OpenSUSE Install :: Peculiar Boot Options Screen?

Dec 4, 2009

I use Suse Linux 11.1 on a VMware Workstation 6.5.3, and I've run into the following strange behavior: occasionally (happened two-three times in the last several days), I get instead of the usual boot options screen, which is of green color, a screen with the same content but which is predominantly blue; in fact it contains a sort of snowscape with a penguin walking across it. So far I haven't noticed anything wrong with my machine; but I'm curious if anybody else has noticed it. Could it be some malware

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Removes IBM Boot Manager Options?

Jul 21, 2010

Previous installation (11.1) left boot manager intact and I had three options on menu. Windoze, OS/2 and Opensuse. They all worked and if I selected Opensuse I then got a Grub boot screen with normal options from which I could start opensuse as usual.

New installation of 11.3 I selected MBR option but think I must have left grub as the boot method. I now boot into the grub screen but if I select OS/2 there is only Windoze left on menu and no OS/2.

What should I use to put back the booting to how it was? Can I use opensuse program to do it or should I use OS/2 partition manager?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Ubuntu No Longer Shows In Boot Options

Mar 10, 2011

Everything went fine but whenever I rebooted, Ubuntu 10.10 was not an option in the boot list. However, Windows shows up and boots just fine. I am currently tri booting (not sure if that's the correct term) Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.10, and OpenSuse each on a hard drive of their own. In the dolphin file manager I can still see all the files for Ubuntu so I know it was not partitioned over or deleted.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Forgot Root Password - No Access To Boot Options

Jun 27, 2011

I forgot root password. I read that I have to access boot options during start up. I have two choices "desktop", "failsafe". There is boot options below but I cannot access it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Two Added Options In Boot Loader With Identical Names Like Failsafe And Normal?

Nov 1, 2010

I am new to Linux. When I installed some applications and something through package manager,Now I get two added options in boot loader with identical names like failsafe and normal. what is that?multiple kernel?

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Ubuntu :: Changing Boot Options \ Streamline Boot Screen/GRUB Menu?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to streamline my boot screen/GRUB Menu. I know what I want it to look like (grub_wanted.jpg), and I think I know how to get it by uninstalling a couple of things, (synaptic.jpg). Now I have too many items on the screen, and it looks cluttered to me (grub.jpg).

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Ubuntu :: Usb Boot Screen Showing Options But Not Booting?

Jun 11, 2011

I am an absolute beginner and have been trying to run Ubuntu 11.04 directly from a sandisk cruzerblade 8 gb. I followed instructions on the Ubuntu site and installed the 11.04 iso on the drive using Uiversal USB installer with Persistence.

PROBLEM-When i reboot, the options screen of UBUNTU shows up and when i choose the first option-"RUN UBUNTU FROM USB" dont remember exact wording. but the problem is nothing happens after that and i am back with the same screen no matter how many times i try.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Screen: Duplicate Options And Its Recovery Mode

Jan 5, 2010

i'm a recent convert from windows and my first few days with this os have been great. to think i've been living in the dark all this time...

anyway, my question is about the boot screen in bios. normally it booted up thusly:

ubuntu-linux generic [...]
ubuntu-linux generic [...] (recovery)
memory thing
windows xp

but today, the boot screen showed two instances of ubuntu generic, its recovery mode, and the memory thing (i forget what it's called exactly. do you know what i mean?). i installed the os only once.

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Ubuntu :: GDM Theme Boot Screen Change (Options Missing)

Feb 25, 2011

Using LTS 10.04. How do I change my boot splash and login screen? (in the past I would). It was just system->admin->login screen but all the options are missing! See attached screen shots.

Tried to reinstall it.
xxx@xxxx:~$ sudo apt-get install gdm-themes
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package gdm-themes is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
E: Package gdm-themes has no installation candidate

Ubuntu changed something and I don't what it is (I cant even figure what to search for)
- The first screen is my desktop system->admin->login screen
- The 2nd is what should be there. system->admin->login screen

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Options - Can't Select Any Of The Menu Options Except For Boot From First Hard Drive

Mar 19, 2010

So I have the burned ubuntu CD, and I'm attempting to install it on a system that has one HDD with XP/Vista on it, and another that is completely formatted and unpartitioned. However, when I boot to the ubuntu CD, I can use the menus from the bottom, and select the language when initially prompted, but I can't select any of the menu options except for boot from first hard drive.

