OpenSUSE Install :: Slow Boot And Constant HDD Activity

Jun 16, 2009

I am still new to linux and just installed opensuse 11.1 and all was fine untill I went to yast, software and ran the online update. Now when I boot up linux it takes a long time and after suse is booted up the HDD led is constant. I did know enough to add VGA=normal in grub and this is what is is displayed when it hangs:

<6>ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x9f0 ctl 0xbf0 bmdma 0xd800 irq 21
<6>ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x970 ctl 0xb70 bmdma 0xd808 irq 21
<4>ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=-19)
<3>ata1: SRST failed (errno=-16)
<6>ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
<4>ata1: link online but device misclassified, retrying .....
<4>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [ASA1] enabled at IRQ 20
<6>sata_nv 0000:00:0e.1: PCI INT B -> Link[ASA1] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20
<5>sata_nv 0000:00:0e.1: Using SWNCQ mode
<7>sata_nv 0000:00:0e.1: setting latency timer to 64

It looks like it has something to do with the HDD. I Have 2 HDD's in the computer with linux on the second drive. I also noticed that before updating I could access my ntfs partitions in nautilus and now they do not show up and are not in my fstab file and I do not know how to add them back in.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.3 - Constant HD Activity / System Runs At Snail Pace

Aug 8, 2010

Just after I boot up I get this wierd HDD activity that lasts for some time during which my system runs at snail Pace and or Hangs. After a while the activity stops and things are good and then randomly it all starts again. I have read some forum post on constant HDD activity but they do not seem to apply to my problem. I am Running 11.3 with a quad core AMD 64bit CPU and 4GB of memory.

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Ubuntu :: Constant HD Activity Bogging Down?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm using Lucid on a laptop, (details in sig). Often after I've been running Ubuntu for a while, like a few hours, my HD activity light will come on and not stop, causing my machine to become laggy. (A link might open 3-5 seconds I click on it, typing appears a second after I press the key, a window or dropdown menu might take 5-10 seconds to be drawn.) I currently have Firefox with one tab and a Nautilus window open. Conky says the CPU is running at 10-20%, RAM is almost all used, (I assume Firefox's cache is filling up, since I've been surfing for a while), and swap is around 25% full. I just turned Compiz & Emerald off, but the HD is still spinning away. At this point, I usually log out and in again, or reboot. I though slowing performance with usage, resource-hogging background processes and constant rebooting were Windoze traits! What gives?Apparently, this is caused by Update Manager. Unbeknownst to me, Update Manager was waiting for me to give it the go-ahead, but while it's open, instead of patiently waiting, it renders my computer unusably slow, even though it's not supposed to be doing anything.

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Ubuntu :: Constant Disk Activity - Light Flashes About Twice Per Second

Apr 6, 2011

I understand that Ubuntu typically has some disk activity even when idle, but I believe that I have a problem that I am worried is affecting my disk drive - which has recently become quite loud. The system disk activity light flashes about twice per second, all the time, when idle. iostat shows a Blk_wrtn/s of between 10 and 40. I am running Lucid x64. The system disk uses ext4 for root and ext4 for /home. The disk activity starts before I even log in. There is no disk activity if I drop to the root shell in recovery mode - as seen by no flashing light and iostat writes = 0. I have tried killing my media server processes, Mediatomb and Squeezeboxserver. I have unmounted the ntfs data drive. There is nothing else running beyond the vanilla install to my recollection other the services above that I stopped. How can I determine which process is causing the constant writing? I do not have this issue on my laptop which is running Karmic, and as I mentioned earlier, I think this non-stop activity is damaging my drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Too Slow On Start Up. OpenSUSE-WindowsXP Dual Boot?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an 1TB hard drive, half of it for Windows XP SP3, another half for OpenSUSE 11.4. After installing OpenSUSE, it didn't take me much time to notice that there was something wrong with KDE: sometimes it loaded quite fast, as expected, but most of the time I'd have to wait around 1 minute in that loading screen. Then I updated the kernel, as well as KDE itself, but that didn't solve the problem.

After that I tried to start the system using Enlightnment, and it was lightning fast compared to KDE, however, I didn't quite like its interface, and for some reason GNOME refused to start. All that was too frustrating to me, so I gave up and have been using Windows for the last few weeks. Got sick of it now and here I am on OpenSUSE again. Oh, it feels sooo much better! BUT, I'm still with the same problem.

