playing any mp3 song.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Playing CD Rips - Odd Sound In 11.1 KDE 3.5

Mar 10, 2010

the flac decoder in 11.1 Amarok Playing my CD rips (flac) in Amarok has issues with something like skips. little short dropouts in the sound. Using Suse 10.3 (still on the box) does not have this issue. System: Suse 11.1, KDE 3.5 recent install and update. 32 bit on 32 bit platform, old Athlon 2500+ Asus MB, 1 GB ram, two 120 GB internal, Audigy SC.


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General :: Screen Flashes While Playing .avi File?

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to play some .avi files and they open and run, but only the sound works properly. The video screen will flash about every 4-5 seconds.

I've tried Totem and Gnome MPlayer and both play these files the same.

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Fedora :: 11 Amarok Not Playing Mp3?

Mar 12, 2010

I am running fedora 11 with kde version 4.4 amarok 2.2.2 and xine 2.6. I have xine-lib-extras-freeworld installed from rpm fusion. Amarok will refuse to play mp3 files, however M4A files work just fine.

I initially thought that the xine-lib-extras-nonfree was required for mp3 playback but it seems that my laptop which is f11 kde 4.3 and amarok 2.2.1 does not have this installed and works just fine.

When attempting to play an mp3 in gxine it throws this error: "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised."

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Fedora :: Amarok Not Playing After Yum Update?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a problem with Amarok. I did a yum update today (which completed ok) but now I cannot play music from Amarok. Rather, it appears as if it is playing but no sound is coming out of the speakers. Other players (xmms, mplayer, xine) are all working fine. A quick note is that on starting up, there is a message that "Phonon: KDE's multimedia library The audio playback device PulseAudio sound server does not work. falling back to." A google search shows that I may need to configure amarok to output sound using something like Alsa. Which is fine, I have alsa installed:

[arthur@platypus ~]$ rpm -qa | grep alsa
[arthur@platypus ~]$

but Amarok only displays pulse audio as the only output device! Whats going on please? Am on Fedora 12, Amarok 2.2.1 with xine backend.

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General :: Amarok Player Not Playing The Mp3?

Jan 20, 2010

I recently installed kubuntu 9.10 in my desktop, the amarok and dragon players are not playing the mp3 songs and videos.

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Software :: Amarok Not Playing .mp3 Files?

May 6, 2010

I'm running Amarok 1.4 on Linux Ubuntu 9.10, and out of the blue it tells me it cannot play .mp3 files. When it asks if I want .mp3 support, I click "Yes", then nothing happens. flac, .m4u, & other files play fine.

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Software :: Amarok Not Playing Songs?

Mar 13, 2010

When I start amarok, it is not playing songs , just skipping the songs through the playlist !

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OpenSUSE Install :: 80 Is Too Small To Dual Boot OpenSuse And Windows 7?

Jan 19, 2010

ere's my issue I've got an 80GB SATA drive and a 320GB IDE drive, I've already installed Windows 7 on the SATA drive. 80 is too small (in my opinion) to dual boot openSuse and Windows 7. Can someone explain me how to use a partition from the 320 IDE to install openSuse, and how to setup grub so I wouldn't have any problems booting to Windows?

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Fedora :: Songs In Amarok Playing Slow?

Jun 13, 2010

I have got Fedora 13 x86_64 with KDE. I installed the Fluendo MP3 Plug-In so I could play songs in Amarok. But the first ~15 seconds of every song are really lagging, the rest of the song sounds fine. I tried to set it to an external MySQL database, but then all my music disappears.

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Software :: Computer Slow In Response While Playing Amarok?

Feb 15, 2011

My notebook is using intel core 2 duo T6400 CPU and 2GB Ram, when I am playing MP3 with Amarok and at the same time running Firefox, the computer tends to hang and slow in response to open new website.IS it due to my hardware?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Where Is Amarok 2.2.2 Beta 1

Dec 17, 2009

where to find amarok 2.2.2 beta 1 ?

i found one svn version in an unstable trunk, it this the right one ?

see here : IMPORTANT: Amarok 2.2.1 -

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get Amarok 1.X Installed On 11.2?

Jan 2, 2010

how to get Amarok 1.X installed on 11.2? I updated to 11.2; and as far as I can tell it's only got A2. I am REALLY DISPLEASED with A2 and want to go back to 1.4. I couldn't 1.4 any where for downloads; as far as repos go.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: 11.2 - Which Amarok Version To Use

Feb 1, 2010

I am not having any luck with the 'out-of-the-box' version of Amarok on 11.2. It is missing a lot of features (syncing with my fuze most notably). So I figured that I would go to the latest version, but the one-click install from backports (2.2.2-4.1) reported that it could not install amarok-xine and amarok-libvisual. It installed anyway, but was not stable at all. I thought that that install process was supposed to do the updates for me. I went back to the 2.1.1 version, but it still crashes pretty frequently.