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Slackware :: Install Windows And Now Cannot Enter In Slack ( No Start Screen With Options OS )

Nov 8, 2010

I have Windows 7 and Slackware on my laptop, but I reinstall Windows 7 and now I cannot enter at Slackware ( I don't have anymore start screen to choose OS). Do I need to install again Slackware or just lilo and how to do that?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Get To The Boot Screen Of The Installation DVD

Apr 18, 2009

I am trying to install the latest openSUSE 11.1 64-bit using an installation DVD downloaded.

I have my boot order set up so that the computer tries to boot from the CD/DVD drive first.

When I restart, I get the following:

0: NO emulation system type 00
1: NO emulation system type 00
Enter a choice:

Regardless of whether I enter 0 or 1, the system boots into the regular Windows vista.

Here are my system details:

Laptop: HP Pavilion dv4t-1300 Entertainment PC.
Processor: Intel Core2Duo.
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit.
Memory: 4 GB

It's a new computer with a recovery partition of 13 or so GB and a single partition of (250GB - 13 or so GB). I want to use the openSUSE re-partitioning system during the install.

I did search for this problem. Even though I found some similar problems, I couldn't find anything where, a person couldn't get to the boot screen at all.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gfx Boot Loading Screen?

Dec 26, 2009

Testing a Laptop with a live CD proved the gfxboot menu and loading screen during loading. After installing, I am seeing the "behind the scenes" of linux loading and showing done in green.

How do I get the graphical system loading screen shown?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Getting KDE Boot - Login Screen / Fix It?

Feb 6, 2010

I've been running openSUSE 11.2 within a VM using VirtualBox 3.1.2 with Vista x64 as the host OS for quite some time now with good results. Yesterday I went to reboot the VM and VBox made some comment about 3D not working and needing to install the VBox guest additions (which were already installed). After rebooting and seeing the openSUSE splash screen, I now get a solid purplish display with no activity. I've tried running "sax2 -r", re-installing guest additions, running the repair CD, and other things but this problem has not gone away. Aside from reloading the OS, does anyone have ideas on how I might fix this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Blank Screen On Boot?

Nov 13, 2010

A surprising thing has happened! I have been happily using open suse 11.3 on an HP probook 4320s laptop. On reboot this morning, the screen starts out fine, but progressively fades into white and the boot does not seem to happen (at least there is no sound, since I cannot see anything). I am left with a completely white screen. Things are fine with the failsafe mode.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot 11.4 - Screen Goes Black?

Jun 2, 2011

I very frustrated at this point. I have tried to boot OpenSUSE 11.4 from the usb flash drive iso and CD iso. After I restart my computer the boot menu comes up and I click the boot option and the screens loads a bit and then goes black. I have also tried the text installer, but that doesn't work either. I know the problem must be my graphics chip. I have a integrated Intel HD Graphics chip. My laptop is a Gateway NV79. How can I get the graphics to work?

I've tried everything I can think off. I'm not the most computer savvy so if someone replies I would appreciate a dumb-down explanation on what to do with clear steps, if possible. Note: I'm dual booting with windows 7. The graphics problem is not just OpenSUSE. I tried Ubuntu 11.04, Kubuntu 11.04, Fedora 15 and they all have the same problems. In Fedora 15, I was able to boot in but I got an error message that said Gnome 3 fallback and I couldn't get the graphics to change to standard mode

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recover From 11.1 Boot To Black Screen?

Dec 12, 2009

I recently installed 11.1 via unetbootin from the network onto an old Sony VAIO laptop. After the installation completed, I suppose the OS started to boot, but I was presented with a black screen. I heard "chimes." The black screen does not provide any visible feedback from mouse or keyboard input. I hard rebooted and was presented with an interesting background graphic (grayish, I think) that faded to the same black screen.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen With Regular Boot In 11.2?

Dec 26, 2009

A few days ago I updated my openSUSE installation on my Acer Aspire 5920G notebook from 11.1 to 11.2, but I haven't been able to get any kind of graphical shell loaded. Using the regular "desktop" option in GRUB results in a black screen. seems my PC is still responsive though as hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del like a mad man results in the PC getting rebooted after a while. I had the same "black screen" issue with the KDElive CD and the regular installation CD (Yeah, I should have known better than to do the upgrade...).

