OpenSUSE Install :: Allow Users To Use The GUI For Web Surfing And Writing Documents?
Jun 16, 2011
I have a handful of openSUSE 11.4 machines that I allow users to use the GUI for web surfing and writing documents and I am meanwhile running scientific computing jobs in the background. Every now and then, someone clicks "shutdown", "reboot", or "hibernate" and ruins my afternoon.
I've searched Google and these forums for ways to prevent a normal user from shutting down the system, but so far haven't had any luck in finding a solution. I have found instructions for just about every other Linux OS, except openSUSE though. These machines are running LXDE, but my preferred solution wouldn't depend on the particular desktop solution in use.
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Dec 25, 2009
How can I change the mountpoint of my partition /media/documents to /documents.This is a partition of sdb and a fixed disk.The reason is that /media/ sometimes creates ghostdirectories while /Windows/C never does so, programmes writing/reading from this partition therfore don't work if a ghostdir_ exists.(BTW Suse is on sdb5 and sdb6. on sda is windows and used to be Ubuntu, the Suse-swap is sda5. Windows is out of use.)
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Jun 29, 2010
I am using squid proxy server for sharing Internet in my internal network. I would like to know that how can I check the browsing history by individual users web surfing history by their IP addresses?
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Aug 31, 2010
what is the command for surfing Internet via ADSL?
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Feb 27, 2011
Is it possible to forbid that more then one user open the same file in rw mode? In windows when you open a file that another user is using, there's ad advise and you have to open it in read only mode
I installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition on 3 pc (there is not a server-client architecture). I installed samba.(and smbfs)
put the strings:
comment = ...
path = /...
guest ok = yes
read only = no
create mask = 0777
directory mask =0777
Computers that access to that directory do (on boot, with root privileges)
mount -t smbfs -o username="user",password="pass" // /mnt/cartelladimontaggio
But if two users access to the same file, both are authorized writing on it! So changes made by one are lost when the other save.
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Apr 3, 2010
I'm new to OpenSuse 11.2, In Yast partitions configurations, I've mounted all NTFS partitions successfully without ticking "read-only", and according to this webpage: NTFS - openSUSE I checked my fstab file, there's no "-ro" in the file. But I still couldn't write to any mounted NTFS partitions, I can't do paste file, can't save changed files into NTFS partition.
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Jul 8, 2010
I am looking a way to access my windows vista files (documents and pictures) in opensuse. I have a problem my Vista doesnt load anymore and I really need to recover some files from it before formatting.
I know very very veeeery little about linux. I installed few month ago but then didnt have time to really work on it. I checked on google but it's more confusing.
I have three partition. One is for Vista home edition 64 bit, the other one opensuse 11.1 and a third one for dell stuff (not sure what is it exactly )
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Jul 9, 2011
On a Linux CD/DVD, there are compressed filesystem images for the live version for KDE or Gnome for example, but they have no extension, but they are clearly an image file ( compressed filesystem images for the live version before installation ) !!
I was wondering, How do I mount these compressed filesystem images, after I copy the ISO content of the CD/DVD on my system .... I want to edit some files or packages and make some changes, like if I want to customize a live version of gnome for example ! ... ( I know you might be tempted to tell me to use KIWI etc to customize etc ..... ) ... but I want to be able to mount the compressed file system image, then edit it for reading and writing while it is in a subdirectory on its own ... i want to open it ! ... is there a way to do this ??? ... these type of files have no extension ...
i can open this compressed filesystem image then to edit for read & write ... before I roll it back again ..... If and when I succeed .... what should I watch out for ? ... will the same compressed file image but slightly modified work again ?
PS. that same question could be kind of translated or be extended like : how do I use unionfs/squashfs programs on the command line to mount these image files with no extension for read & write mode ???
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Dec 18, 2010
I can access my windows my documentsmusic by mounting my windows drive and browsing to it. I can then playwatch my movies and pics in Ubuntu.But what I really want to be able to do is re-map the Ubunbu docs folder like so:
Ubuntu Pics = Windows My Documents pics.
Ubuntu Videos = Windows My Documents Videos.
I'm not very unix savy so I've been using Ubuntu tweak PersonalDefault Folder Locations setting and browsing to my Windows folders. But it doesn't work.I have managed to make a desktop 'short cut' and that works but I'd rather set the system wide default document folders.
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Mar 26, 2010
I was wondering if someone could maybe provide me with a list of things to give a new user using the useradd utility. ( home directory, permissions, etc.) or even point me in the direction of a solid walkthrough
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Jan 13, 2009
When he saved doucuments in the opens source word processor as a MS Word document, he can't open it. Didn't had this problem until today.
