OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypted LVM Boot Hangs After Upgrade

Jul 16, 2010

I just upgraded my OpenSuSE 11.2 system to 11.3 and have experienced the following problem:

My hard drive was encrypted beforehand, and after the upgrade(which went smoothly) will no longer decrypt. I type in my passphrase at the prompt, press enter and the start up process never resumes. I am able to access the filesystem from the Rescue System option in the install disk. What's strange is that this worked smoothly on another laptop of mine.

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Debian Configuration :: Boot Hangs With 4.2.6 Static Kernel And Encrypted LVM

Dec 7, 2015

I use a static compiled kernel and a fully encrypted disk apart from a boot partition. I have recompiled and installed kernels many times. When I tried with the latest kernel from Testing, 4.2.6, the system will not boot. Not only that but the previous kernel now does not boot. However, a stock modular kernel does boot. The static kernel hangs at:

Code: Select allVolume group "dk" not found
Cannot process volume group dk
/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory
WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
/run/lvm/lvmetad.socket: connect failed: No such file or directory

[Code] ....

And after giving the password the boot continues successfully. How to diagnose it further?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Upgrade Hangs On Install Restart At Starting Up

Jun 5, 2010

I've been using ubuntu for a couple of years rather successfully on my dual-boot Vista/Ubuntu. It upgraded to 8.0(4?) LTS, 10.04LTS and I kept it there until this afternoon I followed the instructions on the ubuntu site to open up a terminal and update-manager --somearg to provide me with a nice little "Upgrade" button on the update manager. I clicked said button per the instructions, let it do it's downloading and whatever else it does. The last step of the installation is a system reboot. I let it do that, and then my grub menu comes up as more-or-less this:

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.32-32-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, memtest86+
Other operating systems:
Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)

If I select the top one, I get:
Starting up ...
with a blinking cursor under the S for a LONG time (used the power switch after ~40 mins). I tried the second 2.6.32-32 option for recovery mode. It spit a bunch of gibberish to the screen for a couple seconds and then stopped, presumably doing the same thing, just with 100% more gibberish. I tried booting into Vista, that worked fine. Just to reiterate, I've not yet seen a 10 LTS login screen or desktop, and can't get one yet (just a "Starting up ...") Just to add, I did try searching, but since the only info I had to go on was 8 LTS to 10 LTS upgrade, and "Starting up ...", well those are just hard keywords to get any meaningful info.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Encrypted FS Not Mounting On Boot?

Feb 6, 2011

I haven't used encryption previously but through that for better security, I would enable it on one of my disks. I went though the process and when done, copied data to the device etc. My house had a powercut the other day and I noticed that the device did not mount automatically upon restart. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the de-cryption password and have lost access to my data. Is there a way of either recovering my password or getting the partition to mount without the password so I can access the data, copy/back up and then re-create the partition without encryption?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mkinitrd And Encrypted /var - What Boot Parameters?

Aug 16, 2011

I've installed opensuse 11.4 by doing a network install, (boot off kernel + initrd, everything else is fetched off network) and i skipped the bootloader part because i've already got two other linux systems set up with grub2 on my computer. I picked the minimal server install (text mode) and didn't make any other software selectiono changes.

My partition layout is as follows

ssd drive contains / partitions for distributions (GPT layout) hdd drive contains encrypted lvm PV (PV on a luks partition). inside that PV is a VG with volumes for /home and /var (and other), where each distribution has its own /var.

The problem is that i cannot get initrd to open the luks properly. i tried chrooting, rebuilding the image with mkinitrd -f "lvm2 luks" ( i saw that somewhere on opensuse wiki, i think ) and adding boot parameters like this : lvm_box=/dev/disk/by-uuid/<luks partiiton UUID> lvm="box" (where box is the name of the lvm array).


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OpenSUSE Install :: Full Encrypted System (expected /boot)with The Best Possible Algorithm And Key Length?

