OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Through Grub Legacy?

Apr 29, 2011

I have successfully dual booted Opensuse and Windows7 successfully, but I have to load it from the CD choosing the boot from hard drive option.

If I do not have the Opensuse CD inserted it goes to Grub Legacy and gives me the option to boot from Arch Linux, or Windows. There is no option for Opensuse and when i hit the Archl Linux option I get errors and it brings me to the /rmfa (I think) command line. Selecting Windows lets me boot to into Windows successfully.

I checked the /boot/grub/menu.list in Opensuse and everything seems to be fine, but these options do not appear on my boot loader.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Version Of GRUB / GRUB-legacy To Boot Any Recent Windows 64 Beyond XP (Vista Or 7)

Dec 20, 2010

I've been using Linux for over a decade, so no need to worry about the obvious. I'm positive that I have my partitions/install correct. What has me baffled is that Fedora 14, which uses GRUB 0.97 (GRUB legacy) - boots Windows flawlessly every single time on the same hardware, but Ubuntu's (or the upstream Debian's) GRUB legacy do not - even though they are based on the same upstream code from the GNU Savannah servers.

No matter what I've tried I cannot get the Debian or Ubuntu version of GRUB/GRUB-legacy to boot any recent Windows 64 beyond XP (Vista or 7). All that it does is resets the computer when Windows attempts to boot, without an error. GRUB is notoriously difficult to compile, so before I try to compile code from RedHat's archives - any thoughts,experiences, similar issues - whatever?

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Software :: Can't Boot Ubuntu 10.04 With Legacy Grub

Jun 30, 2010

I've Win XP installed on sda1 initially. Then I installed Centos on sdb (boot partition on sdb1 and root on sdb2). I chose to install grub to MBR of sda. The Centos installation automatically created an entry in the menu.lst file and I can successfully boot either into XP or Centos.

Now I went ahead and installed Ubuntu 10.04 to sdb4. Both Centos and Ubuntu are sharing the swap partition at sdb3. When I was installing Ubuntu, I chose not to install grub because I wanted the grub already installed to boot all three. After Ubuntu was installed, I logged into Centos and added the following entry in its menu.lst [so I modified (sdb1)/boot/grub/menu.lst ]

title Ubuntu 10.04
root (hd1,3)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic ro root=/dev/sdb4 splash quiet
initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic


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Debian Installation :: Can I Uninstall GRUB-2 And Install Legacy

Apr 5, 2011

I am new to Debian. I have installed Debian on sda1, grub installed in /dev/sda . /dev/sda6 is SalixOs.

My fdisk -l report is this code...

I boot from sda, Debian recognised windows Xp installed on sdb1, but when I choose to boot from it, it simply reboots.

What could be the reason ? I am a newbie, please be patient with me.

I have solve the problem by installing EasyBCD in WinXp and added the Linux entries to it and booting from sdb.(changed in BIOS)

So, is it possible to uninstall GRUB-2 and install GRUB-Legacy ? Would it work on Debian-Squeeze ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without Grub2 (use Existing Fine Working Grub Legacy)

Oct 2, 2010

I have a dual boot config with

sda1 /boot
sda2 Win7
sda3 /
sda4 Truecrypt Partition

i have grub1 working and chaonloading truecrypt loader if i choose "win7" in grub1 menu I want to install a new kubuntu (no upgrade) I have read that that there are problems with grub2 and truecrypt actually a bug that grub2 dont chainloads truecrypt boot loader many ppl seem to have problems with grub2 then i read somewhere that ubuntu install is not asking for grub2 to be installed and just installing it. is this right?

i think at least for the alternative install cd its wrong. i installed it on another pc and it asked me! it works for win7 and Ubuntu and i guess its grub2 but there is no truecrypt installed anyway, i wanted to ask is the live cd installer asks me for grub2 and what is the best and easiest way to stay with my grub and just change the menu.lst to the new kernel (i guess there will be one)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Upgrade Legacy VGA With (less) Legacy VGA?

Jan 2, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon 9200 AGP card. I plan to upgrade it mainly because the 2D performance in KDE (3.x without Beryl or Compiz) is just bad. Since we are talking about a relatively old desktop, I do not want to completely upgrade it. So, I want to just upgrade the VGA card. I have found the following cards: Nvidia GeForce 6200

Radeon HD 2400 Pro
Radeon X1600 Pro Avivo Edition

Now, the simple question: Their prices are just OK (just a couple of � separate them). Which chip is better? And which chip is better supported from our beloved distro?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Does Not Boot / Just Showing A Black Screen Written 'Grub'?

