OpenSUSE :: Installing Novell Client On 11.2

Nov 14, 2009

When trying to install Novell client (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso) on my 11.2 box, I get the following error: "Problem: nothing provides needed by novell-xtier-base-3.1.6-12.i586". The libbfd library is provided by binutils. I have binutils-2.19.51-10.26.4.i586 installed, and it provides /usr/lib/ I made symlinks (/lib/ and /usr/lib/

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OpenSUSE :: Install Novell Client On 11.3

Nov 9, 2010

Is it possible to get the novell Client work on openSUSE 11.3(KDE)?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Novell Iprint Client On OpenSUSE Fails

May 10, 2011

Trying to install the Novell iprint client but got the following error message:

My system specifications are as follows:

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SUSE / Novell :: Installing The Firefox 3.6 On Opensuse Desktop Edition?

Sep 30, 2010

install the firefox 3.6 on opensuse Desktop edition. As my new application software is only supporting 3.6 or greater version of mozilla firefox. i was forced to upgrade or to reinstall my current firefox (version kindly help me and please tell me what is the procedure to install forefox 3.6 or higher version in opensuse 10. i cannot upgrade opensuse 10 to opensuse 11 or 11.3 as my company wont allow me to make modifications in the operating system. i have the latest version of firefox downloaded. the format is tar.gz2 while i am trying to extract it. i find errors in extracting even after extracting successfully i find permission errors.

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SUSE / Novell :: Installing OpenSUSE 11.1 On Playstation 3 - On Startup A Blue/grey Screen Appears

Jan 17, 2009

I just tried installing OpenSUSE 11.1 onto my Playstation 3. I installed the otheros.bld fine (which I downloaded via a link provided on the OpenSUSE website). I then inserted my 32-bit Gnome CD for installation and restarted my system. Then on startup, a blue/grey screen appears. Here are the links to the screenshot (sorry for poor quality):

[Full Screen]

[Top Half]

[Bottom Half]

As you can see, the only option is for me to select the gameboot, which obviously takes me back to the Playstation XMB. There are keys at the bottom of the screen, but this is only to change the resolution. So I have no option to install the OS.

Does anybody know why this screen appears and have any ideas on how I can get around this problem to install SUSE onto my Playstation?

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SUSE / Novell :: Error While Creating Client Module Sw_single?

May 14, 2010

Yast2 appears to be broken. Whenever I open the YaST control center and attempt to install new software, I am greeted with this error message. When I click on the "Install New Software" shortcut from the start menu, nothing happens.

I researched this error message and found that apparently I can install software via Zypper, but all the commands to enter in the terminal result in a message about an unrecognized command.

OpenSUSE 11.2 64-bit

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Register Service - RPC - Authentication Error - Why Client Credential Too Weak

Feb 8, 2010

I have a program to start called "pace_old".

In the command line I type it's name and get this:

What should I do ?

Distro is SuSe 11.1. Btw: I do not get this message on Suse 9.0. Pace_old runs properly there.

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SUSE / Novell :: Blank Screen After Installing 11.2?

Nov 26, 2009

I have installed 11.2. When it starts to boot it runs through its startup and then all I get is a blank screen. I noticed in startup just before it says starting HAL it says CPU frequency not supported. I am assuming that this is the issue. I have run 11 and 11.1 on this box and have not had a problem with this. I have a P4 3.00 GHz with 2 GB of RAM.

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SUSE / Novell :: Error While Installing SLES 11

Aug 11, 2010

I am installing SLES on a new server with raid 05, after I went with the setup it copies all the files until It gets to install grub. It gets me an error message installing grub and it wont let me move forward.


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SUSE / Novell :: Installing Flash Player 10.0 On 10.3

Oct 10, 2010

My yast crashes just as soon as started installing flash. Do have flash saved as .tar.gz on desktop. What is the easiest way to install it? Also searched in Tutorials. Just patching as I go until I build a new PC.

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SUSE / Novell :: Format Whole Hdd And Installing Open

May 19, 2009

I have 1 Pentium IV 1.7 Ghz machine with 40 gb Seagate hdd which was previously running RedHat version4. Yes very old version running squid.

I am trying to format whole hdd and installing OpenSuSe but after installing it shows booting GRUB and show L letter thats it.

I tried manually creating partitions and 2nd time automatic lay out.

