OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Stops Playing When Switching To Console From Xorg

Aug 31, 2011

My Audio stops playing when switching to console from Xorg. When I switch back it continues playing. Is it supposed to be like this? Any way I can make it play continuously? I've already checked the Howtos and this forum for this problem but havent found anything similar.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Stops After A Brief Time Of Playing Through VLC?

Jun 26, 2011

I've added this packman repo: Index of /suse/openSUSE_11.4/ and installed all the necessary libraries and tools required as mentioned here using zypper: Restricted formats/11.4 - openSUSE Community Wiki When I try to play any movie in VLC I'm able to hear the audio for some time usually 3-4 mins and then audio totally stops though the video continues to play. A random seek or a seek forward/back also cause similar issue almost immediately. I switched the output module in VLC preference to different settings: default, SDL, Unix OSS, Alsa but the same issue persists. The audio recovers if I just enter the Audio settings menu in VLC preferences and click Save (even without changing anything) but after the same 3-4 mins or by seeking, the audio stops.

I disabled Pulseaudio for my sound card(s) in Yast->Sound, and I even kill the pulseaudio process but it somehow starts itself up again when I change anything in VLC audio preferences or even simply click Save without any changes. I've made sure all the multimedia related packages are installed from the packman repo whenever possible (I still observe there are few packages which do not exist on the packman but the openSUSE 11.4 repo alone eg. phonon-backend-gstreamer, phonon-backend-xine) Here is the rpm query output for the multimedia related libraries:


rpm --query --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}-%{ARCH} -> %{VENDOR}
' --all 'libav*' 'libpostproc*' 'libswscale*' '*xine*' '*gst*' MPlayer '*vlc*' | grep -v avahi | sort
banshee-1-backend-engine-gstreamer-2.0.0-0.3.2-x86_64 -> openSUSE


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Flash Player Stops Playing Randomly?

Dec 9, 2010

whenever i try to watch something on ..... and than i switch tabs for a moment. videos player becomes all gray. it happens on other video hosting sites to. what can be the cause or how to diagnose it

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Hardware :: Audio Stops Shortly After Starting Playing Music

Nov 10, 2010

I have a computer that serves as a mp3 playlist for in the kitchen. I just installed it, and now the sound is not playing correctly. When playing a song with rhythmbox, it will crash after about 40 seconds. When I play it with Amarok, it produces sound for about 40 seconds and then the sound stops, although Amarok keeps playing.

I did the following to the system:

- I put an other computer completely in an other case (Motherboard, harddrives, memory, CPU, Power source (you know the box that powers the motherboard and harddrives, etc.) (Yes this has to be done )

- As for the front panel of the old case, the wires could not be attached to the motherboard, so I only attached: 'HD led' and the 'Power button', but I could not attach the front speaker to the motherboard.

- I reinstalled debian etch

- The motherboard had onboard sound in the back, so I didn't install an audio card. However, when I first booted with debian, there was no sound coming from the port. Therefore I installed an audio card in 1 of the PCI slots.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Recording Every Audio Playing On Speakers?

Aug 16, 2010

I need a software to record the audio I hear through the speakers, included radio online.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Unable To Hear Audio While Playing Video In Kaffeine & VLC?

Jan 19, 2010

I Tried to play video files (.avi & .vob) in Kaffeine, but was unableo hear any audio. Then i went to the packmn site and installed the packageom there, with no positive results.After that i installed VLC and then tried playing.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Playing Audio Cd's In Kaffeine But It Does Not Play Properly - No Sound

May 8, 2011

I have just installed 11.4 64bit and duly followed the sticky guide for getting the required multimedia files installed. I find I have a problem with playing audio cd's the only program which will play an audio cd is Kaffeine but it does not play properly - it plays a few bars then silence, plays a few bars then silence and I can find no way of getting it to play without interruption. There are no sound problems with Kaffene when using it to play digital tv or dvd films. I have tried KsCD, Amarok, Mplayer, SMPlayer, and GNOME MPlayer none of which can I get to play a CD. With Amarok there does not appear to be a setting to play a CD as soon as it is put in the drive it would appear that you have to generate a playlist first, I can show the list of tunes on the CD but that's a far as it goes they will not add to a playlist or play.

