OpenSUSE Install :: RSA Key Authentication With 11.3

Dec 3, 2010

I've got a server that was running 11.0 and was set up so that a number of other machines could connect to it via ssh without needing a password by using rsa key authentication. This has worked for a couple of years without problem. I have just progressively upgraded 11.0->11.1, 11.1->11.2 and 11.2->11.3 so now I'm running 11.3 and the above authentication is not working.

My logs show the errors gkr-pam: couldn't get the password from user: Conversation error error: ssh_msg_send: write pam_unix2(sshd:auth): conversation failed error: ssh_msg_send: write

when the automated logins are attempted. Are there any configuration changes that need to be made to get this to work again with 11.3?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Authentication Failed - During The OS Installation

Jun 3, 2010

I wanted to install it on a secondary computer in my house for web browsing and little-to-nothing more.

How can I fix or get around the error 'Authentication failed' when attempting to login?

I just installed openSUSE. The installation seemed to go well. After installation, everything loaded up and I was using the OS with no problems.

I restarted the computer to change my boot sequence in the BIOS. Then I got to the openSUSE login screen. I was presented with three options:

1. my username - When I enter in the password I specified during the OS installation it says "Authentication failure"

2. Automatic Login - just says "Permission denied"

3. Other... - Nothing seems to work here

How can I login?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Authentication Failed \ After Doing All The Configuration Rebooted And Tried To Login.Nothing Happened?

Jun 22, 2011

Now i will try to explain my problem.I just installed fresh 11.04 openSuSe 64bit.After doing all the configuration I rebooted and tried to login.Nothing happened.Googled some things, tried ctrl alt f1 and login as root, also tried to login as root, even changed my root password to be sure.Still, nothing happens, except for the thing that everytime I try to login as root it says authentication failed, but if i type my password bad it says bad password.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GUI "Authentication Failed" 11.0?

May 23, 2010

I am on openSUSE 11.0 with kernel System has been working well for many months. Today I boot and attempts to login through the GUI as any user (including root) fail, presenting the message: Authentication failed However, the machine is running. If I switch to a console using Alt-F1 I can login as a user and su to root. Also, samba is working and a Windows machine can connect to shares as it has for some time. I have been looking around the net for some way that the GUI might have been configured for a different authentication, such as LDAP, that I am not running. There are many places to find the GUI tools described, but I cannot find one that describes command line configuration.

Do you think this authentication reconfiguration might be the problem? If so, how can I tell and how can I change it? What has changed most recently is that yesterday I installed the Google Chrome browser. Appeared to install correctly and was working.

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Ubuntu Security :: Configure SSH Key-based Authentication And SSH Password Authentication In Same Machine For Different User?

Jan 10, 2010

I want to configure SSH key-based authentication and SSH password Authentication in same machine for different user .

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Smarthost + Authentication: Get 535 Incorrect Authentication Data Error

Mar 14, 2011

On Ubuntu server 10.10, with a relay smtp server with authentication via postfix; I keep getting 535: Incorrect authentication data. I'm sure my username and password is correct. Heres how I set up postfix: I created a file called smarthosts.conf in my /etc/postfix/ directory that contains the following:


my server uses plain text authentication on port 25. I would like to use security like SSL, but this particular server is unsecured.

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Debian :: Way To Make Su Repeat Authentication Rather Then Just Returning Authentication Failed

Apr 1, 2016

If I am running a script, let's say a install script. Is there a way to make Su repeat authentication rather then just returning "Authentication failed" and continuing the script?

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Security :: Make A Choice On What Authentication Protocol To Use For Authentication And Authorization?

Jan 17, 2011

I need to make a choice on what authentication protocol I want to use for Authentication and Authorization. I was looking at Radius and then literature suggested that Diameter was a better protocol. Keep in mind I need this on a hetrogeneous setup ( linux & windows together). Diameter seemed like a good fit until I discovered that the open source code no longer seems to be maintained ( C/C++).

I was also looking at Kerberos as an option though there is alot overhead with the server. SSL/TLS or EAP? I am looking for simple but secure and am new at the security protocols.

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Server :: Su: Authentication Service Cannot Retrieve Authentication Info?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a problem with ldap client authentication in ubuntu. I am using rhel5 as openldap server and I configured ubuntu as client, when I am trying to login the following message is coming."su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. Sorry"
But when I do search through "ldapsearch" command output is coming without any errors, Can anybody explain what would be problem.