Aug 18, 2010

but I wantto set up a new system with openSUSE 11.3 The system should be fully encrypted. I want to use the best possible encryption.1 I am not sure, AES 256 xts-plain is the most secure single algorithm, isn't it?2 Is it possible to use a cipher? 3 Which algorithm does the yast-installer use when I encrypt the whole system with a logical volume group?I have read this two articles:a) Encrypted Root File System - openSUSEb) openSUSE Lizards encrypted root file system on LVMBut I have to say that these routines are a little bit complicated in my eyes.Isnt there a easier way to encrypt the whole OS?I know there is a 64bit live cd available. 4 So the first description (a) is obsolete?5 How can I set up a (fully encrypted) system without using LVM?The hard disk layout should be done in this way:

/boot sda1
/enhanced partition sda2
/swap sda5


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Hangs During Boot?

Feb 16, 2011

I've looked around the threads and can't find this exact problem. I'm on a Compaq Presario F700 running openSUSE 11.3. During boot it hangs in three different places, all of which I can clear up by clicking the mouse buttons or moving my finger on the pad.

The first place it hangs is after: doing fast boot ^[^[^[creating device nodes with udev

The second place is INIT version 2.88 booting

The third place is copying static /dev content.

Like I said, I can get through all three and everything else works great, I just hate having to watch my machine boot to catch these.

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OpenSUSE Install :: HP Mini 110 Hangs On Boot

Mar 10, 2010

Here's my problem:

New HP Mini 110. Atom N270. 2Gb RAM. 160Gb HDD

I've installed OpenSUSE 11.2 Gnome Live from a USB stick. The installation worked well, but after the first reboot, the graphical loader just hangs with the progress bar having moved only a couple of pixels. Only way to recover is to power-off - CTRL+ALT+DEL does nothing.

When I press 'Esc' on boot, to display the boot messages, I see the boot hangs at the following point:

"Loading drivers, configuring devices:"

trying again, this time adding the boot option "acpi=off" as recommended in another thread, gets me a little further, but the boot now fails at the following point:

"Set System Time to the current Hardware Clock"

Finally, booting in Failsafe mode gets all the way to a text mode login, but this is hardly a long-term work-around.

Has anyone got openSUSE 11.2 working on an HP Mini 110, or at least seen and solved this problem on another system? I can confirm openSUSE 11.2 works fine on my old Acer Aspire One A150, so I assume this is a specific issue on the HP.

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OpenSUSE Install :: During Boot Hangs About 4 Min At Udev?

Mar 17, 2010

During the boot process the machine (Fujitsu Celsius M470) hangs about 4 min at udev:loading drivers. After that it continues and I can work with the OpenSuse 11.2 system without problems.I activated the debug log in /etc/udev/udev.confthen I see that it is doing a lot in that time, at the end I see the message:udevadm settle timeout queue contains: a long list of pci/usb entries (no entries in any log for this)

in the logfile I find:udevd-work[1071]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Error inserting ipmi_si (/lib/modules/ No such device'there is no ipmi. how can I deactivate the loading of this module?

udevd-work[412]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Module input:b0019v0000p0001e0000_e0,1,k74,ramlsfw not found.'
Mar 17 11:35:36 mira udevd-work[418]: '/sbin/modprobe' (stderr) 'FATAL: Module


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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Boot Hangs Up After Installation?

Mar 23, 2011

Tried to install Suse 11.4 on Core 2 Duo 3.16 GHz 4 GB RAM PC alongside Win XP.Installation progress was fine. I rebooted. The gecko appeared and the process bar kept going just about 1/10, then froze. I saw that it froze at the Loading AppArmor Mounting security fs on /sys/kernel/security.I tried safe-mode and it also froze at the same step. tried installing suse 11.3 -- and ended up with the same problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: OS 11.2 Hangs At Boot Several Times In Aspire One?

Dec 1, 2009

I don't know why, but when i first boot openSUSE at the morning in my Aspire it hangs over and over again. I don't know why is this, but the gecko appear, the white bar appear, and moves 1cm, and then, puff no more blinking from the hard drive. Then i force te reboot, over and over until works.The message is: acerhdf: no Aspire One hardware foundWhen i first installed the mini with openSUSE it works perfect for a week, and then start this problem.I have tried with different kernel flavors (like desktop) and still nothing.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Hangs With Acpi Enabled

Apr 11, 2011

I have an old laptop (asus M6 ca. 6 year old) with dual boot linux windows. Untill Saturday linux=suse 11.0, Saturday I have made an upgrade to opensuse11.4.
I have boot up/down many times almot everything was working properly except the battery status ... I have thought .. "I'll think about it later".