When opting for "Failsafe" in GRUB, I reach a command line. Before that it seems to try to load GNOME (you get to see the cursor) but fails at it a few times in a row. When I try to start GDM afterwards from the command line, it gets into a loop in which it tries to load, then crashes and then tries to load again, endlessly.I have installed the newest NVIDIA drivers "the hard way", and my card (NVIDIA 8600M GT) is on the list of supported devices on the NVIDIA website. SaX2 seems to work OK with it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Re-boot/shutdown Black Screen?

Jan 6, 2010

I have been trying to fix this for some time, on and off, and have been unable to, I have also ben unable to find a solution in the forums.I have installed openSUSE11.2 GNOME on a laptop, the install went fine, and it runs great, except for two problems:When I start up the splash screen doesn't show (this isn't really important, and I am happy to watch as everything is loaded)When I shutdown/reboot the computer freezes and I have to use the power button to switch off.This doesn't happen every time I shutdown, but most of the time.The freeze happens at different points of shutdown, so I don't know where to find what is causing the problem.As I mentioned point 1 is not really important, although I would like to know why this is happening, but problem 2 is very important.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Longer Get GRUB's Boot Screen

Jan 28, 2010

I've run into a strange problem recently. My primary OS right now is Windows 7, and OpenSUSE is secondary. I had GRUB as the bootloader, and everything seemed fine, but I ran into one problem in Windows 7: one program refused to work correctly with ATI forced anti-aliasing on, but it is needed by others (or else edges look jagged).So I decided to install ATI Tray Tools. But it seems that Windows 7 is being evil and won't let install drivers that their creators didn't pay Microsoft for (thank goodness that's not the case in Linux). That means I had to use a driver overrider program, and that means that it had to change the Windows 7 BCD options. And that's where bootloaders kick in. It seems that Windows 7 is too lazy to check for its BCD on other than active partitions, so it doesn't allow the overrider to function.

So what I did was change GRUB to boot Windows 7 with makeactive flag. The problem now is - it won't deactivate! I no longer get GRUB's boot screen, it just boots to BCD directly. So my question is - is there a way to deactivate (or, rather, reactivate the /boot partition) after Windows 7 shuts down or restarts automatically? Obviously I don't want to use GPartEd each time I want to boot to Linux.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change The Boot Splash Screen?

Jan 31, 2010

how to change the boot splash screen in Ubuntu (it's using xsplash) but since openSUSE is most likely a bit different, i would like to find out how i can change it here, on openSUSE 11.2

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Splash At Boot And Different Screen At Shutting Down?

Mar 15, 2010

I have never been able to see the splash screen, something that I'd like. I have checked the options on the bootloader and it says "splash=silent" (that's disabled?). I found it confusing, because the ubuntu kernel boots with "splash" but when I try that option on OpenSuSE 11.2 it doesn't.Also when I shut down the laptop the screen goes crazy, only the two top cms shows "something" which are blinking and crazy green and white console words moving from one place to another so fast I can't even been able to read what it actually says.Either way, the laptop shuts down without any problem (?). I think is the normal shutdown process (without splash) but it's a bit perturbing. I've had had a couple of kind of "aesthetics" issues, but far from critical. My overall experience with OpenSuSE after 4 or 5 years being "debianized" have been very nice .

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 M4 Installed - Blank Screen At Boot?

Mar 28, 2010

Since 11.2 installed but shows blank screen at boot despite booting into runlevel 3 with acpi=off and noapic, I decided to try 11.3 M4 again.Media check is OK for 11.3 M4.Boot from MBR. GRUB menu shows Ubuntu and Windows 7 as well as openSUSE 11.3 desktop default and 11.3 failsafe. Both opensuse11.3 default and 11.3 failsafe return a blank screen despite the following boot options:

33 acpi=off noacpiI still cannot get to a terminal to run sax2. I read from a thread of opensuseforums (Opensuse 11.2 Blank Screen) where similar problem was solved using the correct driver which is actually "ati", NOT "radeon" for ATI Technologies Radeon Xpress 200M.Then because both Windows and Ubuntu boot fine from GRUB menu, it occurs to me I should boot up Ubuntu and try to locate openSUSE's /etc/X11/xorg.conf in order to edit the file and change the driver to "ati".In Ubuntu, xorg.conf of opensuse 11.3 M4 shows:

Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"


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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen After Boot Menu?