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Apr 20, 2010
I want to backup all the data in my /home folder/partition (before upgrading).
1. In How to migrate to a new openSUSE version - openSUSE it is only written how to backup *one* users data.
If you know the path to your external harddisk, just open a konsole and do:
$ su
1. cd /home
2. cp -b -vvv username_to_be_backed_up /media/<folder_of_your_external_harddisk>
How can I backup *all* users' data in one folder "home-double"?
2. Has the external disk have to have any special file system?
I have an 500 GB disk in fat with some data already on it. Can this be used? Or do I have to make an new (ext3?) partition on my external hard disk to preserve permissions? Do I have to worry about big files under FAT?
3. Should I make anything to get sure that all data is the same in "home-double" as in "/home"?
Now I am using (on my Samsung X20) openSuse 11.1 and Gnome 2.24.1 (mostly, 1 account is using KDE) and Kernel Linux "/home" is on an separated partition (as part of an extended partition). I have also 2 NTFS partitions for Windows XP (System and Data), and a FAT, a root (/) and a swarp partition.
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Sep 19, 2010
After working with a more or less stable system I decided to install 11.3 on my system. Atm I am working with a updated 10.3 (prop state is 11.2 now after kernel update) Installed is Gnome, KDE3 and KDE4 - using KDE3
Now the question can I reinstall Opensuse 11.3 to my root partition and keep /home successfully? It is on a separate partition (Doing backup atm also). I understand that I will have to set it as mountpoint during installation. When asked to create user I stopped as I am scared if I add a user with the same name as on my old install it will overwrite the current folder in mounted /home... I seriously like my old username and want to keep it - can i safely add the user during install? will my stuff be still there?
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Nov 6, 2010
I want to control which users are listed in the GDM login window.
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Jan 13, 2011
Last week my parents' PC conked out the day before I was due to leave the country, so in the few hours I had to try and knock up a solution, I set up a very old second machine in the house running openSUSE 11.3 with XFCE. I'd previously replaced the default login display manager with GDM, which evidently has various bugs. Aside from the cursor continually spinning around showing as busy, when I added a new user account for my parents, the login box showed two entries under my own name. It's only on hovering the mouse over the latter entry that my parents' username shows up. Anyway, I had to explain this and a million other quirks to them in a rush, but the system was all working and they managed to get me an email from it the following day.
Since then, however, when they reach the login screen they say there is just an image of a computer monitor, with the OS version and domain, but no usernames to choose from or other options anywhere, and hence they can find no way to login. I have no remote access to the machine and can only talk over the phone. I suggested a few key combos to see if anything happened, and they booted once in failsafe mode, but no luck.
What could have happened? Is there a key that would show the users again? Perhaps there's a way to get to a console login, but could they get back to a GUI easily after that? Unfortunately my parents are really not adept at these things and every instruction I give has to be repeated endlessly after which they usually get it wrong a couple of times first, so trying to do anything administrative or more clever than a few key presses or mouse clicks is going to be nigh on impossible. Running a live CD would be likely out of the question since they'd need to change the BIOS boot order first.
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Feb 17, 2011
I just know it has to be possible to let two users (since I have two kids) share the same PC at the same time using a 2nd graphic card, two displays, two keyboards, two mice. I have seen one 10 year old "how to" which just didn't seem like it would fly with today's XFree/DBUS/all USB setups.
Does anyone know how to do this? I would like each user to see a log in screen and log into a GUI desktop (it doesn't have to be KDE, but that is what we have been using). The MB and the video card use the same type of GPU. The PC has a dual core AMD, and 4 GB of RAM, so the resources should be fine for school work, KDE Educational software/games. Other than squid, there isn't particular server running on it either, so resources should not be an issue.
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Apr 11, 2011
I am switching to Gnome because its look and feel is closer to Windows for my workgroup. LDAP and NFS are working fine with KDE and SSH. but I cant login with LDAP users both directly or via NX client. When logging in directly on the server it shows this error:
"Xsession: Login for <user> is disabled "
When logging via NX client it says, it authenticated successfully and then quited with this popup message:
Could not connect to session bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-0frstajyNE: Connection refused
I closed this popup window and one more appeared:
Could not acquire name on session bus
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Aug 9, 2011
I am having two kids, that should not be able to use our computer more than one hour daily each. Is there an elegant way to automatically force a log-off after a certain time has passed?