Then out of the blue on sunday my laptop does not boot anymore, the boot hangs. I then have realized taht the failsafe boot was working properly.... ok I have remembered the wrong battery signal and tried the normal boot + acpi=off .. and .. it boots!

OK, the acpi is the problem. I have never made an update of my BIOS (this means it is now old), but I do not really want to update it now. with suse 11.0 the acpi was working properly, I have never have touched the acpi boot option and I had all acpi functionality working (battery, suspend .. etc)

how to let acpi work (at least for the main features .. batetry, fan speed, HT ... etc)?

It can be that the old kernel boot was using some "specific flags", (an installation is cleverer than an upgrade ..?!?!) but unfortunatelly it looks to me that nothing has remained from the old installation .. so I do not know ...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Updated To New Kernel Now System Hangs At Boot?

Feb 5, 2010

I have updated to the new kernel that was available from 11.2 and now I cant use my system.

It boots up into kde 4.3.5 and then right when its just finishing it freezes everytime and I hear that last tone of the bootup sound ring continually until I force a shutdown. Anyone else have this issue with the update?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Boot Hangs After Initiating Haldaemon Service?

Feb 20, 2011

I installed 11.3 first as update from 11.2. The later described error occured.My first approach was to install 11.3 as full install from scratch, the following error did not disappear.System boots fine when doing boot option "confirm" and answer "no" to haldaemon service. Subsequently no usb devices are recognized by the system.

If i do not skip the haldaemon, either in normal as in failsafe mode,haldaemon reports a "NULL Pointer dereference", which is repeated very often.The system finally stops booting, the screen is full with the following three lines, which seemed to be repeated for about a minute.

"BUG: Cannot handle NULL Pointer dereference at 000000049.
IP: [<c02250bc>] no_context+0x6c/0x150
*pde = 000000000

i removed old unused hardware, as i read in a older thread, that this was the cause for a boot up failure with the haldaemon, but nothing changed.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.4 Hangs On Boot When Installed As XenServer Guest?

Jun 7, 2011

I created an OpenSUSE 11.4 PV guest on XenServer 5.6, and about half the time, it fails to finish booting. it starts all the services, and fails immediately before it would display the login prompt. I've spent hours googling for this problem, and can't find any reference to it anywhere, meaning that I may be the first to experience it.

has anyone else done OpenSUSE 11.4 on XenServer 5.6 and had this problem? were you able to resolve it, and how?

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Fedora Installation :: F9 To F10 Upgrade, Now Can't Boot Encrypted Disk?

Oct 4, 2009

I just upgraded my F9 system to F10 using they preupgrade method, and though nothing seems to have failed during the upgrade I can't boot my system any longer.I have a completly encrypted system, and so I need to enter a passphrase at boot. The new F10 system does boot and I do get a Password: prompt but the passphrase is not accepted.My passphrase doesn't contain any odd characters to prevent problems with keyboard mappings. Just plain letters (upper and lower case) and digits

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 9.10 Failed; Can't Boot And Have Encrypted RAID Disk?

Feb 23, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop on a headless Pentium 4 machine which is our file, mail, web & fax server. The two x 250GB SATA hard disks were in a RAID 1 array with full disk encryption. Ran the 9.10 upgrade via WEBMIN and it failed. I should have known then to copy over everything to a backup disk, but instead I rebooted.

On restart the machine accepted my encryption passphrase but promptly hung with a mountall symbol lookup error - code 127. So I can't start the machine to get at the disks, and using a Live CD is useless as it has no way to open the RAID array to get at the encrypted partitions. Although we have data backed up (as at last night) I'd hoped not to have to rebuild the entire server from scratch. But its looking bad.I have taken one drive out and plugged it into another machine (Hercules), and the partitions show up as /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdb3.