Feb 26, 2010

I've been running openSuse 11.2 for a while on my notebook.Today I turned it off at work and came home. When I tried to turn it on, it boots, shows a black screen written 'GRUB' and then NOTHING. It doesn't complete the boot process.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Commands Make System Boot To Grub Shell Instead Of Grub Menu?

Apr 17, 2010

I started another thread about this to get help booting into openSUSE after Fedora rewrote my bootloader and deleted all other entries. I managed to fix it but I never did find out why the following commands caused my system to boot to the grub shell instead of the grub menu.

root (hd0,3)
setup (hd0)

Can anyone explain to me why these commands caused my system to boot directly to a grub shell? It's as if there were no /boot/grub/menu.lst files for it to use, but after I got everything back to normal, the files were still there.

If it helps, this is how the drive was setup before and now, except Fedora was on /dev/sda4 and has since been deleted.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 1 262 2104483+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda2 263 13316 104856255 83 Linux
/dev/sda3 * 13317 14621 10482412+ 83 Linux

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Fedora :: Can't Dual Booting With Grub (legacy) - Black Screen Grub Error 27

Jul 31, 2011

is it ever possible to do dual booting with grub(legacy) ever at all!. it is possible provided i take some pain, here is the link of that post [URL] i was coward and weak i didn't try that out then. but i did try it out. now so if u haven't seen the post .... I've installed Fedora 15 desktop(Gnome) with physical Logical volume called vg_fedora lv_root(ext4) ,lv_swap and lv_home(ext4), with 500MB /boot partition and had about 200GB free hard disk space ... so i wanted to install Scientific Linux 6.1 (because our school uses RHEL 6.1)

so, while running the installer I made (added) a logical volume lv_Scientific with ext4 FS and made its mount point (/) and used the MBR /boot which overwrote the Fedora /boot (completely OK and was as expected) i restarted after installation i got SL log in and as per the directions of the thread i copied the boot stanza from grub.conf of fedora 15 (which i already had copied and pasted into a text file and copied it from there)and pasted it into grub.conf of SL you may ask why did i choose same physical LVM too save swap space ... if i had made another physical LVM i had to make another swap ( i like LVM ... its cool)

completely unexpected happened Fedora now boots but not SL when grub starts i get this error 27 unrecognised commad and when i press <enter> i get grub menu with SL and fedora when i press on Fedora it works well i get my fedora login and i did login .. everything works fine but when i press SL it goes to the previous black screen grub error 27


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Fedora Installation :: Replace Grub 2 With Grub Legacy?

Jun 2, 2011

I had Fedora 14 (x86) and Windows XP with Grub Legacy (Grub) for dual boot in my desktop.

I installed Debian and Grub 2 replaced Grub in the MBR.

Must I reinstall F14 to recover Grub as bootloader or is there another lighter way to do it?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Install Legacy Nvidia Driver

Mar 13, 2011

i tried installing the driver through the one click install (SDB:NVIDIA drivers - openSUSE) and through zipper, but system info says that the display driver is nouveau. here are my specs

opensuse 11.4
RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro

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Debian :: Replace Grub With Grub-legacy?

Jul 19, 2010

how to replace grub2 with grub-legacy hassle-free? I mean, is there any danger in doing the following procedure: purging grub2 and installing the legacy version after that? I'm using Squeeze system with ext4.

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Fedora Installation :: 13 Using GRuB 2 Or Still Uses GRuB Legacy?

May 25, 2010

Is fedora 13 using GRuB 2 or still uses GRuB legacy?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Boot / Unable To Change The Boot Records On The Drive?

Aug 18, 2010

Dual Booting my laptop and unable to change the Boot Records on the drive. Not because I dont know how, but my primary OS will fail to boot(win7).

I have drive partitioned as follows...
sda1 = Win7 system (default install)
sda2 = Win7 Main (default install)
sda3 = swap
sda4 = Extension (I think thats what its called)
sda5 = / (ext4)

What I need is a boot cd or perferably Grub installed on a 256MB Thumb drive with the options to load the installed system from sda5.

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OpenSUSE Install :: LVM - Can't Boot Into X Window - Only GRUB Command Line During Boot

Nov 4, 2010

Out of curiosity and stupidity, I configured 2 extended partitions to LVM in gparted. Now, I can't boot into X window, and there's only GRUB command line during boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clean Install 11.4 Dual Boot System Grub Error?

