OpenSUSE Install :: Any Method To Know The Date Of Installation Of System?

Apr 5, 2010

is there any method to know the date of the installation of the system?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Method To Migrate 11.3 System To 11.4

Jun 17, 2011

I am currently considering migrating an openSUSE X86-64 system from 11.3 to 11.4. There seem to be 2 possibilities, upgrade or reinstall. Opinion seems to be divided on the process of upgrading from the DVD.I have not been able to find any reasonable guide to using either method to migrate an 11.3 system to 11.4 and have the 11.4 system in the same working state as the 11.3 system was. What I have found for the reinstall method is trivial. for the upgrade method I have seen a reference to running rcrpmconfigcheck but I have been unable to find a man page for it on my 11.3 system or via google.

Does such a guide exist? It should be created by the openSUSE project for each release.If it works the upgrade process looks to be the best method. The last 2 migrations were via the install method. 10 to 11 but also 32 to 64 bit and then 11.1 to 11.3 onto a new machine before moving the data across. Both rebuilds took many days.I have seen many posts saying that it is very quick to rebuild the system. As little as 2 hours has been quoted. I have not yet seen an explanation of how they do it. I suspect that they rebuild systems regularly and have it all scripted or their systems are very simple. An explanation of how it is done would be interesting.Given that I do migrations once or twice a year, building and testing a script to do the migration is probably not worth the effort especially as the only test machine is very old and slow

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General :: Offline Method Required To Find Out Number Of Days Since A Certain Date?

Dec 13, 2010

What offline method is there of finding out days since a certain date. Example: How would someone find the number of days from 1-Jan-2003 to 7-Dec-2010? Could someone write a script that takes in the 2 dates and output the number of days?

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OpenSUSE :: Keep The System Up To Date?

Nov 4, 2010

i have noticed that the apps in the suse repos are kinda out-dated,like banshee is 1.6.0 while the latest is 1.8 same thing for amarok and some stuff,so am trying to keep all the packages up to date from the repositories,i added most of the repos and factory types that should make the system up to date,but to no avail.

updating the system and the application ?

PS i also added the 3 repos for kde 4.5 sc to update to 4.5 but still i didn't receive any update notice from the software manager.

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General :: Best And Up To Date System To Install?

Mar 10, 2011

I want to try Linux on a 5yr old desktop, What is the best and up to date Linux to install.CPU-AMD Sempron(tn)3000+,CPU Speed-2000MHz/333MHz, Ram 1.5G

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OpenSUSE Install :: Updating 10.2 To 11.1 Method?

Dec 31, 2009

updating 10.2 to 11.1 method?

This is the dual booting IBM lap top with windows XP and has been working well for over 4 years.

I would like to install 11.1 as 10.2 is not supported and I have two other machines using 11.1.

I have all the data on suse 10.2 backed up, so it is just the procedure of installation without loosing XP

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade From 9.04 / My System Is 'up To Date'

Feb 12, 2010

I run three Ubuntu machines - work, home, and a laptop. All were on 9.04, and I was able over the past week to painlessly upgrade the first two to 9.10.Today I fired up the laptop for the first time in a while and saw that it hadn't had the upgrade yet, so went to the upgrade manager. It had a bunch of package upgrades it wanted to do, so I let it. But there was no option to go to 9.10, not even after catching it up on updates. It just says the system is up to date. Clicking "check" again just gives the same message. It doesn't seem to know that there's a koala out there.

Settings on the update manager say to accept normal releases, so it's not an LTS thing. Yes, it's on 9.04 now according to /etc/apt/sources.list. Network connectivity is good.What might I be missing that I ought to look for?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Privileges Depending On Boot Method?

Jan 30, 2011

1. I need to mount SAN blackarmor share at boot. I can do it manually. But I need it mounted everytime. So I introduced it into fstab. No result. See my fstab below.



I wonder what type of filesystem shall I use. Manuall mounting works with no fs spec, if smbfs or nfs is pointed it makes error.2. When I boot and loging in run level 5 straight into gnome desktop I've got different privileges, expecially to USB devices and sound system (I can not play on my external sound card). How can I control this behaviour. Let's assume that I want to stratx from level 3 as regular user and want to have all this automatic privilleges for hot plugin USB devices and automatic access to sound system. Is controlled by gnome?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Stopped At: System Probing - Searching For System Files

May 18, 2011

I'm new to openSUSE, this is the first time i try to install openSUSE version 11.4. on my IBM Thinkpad T43 (on which SUSE Linux version 8.0 has been running before without problems). I have downloaded the ISO images and successfully burned the ISO images on a blank DVD. Having placed my openSUSE DVD in the drive and rebooted my laptop I can see the boot screen.