Trying banshee right now. Anyway, the big question is... do I go up, down, or off for Amarok? I have a Sansa Fuze and would love to sync music with it, but Amarok is not getting the job done right now. I have read of people going back to 1.4, but after my attempt to install 2.2.2, I'm not so sure that I'm doing it right. Should what I did have worked? I'd like to find one that will get album art and transfer it to my fuze as well (folder.jpg is what seems to make it the happiest).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Not Calling K3b

Feb 24, 2010

I'm using Amarok 1.4 and when I select the playlist=>burn to CD, k3b doesn't apear. I get the prompt that asks if I want to make an audio or data disk. Only the Audio CD works; the data disk option doesn't work.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok No Mp3 Supported

May 23, 2010

I'm running OS 11.2x86_32, KDE 4.4.3 with the latest updates and a problem has cropped up with Amarok (version 2.3.0). When starting the app it keeps saying there is no mp3 support and do I want to install it. Tell it yes, and restart the program and it says the same thing at each start. What's strange is that mp3's play just fine. I've run the 10 steps for troubleshooting and all the codecs are fine, this appears to be an Amarok only problem. SMplayer works fine, Kaffeine and VLC too.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Won't Play MP3's?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a vast amount of MP3's but I can't seem to get Amarok to play them, Amarok opens up and I can see all my music in the music folder with no problem but when I select an MP3 and select Play I get nothing. I can convert my CD collection to OGG.VORBIS but I don't want to go through that process all over again. Currently I'm using 11.2 64bit,

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Getting No Sound From Amarok?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm getting no sound from amarok. I been trying different things like mp3's and internet radio, updating packages, even choosing gstreamer (xine by default) but no go.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Will Not Start?

Apr 20, 2011

suddenly I just could not get it to run. The coloured startup came up but nothing else. So I ran it as su from a terminal and this was the result:<unknown program name>(6552)/:KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." <unknown program name>(6551)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound Using Amarok?

Apr 30, 2011

I added the Packman repository and installed ASF modules for Amarok. Since that point Amarok didn't make a noise, although it actually played music.

- Speakers aren't muted
- sound works fine using banshee and pretty much everything else
- so drivers are up to date

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Will Not Play Some Mp3's?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm having trouble playing some mp3's through Amarok, all other media players are fine with the mp3's in question. Tested on VLC and Audacious. Most other mp3's play through Amarok though. Why this problem. I'm using the gstreamer backend. I tried changing it to xine but then nothing would play. I really like Amarok and want to use it as my main player, so this issue is a little irritating.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Service In Amarok 2.4.3?

Aug 9, 2011

I run Amarok 2.4.3 from KDR 4.7. I noticed that is not listed among the services.Nor is the usual "Like" icon displayed in the middle pane. And Amarok doesn't scrobble. I have liblastfm0 installed and I installed liblastfm (no "0") from KDR yesterday, but that didn't help. So these should all be from the same repo (can't check right now as package kit is doing updates). Any clue what I have to do to get the service back? I use openSUSE 11.4 and KDE 4.7 from the Release repo.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play Tracks With Amarok

Dec 25, 2009

I'm trying to play some music with amarok. I select one track from the playlist, and then I click on PLAY and not only the track is not played, but it starts to read others mp3 folders.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: No Sound With Amarok/LinDVD

Jan 1, 2010

After upgrading my Lenovo T61 to openSUSE 11.2 (64 bit)/KDE 4.3.1.playing mp3/Internet radio ( or DVDs using VLC works fine.When trying to play mp3s/ with Amarok 2.1.1 or when trying to play DVDs using LinDVD there is no sound at all although each player appears to be processing each of the media correctly. When testing sound output with the Amarok settings (backend Xine) I get test sound output with these device types

- HDA Intel (AD198xAnalog)
- Pulse Audio

But none with

- HDA Intel (AD198xDigital)
- HDA Intel, AD198x Digital(IEC (S/PDIF) Digital Video Output).

Could it be that some other sound server, such as ALSA etc is blocking/competing with the audio hardware? How do I get Amarok/LinDVD to output sound?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Start Amarok?

Mar 1, 2010

i use kde 4.4when i try to start amarok (2.2.90) i get:

amarok: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZN6Plasma7WebView10itemChangeEN13QGraphicsItem18GraphicsItemChangeERK8QVariant

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Connect To Amarok And

Aug 7, 2010

Isn't the scrobbler (or whatever it is called) built into the newer Amarok as it used to? I recently upgraded to 2.3.1 and I can not find any possibility to connect with Do one have to install it separately instead?I am on OS 11.2 and upgraded through KDE application update repo.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Won't Edit Tags?

Aug 13, 2010

Amarok won't edit tags in MP3-files. All the options are greyed out. I'm using OpenSuse 11.3 64-bit with KDE 4.4.4, and Amarok v. 2.3.0.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Is Truncating Output?

Sep 29, 2010

I listen to some voice mail messages over the web. Firefox downloads the message as a ".wav" file, and then invokes amarok to play it.What I have been noticing, is that amarok seems to cut the message short.As an additional test, today after playing a message on amarok, I tried playing the same message with kaffeine. There was significantly more to the message when played on kaffeine. The particular message ended with the phone number I should call back (if I wanted to). None of that ending sentence showed in the amarok playback

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Amarok Crashes All Of Sudden

Oct 28, 2010

Suse 11.3 KDE 4.4 Amarok - Standard version that comes with 11.3 I start Amarok, which still worked fine yesterday and this morning. I get the Amarok splash screen and then it disappears and the Crash Handler with the following message appears.


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