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Server :: Squid Proxy Authentication And Without Authentication

May 27, 2011

I have a network and am using squid proxy with authentication I want to create another subnet without authentication.

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OpenSUSE :: How To SSH Using Sockv5 Proxy With Authentication

Feb 19, 2010

How do you get SSH to use a socks proxy? I have tried:
ssh -o "connect -5 -S socks_proxy:1080 %h %p" host_server 22
I have tried to use socksify but I am not sure how to setup the client.

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OpenSUSE :: Weird Bug With The Authentication When Updating?

Apr 1, 2011

Since I installed the 11.4, I have a weird bug when I do the update process (in GUI).Though it doesn't prevent the updates to install, it is a little annoying. When I click the accept button to apply the updates, I get the usual authentication dialog. I input my password and then I get the same dialog but without the field to enter the password. If I click the Authenticate button, the dialog doesn't shut and the update doesn't proceed. But if I click the close button in the title bar, the dialog shuts and the update proceed. I never had this second dialog appearing in both the 11.2 and 11.3.

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OpenSUSE :: PackageKit Authentication Fails Without Asking?

Aug 3, 2011

The first time PackageKit Update Applet ran, it asked me for the root passwordI accidentally pressed enter after making a typo, and ever since then Update Appletfails rror:Authorization failedYou have failed to provide correct authentication.Please check any passwords or account settings.Failed to obtain authentication. It never lets me input a new password. Two questions:1) Am I doing something wrong, or is this actually a bug? The possibility has been mentioned in other posts on the topic.2) Where does PackageKit store its files? I'll either change the password myself or delete the file where it's written, hopefully that will trigger PackageKit to ask again.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ldap Authentication With TLS

Jan 24, 2011

I have created a CA on my server then created a server certificate under that then exported it as a common server certificate.I have then gone to my LDAP server and enabled TLS and told it to use the common server certificate.Now on my client I have enabled LDAP TLS/SSL and it's asking me to download a certificate ... from where ? Do I export the certificate to a file and put it on a web server.If so what format as the export offers loads.

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Ubuntu :: Install Programs - Authentication

Oct 3, 2010

I'm having several problems trying to install programs. Some sort of problem with authentication. I then tried to upgrade to Maverick Meercat and it gives the problem that you can see in the uploaded pic.

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OpenSUSE :: RPC Authentication Error - Cannot Register Service

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to solve problem with software which needs to have access to network card I suppose. Installation run without any problems but when I am launch software I get such message as normal user:
Cannot register service:
RPC: Authentication error; why = Client credential too weak.

When I launch program as root I get this:
WARNING: localhost appears to have the loopback address as IP address
This may imply that processes on arlin may not be able to connect to non-local processes but program starting with success at least. What I should do to run program as normal user?

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OpenSUSE :: KMail Sends It's Authentication String?

Feb 23, 2010

I just installed my version of 11.2 and am slowly setting up the software I need to make my Windows box an expensive paperweight. I recently set up my KMail to receive mail on my POP3 acct. I only recently had reason to send an email to myself at work to remind me to do something. When I hit send this is what I got:


And it was in the clear. hmmmm. Is this how KMail sends it's authentication string? I have never really looked at SMTP or POP packets so maybe they all send them like this but I was a bit shocked when it came up like that. What if someone had been looking over my shoulder?

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OpenSUSE :: Authentication Failure Of Root Password?

May 2, 2010

have been experiencing an error (the past few weeks) whenever I try to install a software package using the default installer. Each time I enter the root password it is not accepted and I am unable to get past it and the installation fails.This is the error message that is issued:[PK_TMP_DIR|dir:///var/tmp/TmpDir.mf2zCf] Repository already exists.I am able to enter the root password in a terminal session without any problem along with using the Install Software option in the main menu.

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OpenSUSE :: Dovecot+pam Authentication Password Mismatch?

Jun 13, 2010

I've been having enormous problems with pam authentication. I use opensuse 11.1, postfix 2.5.5, dovecot 1.1.7. , ssl, dovecot-sasl. Everything works fine within local network, but I can't log in from outside (using outlook express 6). Output of dovecot -n:

protocols: imap imaps pop3 pop3s
listen(default): *:143
listen(imap): *:143
listen(pop3): *:110


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OpenSUSE :: XFCE Update Applet Authentication?

