OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Grub2 - Only Screen Shut Down

Mar 1, 2010

I'm using opensuse 11.2 and a week or so ago it suddenly stopped shutting down the computer, or rebooting. It shuts the screen down and that seems to be it, so I have ti switch it off. However a day or so later it began to reboot when asked, but still won't shut down. I'm dual booting it with Unbuntu 9.04 using grub2, but it's been that way for many months without problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot Grub2 Doesn't Install

Apr 26, 2010

I've just installed the 64 bit edition of 9.10 on my workstation. My raid drivers worked without any custom installation, which is very impressive! I am however having a problem installing grub2. I boot to the live CD, run the install process, resize and partition my free space as an ext4 primary partition with mount point /. Everything installs except grub, so I'm always booting in to windows.This seems to be a bit off as I've never had this occur with dual booting before.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot After This Point The Reboot Operation Has Failed And Gave A Blank Screen?

Jun 19, 2010

i am trying to install opensuse 11.2 to my vaio laptop i have win7 pro 64 bit already installed so i'm trying dual booting i have followed the below steps1- on windows, shrink the c partition and create a new unused volume for suse2- install the suse 11.2 on the new unused volume with hdd config like sda4 swap 4 gb sda5 20 gb / ext4 sda6 120 gb ext43- selected custom packages and started the installaton4- installation started smoothly and after installing packages it tried to reboot the machine at the end. But after this point the reboot operation has failed and gave a blank screen.

At the end the installation failed.I started the machine vaio boot logo comes and stops. i can't even enterbios setup or change boot options.I have unplaged the hd reset the partions, pluged it again and recovered win7So i think the installation damaged the file system.i have tried the above steps 2 times and came up with the same result.I have installed fedora 13 before with no problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Turning A Dual Boot Into Single Boot?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently got a netbook and setup as dual boot between win7 starter and 9.10 (64bit). Win 7 starter is not impressive so i want to nuke it and give the space all to my /USR partion. I am comfortable working with Gparted and assume that i can launch using my gparted live usb and delete the windows partion and then resize the /usr partion.

what changes do i need to make w/ Grub2? I would prefer not to see the Grub menu at all and have it load right the main kernel if possible. Also, if this is possible is there a way to get to the Grub menu during boot should i need to select a different kernel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 - Dual Boot Karmic / Unable To Boot Into Archlinux Partition

Feb 15, 2010

After installing karmic with Grub2 I am unable to boot into Archlinux partition. Grub2 has removed the last line of the Archlinux boot stanza! It used to read:-


Following the Grub2 tutorials I have tried editing /etc/grub.d/40_custom as follows:-


But no luck. Only way into Archlinux is to get into the edit shell and manually add the missing line and remove other stuff not needed. I have spent hours trying to resolve this issue and I am fairly p----d off

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Ubuntu Installation :: Another Dual Boot Grub2 On 10.04?

Jun 8, 2010

I've already had WinXP SP3 installed on one HDD, so i've installed 10.04 on my spare HDD. When I try to boot to Win, I get ntoskrnl.exe missing error. This is my boot info script report:


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


I've tried with different boot orders in bios, reinstalling Grub2 (several times ), I've even tried to install lilo through software center but didn't know how to configure it ...

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Slackware :: 13.1/ubuntu10.10 Dual-boot Grub2

Feb 17, 2011

I have read that installing ubuntu 10.10 will inevitably install grub2 with it(unless you use flash drive workaround). i am wondering how slackware 13.1 reacts to grub2.

Does it go on like nothings changed (if configured correctly)? Or does it freak out and have a fit? If slackware doesn't play nice with grub2. i don't think i will use ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: White Screen At Boot Up/shut Down In Natty

Jun 1, 2011

After installing 11.04, I have enabled the Nvidia proprietary drivers and I see this (picture of problem is attached) at startup and shutdown. About nine out of 10 times, I cannot get to the log in screen (even in recovery mode); however, on the tenth try, everything works properly and I can even play games, ex. Braid and World of Goo. I get about 3700 fps running glxgears.

I have run nvidia-settings and dpkg and various other things in an attempt to get it sorted out. Additional Drivers says that the "driver is activated but not currently in use." I'm not sure why that is.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Windows XP Dual Boot (using Grub2)?

