OpenSUSE Install :: How To Uninstall The GNOME 3.0

Apr 26, 2011

I am running Open Suse 11.4 and I am wanting to uninstall GNOME 3.0, can it be done and have the system go back to the orginal GNOME? If so what do I need to do...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove OpenSUSE On Dual Boot System

Sep 5, 2010

I would like to remove openSUSE (11.3) from my dual boot (/Windows) system. In the old days, the install CD used to have an option for that, but now my DVD doesn't have anything, or perhaps I overlooked?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Error - Config Defaults For GNOME For GNOME Power Manager Have Not Been Installed Correctly

Mar 4, 2010

Things were running fine until GNOME misbehaved;

GNOME failed to load telling me:

Install error, Configuration defaults for GNOME power manager have not been installed correctly.

So I


To the shell and check the logs in gdm and find this:

Could not ask power manager if user can suspend, launch helper exited with unknown return code 0.

So I try


To see if another user will get the desktop; I get the error

Cant create etc/passwd no space left on device.

So I


And get the following

I insert a usb drive to prepare for back up; Run


On the shell to get the usb device name; Then run


To mount the device.

I end up with:

Cant create lock file /etc/mtab~ 4610 No space left on device(use -n flag to override)

So, I


And see 9 partitionitions


Again to check which ones are loaded at boot up time and get

plus some other file systems mounted at boot up, but not mapping to any physical partitionition.

I try


On partition9 and get warnings because its mounted, so I chicken out and try


And run into the error:

cant create lock file /etc/mtab~4832 no space left on device (use -n flag to override)

Good thing is there is a


Since space is a problem, I


On partition6 which is not mounted at boot up time and try to


I still get the error

cant create lock file /etc/mtab~4735 no space left on device (use -n flag to override


For package update tells me

cant open /var/run/ in mode w


For power management tells me its not even recognised as a command.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Uninstall Software

Apr 9, 2011

I have installed Gnu cash in Opensuse 11.4 but how can I uninstall this programme

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OpenSUSE Install :: Total Uninstall To Start Again?

Feb 5, 2011

For various reasons I want to completely uninstall Suse 11.3, including the stuff in GRUB, and start again,without upsetting my other distro which is also in the GRUB options. This so I can do a fresh clean inatall when I'm ready.I know I could just reformat the relevant partitions, but I guess that doesn't deal with the GRUB issue?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove KDE Completely?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to streamline a desktop install into a more streamlined server-esk install. I have edited the inittab to change the runlevel at startup to 3. How do I now remove KDE completely? Also are there any other large programs I need to uninstall?

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OpenSUSE :: Shows Pdf In Blank After Install And Uninstall Kde4

Apr 9, 2010

After you install and uninstall kde4, okular shows me pdf in blank

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall Ndiswrapper After Kernel Update

Sep 8, 2010

I updated the Kernel to First problem was in order to do that I had to uninstall ndiswrapper. Now I have multiple entries in the bootloader, the default, the desktop, and the openSUSE 11.3 -2.6.34-12. Since I am new to linux what am I suppose to do with all those entries?

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OpenSUSE Install :: UNINSTALL UBUNTU (keeping It And Windows)

May 19, 2011

I use to have windows and opensuse 11.4 with dual booting with no issues at all I have installed ubuntu and now I want to get rid of it, but the boot and grub are from the ubutnu Is there any way to do a clean uninstall and do not loose the dual boot I had before?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Resizing Partition / Formatting / Uninstall / Reinstall?

Mar 31, 2011

So I recently installed openSUSE KDE (latest build, don't know the number?). total linux noob, been a windows user all my life. right now i'm dual-booting between win 7 and opensuse KDE. i originally alotted for a parsley 10gb only to use as a backup whenever my windows inevitably starts having problems and i have no access or means to repair it/ use as a secure place to scan my windows partition and external drives for viruses. i want to expand my opensuse partition.

so my problem is this: i have a 200gb windows partition, a 15 gb partition (U) i set up to do file swapping cross-os (which i couldnt figure out how to work, btw. formatted it in FAT32). and my 10 gb suse partition (O). i tried using the built-in KDE partition manager to shrink or completely do away with U, and expand the suse partition. the problem is my suse partition is ecapsulated by an extended partition, whatever that is, and suse has its own 1.5 gb "swap" partition. after shrinking U i tried expanding O, but it said i was already at max size. tried expanding extended, also didnt work, same goes for the 1.5 gb suse swap partition.