I then select installation with arrow up/down and press enter. Choosing language and keyboard layout works fine, as well as accepting the license agreement. However, when it comes to 'System Probing' the installation stops at 'Search for system files'. The cursor shows a little turning disk but the rest of the screen is blocked.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Download Method Is Best For Downloading Suse 11.3 From Website?

Nov 20, 2010

I searched the faq, I did a search online for this etc. The reason I ask is that suse on the download page of 11.3 states don't download directly since it is very slow and has no check sum. Therefore the iso may be flawed and you have spent 10 hrs trying to download the iso. My "fast" internet through qwest is at 1.5 mbps download so I assume that is why it is so slow to download the iso of 4.7 Gb.Now for the question the download page suggets you use bit torrent since it does the checksum but will download the iso no faster than the direct method. Second is to use check metalink with the addon in Firefox downthemall. I did this and had quite a time getting the iso link for 11.3 to start downloading. I would start downthemall from the Firefox toolbar and I thought wow!!! it downloaded that iso fast, how cool. Well it was not the iso but the website for the download page! At one point I got it to start downloading the iso but came in this morining and it was still going after 17hrs and showed several hours to go. I gave up and deleated it.

This afternoon I just gave in and started the download again using the bit torrent and I am waiting for the download to finish. I did eveything the site indicated but after and hour I noticed under logger it said **** openSuse-11.3-DVD i586 iso: PIECE 2206 FAILED HASH CHECK. It shows this same message from the begining of the download 7hrs ago to the last few minutes on each section. It states it is 75% complete? Is this normal or am I wasting 10 more hours? Sorry if this is not the place for this question but I never had trouble with downloading 11.2 and burning it to the disk. I think I just used the Directlink method and crossed my fingers. It did download ok!

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Fedora Installation :: Which Install File / Method Do I Need

Apr 15, 2009

I'm looking into using fedora as my first Linux OS, read rookie, I have an old HP PC with a brand new hard drive. I downloaded the 'F10-i686-Live.iso' file and tried to boot from it. It brought up a Fedora screen with various boot options and a memory test. I did the test which completed a successful pass. I then tried to boot from it, it showed the horizontal loading bar which turned white, after which the screen went black. From there the screen switched from blank to 'lit up black' , sometimes it showed a cursor which was mouse responsive, sometimes it showed a blinking underline cursor in the top left corner of the screen. Eventually it just stayed blank. Any threads I've checked are irrelevant or refer to a more options or command line option that isn't on the setup screen. Have I the right file/method?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Kubuntu Using Any Method

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to get Kubuntu 10.04 (x64) installed and everything I do fails, hard. I don't have exact details at the moment since this is a process I've been slowly working on for the last couple weeks, but here's a quick rundown:

- Can boot into the Live CD environment fine. When attempting to install from there, the installer sees my drives incorrectly. If I remember correctly, it views my 2nd drive fine (of 3 identical drives), but it thinks my other two drives are part of a raid setup (they're not supposed to be). I could probably install on here, but I'm not about to risk my existing XP install to try.

- When I try to use wubi to install in Windows, it appears to setup the installation fine, but upon restarting it tells me that it cannot find the ubuntu.iso file and that my drive is probably dirty (run chkdsk). It still says this even after running chkdsk and restarting gracefully.

- I've run the "Check CD for defects" thing and it says the CD is okay. My memory seems to be fine as well.

- I've 3 identical Seagate 250gb SATA drives installed on a MSI k9a2 platinum board. These are not setup in any kind of RAID setup.

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Ubuntu :: VLC Will Not Install In Every Different Type Of Installation Method?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm running Lucid Lynx 64bit. I tried installing VLC through the U-Software Center but it failed. So I tried it through command line and that failed. Here is the message I get:

Code: apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlcReading package lists. Done Building dependency tree Reading state information. Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies: mozilla-plugin-vlc: Depends: vlc-nox (= 1.0.6-1ubuntu1.1) but it is not going to be installed


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General :: Proper Method To Install Slackware / OpenSuSe As Dual Boot?

Jan 5, 2011

I just received my Slackware 13.1 & the 'Official Guide to Slackware Linux' book. I know that there is a big learning curve to use Slackware and that is why I purchased it - according to Distrowatch, "...if you learn Slackware, you learn Linux!" But, while I am 'learning Linux', I would still like to have a linux distro installed that would be more of a 'no-brainer'.

So the question is, which distro should I install first, Slackware or say, OpenSuse? I know that if I were going to dual-boot with XP, that XP should be installed first - does order matter for 2 linux distros too? Also, are there any points to remember to do during the installation processes so that I end up with a working, dual-boot computer?

