OpenSUSE Install :: Moving Boot Partition Resizing LVM
Jan 30, 2010
A while back I ran into the situation of running out of space on /boot. When I last installed Suse I just went with the recommended LVM layout, which proposes a very small /boot partition. When you run out of space you are now faced with resizing the LVM, which Gparted unfortunately does not support.In Googling around I did not find a concise guide, so I collected the information I needed and and then wrote a guide on the steps I used to resolve this issue and it is available at Resizing Default LVM Partitions and Moving /boot - Mine the Harvest
I found using EVMS from a live CD to be quite simple and was able to create a new /boot partition and reconfigure grub to use it in very short order. I was quite impressed with how easy to use EVMS was and the options it provides. (I think that the default LVM layout the Suse installer proposes is overly conservative on the size of the /boot partition. Why not allocate a few hundred megs, especially considering the size of drives today? Perhaps Suse will soon move to using grub2 and eliminating /boot altogether, but for now the very small allocation of space can be a bit of a pitfall for users -- especially when they are not familiar with resizing LVMs and reconfiguring grub. Of course moving to grub2 also introduces its own complexities too.)
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Dec 16, 2010
I have two 250 GB drives setup with hardware RAID 1. I had on sda and sdb: 20 GB swap, 20 GB /, 198 GB /srv all was good until I started to run out of space on 20 GB /. So I booted the server with Suse 11.3 live cd and reduced the size of 20 GB swap to 10 GB and 198 GB /srv to 150 GB on sda and sdb.
All good so far, then tried to increase 20 GB / to 60 GB, but the Partition setup says the Max Size can be 20 GB, I have checked and I have 42.88 GB of Unpartitioned space. I have rescanned, rebooted, Server is still running fine by the way, but the 42.88 GB of free space is not made available for the expansion of 20 GB /.
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Jan 18, 2011
I would like to resize my /home ( /dev/sdb6 ) partition - without losing data - to make room to create a swap partition (at the moment, I don't have any swap. Is it dangerous ?) IIRC, it was possible to change partition sizes from the install disk in repair mode (?) But I cannot find that repair mode on the 11.3 install disk. Has it been removed or is it somewhere deeper in the install or update process ?
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May 1, 2010
I installed opensuse 11.2 some 6 months ago as an alternative to windows 7, on a 44GB partition. Having become my primary OS, I am looking forward to expand the ext4 partition from 44GB to the maximum possible. I have some 24GB unpartitioned space, and free space on NTSF partitions (one of which could be deleted if necessary). What is the best and safest procedure to perform the partitioning.
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Mar 31, 2011
So I recently installed openSUSE KDE (latest build, don't know the number?). total linux noob, been a windows user all my life. right now i'm dual-booting between win 7 and opensuse KDE. i originally alotted for a parsley 10gb only to use as a backup whenever my windows inevitably starts having problems and i have no access or means to repair it/ use as a secure place to scan my windows partition and external drives for viruses. i want to expand my opensuse partition.
so my problem is this: i have a 200gb windows partition, a 15 gb partition (U) i set up to do file swapping cross-os (which i couldnt figure out how to work, btw. formatted it in FAT32). and my 10 gb suse partition (O). i tried using the built-in KDE partition manager to shrink or completely do away with U, and expand the suse partition. the problem is my suse partition is ecapsulated by an extended partition, whatever that is, and suse has its own 1.5 gb "swap" partition. after shrinking U i tried expanding O, but it said i was already at max size. tried expanding extended, also didnt work, same goes for the 1.5 gb suse swap partition.
i read in another post that i could do the resizing via some sort of bootable disc, the only problem is that i have no access to cd or dvd blanks, and i have no usb thumb drives just 2 external hd's - 1tb and 250gb. so how can i go about expanding my opensuse partition? the easiest way i could think of is to just reformat/repartition from windows, and reinstall opensuse from my boot dvd. only problem with that is i cant SEE my suse partition from windows...
i imagine i could also just boot from the dvd and run the installer again, and use the partitioner built into the installer, but i didn't really feel comfortable with it the first time around. im know my way around a computer but all of a sudden it blindsided me with a ton of options i know nothing about, it was a little too complicated.