My specs are as follow:
Motherboard: Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H (with updated BIOS, version F11)
Processor: AMD Phenom X3 8450
Memory: 2GB
Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 8500GT (using NVIDIA proprietary drivers)
OpenSUSE 11.4
KDE 4.6.0
Did I forget anything important?

Ps.: I didn't have these problems with Mandriva 2010.2, which, if I'm correct, used the same KDE version.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Slow Boot In 11.2 Due To A Hdd ( >4min )?

Nov 29, 2009

i was very cautious in installing 11.2; i had previously evaluated sled10sp3, it was great but for some reason it never connected to a dhcp server to get the internet. my fear from installing 11.2 was that i blindly trusted lilo for years as my boot loader (dual booting with xp)

so i took the chance and installed 11.2 with lilo. didn't work; so i went back and installed graphical grub; didn't work either; then installed the system again but with the option "use trusted grub" (which is a text-only boot loader) which worked like a charm on my system.

the thing is, that my system overall boots quickly, except in the part when it starts detecting the hard-disk; which takes 4 minutes detecting the disk and partitions. when it "fails" detecting or doing something with the disk, it continues to boot rapidly then.

My system specs:
- opensuse 11.2 & xp
- default kernel using gnome desktop 2.28
- amd athlon 64 x2 dual core processor
- 2.5Gb Ram


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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Very Slow After Adding HD To Fstab

Dec 15, 2009

I have an external hard drive that I use with my laptop and I want it to be mounted at boot. I used YaST to do this by using the Partitioner. I selected the volume, then edited then chose to have the partition mounted at boot.

On next book the computer booted up and mounted the device as I expected but the boot up process took a long time. When I would usually get the desktop I got only a black screen for about one minute, the the desktop finally loads. I tried to reboot a number of times but I still get the same delay.

When I go back and choose to have the hard drive not auto mount and then reboot there is no delay in loading the desktop. So it seems like mounting this device is delaying the loading of my desktop on boot somehow.

Below is the line that is added to my fstab file to auto mount the drive:

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Ubuntu :: Boot Fails After Install (and Update) - No HDD Activity

Jun 17, 2011

I had to install grub manually after the install. GRUB loads fine and I can select the Ubuntu option, but it simply stays on a purple screen with no HDD activity. When I go into recovery, it falls to a busybox command-line and says "ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/(string of letters and numbers) does not exist". I use a RAID array which causes me loads of problems, but I'm fairly sure, from what I've read of similar problems, that this is due to the update it did during installation. I suppose I could try installing it without internet connection, but then presumably the same thing would happen as soon as I ran update-manager? I have actually tried the reinstall several times as well as reinstalling GRUB.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Slow Boot Process In A Dell XPS M1330 With 11.2?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a Dell XPS M1330 with Opensuse 11.2 and Windows Vista Business in a dual boot hard disk.

I was using Fedora 11 before Opensuse, and it was fast and performed well. However I installed Opensuse because I like KDE 4.3 and this is the best KDE distro.

After the last kernel update my system lost initrd, I restored creating an initrd with chroot, mount and mkinitrd from a rescue disk. After first boot, I reinstalled the kernel update, so the initrd was replaced by the new one created in the update.

However, my system is very slow, I don't know where to look for bad configuration or anything else. The boot process took 220 seconds.

Here is my bootchar,


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Incredibly Slow HDD And Boot Time Increased

Mar 30, 2011

My hardware:
AMD Athlon X2 4800+ (2,5 GHz) + 2 GB DDR2 memory
MSI K9N V2 (nforce 520)

I'm using OpenSUSE 11.2 with all the released updates are installed. I've got an Windows Xp SP3 on the same hard drive and it's works fine. S.M.A.R.T. says the hdd is 100%. A few days ago I realized that the boot time increased and the hard drive operations takes way too much time. So currently the boot sequence takes 11-14 minutes.

I've already tried to solve this problem but no effect:
1.) cleaned up the root directory to create more free space
2.) plugged the sata cable to another port
3.) changed from AHCI to IDE and reverse in BIOS settings
4.) added ahci, sata_nv into the /etc/sysconfig/kernel file and created a new initrd
5.) searched for problems in the syslog
Just to imagine how slow is currently the system/hdd:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Remove The New Activity Tab?

May 24, 2011

During my last boot something installed itself that is very annoying and I would like to remove it. The upper right side of my desktop has a tab called New Activity and there is a translucent bar across the top. Now when I right click an item on my bottom task bar the menu appears at the very top of the desktop instead of opening just above the icon. This is an improvement? How do I remove this feature?

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Ubuntu :: Constant Screen Flashing On Boot Up?