Apr 27, 2011

I did a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 (WIN7 TOO) and changed my Larger HD1 to the first HD. I was installing and got this error first: the boot loader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128GB The system might not boot if BIOS supports only lba24 (result is error during install grub mbr) status loc dev/sdb6

I continued with the install and then got:

Yast2 error occured
while installing GRUB ver 0.97 (640k lower/3072k upper memory)
[minimal bash-like lineediting is supported? for the first word, TAB lists possible command completition anywhere else TAB lists possible completion of a device/filename]
grub setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --force4-lba (hd0,5) (hd0,5)
Error 25
disk read error
grub> quit

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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Cannot Install Boot Loader On HP ProBook With 500 GB HD

Aug 20, 2011

I got an HP ProBook 4520s that comes with 500 GB with Windows 7.

It comes with 4 partitions: SYSTEM, the main Windows partition, HP Recovery and HT Tools.

I tried to have OpenSuse installation to resize the Windows larger partition but it said that it couldn't with this message:

"The partition on disk /dev/sda is not readable by the partitioning tool parted, which is used to change the partition table.

You can use the partitions on disk /dev/sda as they are. You can format them and assign mount points to them, but you cannot add, edit, resize, or remove partitions from that disk with this tool."

So I resized the Windows partition from Windows 7 and added 3 partitions on the empty space for Linux: /, swap and /home. Still OpenSuSE installation has shown this warning message:

"The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128 GB. The system might not boot if BIOS support only lba24 (result is error 18 during grub MBR)."

I configured OpenSuSE installation to install on those partitions but Grub could not install the boot loader with this message: "grub> setup --stage=/boot/grub/stage2 --force-lba (hd0,2) (hd0,2)

Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition grub> quit"

I already tried this in OpenSuSE 11.4 but I suspected it needed newer parted and grub versions, so I also tried OpenSuSE 12.1 milestone 3 with the same results.

The installation finishes but no Grub boot menu appears, it goes to Windows as if no Linux was installed, although the installed version is there in the 3 partitions that were created on Windows, I just cannot make them boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GRUB Trouble OpenSUSE Will Not Boot

May 20, 2011

I am having problems Loading OpenSUSE 11.04_amd64 after Installation. I Dual Boot with Windows (on dev/sda) and Linux (on dev/sdb). I have been using Ubuntu_amd64 for a while and had decided to give other Linux distros a try. I tried Debian but I ended up downloading and installing a bare-bone version and I couldn't go anywhere with it as, I am a Linux noob.

I have now downloaded and tried to install OpenSUSE 11.04. Installation was smooth but OpenSUSE will not boot. I get a black screen which says Grub Error and something like 'file not found'.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Took Over Grub Legacy?

Jul 17, 2010

I had Arch Linux installed on my machine on sda1 and the Grub legacy that came on their install image on the MBA at sda/. I just did a Ubuntu update and it wanted me to do an update and me thinking grub-install referred to grub legacy, went along with it but now I have Grub2 for my boot menu. There are a few guides on restoring Grub2 I've found but how do I put Grub back on to how I had it? (I thought installing grub legacy from Arch's usb image I have would be simple and fairly automated/easy but it won't let me without doing the previous steps of partitioning drives and selecting packages to install and such so it looks like I'm going to have to do it manually which I haven't done before).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 "upgrade From Legacy" Wants To "GRUB Install Devices"?

May 2, 2010

I've installed grub2 on 10.04, when I restarted I selected that option in the menu that seems to go for testing the chainloader. The system seemed to start ok, so I ran upgrade-from-grub-legacy. Now it's asking me for "GRUB install devices" and listing my hard drive (/dev/sda) and the 5 partitions on it as possible options. Which should I choose? I have Linux and Windoze running on this desktop,

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Fedora :: Add Btrfs Part To GRUB Legacy?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm currently running the XFCE Spin of Fedora 15 (Xedora, as I like to call it (; ) on 64 bit, so sometimes I need a 32 bit environment to try stuff out.

I recently installed Linux Mint on a partition formatted to btrfs, and this is where my problems start, as I have no idea how to add this installation to my existing GRUB configuration. The grub.cfg on the Mint partition looks like this (GRUB2 btw.):

# It is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Legacy Not Showing New OS (10.10)

Dec 18, 2010

My laptop came with Vista and I added Linux Mint 6 (based on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex) all is good for a year or so. Added Ubuntu 10.10 to my desktop, loved it, wanted to add it to my laptop...oops.

Installed the main version from a LiveCD, did the the easy multi-OS installation.

GRUB-0.97 is what boots my system though looking at boot script I do have GRUB2 somewhere.