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Mar 13, 2011
I installed 11.4 (64 bit) and all went amazingly smooth. I created three logical partitions (boot, swap and home in this order) and an extended partition with root and backup. Just prior to the installation, my external backup drive went belly up so I created a 40 gig partition to "fill in" the backup duties until I purchased a new one. I got it and set it up and then deleted the 40 gig backup partition thinking I would just add the now unallocated space to the root partition but alas it was not meant to be. I can't resize the root partition while it's mounted and I can't unmount it and have a working system. The 40 gigs of space is sitting right next to root (no having to jump or resize other partitions to combine the two). Is there a way to do this or did I just waste 40 gigs worth of real estate.
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Jan 1, 2010
I installed openSUSE 11.2 on an external HDD to test. I think it's brilliant, and want to move it to an internal HDD. What is the best way to do this? I don't want to lose all the programs / tweaks I've made to SUSE so far.
Coming from the Windows' world, it's as easy as taking an image of a partition and restoring it over a new HDD partition.
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Feb 5, 2009
I have an 80 GB XFS / partition which is dying. Got some errors like this:
ata9: SError: { UnrecovData Dispar BadCRC Handshk }
It's not a problem to create another partition, I've got 2 500GB and 2 1TB disks, all EXT3. I've also 2 80 GB disks, 1 for / and 1 for /home. I will remove the 2 80 GB disks but I have a lot of stuff compiled myself. I use openSUSE 11.1. Is it possible to create a 80 GB EXT3 partition on each of the 500 GB hdd, 1 for / and 1 for /home and move the data to it? must it be done with the DD command or can I easily copy everything within a live-cd. The /boot and swap are already on one of the 500GB disks, and there is no bootrecord on the 80 GB disks.
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Jul 24, 2011
I have a dual boot system with Vista and OpenSUSE 11.3 . Linux is distributed over 2 partitions: one for /home and one root partition for all the rest. As this root partition is getting filled, I thought of taking a 10 GB partition from the Vista partition and using this for the /usr folder (= 6 GB). This partition is a primary partition, while the rest of Linux is on secondary partitions.To be save, I renamed the existing /usr to /usr-old and created an empty /usr as mount point. I changed fstab to load the root partition, the /usr partition and then the /home partition.But when I started the system, there were a lot of errors about files not found in the /usr folder, lthought this folder and is content were clearly present when browsing the filesystem. What went wrong? Hard links? Other system configurations to change? Not possible to put /usr on a separate partition?
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Mar 16, 2011
I just installed the 11.4 version after using numerous previous versions. During this install the /usr directory was placed in a separate partition. How would I go about placing it in the partition with all the other running directories?
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Mar 11, 2010
Today I was messing around with my partitions, and I decided to shrink my main partition that had Windows on it, so that I would could have one big storage partition and then a Windows 7 one and a Ubuntu one. Well, it didn't really work so I decided just to wait for Lucid to come out and start with a fresh install. So I went into EASEUS Partition Manager and resized my main Windows 7 partition back to its normal size. It had to reboot and did its stuff, and then when I restarted my computer, grub was showing the grub rescue> thing. So I went into the Windows 7 recovery disk, and tried all the BootRec.exe options. None of those worked. So I decided to go to the extreme and just delete Ubuntu completely.
I deleted the entire partition with GParted and then resized the main partition all the way. Then I booted into a Ubuntu live usb and re-installed Ubuntu. I thought it would just reinstall Grub and I would be able to get to both Ubuntu and Windows 7. It did install Grub, but now I can only boot into Ubuntu. It's really weird, because I can boot into windows, it just says starting windows and does the loading thing. And then EASEUS Partition Manager comes and says that all resize operations were complete successfully(because I hadn't booted into windows since I resized stuff with it) and then the screen just stays black for a long time. I don't know what to do. If I wait long enough, my computer just reboots...