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SUSE / Novell :: Dont Get Desktop When Installing Gnome Or KDE?

Apr 18, 2010

while installing openSuse on my PC, I dont get Desktop but only command line. I can see the following:

1) during boot process its staing: "Failed services in runlevel 5" and "waring GdmDisplay: display lasted 2.1317348 seconds" and " GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximun number of X display failure reached.

2) /var/log/Xorg.n.log files (n=1-5) "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0"

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SUSE / Novell :: Installing Opens 10.3 - Screen Will Go Blank And Become Unresponsive ?

Mar 28, 2009

I have recently got a new computer, and I have been trying to install openSUSE 10.3 on it. But, the screen will go blank and become unresponsive if I boot with the default options. When I switch to text mode, it boot and stops when it outputs time: pit clocksource has been installed. Switching to safe settings will make no difference. Right now, I am using openSUSE 11.1, but I'm not very happy with it, so I intend to replace it with 10.3. I'm not sure what the pit clocksource is, and can it be disabled, or some workaround?

my specs are:
AMD Athlon 64
NVIDIA MCP61P northbridge chipset

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SUSE / Novell :: Installing Open 11.0 - Showing This Screen For Approximately Thirty Minutes

Nov 28, 2008

I've been trying to install OpenSuse 11.0 on my ten-year-old Gateway desktop. It has been showing this screen for approximately thirty minutes. In case you can't read it, it says 'Decompressing Linux... done. Booting the Kernel.' I booted from the CD, and the OpenSuse screen came up, and I selected 'Installation' from the menu. And here we are.

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SUSE / Novell :: Hard Ware Configuration Steps Failed While Installing 10 SLES In Laptop / Fix It?

Feb 26, 2010

I am new to linux . i am trying to install SUSE linux 10 SLES. all the steps are clearly installed but. the final step- Hardware configuration step this final stage system takes more time and restarts.

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SUSE / Novell :: Install OpenSuse 11 64bits On A Box Already Has 32bits OpenSuse Installed?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a box already has openSuse 11 32bits installed. I want to replace it with openSuse 11 64 bits. When I insert the openSuse 11 64 bits CD, I got error message "this is a 32 bit computer. Can not use 64 bit software". so How do I wipe out the old OS (32 bits), and install new OS (64 bits)?

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Server :: Installing Suse11 On Client?

Nov 10, 2010

I have setup pxeboot server on centos 5. I want to install suse11 on client machine by this pxeboot server. How will I do this ?

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OpenSUSE :: Set Up Novell Apparmor?

Feb 19, 2010

Set up Novell Apparmor? how to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Mkahawa Client Hangs & Nothing Happens

Jun 15, 2010

As you may notice, the client computer of which the mkahawa client package is installed is inside virtual box(guest OS) with the user account name pc004 and with the static LAN ip of then the server(host OS) is The program installation says 0% but detail informs successfully installed. Nothing happens after and very confusing

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Ubuntu :: Citrix 11 .deb Ica Client Not Installing On Atom 64?

Mar 23, 2011

I get a wrong architecture error when I try to install the .deb .A fully 32 bit enabled install of Ubuntu 10.10 86-64 on a D525 Atom based system does not seem to work at all. It will not install with gdebi or the new Ubuntu software centre.I have the 32 bit required OpenMotif libs installed...and all the other stuff that is i386 arch works perfect. I really want to run the 64 bit os but perhaps I can dual boot it with Fedora 32. There is nothing in the asus bios of the board that says emulate i386 like with AMD 64 chips...I thought that the D525 atom was fine as it will run 32 bit XP or any 32 bit linux.

So what might be the trouble with running 32 bit software on Ubuntu 10.10 64 on this machine? Why does the Ubuntu hacked gdebi software install system insist that i386 software is the wrong arch for this intel atom?This is really maddening as my wife's work demands this citrix client, and the last thing that I want to do is run out and buy an oem of Windows 7.been there done that with 98, XP, and Vista I am looking to ditch her noisy POS vacuum cleaner vista machine..but I cannot do it until I have the linux citrix client installed and working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Cisco VPN Client On 11.04

May 7, 2011

I'm trying to install the Cisco VPN client on Ubuntu 11.04, kernel version 2.6.38-8 generic-pae. I need a step by step process since I am an absolute beginner with Ubuntu and this is my first install on the operating system. I have already tried the network manager but connection always fails. I have also tried the website [URL] but this always fails, seems this was made for earlier versions of Ubuntu and earlier kernel versions.