Have just found the player Clementine which apparently is based on Amarok. Although not providing a direct play facility I was able to load the cd to the playlist then play the tunes. This may be a clue to my problems in that I noticed that it had to mount the player first. Is there a setting for auto mounting?Ideally I would like to put an audio cd in my player and have it play automatically without me having to do anything. Is this facility available in 11.4 and if so which program do I need to install?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythmbox Stops Playing 10.04

Aug 21, 2010

I just reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop. I am always playing music, and when I recently noticed that Rhythmbox won't play my music. It will play the first few songs, then it will just stop, and it thinks its playing, but its not.



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OpenSUSE :: Switching To Console Distorts Video

Mar 11, 2010

I boot into gnome just fine, but as soon as I switch to console 1 or 2 or N (insert number here) it distorts my video across all of them. It seems like it's changing the refresh rate either horizontal or vertical and I just don't know how to solve the problem. If it distorts I can't get it back to decent readable graphics without a reboot. Was doing the same thing in ubuntu, and that's part of the reason I installed suse. I am running 1600X1200 with 50 refresh rate in gnome and have swapped the console resolution around, trying different options but still have the same problem.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Stops Working Playing Stopping?

Mar 4, 2011

As the title implies, the sound on my rig stops working after a while. Annoying as hell: I have to reboot my machine to get it to work again, which means that I have to reset my entire programming environment (with five full workspaces). I'm running 9.10 Karmic.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Just Stops Playing In Middle Of Song?

May 15, 2011

When attempting to play an MP3 which is stored on my computers hard drive the song just stops playing part the way thru the song.I have had this happen on multiple computers that have Ubuntu/Lucid installed.Sometimes I get the error message that is attached,ut sometime I do not get this error message, the music just stops playing.What is causing this. I have another computer that also has Lucid installed and this does NOT happen

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Pop When Switching Off Computer?

Oct 5, 2010

When switching off an HP dv-2140us with a fresh/clean Ubuntu Lucid install, an audio pop noise can be heard, similar to a DC transient on a loudspeaker.This has happened before on an old computer of mine (as reported here), but newer Ubuntu releases (including Lucid) have fixed the issue.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Xorg Update - Boot Into Run Level 3 Stops

Jun 8, 2011

There was an xorg update that I did today (June 8) and when try to boot into runlevel 3, it stops when it gets to starting up sntp. I also saw that it said DHCP client not running. When I try again (push the power button) and allow it to do what it wants, everything seems to start up just fine. I'm asking about this because I need to re-install my NVIDIA graphics card driver. For the boot options, I've tried clearing the text (I don't remember what they are at the moment) and typing:

nomodeset 3
and when that failed, I've tried it as
but still get stuck at the same spot. I've also tried it without clearing the text but still it gets stuck.

How can I get to runlevel 3 in order to re-install my graphics card driver? I cannot run my 3D software without it. Can I switch to runlevel 3 from the usual (normal GUI) screen? I can't remember the command. I'm running SuSE 11.4.

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Debian Multimedia :: No Audio When Playing .3g2 Files

Apr 17, 2010

Error in mplayer is Cannot find codec for audio format 0x706C6351

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Debian Multimedia :: Cannot Play Audio While MPD Playing

Nov 20, 2010

After hours of googleing I'm stumped.When MPD is playing audio, I cannot play audio in another app (ie Totem/VLC).MPD runs under the mpd user. Alsa config is default (as far as I can tell, it configures itself automatically now). System is squeeze, up to date.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing Audio Via Network?