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Fedora Installation :: Best Install Method - LiveCD Or Netinstall?

Aug 25, 2011

I have finally decided to bite the bullet and upgrade my current Linux system from Fedora Core 2 to Fedora 15. When checking the download page and from reading another thread there is apparently no isos' available for an set of install CDs. An iso is only available for DVD. Since my machine does not have a DVD drive that is obviously not an option. In the past I have only installed from a set CDs and I'm not sure which install method is the best to use. I do have a DSL internet connection and will probably need to increase my partitions sizes. Which install method do you recommend and why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To Lucid From Karmic, Update Manager Starts And Shows System Is Up-to Date?

Apr 23, 2010

when i am tryg to upgrade to lucid from karmic, update manager starts and shows my system is up-to date. command used "update-manager -d"os karmic 64bit.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install With Up To Date Packages In Single Pass

Apr 23, 2010

is there a way to install Ubuntu with up-to-date versions of all packages right away? To clarify: With the normal LiveCDs, in order to install an up-to-date Ubuntu Lucid, I have to download a 700 MB LiveCD, install Ubuntu, and then use the Update Manager (or apt-get) to upgrade all outdates packages, which by now should be another about 300 MB. Old versions of SUSE Linux had the option of downloading an ~40MB installer ISO which did not contain any packages itself, but would download and install the most recent versions of all necessary packages.

Is there such a facility for Ubuntu as well? Or a way of using an outdated Ubuntu LiveCD (e.g. Lucid Beta 1) to still install an up-to-date system in a single pass? I am *not* talking about netboot images such as or, which AFAIK will download the full normal Ubuntu ISO during boot, so that I would still have to upgrade the system afterwards.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation And System Really Slow

Apr 17, 2011

I've some problem with openSUSE 64bits and more precisely extreme slowness.

At first, it was during the Installation (net install), each action (click on a button for example) was followed by a global freeze (though mouse was not). The entire configuration (the first part of installation) took me about 1 hour... At that time, i was thinking "ok it's just installation, it will be fast and smooth in the end..."

I was wrong, the system is as slow as the installation but weird thing: it's only when I log on that the system slow down. I mean the booting process doesn't seem slow and I've not seen any errors. So what's going on ?

I don't know if it's the cause or the consequence but i noticed that my cpu was always at 90+ % except when I don't do anything (useful isn't it?) so it may be because the system doesn't manage my cpu the right way. (it's just an hypothesis)

Now configuration information:


I tried to install openSUSE 11.4 64bits with the net install downloaded yesterday from the official website. I chose Gnome. I don't have swap (see hardware below) and I have a different partition for / and /home


Asus X5BVN laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 @2GHz
4GB DDR2 RAM (enough ram -> no swap)
nVidia GT240M 1GB
Intel WiFi Link 5100
Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (odd thing: during the installation it wasn't this name)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Move Indicator Session Applet To The Right Of The System Date/clock Applet

May 6, 2010

I thought I was removing the chat status piece of the indicator applet (I know what it is now, didn't then), but I accidentally removed the whole thing. Now when I figured out how to put it back on the panel, I can't get it back to where it was (which was to the RIGHT of the system date/time applet). How can I do this as well as move the indicator applet that has the volume control in it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Reboot Fails During 11.3 Installation

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to update my OS from Opensuse 11.2 to 11.3 using the installation DVD (checked OK). Everything is OK during the installation process until the message "System is going to reboot" is displayed with a countdown : when the countdown is finished, the screen becomes black and the screensaver starts, but the system does not reboot. When I reboot manually, after selecting "Opensuse 11.3 desktop" on the first menu, the screen becomes black and the screensaver starts.

So the installation seems incomplete and I do not know how to finalize it. When I select the failsafe option on the first menu, it seems to work but some behaviours are quite "strange"... When I choose update instead of installation at the beginning, the behaviour is the same.

I do not know if it is linked but the firmware tests started from the installation DVD show the following errors :

Memory tests are OK.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Anyway To Set Remote Login As Default Login Method

Jun 2, 2010

i'm using OpenSuSE 11.2 and was wondering if there is anyway to set remote login as the default login method.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Message "11.0 Partition /dev/sda5 Change Mount By To Any Other Method For All Partitions"

Apr 13, 2011

trying to update a 11.1 installation. As I start the installation I get a message "openSuse 11.0 partition /dev/sda5 Change the mount-by to any other method for all partitions." Also the message said go back and reboot and make the change. What is this all about, how do I do this.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Forgets About Important System Commands?