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General :: Installing Software - Torrent Client ?

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to install a torrent client (I don't know which is best for Linux Mint).

I've tried Bit Torrent and Ktorrent.

When I download these files they come like something that reads: ktorrent-4.0.3.tar.bz2

I open the folder and it contains a bunch of files that I have no idea what to do with.

I've been a Windows user all of my life, so I'm basically used to just being able to install software within a few clicks.

I guess what I want to know here is how I am supposed to install ANY software on Linux.

I have Linux Mint (If that makes a difference).

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CentOS 5 :: Yum Error After Installing Something (php-imap, Lic-client)

Apr 24, 2009

I have CentOS 5 installed on VPS server running VZ with ostemplatecentos-5-i386-afull.

Some details of system:
[root@vps ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5 (Final)
[root@vps ~]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.18-92.1.13.el5.028stab059.6PAE #1 SMP Fri Nov 14 20:46:53 MSK 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux


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SUSE / Novell :: Can't Get Rid Of Patch 11.2 Opensuse

Feb 14, 2010

I am using kde and can't get rid of a gnome patch. Problem won't go away in updater applet tray or yast online update.

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SUSE / Novell :: Get Free Cd's Of OpenSUSE

Nov 21, 2010

Where can i request a free openSUSE cd's from online.I could not Download Because my Internet connection speed is very low.

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSuSE 11.3 During The Installation?

Jul 21, 2010

I use Linux with a lot of pleasure almost 6 years... after installing Ubuntu 10.04 Itried to install openSuSE on with Ubuntu prepared partitions, 20GB for / and 120 for /home. I have tried 4 times to install SuSE, but I have each time same problem. Suse installer shows instead 20 and 120GB partitions 16 and 104 GB and insallation was failed with message that PC probably was attacked. Before was installed excellent worked OpenSuSE 10.3. I have no idea. It's PC with AMD 3200 64-bit, 1GB DDR, Nvidia7300SE.

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SUSE / Novell :: Upgrade Q - Opensuse 11.0 To 11.3?

Dec 17, 2010

For the past several years I have grown fond of ver. 11.0...I have installed many programs with that verison. I have checked out the Live ver. of 11.3, and I like it allot but I'm wondering if I can some how check the software available for 11.3 to see if the same program/s are available with ver. 11.3. In other words can I run the Live CD, click on the Yast package installer and look for the same programs I have with ver. 11.0 ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Novell IPrint On Version 11.1

Jan 16, 2009

With OpenSUSE 10.3 iPrint was working. I was printing to a Novell iPrint-server and had no problems at all. Now i upgrade til OpenSUSE11.1 and now iPrint does not work at all. I downloaded the lates iPrint Client that was released 13.januar 2009 and tried to install. It claims i miss "". I searche for this file in Yast and find Glitz-i586 Installed it and now iPrint Client did install witout any errors. Now i try to install an iPrint-printer that have a Linux-driver attached. Firefox crash everytime i try to install this printer. I tried both as normal user and as root but with same result. I know the normal respons is "Novell doesnt support OpenSUSE but only SLED". I dont like SLED because its not near as good as OpenSUSE. SLED does not support any multimedia and i had several unresolveable problems with it. Novell develop Novell Client for OpenSUSE, so why not iPrint Client?

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SUSE / Novell :: Allow Root Login Using Kde 4.5.3 On Opensuse 11.3?

Nov 6, 2010

How can I allow root logins using kde gui 4.5.3 on opensuse 11.3 ? Currently the gui says "root logons are not allowed" Rpms installed see listing [1]

# rpm -qa | grep -i kde |sort


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SUSE / Novell :: How To Get MAKE Command - OpenSUSE 10.3

Jun 14, 2010

I am using openSUSE 10.3 and the pc is DELL Optiplex 780. The network devices is not supported by openSUSE 10.3 but I may have found it's module. But I can't "MAKE INSTALL" it as my installation does not have MAKE command.

I have selected "Install All" during my installation. Linux version is

What is the package name for the MAKE command? So that I can find it so that I can install it into my openSUSE 10.3?

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