OpenSUSE Hardware :: Usb Over Ip Server ?

Apr 10, 2009

I recently installed opensuse 11.1 after migrating from vista. I have a couple of external hard drives and a printer/scanner that i would like to connect wirelessly to my laptop. (I mean i want to have the HDs in a cupboard out of view and just have the system access them, no more cables!) In the house internet is shared over a wireless modem-router and the main computers is my opensuse laptop and a macbook.

1) I think the device that does the work is a usb over IP (or over network?) server (or am i wrong?)

2) Can you recommend a device that is linux-ready or that can work in linux one way or another? (one that i saw is plug-n play in xp/vista)

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OpenSUSE :: FIrewall Setup / Client Computer Cannot See NFS Server When Scanning For Server - OSE 11.2?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a small home-office network. On that network I have two linux computers, one is a client the other a server.

On the server I have NFS Server setup and mount some NFS exports on the client computer.

On the server I have the firewall on and here it becomes a little tricky.

Since both the server and the client connect to the router the interface (eth1) is theoretically both an internal & external zone.

The router is commercial grade and therefore has a good firewall on it which is also setup. Therefore the firewall on the server is really more of a backup than a necessity. But that's fine, and by having the server's firewall on 'fail2ban' is able to work which I like to have working so I don't want to just turn off the server firewall even though I have good security from the router.

However, when I turn on the server's firewall, the client computer cannot see the NFS server when scanning for server -- done by: clicking on "Choose" next to "NFS Server Hostname" when adding an NFS share in the NFS Client in YaST. Clearly something is being blocked even though I have both "NFS Client" and "NFS Server Service" allowed in the server firewall. The Firewall config. files for these are below.

The Firewall configuration is pretty much "out of the box". That is I have the services I need opened up for the external zone, the other zones are left at their default which means the internal zone, although not used (i.e.: attached to any interface), is completely open.

The perfect solution I guess would be to setup my client computer to connect through a different NIC (perhaps eth0), make that the "Internal Zone" and therefore allow all traffic through to it while still blocking the server from the external zone. However, I cannot make that physical change to my network for now so I am looking for an in between (non-perfect) solution.

In this case I am guessing that means opening up extra NFS ports to the external zone so I have full NFS functionality. I don't mind this because like I said, the router firewall is the main line of defense anyway.

So, given all of the above could someone tell me what I would need to additionally open up in the server firewall to make the NFS server detection work on the client while the firewall was on. Or, if you have a cleverer/better solution without me changing my physical network that would be great.

Hopefully I have written this in enough detail and clearly enough so that all the parameters are clear but if not, feel free to ask me what you like and I'll try to make it clear.

## Description: Firewall Configuration for NFS kernel server.
# Only the variables TCP, UDP, RPC, IP and BROADCAST are allowed.
# More may be supported in the future.

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OpenSUSE :: Error After I Fill In The Server Name And Directory On Server Which Prevents The Installation?

Jun 10, 2010

i tried to download the nvidia driver for a custom version of opensuse 11.1 but it comes up with an error after i fill in the server name and directory on server which prevents the installation. help!

the error is: ERROR! A valid domain name consists of components seperated by dots. Each component contains letters, digits, numbers, and hyphens. A hyphen may not start or end a component and the last component may not begin with a digit. A valid IP address consists of four integers in the range of 0-255 seperated by dots.

however, i have not got a domain name or an ip filled in. the download website (Nvidia Installer HOWTO for SUSE LINUX users) did not provide either. i dont know why it wont work without them.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mulit Server Setup \ Server Machine Has No Internet?

Mar 27, 2010

I want to set up the following server in open suse:dhcpopenldapnfs (to allow users to mount their home directories from the serverI started off with the openldap server. I configured it with dc=localdomain,dc=local as its domain. As the server machine has no internet. Though when I go to add a .ldif file with the following command

ldapadd -x -D 'cn=Administrator,dc=localdomain,dc=local' -f /home/base.ldif -W
It returns this


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OpenSUSE Network :: Lamp Server To Send Automated Emails Using Cable Providers SMTP Server?

Jun 19, 2010

Somewhere out there there has to be someone that can help me set up my lamp server to send automated emails using my cable providers SMTP server

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OpenSUSE :: Difference Is Between Msql-server And Mysql-community-server?

Jun 16, 2010

what the difference is between msql-server and mysql-community-server

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OpenSUSE :: Which Free Instant Messenger Server & Email Server Is Best?