May 4, 2010

OK, so I have a samba share on my Ubuntu server that holds my mp3 files, and I can play these files from which ever PC in the house whether its my Laptop (Linux) or Desktops (mix of Windows, Linux & Mac) At the moment my Windows Desktop PC has a sound system connected to it and I vnc to that computer to change tracks create playlists etc to play through the nice sound system, however I want to be able to play through local rhythmbox or similar and play the sound via the networked windows (xp) pc.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Audio When Playing Mp4 Video

Dec 11, 2010

I'm not getting audio when I play a video file.


mplayer Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden - 185 v2.mp4
MPlayer 1.0rc4-4.4.5 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory

Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden - 185.mp4.
libavformat file format detected.
[lavf] stream 0: video (h264), -vid 0
[lavf] stream 1: audio (aac), -aid 0, -alang und


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Changing Switching Audio Devices On The Fly

Feb 8, 2011

How can I change my audio output (and input) from one device to another?

(Using a Sound Blaster and USB Headphones)

Changing settings in Phonon is a hassle, and it still won't change the sound immediately for the apps... Is there a quick way to just disable one device and enable the other, without having to restart the apps that use them? (For instance, right now Skype and my browser are outputting to headphones and amarok to my speakers - one enabled device that receives everything, bang! output for everything to another device and the first device is having a nap)

I can't see any settings in KMix to facilitate such a change...

what I can do to change sound cards quickly and easily?

I recall doing this in seconds in Ubuntu via their mixer, so would it be similar if I ditched KDE in favor of Gnome??

OpenSuse 11.3 x86_64 KDE 4.4.4

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Asx Audio Live Stream Not Playing?

Apr 2, 2010

my problem is regarding .asx live streams. Up till 2-3 weeks ago I was able to listen to [URL] perfectly well with Totem under Ubuntu 9.10.

Since then whenever I want to start the stream, Totem darkens and nothing happens. I've tried Mplayer and VLC as well but neither of them work (but that's not news because they didn't work when Totem did either).

I had a look at the recent package updates in Synaptic to see if any audio-related ones had been changed and I have downgraded libaudiofile0 (to version 0.2.6-7ubuntu2) and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (to version 0.10.14-4ubuntu1). The problem still remained, so I updated them again.

The radio chanel works perfectly under Windows, and other .asx streams (for example [URL]) are working fine with Totem in Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Display Lyrics When Playing Audio?

Oct 8, 2010

how to import, link, save and display the lyrics of the song being played? I am using VLC for all audio and video files. If VLC does not have this functionality any other media player will do.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Long Delay After Playing Any Audio ?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm having a problem where almost every audio player creates a 2-3 second delay after playing any audio.

I'm working on some text-to-speech using espeak and festival. Festival would provide much better speech quality, but it created a 2-3 second delay after any speech before the application exited, which prevents using it. When I started investigating the issue, it turned out that many other programs display the same behavior.

For example, if I play a 1-second WAV of silence using "play", it displays "Done" very soon and then waits for 2-3 seconds before exiting. mplayer does the same. mpg123 does the same. mpg321 does the same. ogg123 does the same.

When playing multiple files mpg123 and ogg123 do not generate the pause between the files, but mplayer does. I'm wondering can there be a bug that causes programs to hang when closing the audio device?

That's so many programs it must be some kind of problem in the system, not the individual programs. However not every program displays this behavior; espeak exits immediately after the speech has ended. (Might it for instance exit without closing the audio device properly?)

I haven't noticed anything similar before I upgraded to 10.10. I'm running XUbuntu on a Thinkpad T60. The laptop has an Intel HD Audio with AD1981HD codec [url].

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Audio Stops When Stream A Video

Nov 10, 2010

We have a Jetway JBC600C99-52W-B (Mini-top) with Xubuntu 10.10 and Logitech Z-205 USB Speakers but I have no sound. EDIT: fixed after installing gnome-volume-control and selecting my output device. Now i have a other problem, when i stream a video it plays sound for 1 second and when i click the play button it works fine for a while but after a few minutes the audio stops again. the video plays fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Jack Stops All Audio For The Duration Of Its Run

Mar 9, 2011

I have had no problems whatsoever with audio in ubuntu 10.10. Both input and output have worked great, but alas now there's a problem.