i read in another post that i could do the resizing via some sort of bootable disc, the only problem is that i have no access to cd or dvd blanks, and i have no usb thumb drives just 2 external hd's - 1tb and 250gb. so how can i go about expanding my opensuse partition? the easiest way i could think of is to just reformat/repartition from windows, and reinstall opensuse from my boot dvd. only problem with that is i cant SEE my suse partition from windows...

i imagine i could also just boot from the dvd and run the installer again, and use the partitioner built into the installer, but i didn't really feel comfortable with it the first time around. im know my way around a computer but all of a sudden it blindsided me with a ton of options i know nothing about, it was a little too complicated.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Change Default Session From Gnome To Gnome-fallback?

Sep 12, 2011

Does anyone knows how to do this for all users with one command?Or which file i have to edit to do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cant Uninstall Opensuse 11.3

Jul 27, 2010

i installed opensuse on my acer laptop wich has win xp home sp3. but as i only have a 70gb HD i installed Opensuse on my external WD HDD 1TB i have a 30 GB partition on it so i put it there.but my problem came when i started my comp without my HDD plugged in and i couldnt load windows. so i was going to uninstall it and create a partition on my laptops HD to put Opensuse on. so after trying to get it removed and getting some info from other forums i repaired the windows MBR which allowed me to boot up windows.

but now after trying to format the partition opensuse was on, my comp can no longer see it. i can not format it with the WD formatting software or through windows computer managment. i have tried partition manager but it cannot read my whole HDD infact it doesnt see any of it, and i tried using the install disc at start up but it is unable to even install on that partition as it cannot use that partition.i also tried with the win xp disc at start up but it also cant access the HDDi am also a noob at linux systems and only installed as i wanted to see what it was like and learn about the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Uninstall OpenSUSE 11.4

Sep 1, 2011

I am selling my laptop soon, so I decided to try and factory reset it. I couldn't, even though I had been able to before, because Windows couldn't reboot because openSUSE was my GRUB menu (I booted it from CD). How do I uninstall openSUSE and get it back just to loading Windows 7 at start up? I'm a total newbie at this so please explain so I can understand.

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Fedora :: Uninstall Gnome Games In F-14?

Nov 6, 2010

How do I uninstall Gnome Games in F-14, when there isn't a little box beside "gnome games" in Add/Remove software..?

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Fedora :: FC13 - Possible To Uninstall KDE And Just Keep Gnome

May 5, 2011

I have FC 13 with both KDE and Gnome loaded. Over the last couple of years of using linux. I've found Gnome better suitable for my needs than KDE and now I'm stuck!

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General :: Why Gnome Depends On So Much Stuff And How To Uninstall It

Jan 13, 2010

I'm new to Linux so still learning it. I have installed Debian/GNU 5.0 on my VMware Server with Gnome 2.28 as desktop environment. So I'm wondering why so much variable stuff like CD recorders, image editors, games is installed with Gnome. But this is inly a half of the problem! Gnome depends on them! So when I want to uninstall them via Synaptic Package Manager it asks me to uninstall Gnome too!

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Debian :: Uninstall Gnome And Keep Mate And System Clean

Mar 30, 2016

I've been testing Mate since couple of weeks on my Jessie and now I'm convinced that is the perfect DE for me. So I would like to uninstall Gnome 3 without disturbing Mate and my system as well because both DE share many dependencies. If this is very risky I would like at least get rid of all gnome packages which are not shared with Mate.

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Debian :: Browser - Uninstall Epiphany And _not_ Gnome

Jun 19, 2009

Hi all, i used synaptic to uninstall epiphany and it also removed gnome-destop along with it, resulting in me having to reinstall(AGAIN!) Ofcourse my intention was to uninstall epiphany and _not_ gnome, so is there a way to take epiphany off of my system with out affecting gnome?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Gnome After The Minimal Server ( Console Based ) Install?

Feb 2, 2011

Tried to install Gnome after the minimal server (console based) install.I would like to install a graphical GUI now What to do? wich packages? tried zypper gnome-desktop (or something similar) but it wasn't enough.