Dec 7, 2010

Using XFCE with OpenSUSE 11.3. XFCE's Update Applet runs without superuser privileges. It finds updates without problems, but when I try to install them, it reports that it failed to authenticate or something like that. I have to start YaST Online Update module in order to install the updates. Is it possible to enable XFCE Update Applet to prompt for superuser authentication or to directly use YaST Online Update as panel applet, like in KDE?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Authentication In Windows Domain ?

Jul 12, 2009

I'm trying in the company where I work to persuade my co-partners to move slowly into the world of linux, but because everything are set up on Windows is quite difficult. Though I can install at least in one PC openSuse or Ubuntu (I prefer openSuse), but the problem is that I have to find a way to make the authentication to a Windows Domain, which is running Windows Server 2003.

How is this possible? Is this procedure painless or I have to read a lot of staffs in order to make it work? I would be obliged if you could give me some steps on how to do it. I can't stand windows any more

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OpenSUSE Network :: Vsftp Authentication With Mysql ?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm using openSUSE 11.1 and would like to authenticate vsftp users against a mysql database. The newest version of pam-mysql I can find is from 2005. I'm concerned about using something from what appears to be a dead project. Is there an alternative? I'm trying to come up with a solution where I can manage FTP users from an application running from Windows desktops.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba MS LDAP Authentication?

May 7, 2011

On this moment i configure a testenvironment with 1 Microsoft active directory server and 1 Opensuse 11 samba filesharing server. But i have a issue. The samba server is add to the domain and the servers can communicate with eachother. I can login to the domain on the samba server and the LDAP settings tab on yast2 samba configuration tool tell me that samba and the MS LDAP server can communicate with eachother. I can see the shares on the samba server but i can't autenticate myself. When i whant to logon than see i always "domain: domainname.local" and "access denied". My question is now how can i give the MS administrator account rights to view the shares and configure the rights for the other users.Samba config file

PHP Code:


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: GTC For PEAP Authentication In WPA2?

Sep 20, 2010

So my university has two wireless servers that students can log into: VCU and VCU SafeNet. The regular VCU server works fine in most areas on campus but the library which I imagine I would be spending most of my time in between classes to do work and such. The connection quality for the unsecured server sucks ass there, and I do not use that term lightly. Other students have found success connecting in the library through the SafeNet server and the tech support man in the library was very nice in helping me setting up the security rules to connect to SafeNet in openSUSE.

However, I lack one little thing that would get me internet connection on crack at the library: GTC authentication for PEAP in WPA2. I did some research and found that GTC has not been implemented in the GUI of KNetworkManager even though it was implemented in NetworkManager. The guide that the tech support man printed out for me was for some earlier version of Ubuntu, so I know NetworkManager has had GTC support for a while now and KNetworkManager is still lacking this. I also found a patch for KNetworkManager, but have had no luck implementing it.

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Networking :: Authentication Active Directory With Opensuse ?

Jan 11, 2011

What is the The easiest way to authentication Active Directory with opensuse.

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OpenSUSE :: Nautilus - Unable To Mount - Authentication Required

Apr 1, 2010

I put a cd or dvd in and i get this error message "Unable to mount ..... Authentication is required" What's going on? i used to be able to do this no problems

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OpenSUSE :: SMTP Server Doesn't Support Authentication?

Aug 14, 2010

I just dowm loaded and installed 11.3 openSuse I set up Kmail but when I tried to send it says Your SMTP server does not support authentication. The server responded: "5.5.1 command unrecognized" The message will stay in the 'outbox' folder until you either fix the problem (e.g. a broken address) or remove the message from the 'outbox' folder. The following transport was used: I did set up the email correctl

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OpenSUSE :: Skype Installation Says: Failed To Obtain Authentication?

Feb 19, 2011

i seem to encounter lots of little troubles here and there... just need to get used to it.

now i`ve downloaded skype for opensuse and when i dbl click on it, it says: "you have failed to provide correct authentication please check any password or account settings" but it doesnt ask me anything before the error..

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OpenSUSE :: Setting Samba With YaST Then Authentication Fails 11.4?

Sep 2, 2011

I am able to see my samba shares on a windows xp machine, but the username/password combination fails.I setup samba with YaST.firewall is disabled.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Mounting Flash Stick Needs Authentication?

Sep 9, 2011

Since upgrading to SuSe 11.4 I've noticed that whenever I insert removable media I now get asked for root authentication before mounting! This is a real pain and I cant find any way to change this

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