If it weren't for RAID, I could open /dev/sdb2 the main partition) in Disk Utility and enter my encryption passphrase to get access. But RAID adds a layer of obstruction that I have not yet overcome. I used mdadm to scan the above partitions and created the /etc/mdadm.conf file, which I edited to show the 2nd drive as missing (rather than risk corrupting both drives). I activated the RAID array with mdadm, and cat shows:

root@HERCULES# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [raid1]
md1 : active raid1 sdb3[0]
1815232 blocks [2/1] [U_]


I've been searching the web for hours but have yet to find someone with a solution to this situation. If anyone has a thought on how to access this disk I'd be pleased to hear from you. In the meantime I will start building a new (9.10) machine from scratch, without RAID, 'cos that's probably going to be necessary.

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 Upgrade From 10.10 Hangs At Boot

Apr 30, 2011

I was running 10.10 until this morning when I upgraded to 11.04.{Some minor grub complaints in the install but mainly due to me having customised the entries.}I rebooted and went to the new installation, it goes purple and says Ubuntu 11.04 with dots going across, then it hangs and goes to the background text and the last thing it says is "Checking Battery State.I'm on a desktop, so I'm sure the battery thing isn't an issue, it's probably something before or the next command that freezes it.

I booted into recovery mode repaired grub (no change) then went into failsafe graphics mode and it worked ok.My guess is that because failsafe graphics was ok, it might be to do with the graphics driver (ATI HD6970 fglrx driver) but I've no idea.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Hangs After Upgrade From F11 To F12

Dec 19, 2009

I have just upgraded my F11 x86_64 system using the DVD ISO.

After rebooting as requested:
1) Cupsd fails to start - it can't find (this doesn't worry me in itself).
2) Boot process proceeds until starting hald. This gets an OK response, but then the process hangs. No further output appears on the console. Pressing [ENTER] just causes a blank line to appear on the console. Pressing CTRL-ALT-DEL causes a reboot, and the same symptoms re-occur.

I'm tempted to boot with the rescue disk, save a few critical data directories, then start afresh with a clean install, but is there anything I can do to salvage the upgrade?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade Through Yum Hangs On Boot

Jun 21, 2011

I recently upgraded through 'YUM' from Fedora 14 to Fedora 15. The upgrade appeared to be successful until it re booted, ever since then it hangs at
Started SYSV: Enable monthly update of smolt.
I have downloaded the ISO and burned it to DVD on another system which I used to try to rescue the installation, so far to no avail. My system specs are in my signature below (Laughlin is what I upgraded from).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 Boot Hangs?

Aug 12, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my Toshiba A40 Laptop and decided to take the plunge and upgrade to 10.04. Everything seemed to go well until the Restart. Now it only gets to the Splash Screen (Purple Screen with "Ubuntu" and dots under it) and then there is a flash and the text becomes blocks briefly before going to a blank screen! It seems like it might be a video problem but...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Tried To Do Online 10.04 Upgrade Now Hangs On Boot

May 15, 2010

I was really enjoying the speediness of 9.10 on my HP Pavilion ze4900. Once I got the wireless driver loaded correctly, anyway. Tried to do an on-line upgrade to 10.04, but figured I should have had a hard-wired internet connection when I got installation messages that "Could not set up..." the network. But, installation continued without any other apparent issues. As soon as it rebooted at the end, the problem started. It hangs right after the ubuntu logo, with a completely blank screen.

My questions:
1) Can I get this to start booting properly?
2) If not, what would be the best way to retrieve my evolution mail files, so I can do a clean install? If I boot from a CD, will I be able to retrieve those files and maybe put them on a memory stick?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Hangs After Each Upgrade To Beta

Jan 31, 2011

Every time I upgrade to the current beta releases (natty) the boot process hangs mostly because of nvidia desktop graphics problems. Luckily the system is still running and remote login to console prompt works too. Is there really no reliable way to reset the graphics (and the rest) to minimum configuration. I am really tired of having to try all the repair options to get the desktop running again. How can Linux ever become a reliable solution if everything takes hours to fix and not even the boot process stays the same from one version to the next.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Took 5 Goes To Install - Doesn't Boot Without Assistance And Can't Upgrade

Oct 10, 2010

I had a working setup of opensuse 11.0, dual booting using grub installed on the home partition. I tried to install 11.3 from the coverdisc of linux format (LXFDVD136). It took 5 goes before the install succeeded. Mostly stopping at the "boot installed system" stage. I put 11.3 on a formatted partition in the same place as 11.0, and put grub there too.