Apr 2, 2010

i've just tried to install openSUSE on to a spare hdd, i've also got windows 7 on another. After installing everything and the computer went to reboot the screen just went black and didn't restart. After restarting it myself, i turned the computer on and got to a menu that says:


When i tried to go to openSUSE it seemed to work and a long list of text came up but after a few seconds it went to a blank screen. The same thing happens when i go to failsafe. so i'm not really sure what to do, i would have tried a few things i've found from searching but can't get to the command prompt on failesafe.

I've got an ati readon hd 4750 video card.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Starts To Boot Then Blank Screen And Nothing?

Apr 18, 2010

I have tried two distros - Mandriva and OpenSuse. Both provide the same results, though Mandriva booted...but still the same problem, after installing blank screen comes up and nothing. Keyboard touch bad, mouse nothing happens. I would prefer openSuse but may have to switch.

Acer 7740 17" laptop
Intel i3-330M Chipset
4Gig DDR3 RAM 1066
Intel Integrated HD Video 128MB

Install Win7 64-Bit no issues, wiped and installed Linux and I cannot get past this blank screen. Installation works, no problem installed packages etc. When coming up on 1st boot, login - boom nothing? Searching the web and I suspect the Intel graphics are the problem but I'm not sure.

I bought this laptop to put Linux on it solely for a personal project of using Linux for a year. I'm an IT professional for 23 years and comfortable with CLI.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub - Not Able To Boot 11.3 / Screen Blank?

Aug 1, 2010

I installed 11.3 as a new install over 10.3, kept the $home and windows partitions, and let it reformat the other two partitions. NO disk partitioning structure was changed.

I did get a warning that GRUB over 128GB might not be able to boot.

I did enable the MBR.

GRUB menu does come up, but upon selection of SUSE 11.3 entry the computer screen blanks, and nothing happens. Selecting Windows does work upon power-up.

I did not have this 128GB issue with 10.3. What are my options? I am really afraid to install 11.3 on production machines now (running 11.2).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Black Screen Hang At Boot - 11.3

Aug 2, 2010

I've down loaded the live CD for SUSE 11.3 and, using isohybrid and dd, I put the contents onto a USB stick and made it bootable. All good so far.

I then installed SUSE on one of the partitions on my hard disk (Windows is also on the disk). I set 4GB for SWAP, 16 GB for ROOT and the rest ~270 for /HOME.

I set the bootloader to be installed in the MBR.

The installation completed with no problems indicated.

I was asked to reboot and did so, removing the usb stick so that 11.3 would boot.
The reboot failed! I was presented with a black screen and nothing else happened.

I tried again, selecting openSUSE 11.3 from the boot menu. - Again a black screen shortly after pressing enter.

I can boot in Failsafe mode and then login with text prompt. I can't boot into runlevel 3 (same problem - black screen)

Does anyone know whether this is a problem with network configuration or graphics?

I have a notebook with ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5650 graphics card and
ATHEROS ar8132 ethernet controller.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Menu Removal On Boot Screen?

Sep 1, 2010

I recently upgraded from openSUSE 11.2/Gnome to openSUSE 11.3/Gnome

The instructions are followed is as below:-
How To Upgrade OpenSUSE 11.2 To 11.3 (Desktop & Server) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

I still see 11.2,11.2 safe mode start up menus on boot, i would like to remove these menus.

Would removing these menus affect stability

Also how do diagnose any left over trash ,non applicable software left over from 11.2

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OpenSUSE Install :: Stop Boot Screen AND RESTART?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a small question for you my friends."HOW CAN STOP BOOT SCREE AND RESTART ,WHAT KEYS ARE NEED?"I want to say thisC starts and I want to stop in whatever one point to read the messsage ,especially when I see "failed".I have 2 points with failed I can't have enough time because it's going fast.Of course I read the boot messages from /var/log but they are too long and to be honest evan I used in "gedit" the option "find" to search of raws with "failed" I can find some ,but other not.That's I think when PC start and if I can stop/PAUSE the boot process using some key combination I note and after I cancel "PAUSE" and PC continue the booting process.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Making Fancy Boot Screen?

May 19, 2011

i used sle11 brother makes it's bootscreen diffrent like walking penguins on the screen.can i make the same thing on opensuse 11.4?

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