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Debian Configuration :: Wheezy I386 - No Internet Access After Uninstall Gnome

Jun 20, 2015

I'm using Debian Wheezy i386.

I've tried to uninstall gnome as below :

Code: Select all# aptitude purge `dpkg --get-selections | grep gnome | cut -f 1`
# aptitude -f install
# aptitude purge `dpkg --get-selections | grep deinstall | cut -f 1`
# aptitude -f install

And gnome successfully removed.

After reboot, system started in tty and I plugged Wired Network cable to access Internet but I have no Internet!

Content of "/etc/apt/sources.list" :
Code: Select alldeb wheezy main
deb-src wheezy main

Output of `ifconfig` :

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OpenSUSE Install :: When It Boots First See The Welcome Screen, Then The OpenSUSE Installer, Whether Select The Live (GNOME) Option?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a SONY PCG-R505TE laptop with an external CD/DVD, it connects via what I think is a PCMCIA card, the drive came with the laptop and functions fine. I currently have Windows XP running on this laptop, but it's very slow.I downloaded openSUSE-11.3-GNOME-LiveCD-i686.iso and sucessfully burned it to a CD.I have the laptop bios set to boot from CD, and it appears to be doing that no problem. When it boots I first see the welcome screen, then the openSUSE Installer, whether I select the Live (GNOME) option, or the Installation.. it loads the kernel, and then loads the KIWI boot systemit is on the third event, waiting for CD/DVD dvices to appear... that something seems to fail... I then see Failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drivethen a rebootexception and it reboots in 120 seconds.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Updates Through Install / Remove Software In Gnome

Aug 1, 2011

i'm trying to install my updates through install/remove software in gnome opensuse, but when I click apply everything just disappears, can I install them some other way?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Live Gnome-cd To Create An Usb Install Piece?

Jul 18, 2010

I am trying to create an usb install from an gnome-live cd. All I have done is not working:

fedora liveusb-creator
linuxlive usb creator

All I can get are errors saying cang find kernel or error like that. I have used linux and windows environment. The iso I am using is fine, I am sure because I have instaled it on two pcs. Iso gnome-live >> usb (bootable to install)

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4, Gnome 3 New Install / No NTFS Partitions Detected?

Apr 24, 2011

I've just installed 11.4 and then updated to gnome 3. I've noticed that Nautilus doesn't appear to mount my windows NTFS partition. I find this odd because both Ubuntu and Fedora detect and mount it just fine in Gnome 3 (I've been trying all 3 this week).

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OpenSUSE :: Install KDE Alongside Gnome Post-install?

Jun 20, 2011

When i installed 11.4 i selected gnome as my desktop. Now i want to give KDE (suse´s default desktop) a shot. Witch packages do i have to install to have a FULL KDE enviroment as if i would have selected KDE when i installed suse? Not just the desktop, but kde apps, themes, etc. Or even better. Is there a "Meta package" that installs everything?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Keyring Socket - In New Install Of 11.2 ?

Mar 16, 2010

I just installed 11.2 and have this warning in messages:

gnomesu-pam-backend: gkr-pam: couldn't unlock 'login' keyring: 255

Also, there's no login screen and I can't remember how to configure for that.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Currently Running GNOME Want To Install KDE Desktop

Apr 29, 2011

I am running GNOME but want the option to use KDE. which package would I need to install KDE4 desktop.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Vuze Using Opensuse 11.4 Gnome?

Jun 1, 2011

I upgraded from 11.2 gnome to 11.4 gnome. I have not found a way to install Vuze. It does not show up in Software Management. I have read that Packman repository is needed, which I have. I have been searching for some instructions, but only find postings about Vuze that has already been installed.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Gnome Desktop After KDE Install (11.2)

Apr 4, 2010

I installed KDE from a CD. Then decided I wanted to have Gnome has an option. I installed "gnome-desktop" via software manager (as per some other instructions on the forum) but I still have no option to choose Gnome when logging in.

What all do I choose to get the complete Gnome environment? Or is it better (& easier?) to reinstall with a DVD?

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OpenSUSE :: Install Without Gnome / Kde?

Jun 2, 2010

is it possible to install suse with just xfce or do you need to install gnome as well, or kde. Once the new update hits i might just install the system new. Thats why kinda curious about this.

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