May 12, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my dual boot system and noticed that my boot options were changed. I typically have Windows XP as the default OS. Here are the steps that worked for me to get Windows XP as the default boot using Grub2.During my initial Window XP install I had partitioned my hard drive into 3 partitions:

Partition 1: NTFS format (Windows XP installation) in Linux it is called /dev/sda1
Partition 2: NTFS format (Data for Windows XP) in Linux is is called /dev/sda5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 / Dual Boot System

Nov 23, 2010

Been using Linux for many many years but Grub2 is annoying the heck out of me at the moment.

My home desktop PC is set up as follows:

/dev/sda � 40GB 10k Raptor with Ubuntu 10.10 installed
/dev/sdb � 500GB HDD formatted to ext4
/dev/sdc � 500GB HDD split up as follows:

/dev/sdc1 � 80gb NTFS partition with Win7 installed
/dev/sdc1 � Remaining drive space NTFS but nothing on it yet

Grub2 refuses to detect that Windows is installed on the 3rd HDD. I've googled and spent hours trying all sorts of things to get it to detect it and add it to my boot menu.

If I disconnect all drives except the Windows drive it boots up straight into Win7, so it's healthy and happy. (as healthy and happy as Windows can be, I need it for work purposes only!)

Does anyone have any tips on what would be the best method to force grub to realise that Windows is sitting there?

As far as I understand, the Win7 partition should be (hd2,1) � does that sound right to you?

I haven't tried booting off an Ubuntu CD and re-installing grub, since I can get into Linux and all the guides seem to be about how to restore grub after a Windows install eats it...

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Failure After Attempting Dual Boot

May 22, 2011

Today I attempted to install Win 7 on my Ubuntu 11.04 machine so I could dual boot. The Win 7b install went smoothly, but when I tried to fix grub everything went to hell.

I initially tried to reinstall grub using this walk though [URL] However, when I start the computer I get:

"GNU GRUB version 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3

Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported....

grub> "

I tried to use the technique in [URL] to solve the problems, but when I try to run chroot I get a bin/bash error (I don't have the full error handy, but can rerun the steps if needed). The only potential cause that I can find doesn't apply to me since I am using a 11.04 64 bit live usb on a 11.04 64 bit install.

I've run [URL] and included the results below.


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General :: Repair Grub2 In MBR? Win7/10.10 Dual Boot?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a win7/10.10 dual-boot set up, more or less following the tutorial (I know, I know). I had to reinstall windows, and its taken over the MBR so that only win7 boots now. My shared drive and the ubuntu filesystem are still there, I just can't get to them without a boot cd. So, I tried to follow the tutorials, which all basically say to reinstall grub or grub2. I tried one method, but ubuntu told me that installing grub2 anywhere but the MBR was a bad idea

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot 11.2 / Doesn't Boot From Win7

Feb 14, 2010

I turn back to openSUSE and install it in my machine (win7 installed first),but i can't boot from win7. openSUSE doesn't boot from win7 (like ubuntu) and i can't see ntfs win7 partition from openSUSE. Why openSUSE is so complicated about dual booting

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Into SuSE (Dual Boot With Win7)?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 7 with openSuSE 11.4, i was told that i should install SuSE after windows 7 as it takes care of the boot-loader and automatically detects my windows installation and not vice-versa,
But that is not true in my case.

So i had 2 hard disks one had windows 7 installed and one was empty so i decided that i should get openSuSE 11.4 on the empty hard disk and dual-boot it with windows 7 (that i already had installed). Downloaded the DVD, put it on a USB and installed SuSE on the other hard disk normally, it detected my windows installation on my main hard disk but i didn't touch that, only formatted my other hard disk to ext4

After the installation it booted automatically into SuSE, but now every time on a fresh restart the system boots automatically into windows. Methods i have already tried to resolve this and it didn't work:

1. Booted from the DVD and selected an "Upgrade" not "New Installation" so i could boot again into my SuSE installation which did work, checked my "Boot Loader" options from YaST and checked the "Boot from MBR" option instead of the "Boot from root partition" option, That Did NOT work.

2. Used the same method to Boot into SuSE with the "Upgrade" Option opened up the terminal and tried to install grub manually again using this link


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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2: Setup For Dual-boot With Arch

Nov 26, 2010

I'm thinking of dual-booting Ubuntu 10.10 and Arch Linux. It seems that I'll have to do some editing of the grub.cfg file, but I have seen numerous warnings not to do so. After a bit of poking around, I've heard about a script that does the editing for you built in to Linux (or maybe just Ubuntu).

My questions are:

- If the aforementioned script does exist, how do I use it?

- else if it doesn't exist, how do I not directly edit grub.cfg?