Apr 12, 2011

Looking for some advice and guidance please? Which free Instant Messaging server & Email server is best for SUSE 11.4?I have an office with a mix of approx 20+ Windows 7, Macs desktops, and we want to bring our email and instant messaging services/solution in house.Im technical, so am not afraid to dive in feet first, but being relatively new to Linux can anyone advise a good free product(s) which would work in this kind of setup bearing in mind the windows and mac desktops need compatible clients?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.1 Nvidia Quadro FX-5000 (190.53) - Fatal Server Error: Caught Signal 11. Server Aborting

Mar 3, 2010

I am having a strange problem with the Opensuse 11.2 Xorg server. Graphics hardware is Nvidia Quadro FX-5000, driver is ver 190.53. 90% of the time, I am getting a seg violation from the Xserver on trying to login via kdm:

[Code]... the error that is present in the "kdm.log" file. So far, it doesn't seem to be user dependent (happens either as root or joe random user,) Again, so far, it only seems to happen with "driver nvidia" enabled in the config file, not with "driver nv" The failure occurs shortly after hitting return on the login screen. After it fails, it starts up a new Xserver, and presents a new login screen. Repeated attempts seem to *eventually* succeed, but 90% of the time, it fails I strongly suspect the Nvidia driver, but I have not been able to find anything documenting any similar problems.

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OpenSUSE :: VMware Server And Windows Server 2008?

Mar 6, 2010

you can install vmware on opensuse but can you run windows server 2008 from vmware installed on opensuse?

not that i care, but the only use of vmware ive used is for network simulation

honestly i'm not sure what vmware is for besides that, exept i've heard for programming I think

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OpenSUSE Install :: Enabling VNC Server On Startup Of The X Server With 11.2

May 13, 2010

how is it possible to enabling VNC Server on startup of the X server with opensuse 11.2? I found a solution for SLE 11 but it don't work on opensuse 11.2.

Enabling VNC Server on startup of the X server with SLE 11

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Server :: (OpenSuse 11.2) Installation And Configuration Of Web / Mail Server?

Feb 16, 2010

I am hoping to find some much needed help here. I have been to various other sites and am beginning to think that I am not meant to have a server of my own.

I was told that OpenSuSE was good for beginners. So far, I am wondering.I am trying to set up a home network ( 2 laptops, 1 desktop. The laptops are wireless )

I'd like to set up a web server to run a personal webpage or two and maybe a forum, shoutcast server and IRC at some point down the road after I figure out the first two.

I found a guide, but it was for 64 bit and wanted me to install ISPConfig 3 ( Which, obviously I don't need )

I would like some basic, beginner help on installation, configuration and whatnot on setting up a web-server and mail server.

Yes. I have a static IP ( leasing an IP block from my ISP ). Yes, they allow me a web-server and mail server ( I had to get the IP block to do so ) and I have my own domain name to use.

On the various attempts, I managed to get apache working. ( When I visit my domain name, it says "IT WORKS!" which is nice and all, but I am use to using Cpanel and have no clue how to setup / edit a website outside of a panel ( or even FTP )

I think I got the mail server installed, but again ( as with the web server ) have no clue how to setup / configure and use it.

I either am using the wrong search words for help or asking incorrectly or something. This is my final stop. I am at the point of just forgetting it, chalking it up to a lost cause.

I do hope someone here is willing to be patient with me and help me through it all. I will even give link backs and Kudos to this site if it all works out.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Setup OPENSUSE To Find/access My Windows Home Server

Aug 9, 2010

I installed the latest version...Everything works like a charm. I have Windows Home Server 2003 running and would like to access all of my folders. How can i setup OPENSUSE to find/access my Windows Home Server 2003. Can you help me with this. Just to let you know. Am i missing something so i can access them locally.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Option (Installation Regarding To Opensuse And Windows Server 2008?