The system will not boot without assistance. I have to use a supergrub disc and tell it which partition to boot. If I use boot linux from supergrub I get the Grub error message 15 file not found. Supergrub CAN find windows and it boots with the win command. Automatic and yast initiated attempts to check for software upgrades are blocked by the application with pid 4587.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade To Koala (9.10), System Hangs On Boot?

May 15, 2010

In the last few weeks I upgraded my Ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04. No problems, everything went well. But yesterday I tried to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. Everything seemed to go OK until the upgrade was finished and I had to reboot. After the reboot, no Ubuntu anymore... I get GRUB, but when I continue to boot the latest kernel, I don't see any harddisk activity anymore after about 2 seconds.

Here on the forums I read that one should run the boot_info_script when having boot problems, so I already did. I booted the system with a 8.04 live USB stick. And here is the result of the boot_info_script:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot Hangs After 10.4 Upgrade From 9.10 On Toshiba Laptop?

Sep 12, 2010

I just used Update Manager to upgrade to 10.4 and all I get is the Ubuntu logo screen with the dots and then the screen goes black and there's no other response. This happened after the upgrade completed installing and I received the message to restart the computer. I have never been able to get it to boot.

I can boot fine by selecting the next older kernal although I do get some messages that I don't understand. It all works so I presume it's OK. The kernal that was installed with the upgrade is 2.6.32-24-generic and I've seen other posts about boot problems with it. The laptop is dual boot with Windows XP and Windows boots normally. I saw a suggestion on another thread about booting into an older kernal and then issuing the sudo update-intramfs -u -k command. I tried it and it didn't help.

Next I tried 2.6.32-24-generic recovery mode and I tried the option to fix damaged packages. It seemed to do something although I saw error messages about not being able to find various software sources. I tried a normal boot afterwards and same problem. Recovery mode has another menu option about repairing grub but I don't want to try that. I'm not a power user and this is all over my head. Before I turn the laptop into an unusable door stop,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hangs On Boot As VirualBox Guest After 10.10 > 11.04 Upgrade

Apr 28, 2011

I just upgraded my stable 10.10 64-bit desktop edition VirtualBox guest to 11.04. Got no errors during the upgrade. When I try to boot into 11.04, it hangs on the boot screen where it says ubuntu with the 5 dots below that. There's no animation on this screen--I think the dots usually have a progressive animation?

I've attached a PNG screen shot of the hanging Ubuntu instance.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Error Following Upgrade To 11.4?

May 7, 2011

I upgraded to OpenSuse 11.4, and I am getting the following error message on boot:fsck.ext3 -a -c0 /dev/sdb2Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdb2The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid andreally contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then superblock is corrupt and might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:

e2fsck -b 183 <device>
fsck failed. Mounting root device read only.
mounting root /dev/sdb2


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Ubuntu Installation :: System Boot Hangs At Battery Check After Upgrade?

Apr 28, 2011

I've just upgraded to Natty. During the upgrade no errors showed. However, when I now boot ubuntu (either recovery mode or normal), the boot process hangs at:

'checking battery state'

I searched for similair problems in this forum, but the solutions in other posts(sudo apt-get update & upgrade etc.) did not help. I'm not sure if it is related or important, but when it hangs, it also shows something like:

'starting automatic crash reporter [fail]'
'not starting jetty'
'saned disabled'

(I can't copy there of course, so it is probably not exactly like this, or in this order...) What can I do to get my ubuntu boot again?

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General :: Fedora 12 After Upgrade - When Start Interactive Boot It Hangs After Trying To Run The Service Local

May 19, 2010

Recently i've upgraded my fedora 11 to 12 using the preupgrade command and now I have a problem booting! when i start the interactive boot it hangs after trying to run the service local, it looks as if its trying to boot because the cursor blinks really fast then blinks normally after a few seconds. no error was stated during the event. what seems to be the problem here?

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