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Installation :: Unable To Dual Boot Grub2 Auto Os Prober

Nov 3, 2009

Problems with dual boot, grub2 auto os prober

Drive #1 (sda) Master CS Ubuntu 9.04 grub upgraded to grub2 version 1.96
Drive #2 (sdb) Slave CS Ubuntu 9.10 grub2 version 1.97 /boot is (sdb1) root is (sdb5)

grub2 is installed in /boot (sdb1) and the mbr of (sdb)

I want to be able to boot drive #2 from drive #1 grub menu at boot time. I have run �update-grub and it probes and finds (sdb5) and creates a new grub.cfg called in the /boot folder, but the new cfg file does not show (sdb5) or (sdb) it shows all other changes that I made such as splash screens and they are working. How do I get it to recognize drive #2 with Ubuntu 9.10. I can boot each drive independently of one another and I can boot 9.04 with 9.10 if I swap the drives around. And run update-grub The auto probe is working in the Ubuntu 9.10 and may be working partly in the 9.04.

This may or may not be a problem, but is a pain anyway. When I run update-grub in 9.04's grub version 1.96, it does not change anything in the current grub.cfg it does make a new file called I have to go into /boot/grub and change grub.cfg to old and change to grub.cfg I do not have this problem running the same command in Ubuntu 9.10's grub. It finds changes and os's and automatically updates the current grub.cfg

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2 Bootloader Crashes With Win7 And 10.04 Dual Boot?

May 7, 2010

I have a Dell Studio 14 laptop with Windows 7 64bit preinstalled. The processor is core i5 and the machine has 4GB RAM. I freed 25GB of memory from my Hard disk and tried to install Ubuntu 10.04 (AMD). Everything went fine. I restarted and Logged into Ubuntu. It worked like a charm. Then I restarted to Windows7. This also worked well as expected.

But, when I rebooted again, I got a black screen saying that �No modules found. Press any key to restart�
When I press a key, it says �No operating system found�, probably after checking through a network (it printed lines starting with PXE).

I tried exactly in the same way with Ubuntu 8.04 in my machine, and this worked without any problem. The Bootloader was not corrupted after restarting from Windows. I noticed the problem with Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04. I feel like a problem regarding the bootloader version. AFAIK, 9.10 and 10.04 is using GRUB2 when 8.04 use the old version of GRUB. Will I have to switch to the legacy GRUB? (I would love to keep using GRUB2). If yes, I would like to know How.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Dual Boot To Win7 - Wrond /DEV/SDAx?

May 11, 2010

I have a Dell ZINO HD and dual booted fine prior to 10.04. Grubs seems to not identify the Win7 OS partition correctly. According to Disk utility DEV/SDA1 is a DELL utility partition, DEV/SDA2 is the RECOVERY partition, DEV/SDA3 is my Win7 OS partition...and DEV/SDA5 is my Linux partition. Ubuntu boots fine... but with GRUB using SDA2 (HD0,2) for win7 I cannot boot to it... is there a fix?

The following is in my GRUB.CFG file
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" {


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Ubuntu :: Upgraded Windows Dual Boot/lucid-lost Grub2?

May 8, 2011

i had a dual boot with xp and lucid lynx, then upgraded the xp to win7. windows commonly overwrites grub with it's bootloader. and so it did. now i can't access my lucid OS. i need to get grub back (i need to get lucid back).

here's my fdisk:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu :: Lucid-Disk 1 Of 2 Failed - Now GRUB2 Chokes On Dual Boot

Jul 20, 2011

Dual boot PC, boot disk and WIN XP are on good disk, Ubuntu was installed on failed disk. (I prefer separate disks for each OS).

I know I will need to reinstall Ubuntu later, and of course, GRUB2 now crashes without the Ubuntu disk.

Confirm that the only thing I need to do when I get the new drive installed and partitioned is to boot my XP disk in Recovery Mode and type "fixmbr", (then reboot to confirm clean WIN operation on the existing disk) then install Ubuntu as normal on the new disk.

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Installation :: Configure Grub2 To Load Both OSes In Dual Boot Mode

Oct 1, 2010

I have two hard disks sda and sdb. I have Windows XP installed on sda2 and Ubuntu 10.04 on sdb5. When I installed Windows XP, Ubuntu stopped booting. I tried to repair grub2 from a Live CD unsuccessfully. Now I have completely messed up my MBR of both HDDs. I just want to configure grub2 to load both OSes in dual boot mode.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Booting With OpenSUSE Through Grub2?

