OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Access "xvidtune' Through Terminal?

Oct 27, 2010

linux-rle9:~ # xvidtuneUnable to query monitor infowhy??? :S:Si got opensuse 11.3 installed and when i reboot,.i got a black screen saying ' Out Of Range'at the boot menu of Opensuse i have modify the resolution and it worked but when i restart its as if the configuration was not save and each time i start my computer i have to re configure the resolution

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OpenSUSE :: Terminal Access To A Ethernet Device

Feb 24, 2011

I know that there is support for this, but i can't seem to find any appropriate tools. Let's say my widget is at; i need to open a terminal window talking to it. Then i can control the things connected to it (it is a bus converter). oS 11.1, KDE 3.5, various machines.

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CentOS 5 :: Install X Windows From Terminal On System With No Internet Access?

May 29, 2009

I am working on a system with no internet access so I cant use yum. How do I install a feature like X-Windows or GNOME Desktop Environment(using groupinstall) directly from DVD?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Re-install OpenSUSE From Hard Disk Using The Terminal?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm running openSUSE 11.3 and screwed some things up so that I can't install anything, including UNetbootin. So I decided to completely reinstall. I'm limited to using my hard drive as there's no CD/DVD or floppy drives installed on the machine and BIOS does not support booting from USB.

I found these instructions - Install any Linux distro directly from hard disk without burning any DVD - Just Another Linux Lover Blog

From the terminal enter these commands

sudo mkdir /distro
sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami`
cp MYLINUX.iso /distro/distro.iso
Now extract Linux_kernel & Ram_disk to /distro#
Open /boot/grub/menu.lst
title Install Linux
root (hdX,X)
kernel /distro/Linux_kernel
initrd /distro/Ram_disk

Reboot and select "Install Linux" from grub. Blog Widget by LinkWithin

Creating the folder "distro" on root was easy and went smoothly. I can't seem to make the second 'whoami' command work, though. I copied-and-pasted "sudo chmod `whoami`:`whoami`" into the terminal. It asks me for the root password, I enter that and then get

chmod: missing operand after `holly:holly'
Try `chmod --help' for more information.

I didn't see anyone reply in the comments of that page saying they had trouble with it, so I think I'm just being an idiot. One person did suggest adding distro at the end on another page and it gets me

chmod: invalid mode: `holly:holly'
Try `chmod --help' for more information.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Commands In Terminal Don't Works After Install

Mar 28, 2011

My commands like


etc dont work in terminal. This is my first attempt trying openSUSE and I have been using ubuntu, linux mint and backtrack 4 r2 before.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Terminal After Upgrade?

Jan 24, 2010

I eventually got round to moving my AMDX4 machien from 11.1 to 11.2. I have done this to a coupl eof other similar machines so was not expecting any problems.

However I now have a problem. In runlevel 5 I have an xdm logon screen, but neither the keyboard or mouse work. I can ssh in from another machine and changing to runlevel 3 i have a keybopard and can log in. But sax2 does not respond to keyboard or mouse, so the machine is not really usable.

What package should I reinstall? Or what else can I do?

PS Not attempting to run gnome, kde or dfce; plain fvwm and X

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configure OpenSuse 11.1 Purely For Remote VNC Access?

Feb 8, 2009

I have an old PC on which I want to install openSuse 11.1. After install the PC will sit as a box minus any screen or keyboard. I aim to access it using VNC from another VISTA laptop. How should I configure the linux box to support this scenario? In otherwords I want to be able to switch on a Linux box that has no keyboard or screen, and then connect to it from a remote laptop using VNC?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Write In Terminal As Root?

Jan 2, 2010

If my password is for root and me is the same, how do I write my password as root and get permission to enter as root?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Could Not Launch Root Terminal 11.2

Feb 23, 2010

openSUSE 11.2, just installed. When I start the "Root Terminal", I get this error message: Could not launch 'Root Terminal' Failed to execute child process "gksu" (No such file or directory) This error message doesn't mean enough to me to know what I need to do.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Open A Terminal Window

Apr 11, 2010

I do not even know what that is but I know I needed to install picaasa

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - How To Use Terminal To Add / Remove Programs

Mar 15, 2011

I am coming from Kubuntu 10.10, which is a Debian based OS. I am used to going into the terminal and typing sudo apt-get install or sudo apt-get remove to install and remove programs. I know it is the hard way to do it, but I find it gave me more flexibility. So how do I do this in openSUSE 11.3? Or can I even install things through terminal? What is the command? I know there is YaST but I also want to learn how to use the terminal

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot 3 Terminal's Without OS From A Linkat?

Apr 6, 2011

I was trying to boot 3 silly Terminal's without OS From a Linkat (OpenSUSE) server, and it works, the problem comes when i log in, at two of them, with the same account, and i open the same progress (like firefox) at the same time in the 2 computers. It give's me an error that say's that the process it's being used and i only can open 1 instance of it.Did you know how can i solve it, without creating another accounts?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade Seamonkey 2.0.14 To 2.2 In Terminal 11.4?

Jul 23, 2011

How can I upgrade seamonkey 2.0.14 to 2.2 in terminal opensuse 11.4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Stop - Start Kdm From A Virtual Terminal ?

Mar 26, 2010

I've been trying to stop kdm the normal way, switching to a virtual terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 and using:


I've done it this way in other distro's and it's always worked.

How do I stop/start kdm from a virtual terminal in Suse ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Listing Installed Programs Via Terminal?