Jul 5, 2010

I recently wiped and partitioned my hard drive on my Sony Vaio Z series laptop. I set up the NTFS partition for windows, the Ext-4 partition for Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix, and a large NTFS partition for my all my media. I installed the netbook remix off of a flash drive, and I couldn't have asked for a smoother install. Everything went fine, and I proceeding to install google chrome and all the other little goodies. After that, I configured all my settings and ran the update manager to get everything just fine. After a reboot, I became frustrated and prevented maximus from running on start up because I did not want every windows I opened to be maximized. After a reboot, the screen would flash very brightly more than once per second. I could see the top bar with the processes and such as well as the correct background, but I cannot do anything because the screen will not stop flashing. I figured out I could stop it from flashing by pressing ctrl+alt+F7, but the screen just freezes where it is at and is still unusable. Desperate to start enjoying my Ubuntu Netbook Remix, I wiped the Ubuntu partition and reinstalled and did everything EXACTLY the same except instead of preventing maximus from opening, I used gconf-editor to change the setting to not maximize everything by default. Reboot, exact same problem.

I've searched everywhere for a solution, but I only find people with vague similarities or explanations. Could it possibly be a graphics problem? My laptop has 2 graphics cards in it - an Intel integrated one and an nVidia one. The nVidia one has a hardware issue so I just use the Intel one for now. It is also worth noting that I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 (desktop) on my machine before and I never had any such problem.

Also, I tried booting up in the "safe mode" equivalent, but I eventually encounter a black screen and I am forced to hold down the power button to shut it down.

(also, if it's worth anything, I know how to use windows well if there's any way I can change something in Ubuntu from my windows installation)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Boot - Constant Screen Flickering

May 18, 2010

When attempting to boot into Ubuntu 10.04, the screen constantly flickers. It'll stay off for about 2-3 seconds, then come back on for <1 second. This constantly occurs. When reaching the main screen (I think), I attempt to move into a TTY terminal, but the flicker continues. I have attempted to reset the X Server, stop the X server, etc., issue remains. The monitor does not turn off during this flickering. I am able to type, obviously.

Here are my system specs:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (6000+)
2.00 GB RAM
ATI Radeon HD2600 XT (x2, Crossfire)
HP w2207h 22" Monitor, connected via HDMI

I also have VGA inputs on the back of the monitor and can attempt to switch the input, but that requires me to dig through a box looking for a cable, so I figured I'd post this issue first.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 Kde Constant Lock Ups?

Jul 18, 2010

Doesn't matter what application I am using this thing locks up tighter than a prison cell. I can't seem to do anything but reboot at that point. 11.2 never had this problem on this computer. I'm running a nvidia gt 220 card without the nvidia driver. Could this be the problem? I really don't know what to do about it. I was running the default kernel, but switched to the pae kernel as I have 4 gig of memory. Still locks up.

Probably should have stuck with 11.2 for a while longer, but at this point I would like to get 11.3 working. If not I will just go back to 11.2.

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OpenSUSE :: Constant Disconnects With Kopete?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm running openSUSE 11.1, with KDE 4.3.00. My Kopete, version 0.70.90, disconnects and reconnects to my jabber server several times a minute.

The jabber server, running the latest version of Openfire, is on the same gigabit subnet as the openSUSE machine in question. I can successfully connect to other IM services (MSN, Yahoo, etc) with no trouble. I also have no trouble with any other network service, from NFS to IMAP. I have other (Windows / Miranda IM) clients connecting to this same jabber server, all without trouble.

It drives me nuts, and it drives everyone else on my buddy list nuts too, as they see constant offline/online notifications for my user.

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Fedora :: 30 Seconds Of No Activity During Boot Sequence

Nov 22, 2009

I have been enjoying Fedora 11 for sometime, and decided to try Fedora 12. All in all it is working, but the boot sequence seemed much slower. I decided to use bootchart to examine the boot process on my old F11 and new F12 installations. The result show F11 booting in ~34 seconds, and F12 booting in ~57 seconds. Interestingly, the first 30 seconds show that only kthreadd, khelper, and ata/0 are running. CPU and disk utilization are both zero during this 30 seconds span, then all of a sudden everything starts loading, CPU and Disk utilization spike up, and ~23 seconds later I get to the login screen. I sent an email to Harald Hoyer about this, and to my surprise he was kind enough to respond. He suggested I check the BIOS to make sure I had disabled the floppy drive, which I did. The problem persists, so I was wondering if anyone here was having a similar issue and if so how they have dealt with it. I have blacklisted the floppy module (just to make sure)

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Install - Nvidia Fan Constant?