I recently installed ardour2 with jack (using apt-get) but for some reason, anytime I start ardour2 (which starts jack implicitly) all audio stops on the whole computer. That is my computer goes silent. As soon as I exit ardour2 audio resumes.

Also, although this will probably resolve itself when I resolve the other problem, when exporting a project to audio file from ardour2 it exports silence for the entire duration, even when ardour2 is exited and audio has resumed.

I'm no linux novice, so I'm not afraid of command line solutions (I prefer them actually) however I know nothing about jack or audio editing in linux whatsoever, so if you could be very specific about jack terminology that would be great.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 Not Playing Mp3, Not Sending Sound Through Audio Jack?

Jan 3, 2010

I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 recently to find that my computer will not play mp3 files in Rythmbox, Amarok, or Kaffeine media players. All of the FLAC files I have ripped from CDs work, but no mp3 files work. I have downloaded and installed the ubuntu restricted codecs from Synaptic as well as the codecs prompted by Rythmbox rebooted, and still no result.Like I said, the .FLACs play fine.On another note, no sound is being transmitted to my earbuds. The only sound will come from the laptop speakers.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Streaming Audio And Video Playback Stops

May 16, 2010

ok i upgraded to 10.04 lucid and now if i want to stream audio i get jerky audio with screen flickers and video streaming or not causes a complete lockup of the application. this all worked fine with 9.10.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Stops Working After 1-5 Mins Of Playing Sound?

Dec 14, 2010

Playing a song works at first; then it quits after 1-5 minutes. If you select a different output device, it will work for another 1-5 minutes, but switching back to an already used up device will not play sound. Running 'sudo killall pulseaudio' resets everything and each output device works for another 1-5 minutes. This is on on 9.10.


lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)
Subsystem: EPoX Computer Co., Ltd. Device 4002


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Debian Multimedia :: Alter Audio Volume Whilst Playing A Game?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell laptop and have multi-media buttons, some of which control the audio volume. But once a game is running like Sauerbraten, I cannot control the volume. The controls within the game are relative to the master volume, so if the volume is too low, I have to exit the game to adjust it.

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Ubuntu :: Switching Between Two Xorg.conf's?

Jun 6, 2010

I've got an i5 Macbook Pro, on which I've got Ubuntu 10.04, which I use 90% of the time (mainly for work).

I've added a few lines to xorg.conf to make the graphic card run cooler and thus get some more battery life. Sometimes, though, I do need full graphic potential, for which I have another xorg.conf prepared without those lines, so I can switch back and forth when I need it.

Currently, to change back and forth, I rename the files accordingly and reboot, which is a pain in the neck. I tried restarting gdm after switching files instead but it didn't quite work (maybe I wasn't doing it correctly).

So, fellow experts, what's the easiest and fastest way to switch between two different X11 config files?

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Freezes On Switching To Console Mode

Apr 30, 2011

I recently upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and have been unable to switch to console mode (Ctrl+Alt+Fx key combo). The system just freezes on attempt (not even capslock on off works) and the only option is hard reset. I am on a SONY VAIO VGN-CR353, just in case.

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Ubuntu :: Switching Keyboard Layout In Console Only?

Feb 7, 2010

I am logging into an Ubuntu 8.04 machine using ssh, so I use a console. The keyboard layout is US-standard, obvioulsy. However, I would like to use french-canadian keyboard layout. And I don't know at all how to switch it in console. Give me Gnome or KDE, and we're done. But this is console only. I guess it has to do with the loadkeys command. Ok. I retrieved from the web a file Maybe ubuntu requires a different kind of file? Using "locate" I get nothing, except the file I have downloaded. Any package I should demand to be installed? (if yes, what do I do once they are in?) I tried using both the .gz and uncompressed files.


Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console


loadkeys -u
Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console


They tell us about some program, console-data, using root privileges. Intriguing, but I am only a user, and do not have any root privileges. The system admin. has never used another keyboard layout, and knows even less than I on this matter. I tried similar stuff on my openSUSE at home, on a newly created experimental account, and I am equally unable to change within the console the keyboard layout (similar error messages).

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