Currently, my boot options are:

1. Mint 6

2. Mint 6 (recovered)

3. Mint 6

4. Mint 6 (recovered)

5. memtest 86+

Other operating systems

6. Vista/Longhorn loader

7. Vista/Longhorn loader

Sda7 is where Ubuntu should be installed. GPARTED says its ext3 file system and bootscript says ext4.

I did find the forum post on purging and installing GRUB2 though I'm not sure if that's what I need to do, or try to reinstall Ubuntu w/o also doing partition resizing at the same time.

The output from my bootscript:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #5 for /boot/grub/stage2 and /boot/grub/menu.lst.


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Ubuntu :: Booting Later Distros With GRUB Legacy?

May 17, 2011

It's a little silly to ask this, as I am about to try it anyway, but is it theoretically possible to use a GRUB Legacy USB boot cd to boot a distro beyond 9.04? Or do I need to get to reading about GRUB 2?EDIT: As the USB Boot CD needs to be created from the GRUB files existing inside the Distro that it is intended to boot, this is impossible. Question answered.DIT EDIT: Unless I revert to GRUB legacy inside the Distro itself. Ok. Neat. I guess I just needed a place to write it down to figure it out

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade 11.1 To 11.2 Messed Up Boot/grub?

Nov 27, 2009

I just did an upgrade from 11.1 to 11.2 and can not boot to OpenSUSE any more. That happened when the first reboot was starting after finishing the upgrade from the DVD. I tried to find the issue and use the repair system with no luck yet. Now I get no gfx for grub

The only thing I managed is to add the windows boot section for windows but I can not seem to boot to opensuse.



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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Boot Using Grub - Loading Commands?

Dec 4, 2009

I have openSUSE 11.2 and boot using GRUB. I was looking on start-up options for 11.2 and saw where it said
quiet showopts
I was wondering what they meant?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Windows Boot Not Showing In Grub?

Jan 20, 2010

After shutting down linux the first time on suse 11.2 the grub loader won't show me the option to boot windows. I tried using wine and dosemulator to get to windows and it doesn't work because I don't know the file name to open windows.

Their are certain programs that I can only run in windows and I need windows open to install them.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Longer Get GRUB's Boot Screen

Jan 28, 2010

I've run into a strange problem recently. My primary OS right now is Windows 7, and OpenSUSE is secondary. I had GRUB as the bootloader, and everything seemed fine, but I ran into one problem in Windows 7: one program refused to work correctly with ATI forced anti-aliasing on, but it is needed by others (or else edges look jagged).So I decided to install ATI Tray Tools. But it seems that Windows 7 is being evil and won't let install drivers that their creators didn't pay Microsoft for (thank goodness that's not the case in Linux). That means I had to use a driver overrider program, and that means that it had to change the Windows 7 BCD options. And that's where bootloaders kick in. It seems that Windows 7 is too lazy to check for its BCD on other than active partitions, so it doesn't allow the overrider to function.

So what I did was change GRUB to boot Windows 7 with makeactive flag. The problem now is - it won't deactivate! I no longer get GRUB's boot screen, it just boots to BCD directly. So my question is - is there a way to deactivate (or, rather, reactivate the /boot partition) after Windows 7 shuts down or restarts automatically? Obviously I don't want to use GPartEd each time I want to boot to Linux.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make Grub Network Boot CD

Mar 28, 2010

i was wondering if anyone knew how to make a Grub network boot cd. I would like to run openSUSE off of my server and not on my hard drive because i don't have a lot of space for the linux partitions.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot Kubuntu From 11. Grub?

Jun 11, 2010

I have installed latest kubuntu (10.04) on sda7, ext4 , and i selected the advanced feature of the installer to install kubuntu bootloader on sda7. 11.1 is on sda5 .First , it destroyed my 11.1 grub bootloader on mbr . I managed to restore it with the 11.1 installation DVD. Now i try to boot kubuntu from the sda7 bootloader, without success . I searched the forums and tried some hints i found but found no similar problems. Here are the different entries i tried on grub (mbr) , content of the /boot/grub/menu.lst :

# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on ven. juin 11 15:41:32 CEST 2010
default 0
timeout 3
gfxmenu (hd0,4)/boot/message
##YaST - activate


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OpenSUSE Install :: Grub Not Using Saved Boot Option?

Jun 21, 2010

After giving it my best shot, I had to give up and finally decide that I need "acpi=off" added to the kernel line in grub. I have done so, saved it:

kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST950212A_5LE02797-part1

I have tried "acpi=off" "pci=noacpi". But on boot the system totally ignores this and loads the acpi support from the kernal, which shut down the USB ports. Where is this option used in Suse so that the kernel will recognize on each boot?

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