Mar 5, 2011

I installed Debian Squeeze (choosing no when prompted to add support for non-free or contrib sources) and noticed that the fan of my Nvidia 9600 GT video card is constantly running at full speed. I thought this meant that the default driver is not properly working. I would like to configure my system so that the video card fan is not being pushed so hard.

I downloaded the latest Nvidia (propietary) driver, stopped gdm3, and ran the driver installer. The installer failed because it said the Nouveau kernel driver was currently in use and incompatible with the Nvidia driver. I chose not to allow the installer to update my modprobe configuration directory. nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'


It looks at though the file has the nv driver in use, but the Nvidia installer says the Nouveau driver is being used. I ran a line in terminal (i forget the exact line) to test the file in the /root/ directory. The result was No Screens Found.

Next, I tried to remove the xserver-xorg-video-nouveau package using aptitude, but it displayed a message indicating that xserver-xorg-video-all depends on it. I decided not to remove the xserver-xorg-nouveau package. Any suggestions on how to proceed in order to configure X with a free driver (nv, vesa, or nouveau) so that the video card is handled properly?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Install Manager Causes Constant Reboot

Dec 30, 2010

I downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 in November 2010 and used the windows installer to install it next to my Windows 7 OS. I have a Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I am a beginner user and only Ubuntu when I need to run the terminal and text editor to create and test simple C++ files. Today, the install manager requested that I install critical updates so I left the default selected files and upgraded. The it asked to restart the system so I said yes. When it restarts it asks which OS to load:

1. Windows 7
2. Ubuntu

So I select Ubuntu then it displays some message about NTFS and quickly reboots (so i can't get to read the remaining message) the PC again. Uusually it would ask me to select the version of Ubuntu to load. Now my PC will only laod up Windows 7 so I can't get back into Ubuntu to dianose the problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Network Speed Slow In OpenSUSE 11.3?

Sep 10, 2010

Does anyone know how to revert network speeds to those attained with openSUSE11.2-64? On openSUSE11.2-64 the reported network download speed was,

max : 420 kB/s
ave : ~ 200 kB/s

After upgrade to openSUSE 11.3-64 the figures dropped to about 25% of the previous values. After upgrade to KDE 4.5 and plasmoid-networkmanagement the initial values did not change but the average value dropped after about 30 seconds to ~ 15 kB/s. Approach so far:

1. The motherboard's (A780GM-LE) build in LAN (Realtek RLT8111DL) was originally detected by openSUSE 11.3 as the Realtek RLT8169 and kernel module r8169 installed. This was replaced by the latest module r8168-8.019.00 from Realtek.

2. After kernel update to Linux x86_64 the plasmoid-networkmanagement was replace by NetworkManager-kde4. This improved flow with,

max : 140 kB/s
ave : ~ 80 kB/s

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OpenSUSE :: Disk Activity About Every Two Seconds?

Oct 18, 2010

I have something that is poling my hard drive about every two seconds. It's really not necessary I don't think. I am not sure how to find out what process it is. My memory usage is pretty low and I am not using any swap.How do I go about tracking the culprit down?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Opensuse Installation Is Very Slow

May 19, 2010

I'm installing opensuse 11.2 x64 on my machine.I have win7 installation so I'm making it dual boot.The problem is that the installation is extremely slow. I've started it 20 min ago and it is still at 3% in preparing disks part of the setup.The installation is standard (no shrinking or etc) - I'm installing it on a separate empty partition on my raid volume.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 64 Bit Very Slow After Booting?

Jun 16, 2010

We have 2 machines (quad core intel i5) running suse 11.2. They were clean installs and both suffer from this problem on around 50% of boot-ups. Other times, the system boots quickly and is fine.

Basically, one of the CPU's gets hammered to 100% (according to KDE system monitor) for around 10 minutes after boot up. Although the other three CPU's seem mostly idle, the system is very slow, to the point of being unusable until suddenly the system recovers and runs normally.

I've looked at 'top' and the KDE system monitor and both show no process taking more than a few % of the CPU. So it is a mystery as to what is taking up so much CPU and why it does it some days and not others !

One other thing, if you try to run virtualbox during this time, it (eventually) says that the kernel drives are not loaded - so possibly the kernel is stuck loading drivers. Infact, from dmesg, I can see that the system is still booting but other than the extended time stamps, the only obvious difference between a good boot and a bad one seems to be the line :

[ 141.794727] hda-intel: IRQ timing workaround is activated for card #0. Suggest a bigger bdl_pos_adj. which is there after a slow boot. The sound works ok (as does everything else).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Slow Login With 11.3?