Mar 20, 2011

right now, my machine runs ubuntu 10.10 due to work issue, i need to use windows server 2008 R2 (its a windows exclusive company) but i never used any of the active directory or anything from the windows server (only experience with windows is visual studio and those GAMES!), so i figure i need to practice a bit on my own b4 starting the job and just at the same time I found out as a univ student i get it for free! And plus, I am finding opensuse a better option for me than ubuntu So im wondering what i should do regarding these 2 systems here s some option

1). Install openSuse 11.4, and install VirtualBox and use windows server 2008 R2 on vbox
2). Install windows server 2008 R2 and then install openSuse alongside with it
3). Install windows server 2008 R2 and install openSuse in virtualBox

I have been using linux as my primary OS for more than a year now and I rlly need it for both school and my own entertainment. So wondering which option would best work out for me

wat are your opinions? PS: my machine is about 2 years ago a Dell laptop, with core 2 duo p8700 (2.53ghz) 4GB ram, and nvidia gfx, which even tho is still fast, but isnt rlly that snappy when it comes to virtualization even running xp in a virtual machine is quite laggy at times :S

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OpenSUSE Network :: Debian Server To Opensuse Desktop Samba?

Jan 20, 2010

I setup a debian home server some time ago and have successfully setup samba so my windows machines can access them and upload/download data off it.I have setup opensuse on this desktop and after allowing smb through the firewall I now seem to have read only access to the smb shares.I am using the same username and password as I do on my windows machine, so in theory smb server should see my username and password and allow me read/write, like it does in win7. Is this correct?

Having just thought about it I think samba is just a tool to get shares working between linux/windows and macos.Is samba even the best tool for linux - linux sharing? how do I get read/write access to my shares in opensuse?or do I use another program to see my shares?I'm a bit new to this linux- linux sharing so I apologies.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Is Difference Between OpenSUSE Desktop And Server?

Dec 21, 2009

I am new to Linux. I want to set up a home file/media server using Linux and have been investigating the possibility of using OpenSUSE for this task for a couple days now. I posted up some questions over at linux questions, but figured this one would be better suited for the OpenSUSE forum. My question is simple, is there any fundamental difference between OpenSUSE Server, and OpenSUSE desktop?

What I mean is, is there any difference to the basic programming of the operating system. From what I gather, when you install a Linux Distro for a server, it is just a striped down version of the desktop install. It has no GUI, and installs the complete bare minimum of software to get your server up and running. Is this correct? I am asking these questions because, as I said, I am new to Linux. I am not comfortable using command line only, and would very much like to install the desktop version of OpenSUSE, plus Samba, openSSH and Webadmin, then use that configuration for a server. Would setting up OpenSUSE as I stated above be the same as using the server install, just more "bloated?" Or is the server version of OpenSUSE coded differently?For example, comparing Windows Vista to Windows Home Server. Windows Vista isn't practical to use as a home server OS, simply because it was never coded to be one. Where as Home Server comes with software and is setup to be a server.

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, and please correct me if I am. Linux is much different. Any Linux distro can be a server, even the desktop version. You just need to get the proper programs (like Samba, SSH, Webadmin) for the job. The people who use the Server version, simply just want something less bloated then the desktop version, but the desktop version works just as good as a server if you have the proper hardware? I was debating on putting Windows Home server on the machine, but very much want to learn Linux, and figure this is as good of an opportunity as any. It also helps that a desktop install of OpenSUSE takes less resources then Windows Home Server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: OpenSuse 11.3, Bind And Yast2-dns-server?

Sep 23, 2010

I have to wonder how much testing Opensuse has done with yast-dns-server package. After adding zones to the dns server - the system loses the ability to perform name resolutions. I can copy a named.conf file from a system that does work, except everytime the system is restart the named.conf file is rewritten trashing the updates done and again rendering the system to perform name resolutions.

Anyone have suggestions on how to get yast-dns-server from interferring with the configuration file? I tried just uninstalling the package, but then bind doesn't even start up on boot up.

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OpenSUSE :: Create Server To Be The DCHP Server

Sep 11, 2011

I am new to Opensuse, I am trying to create my Opensuse server to be the DCHP server but as I check there is no dhcp on the Yast>Network services.

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SUSE :: Installing A Ftp Server On Opensuse Server?

Oct 9, 2010

I wanted to install an ftp server on my open suse server.

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Networking :: SSH To Server But Cannot Ping The Server - OpenSUSE 10.1?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a OpenSUSE 10.1 system on my college network and I am able to ssh to other college servers, but I cannot ping these servers. More importantly than pinging when I try install one particular program it needs to be able to access one of the college servers (which has the license for it) but it is not able to contact the server.I have installed this program on other computers (windows and redhat linux) on the college network and they can connect to the server (and they can also ping the server).But Idon't know how to fix this problem.I have googled lots of things but I am a bit bamboozled.I have turned off the firewall but it doesn't make a difference.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Need For Firewall On Opensuse Web Server

Feb 26, 2010

I have a home network which is protected by a dedicated firewall pc running pfSense. I have an opensuse 11.2 webserver on the home side of the firewall. Is it necessary to run the a firewall or setup iptables on the opensuse box?At some point I intend to port forward through the firewall to the web server so it can be accessed via the internet. Access to the web server will be password protected as its only for myself and my business associates to connect to.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup A LDAP Server Using The Yast-LDAP Server Configuration Tool

May 31, 2010

we have a weird problem with our opensuse 11.2 server installation.