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Aug 22, 2011
Description: I want to migrate all home directories and users from one webserver to another. The old server runs OpenSuSE 11.2 and the new one OpenSuSE 11.4. I appended only the userpart of the passwd file from the old server to the new one. I did the same with the shadow file and the group file. I checked the user rights for all three of them and they were ok (shadow 600). I have done such a migration before and at that time it worked fine. Now for the weird part:
Errors: At first it seemed everything was ok. Websites and webshops were visible and working correctly. At first ftp seemed to work fine. Login worked but when uploading files, the error messages appeared: permission denied. Further testing gave following results:
-Root and users can login on console with their old passwords.Root can create new users, but they can not login: some error message comes, but is unreadable since it stays too short on display. After that it prints hint: on a new line and on another new line it gives a new login prompt. Root and users can change user's password, but then they can not login anymore. The same unreadable error message appears.
-Users can login with ftp, even after changing passwords(!) but can not change or add files var/log/messages only shows: uthentication failure twice.
Actions so far:
Emptied /tmp
copied the users again from passwd and shadow
checked UID's and GID's again
googled a lot
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Sep 12, 2011
I would like to have a directory
Where all human users have r/w permission for all files and sub-directories under this path. Can I achieve this buy just setting the permissions correctly or do I need to do something else?
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Dec 28, 2009
I have a non-super user on my box which I'd like to give it MOUNT and UMOUNT permissions but I don't know how.For example purposes, the user name is "USER".I don't want to make it into a SuperUser, just give it rights to be able to issue the MOUNT and UMOUNT commands at the terminal.
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Feb 18, 2010
The login screen does not accept the password for users. Only the password for Root. The problem is not in the command line, but check the password in the screen. I have tried to change the password from the root and it is still the problem. What I can do?
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Jun 10, 2010
when users login in kde4 it shows kstartconf4 not found or failed error code 127. for both suse 11. 1 and suse 11.2 but kde3 works well I removed .kde etc it still failed
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Apr 30, 2011
I recently upgraded to 11.04 and when I browse to pages that use the flashplugin the whole system froze. So I installed the flashplugin that somehow got deinstalled and while installing the system froze again. I fixed the dpkg and then I could connect to websites using flash but nonetheless the system freezes after some seconds using any browser. I have a Netgear WLAN card that uses Windows drivers as there are none for linux. It worked alright in 10.04 for a whole long time. On my netbook with 11.04 everything works like a charm...
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Sep 4, 2011
In other Linux distros I've used, new users are assigned to their own group (i.e. user 'joe', group 'joe') by default. To my surprise, when I create new users with my openSUSE 11.4, they are all assigned to the 'users' shared group by default.To test this, I created a new user called 'friends'. From my terminal, I can see how the new user files look like:
joe@linux:~> ls -l /home/friends/
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 friends users 4096 Sep 3 11:37 bin
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Jan 5, 2011
I"m a newish Ubuntu user, but have been running some flavour or other for the last 5-6-7 years. Anyway, I just recently installed Maverick and have to say it's polished compared to the last version I tried ( maybe 6? ).
I am however having a frustrating issue while surfing the web. After a 2-3 minutes using firefox, 5-10 minutes using chromium - the whole system seems to lock up solid. The mouse/ keyboard no longer respond. I've read through a few log files and nothing seems to stand out, though I may be looking at the wrong place. I plan on running some system monitors, and top when I get home to see if they show me anything. Just thought I'd come here to ask for any other things to have a look at.
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Aug 12, 2010
I am searching for some program for scanning documents to PDF file, I am using samsung SCX-4300. I tried XSane but the files I get are to big (1-3 Mb). Is there some other application for scanner I don't want to star my Windows just for scan some document.
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Dec 6, 2010
I try to clear 'recently used documents' within the kmenu nothing happens, i.e. the list is not cleared, until I reboot or log out and back in again. It's an old issue but thought I'd just ask if there are some fix for this. There is another small flaw on my system as well which is with refreshing the content displayed in a directory using dolphin (and possibly other file-viewers/apps). For instance, if I unpack a tar/rar/zip package I have to manually refresh dolphin for having it display the new extracted folder.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'd like to change the font characteristics (size, colour) on initial login screen (list of users) however I cannot find the configuration options.
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Jun 16, 2010
I have been having come problem, my surfing speed has gone to zero. I can download at full speed but surfing is crawl speed or just timing out. I am pretty sure it's because firefox is clogged, I just want to know is there a way to clear the clog w/o losing my settings? I fixed this before by making a new user, but I don't want to loose all my saved form's and bookmarks.
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