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Nov 11, 2010
First of all, the boot device is an 16GB SD card. I install Citrix XenServer on it but I make the partition too small (XenServer makes a lot of logs file). I resize the partition but now it give "Illegal OpCode" and red screen everytime it boot.I already create the image of the whole SD card using dd and already try these process three times = restore the image, test that it can boot properly, then resize the partition using gparted, then it can't boot.
I already post this question in XenServer forum (with screenshot) but nobody answer there.The hardware itself is HP Proliant ML350 G6 with internal SD slot.
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Jul 6, 2010
After running Lucid since it's release I decided to wipe out my Karmic partition yesterday in order to utilize that space better elsewhere. So I booted up with the Karmic LiveCD, using the option just to check out Ubuntu. Then I opened up Gparted, unswapped (unmounted) the swap partition, made sure nothing else was mounted, and proceeded to delete my Karmic partition which then provided me with about 40 GB of unused space.
Since I wanted to re-assign 10 of those GB to my primary Ubuntu software partition where I keep all of my personal data, I went ahead and resized that one to make it 10 GB larger. First I had to move the empty space over which took several hours, but that wasn't a problem. Resizing the partition wasn't a problem either. Then I wanted to re-assign the remaining 30 GB to my Ubuntu boot partition which contains strictly my Ubuntu system ... and that's where the problem is.
The remaining unused space on the hard disk is located directly next to my Ubuntu boot partition. No matter what I do while using Gparted via the LiveCD, it doesn't seem to be possible for me to enlarge that boot partition. Does anyone know how I can do this either via Gparted, the Disk Utility from Lucid, or even via the terminal?
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Nov 1, 2010
Ubuntu 10 is great. Love it. Am still running with dual boot as am a bit of a games addict. However want to give Ubuntu more room as will be my work area. Can I make the Linux partition bigger with the disk utility that comes with Ubuntu 10.10?Played around with Linux in the early '90's.Sure has changed.Easy installation, device recognition better than Win 7 and great working environment.
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Jan 9, 2010
I used gparted in PartedMagic to resize my /home partition from 360GB to 160GB, and create a new FAT32 partition out of the remaining 200GB.My /home directory only had about 9GB worth of files in it and as far as I can tell there was no reason for any of them to be anywhere near the portion which was deleted. So the resizing and creating the new partition seemed to go fine. Then I rebooted and it got stuck while booting into Debian.
I tried checking my BIOS for an IOMMU option but there doesn't seem to be one at all. I also only have 4GB of RAM so I don't know why it thinks I have 4.75GB.
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Jul 26, 2010
When I installed Ubuntu I set it up to dual-boot with windows and didnt put much thought into the partition sizes, and now I want to make the ubuntu partition bigger. I shrunk the windows partition from gparted fine and then booted up off my ubuntu 10.04 disk to make the ubuntu partition bigger, but it won't let me do so from gparted. Attached is a picture of how my hard drive's currently set up.
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Feb 19, 2010
I recently used a GParted CD to resize my partition with Vista installed on it in order to make room for another partition in which I installed Linux onto. I, unfortunately, did not back up my data. My Vista partition now does not show up in Grub and when I set it to just boot to the Vista install it will never boot and is stuck in a loop.
I tried using this guide to try to get it back. My problem comes about halfway through this guide when I go to repair my Vista installation nothing shows up under installations. I would really like to get my data from the Vista partition. I guess if I'm SOL then at least I'll remember to backup my data next time..
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Dec 4, 2010
I have a strange problem with grub. My grub boot image randomly changes sometimes into default opensuse and sometimes into penguin moving around.Is is a funny program?
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Oct 31, 2010
When I run out of space on my Ubuntu partition, which will probably happen with me being the untidy person I am, is there a way to resize the partition in Windows or Ubuntu that will allow the other to boot? As I've heard stories of using Gparted to resize a Windows partition doesn't allow Windows Vista to boot up as it removes a crucial part of the operating system? I have adequate space to give to Ubuntu on my NTFS partition. May I also add that to install Ubuntu I had to use the partitioner that came with the installer, because the Windows Disk Manager wouldn't let me partition the NTFS drive, because it Denied my Access.