Apr 21, 2010

I am do not know what to type in the terminal to get a list of installed programs and their versions.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Terminal Root Login In Clear?

Jul 12, 2010

So when I write my password in a terminal the letters occur in clear not ***(star). what shall I do that enetering the password to work right.I want to say if I push key f for example the system to show me one *.I know it's easy but really I forgot .

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OpenSUSE Install :: Running The Hplip Command In Terminal?

Nov 17, 2010

I have downloaded the hplip command on the desktop, attempted to cd desktop, and it shows "no such directory". running this command so I can set up my printer? And I can't seem to put the screenshot here..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clear Terminal When Booting And Logging Out?

Dec 3, 2010

I've noticed on other Linux distributions that after boot up and logging off the console screen clears and provides basic information like the Linux distribution and then under it the login prompt. How can I do this for openSUSE 11.3?After I install or reboot I still have all the boot up stuff shown and when I logout after performing some work my commands are still shown. I boot the system to runlevel 3 and barely use the GUI but would like the screen to clear everything after boot up and logging out.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Way To Turn The Terminal Auto-detect Off?

Jun 14, 2011

SuSE 11.4 is a wonderful release, but two chronic problems remain. The most serious is the inability to get Gnome to recognize an intel driver parameter specification in xorg.conf or 50-screen.conf with a predetermined, working screen specification. With the latest update that includes: [url]

Gnome will boot up in a strange resolution with a display of a pink screen and fragments of icons split and duplicated over the display. Teasing open the terminal parameter screen, terminal parameters (resolution, horizontal rate) appear to be correct. The terminal type is 'undefined', whether the screen is operating correctly or not, and any attempt to set defaults are refused. Perhaps the intel driver has not been selected by the operating system. Is there a way to specify a default screen driver?

This has been a chronic problem, now aggravated with the latest update to the point where the computer is now rendered inoperative.

Ironically, the other problem, that of the difficulty in downloading certain update files also remains. Had an elaborate update workaround procedure not been followed, the system would still be usable.

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Software :: Install Abaqus Through Terminal On OpenSUSE System

Feb 17, 2010

When I try to install Abaqus through terminal on a openSUSE system, I get the following error:

In order to run the installation GUIs, the environment variable DISPLAY must be set. set DISPLAY as desired and run this setup script again.

If I go look through the code of the setup file, this is where my error is from:

# ensure that DISPLAY is set
if ( $replay != "1" && ! $?DISPLAY ) then
echo ""


So how do I fix this and could it be due to my system only having a 8 mb on board video?

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OpenSUSE :: Install Packages From The Terminal As Root Without Knowing Where Their Located?

Apr 3, 2010

when one downloads non-rpm packages they are placed in a download window(by file roller).Could someone explain where exactly this download window is located in the directory tree? or is it? how does one install these packages from the terminal as root without knowing where their located?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Start / Stop KDE From Command Line (Terminal)?

Jul 10, 2011

How to stop/start KDE from the command line (Terminal) on opensuse 11.4?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Login As Root In Terminal To Restart/Reboot The System?

Jan 28, 2010

I added a whole slew of apps to my favorites and lost the 'Shutdown' option...every time I try to shutdown in the Terminal I am told I must be logged in as Root to do so...I can't figure out how to do this I'm a newbie to Linux but a CNE 5 -haven't used it 10 years- an MCP and A+ certified I've searched local help and SuSe's site and I can't find anythingI've only spent a couple of hrs on this and have had SuSe 11.2 installed since last Sunday

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OpenSUSE Install :: Button PrtSc Doesn't Work And Terminal Is Not Available During Installation

Jun 6, 2010

I have one problem with taking screenshots during SUSE installation. I am using 10.2 version. Button PrtSc does not work and Terminal is not available during installation (at least I think it isnt)Do you have any idea how to do it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keyboard And Mouse Lost After Update - How To Boot In To Terminal?

Oct 15, 2010

I was working on something important in 11.2 and did a "zypper up" in the terminal in the background. I wasn't paying that much attention to it, I believe it was an update to 11.3. After returning to the computer after about one hour the windows were behaving strangely and the machine wasn't very responsive. I decided to reboot. Now at login I have neither mouse nor keyboard. I have switched the keyboard to PS2 model, no difference. If someone could help me with booting to run level 3 from the grub menu perhaps I could change some settings there to make everything work. I really regret doing the update. It would be very important for me to be able to get back in to machine with spending as little time as possible on this. Could I reverse the update? This machine is very important for me and my family for their daily communication, but currently I have very little time to fix this. My quick fix was to install Kubuntu 10.10 so I could resume working, but I would really need to get back in to 11.2.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Access Through Yast

Jun 8, 2010

Anyone know what happened to the nvidia repos and are they going to come back up?

Can't access it through yast, ftp, or a web browser.

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OpenSUSE Install :: HD Access - On Boot ?

Oct 19, 2010

This problem does not happen on every boot so I am confused about the cause.

Here is the section of the boot log when it does not happen -

Here is the section when it does-

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OpenSUSE Install :: Access FTP On A Server V10.1?

Nov 30, 2010

how to create an access on a local Suse server v10.1 started on virtualbox...

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OpenSUSE :: Access And Install Programs From KDEEDU?

Jul 17, 2010

I went to download a typing tutor and it says if you have linux, it should come with most new distros in a file library called KDEEDU ... how do I access and install programs from KDEEDU? I'd like to install kTouch.

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