Aug 23, 2010

Is it possible to dual boot openSUSE & Ubuntu through GRUB 2? Apparently SUSE uses standard GRUB. I installed SUSE but only have Ubuntu options displayed on boot.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove OpenSUSE On Dual Boot System

Sep 5, 2010

I would like to remove openSUSE (11.3) from my dual boot (/Windows) system. In the old days, the install CD used to have an option for that, but now my DVD doesn't have anything, or perhaps I overlooked?

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OpenSUSE Install :: KDE Too Slow On Start Up. OpenSUSE-WindowsXP Dual Boot?

Jul 18, 2011

I have an 1TB hard drive, half of it for Windows XP SP3, another half for OpenSUSE 11.4. After installing OpenSUSE, it didn't take me much time to notice that there was something wrong with KDE: sometimes it loaded quite fast, as expected, but most of the time I'd have to wait around 1 minute in that loading screen. Then I updated the kernel, as well as KDE itself, but that didn't solve the problem.

After that I tried to start the system using Enlightnment, and it was lightning fast compared to KDE, however, I didn't quite like its interface, and for some reason GNOME refused to start. All that was too frustrating to me, so I gave up and have been using Windows for the last few weeks. Got sick of it now and here I am on OpenSUSE again. Oh, it feels sooo much better! BUT, I'm still with the same problem.

My specs are as follow:
Motherboard: Gigabyte MA78GM-S2H (with updated BIOS, version F11)
Processor: AMD Phenom X3 8450
Memory: 2GB
Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 8500GT (using NVIDIA proprietary drivers)
OpenSUSE 11.4
KDE 4.6.0
Did I forget anything important?

Ps.: I didn't have these problems with Mandriva 2010.2, which, if I'm correct, used the same KDE version.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clean Install 11.4 Dual Boot System Grub Error?

Apr 27, 2011

I did a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 (WIN7 TOO) and changed my Larger HD1 to the first HD. I was installing and got this error first: the boot loader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128GB The system might not boot if BIOS supports only lba24 (result is error during install grub mbr) status loc dev/sdb6

I continued with the install and then got:

Yast2 error occured
while installing GRUB ver 0.97 (640k lower/3072k upper memory)
[minimal bash-like lineediting is supported? for the first word, TAB lists possible command completition anywhere else TAB lists possible completion of a device/filename]
grub setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --force4-lba (hd0,5) (hd0,5)
Error 25
disk read error
grub> quit

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Query - Install 11.3 Along Side Distro?

Jul 21, 2010

It would be convenient if i could simply install 11.3 along side my Ubuntu distro. I see yast enables me to reduce my sda1 and create a new partition, (sda3) However it offers to mount sda3 in /usr ? Could you offer me any advice please? My objective is to be able to select which distro from the grub menu.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With W7 & OS 11.2?

Feb 27, 2010

I recently built a new rig and wanted to make it dual boot with W7 & OS 11.2. I installed W7 and partitioned my drive with 30 gigs I anticipated using for the 11.2 install. OpenSuse will not recognize it or allow any changes to that hard drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Opensuse Under Grub2 With Splash Background And Console Background?

Mar 24, 2010

I originally have Ubuntu Lucid on my machine. I just installed opensuse 11.2 on another partition without bootloader installed. So I'm still using the Ubuntu Lucid default bootloader grub2. I can boot up opensuse correctly. the nagging thing is that there's no splash screen show up during the boot process, instead, lines of command are flashing, the console background is also missing and the font under console (tty1-6) is huge. what can I do to have these back to opensuse? the current entry in grub2 for opensuse

menuentry "openSUSE 11.2 (i586) (on /dev/sda2)" {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,2)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 9ac05ede-e7c4-47f3-b55b-66d5844$
linux /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda2
initrd /boot/initrd-
which parameters should I add?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 80 Is Too Small To Dual Boot OpenSuse And Windows 7?

Jan 19, 2010

ere's my issue I've got an 80GB SATA drive and a 320GB IDE drive, I've already installed Windows 7 on the SATA drive. 80 is too small (in my opinion) to dual boot openSuse and Windows 7. Can someone explain me how to use a partition from the 320 IDE to install openSuse, and how to setup grub so I wouldn't have any problems booting to Windows?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Re-install Suse On A Dual Boot System

Oct 22, 2010

Gnome is falling apart and I've had a lot of nagging problems that I couldn't overcome.I'm thinking of wiping the OpenSuse partitions and doing a clean install without wiping the windows partition.I initially setup using the 11.0/XP dual boot FAQ in the How To forum.I have my Home directory backed up on an external HD. Might try KDE next go-round or KDE & Gnome as separate users. I have 11.2 i586 installation DVD.

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