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Jul 22, 2010
Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have
Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)
I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.
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May 18, 2011
I'm running Debian Wheezy on a Dell XPS M1530 laptop, 64-bit.
I'm having a boot problem after moving my /usr directory out of the root partition and into its own partition.
I followed the "easy way" here: [url]
Basically, I moved the contents of /usr to a new partition -- renamed /usr in root to /oldusr -- and edited fstab and tried to reboot... but the boot process wasn't able to find the new /usr.
After using /dev/sda7 in fstab (to no success) I ran blkid to find the UUID and used that (again, to no success).
My fstab is below:
For what it's worth, grub is also looking different -- none of the debian backgrounds that were there previously remain. While it lists the same kernels to boot into the boot (as described above) fails.
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Aug 29, 2010
I have 1 HD with the following OSes, each on his own partition:
p1 WinXP
p2 Win7
p3 Ubuntu
p4 Ubuntu Studio
p5 Unallocated (not actually a partition)
I intended to create a 5th partition, formatted as NTFS, for data. That's when I found out that Windows only supports 4 partitions per disk (yeah, I know, should've looked it up first). On Win7 Disk Management applet, they're all listed as "Primary Partition".
I've come up with a few possible solutions: s1. Move partitions p3 & p4 down towards the end of the HD, and add half of the available space to partition p2 (Win7) and the other half to partition p4 (Ubuntu Studio).
s2. Move partitions p3 & p4 to the end of the HD, and add all available space to partition p2 (Win7).
s3. Increase partition p4 (Ubuntu Studio) to take up all the available space.
My questions:
q1. Win7 Disk Management applet gives me no option to move or resize (other than shrink) the partitions. Does this mean I'll have to use another partition manager (e.g., gparted)?
q2. If I move the partitions p3 & p4 (both Ubuntu), will there be any impact on grub?
q3. Is there any way to turn partition p4 to extended instead of primary? If so, what are the consequences?
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Mar 8, 2011
I was installing ubuntu 11.04 natty narwal daily build alongside windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10, and was resizing partition when computer was taking too long to resize, i then restarted computer, my computer appears to be working, but i get no display on my monitor, even though it is powered on. getting my bios to appear, or restoring my computer to normal.
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Mar 2, 2011
Using gparted as shown on the partitions in the image:
sda1 is Windows 7
sda2 is swap
sda3 is root
sda4 is home
I'd like to move sda4 to the end of the drive, thus shrinking it by 20GB, and shunt every other partition along to make an extra 20GB for sda1 at the start of the drive, and expand this partition into the 20GB of space I created.
When I start moving and shrinking sda4 (before I apply and execute the command) I get a warning saying that it is very dangerous to move a boot partition and it could render my system unbootable etc etc.
How safe is it to do this? If I bork it, can I recover easily?
I assume the error has something to do with start/end disk sectors in the grub2 list (however this works these days). In short, messages like this do what they should and scare me just enough to seek assistance from this wonderful online community!
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Jul 21, 2010
I need to move a Linux boot partition which uses grub into some unallocated space to its left on a hard disk in order to make more room for the partition after it. The boot code is not in the MBR but in its own partition. I have a multi-boot program which currently correctly boots the partition. The partition order will not change.
I have non-Linux software that can move the partition. The software suggests I have to run some Linux command after the move, but does not say what to do for grub. I would be glad to move the partition within Linux if that makes it easier, perhaps with gparted or kparted.
Can someone tell me if there is anything I have to do for grub if I move the partition to its left ? My multi-boot loader will find the partition to boot once I move it. If I move it with gparted or kparted do I have to do anything after that to make sure grub works correctly once my multi-boot program boots the partition ?