Dec 20, 2009

I have just installed 11.2 i686 on two machines, one virtual and one physical. Both have been set to start in runlevel 3. For some reason it seems that my installations have missed some step in the process, because the system cannot find several rather important commands, eg. init and ifconfig.this is what I get if I try to run ifconfig:

user@computer:~> sudo ifconfig
sudo: ifconfig: command not found


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Ubuntu :: Set System Default Input Method?

Apr 15, 2011

I am wondering how i could set the system default Input Method of my choice. I have install extra language support (Chinese) and SCIM package (Chinese packages included)

All went well when i test it in Leafpad. The only thing I found it troublesome is that I need choose the input method manually every time. SCIM is already running at start up.

I have tried to set it via Language support without joy.... the System IME still showing X input method..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Booting/Installation Error (noob?) System Repair #?

Apr 15, 2010

Im probally just being a noob here but for the projects sake I thought it would be good to identify this problem. I have an old advent laptop and I tried to install Opensuse from DVD on it. I followed the installation as normal but when I tried to boot it said some sort of check was forced and then I have to enter the admin/root password upon doing this I got the message system repair # in red. I have tried to repair the system through the installation DVD and tried re-installing it but I still get the same message.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Recover Grub Installation In A Dual Boot System?

Nov 19, 2010

I would like to recover my grub installation in a dual boot system. if there is an easy way to recover grub using flash disk? If yes is your suggestion opensuse developed? (currently running 11.3) . It would be nice also to have some gui just to make things easier. If not I assume that then the only option is the boot from dvd. Is that right?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Moving A Moderately Complex System From An Old System To A New System

Sep 25, 2010

My problem is that I need to move a moderately complex system from an old system to a new system. The old system is a core 2 duo running on an asus p5k-se (p35 chipset) M/B, Nvidia 8500 gt, 3 x sata II hard disks, 1 x sata dvd, 1 x ide hd, 4GB ram. It runs opensuse 11.1 kde 4 as a desktop system + samba server, apache server, database server + other non-opensuse software. In addition some of the opensuse software is not the default 11.1 versions as later versions were required. The nvidia driver is from the nvidia repo. There are several file systems, some under LVM.

The new system will be a core5 760, asus p7p55d-e M/b (p55 chipset), nvidia 240, 3 x sata II HD, 1 x sata dvd, 4GB ram and possibly 1 x ide HD. This M/B also includes USB 3 & sata III. I have no USB 3 devices but this may eventually change. I have no plans for sata III and believe that it may be better to attach any sata III SSD to the sata II bus.

What I would like to do is to move the hard disks from old system to the new system. What I would like to know is, if the system is left at 11.1, is the system likely to work with the new hardware. If the answer is no, if the system was upgraded to 11.3, would the transfer of the hard disks then work? In order to upgrade from 11.1 to 11.3 using the DVD i believe I should get rid of all non-default repos. I assume that I should also get rid of anything that was installed from them, e.g. the nvidia driver and any software versions installed manually outside RPM. Also is there any default 11.1 software that should be removed either before or after the upgrade to 11.3

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Software :: Method To Store The Log Of Gnome-system-manager In Unix?

Jun 4, 2011

If there is any method to store the log of Gnome-system-manager in unix as i want some information to fatch from it using scripting.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot 11.4 On Dualboot Nvdia G7600 Based System - Fresh Install "system Console Stolen At Line"

Apr 22, 2011

I tried to update one of my home machines with a fresh install. This is far from new to me so I did not expect any problem. But I was proven wrong. First: did install the system as usual. First anomaly: system blocked during the install process but did restart it flawlessly one I tried to eject the DVD from the player. It needed actually that intervention to retake working. It then went to install and froze during the first system start. I rebooted with failsafe settings, it then correctly configured. I reached a beautiful desktop. I performed the updates from the update repository and I joined the nvidia proprietary driver repository (which updated to the G02 driver).

I then rebooted the machine and now I am in trouble. In normal mode the system (dual boot Opensuse, XP) does not boot at all and freezes immediately after hitting enter as before. In safe mode it goes further but does not reach X anymore. It blocks with the following line statement: "system console stolen at line 266". I then tried "startx". But the system goes into a scrolling loop that does not allow me to read the output. how to get at least the error message of the loop? I read some line passing by that the system might have an X11 authorization problem.

Athlon Phenom X4 905e
Nividea G7600 graphic card
Former system installed and running flawlessly: 11.1

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General :: How To Know System Up-to-date

Nov 29, 2009

I have SLES 11 and activated the daily updates.

But i don't know if the system :dowloads the updates
if the downloaded updates are immidiately installed
some updates need to reboot the system. does it automatically reboot or
does he(the system) inform me ? (where ?)

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