Oct 8, 2010

With the upgrade to 11.3 x86_64 I was very disappointed to find that the time it took to log in to KDE once I entered my password skyrocketed. On 11.2, what used to be a speedy two seconds before I would see the desktop has now turned into 30 seconds, or more sometimes: today it was closer to 45.

disable powerdevil or to disable the KDED modules, both located in the service manager.

Disabling powerdevil does bring my login time back down to where it was in 11.2. I have several questions now: Powerdevil is described as a "laptop power management daemon" in the service manager. Is it truly only for laptops? What features does powerdevil provide? If I disable it will my CPU frequency scaling and other power management features still work?

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OpenSUSE :: Desktop Activity Settings Causes KDE To Disappear?

Aug 30, 2010

Whenever I start Desktop Activity Settings by shortcut or right clicking the desktop KDE window interface disappears all together showing only a black screen. Applications there were running continue to run. Is there a way I can 'reset' the KDE config?

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OpenSUSE :: Last Plasma Desktop Activity Deleted?

Sep 4, 2010

I have accidentally deleted the last desktop activity for Plasma. I cannot access the cashew and right clicking on the desktop does nothing. I can still see and use my panels just as I would before but there is nothing that I can put on the desktop do I get a desktop activity back from where there is nothing?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Slow X After Kernel Update To

Dec 14, 2009

As the title says. System is openSUSE 11.1 running KDE3.5 with KDE4.3 also installed to use desktop effects in KDE3.5. After update X uses 90% CPU to scroll down a page in FF, OOo or even in text editor, either with KWin and KWin4. With KWin4 desktop effects can't be enabled in system config.

From Xorg.conf:
Section "Device"
BoardName "ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics"
Driver "fglrx"
Identifier "Device[0]"
Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true"
Option "Capabilities" "0x00000000"
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
Option "FSAAScale" "0"
Option "FSAAEnable" "off"
Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
Screen 0
VendorName "ATI"
Rolling back to kernel fixed the problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE 4.3.1 Booting / Logging Out Really Slow

Feb 18, 2010

Kde 4.3.1 started booting slow, real slow, real slow.. and logging out real slow. I tried un-instsalling everything since my last update. I then tried moving to the kde 4.3.5. Same problem. Any clues or should I just do reinstall? I am running a ACCER laptop Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 550 @ 2.00GHz. I have been using Linux for 10yrs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: VERY Slow Boots And Shutdowns?

Apr 19, 2010

Using 11.2 on self-built pc with AMD 9950 on Asus M3n78 Pro mobo. Boot drive is sata, with an external ntfs 1.5 tb USB/firewire/externalSATA connection (using USB at the moment.) nVidia 9800 GT video card (8300 gt on mobo.)It takes literally hours to boot up and more hours to shutdown this system.e point I am ready to hit hardware reset to continue. This is the 5th cycle with the same problem recurring each time, except sometimes boot occurs in a normal amount of time, but shutdown/reboot always takes hours.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 KDE Login Time Is Slow?

Jul 22, 2010

Anybody else experiencing slow login times with 11.3 KDE? It's taking 40 seconds from the login screen to the desktop. It's a clean 64-bit11.3 KDE install.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation And System Really Slow

Apr 17, 2011

I've some problem with openSUSE 64bits and more precisely extreme slowness.

At first, it was during the Installation (net install), each action (click on a button for example) was followed by a global freeze (though mouse was not). The entire configuration (the first part of installation) took me about 1 hour... At that time, i was thinking "ok it's just installation, it will be fast and smooth in the end..."

I was wrong, the system is as slow as the installation but weird thing: it's only when I log on that the system slow down. I mean the booting process doesn't seem slow and I've not seen any errors. So what's going on ?

I don't know if it's the cause or the consequence but i noticed that my cpu was always at 90+ % except when I don't do anything (useful isn't it?) so it may be because the system doesn't manage my cpu the right way. (it's just an hypothesis)

Now configuration information:


I tried to install openSUSE 11.4 64bits with the net install downloaded yesterday from the official website. I chose Gnome. I don't have swap (see hardware below) and I have a different partition for / and /home


Asus X5BVN laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 @2GHz
4GB DDR2 RAM (enough ram -> no swap)
nVidia GT240M 1GB
Intel WiFi Link 5100
Atheros AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (odd thing: during the installation it wasn't this name)

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