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Dec 16, 2010
I have a system which previously have 3 OS installed on one physical HDD; WinXP on sda1, Win7 on sda2 and Slackware linux on sda3. Lilo is used as the boot loader.
Recently I bought another HDD and decided to reinstalled my Win7 on it and I use GParted to move Slackware to the original Win7 slot on my first HDD so now my Slackware partition has been move from sda3 to sda2.
I modified the /etc/lilo.conf file so that it reflects the new Slackware partition and run lilo to installed it.
The lilo installed correctly I can boot into WinXP and Win7 without problem but when I try to boot into Slackware, it fail at the root filesystem check, apparently the e2fsck still try to check sda3.
Is there anything that I can do to correct the problem without having to reinstall Linux?
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Apr 23, 2009
Trying to dual-boot OpenSolaris and FC10 is difficult because Solaris grub doesn't know about ext3 and Fedora grub doesn't know about ZFS. I was able to rescue my FC10 installation by creating a new FAT16 partition and restoring /boot to it from a dump, and then doing a grub setup to it. A complication is that anaconda doesn't seem to be able to find /dev/md0 (both the Solaris and FC10 installs use mirrored disks).
This process moved the FC10 ext3 partition from /dev/sda3 to /dev/sda4, but the other half of the mirror is still /dev/sdb3.
When I boot FC10 I get a "can't load image" error from grub, but it still loads FC10 successfully. It makes no difference if menu.1st/grub.conf has "root (hd0,1)" (the FAT16 partition) or "root (hd0,3)" (the FC10 ext3 partition).
If a future yum update were to try to install a new kernel, my FAT16 partition would not be updated. It seems to me both these problems might be solved if I could move /boot from /dev/md0 to /dev/sda2 (/dev/sda2 is the FAT16 partition).
Rather than go through yet another install, would the following work?
from FC10, move /boot to (say) /boot.0
mkdir /boot
edit fstab to include "mount /dev/sda2 /boot"
If I try this and it doesn't work, I can't see any way to undo it since anaconda doesn't seem to be able to mount /dev/md0. If a grub guru sees this, perhaps they could suggest a better alternative, or if not, whether this will work or not.
Additionally, although there are two alternatives in menu.1st/grub.conf, grub doesn't display a menu - it goes directly to boot. Any idea why? I suppose this might be a Solaris stage1 grub problem...
Since FAT16 doesn't support links, it isn't possible to link grub.conf to menu.1st. Are they both required?
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Mar 25, 2011
I moved my /var partition using Gparted Live CD version 0.8.0-3. Everything went fine. But when I boot my Fedora 14, I get error message (something like "name_count maxed, losing inode data"). Maybe there are other error messages as well, but they scroll away very quickly. Is there any way to slow them down?
But the boot hangs after starting udev and setting host name to localhost.localdomain. It just hangs there. If I press the [Caps Lock] key, it toggles the Caps Lock LED. If I boot the installation DVD in Rescue mode, it mounts all partitions without problems, and the data is there.
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Dec 9, 2010
Old drive is dying, so I copied the system over to my new drive. I've moved /home and /tmp to separate partitions and updated fstab and grub with the appropriate UUIDs from blkid. Grub wasn't loading but that's been fixed now.
The problem now is that when I boot I get the following screen:
Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /
Press F to attempt to fix the errors, I to ignore, S to skip mounting or M for manual recovery
F doesn't work, and in manual recovery the file system is read-only. How to proceed?
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May 16, 2010
Because I am using one of the new WD disks I am trying to aling my root partition with the real sectors, as described here: [url]
So I copied all files to a temp location, deleted my partition (/dev/sda3), recreated it a few cylinders later (same name) and copied the files to the newly created partition. I updated UUIDs in grub's configuration as suggested in this thread:[url]
But now it fails to boot with the following error:
I checked the filesystem on this partition and its fine. I tried to recreate the initramfs from Knoppix:
But it didn't change anything.
How can I either fix it or install a different kernel on this drive so I could boot into it and re-install my default kernels?
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