We want to set up a LDAP Server using the Yast-LDAP Server configuriation tool.

This indeed already worked weeks ago until....this week.
Maybe some updates??!

I do not know what happend exactly. The server just does not want to start again and throws following error:

Starting ldap-serverstartproc: exit status of parent of /usr/lib/openldap/slapd: 1 failed

This happend after a little check of the configuration, but without a change, with Yast. Google delivered only "reinstall your box"-answers.

So.. i did that. And now the "mystical" part: The SAME ERROR occurs with a fresh vanilla system with a brand new and simple configuration (certificats, database, pw...the first Yast config dialog...). I did not change the way i set it up.

I remember, when i did this the first time with 11.2 on that machine, when no problems occured...everything was running out of the box (except the "use commen server certificate" option...).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Type Of Kernel In OpenSUSE 11.2 / Kernel Optimized For Server Machine?

Dec 11, 2009

default in openSUSE 11.2 we have installed kernel-desktop. This kernel is optimized for the desktop.

What is the name of kernel optimized for server machine? In my case Firebird database + Apache + PHP?

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OpenSUSE :: Quitting The X Server ?

Mar 12, 2010

What's the best way to quit X and go into runlevel 3, line mode? Do you just kill the process or is there a better way? In other words, you log into the graphical environment and then you want to kill X and go into line mode, instead of logging into line mode and starting X. I'm running 10.3

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OpenSUSE :: OOO Won't Write On Server

Aug 2, 2010

I have made an update to 11.3 which brought along a lot of trouble, which I may have caused by mixing the use of YAST and CLI zypper, but most bugs are sorted out except that my OpenOffice does not save to my server, other applications do without hesitation. Have defined the target with NFS shares, no NFSv4, all defaults.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Can I Use 11.2 For Server OS?

Jan 30, 2010

I want to create Linux file server. This file server - for LAN with 10 desktop computers, and 15 render nodes. Very intensive network data flow. (Computer Graphics studio)How do you think ? Can i use OpenSUSE 11.2 - for server OS ?May be i need another OS for Server ? (because OpenSUSE is desktop-oriented OS, right? )Another words - i'm not sysadmin, and this is my first Linux server :)"Linux server is faster than Windows server" ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Ssh In To Ip Add But Not Server Name?

Apr 18, 2010

I posted this in (install & boot) they told me to post here, It,s as the title sayes I can ssh by ip address but not if I put server name in, Which folder/file do I add the server name to?

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OpenSUSE Network :: DC AD DNS As Win Server?

Nov 23, 2010

I am going to replace my win 2003 into Linux i hope it to be Open SUSE , I am using win 2003 as DNS , Domain Controller and Active Directory .So how can i do it by Linux (Open SUSE) .I need hand book or something like this .

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Find The NIS Server When The Firewall Is Off?

Feb 24, 2010

I've been setting up NIS for the first time. When I have the firewall on, the NIS client can't find the NIS server. When the firewall is off, it can. These are both on the same computer (the server).I have both the NIS client and server opened in the firewall -- all the setup has been done through yast so far.

Is there something else that needs to be done that I missing? Or if not, perhaps it just a minor setup bug in the scripts in which case could someone tell me what ports I would additionally need to open manually in the firewall to make it work that wouldn't already be opened?

On a different note, in a recent discussion on another thread someone told me that openSUSE was going to be unsupported from around May this year -- has anyone heard of this or should I just ignore it? I thought with 40k users registered on the website Novell would find something better to do with all of us rather that just drop us so I am a little skeptical.

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OpenSUSE :: Possible To To Install Vmware Server?

Mar 6, 2010

Is it possible sitn opensuse 11.2 to install vmware server or another free vmware?

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OpenSUSE :: X Server Fails In Runlevel 5

Jul 25, 2010

I recently updated from OS 11.2 to OS 11.3 and right after that had problems with my server.If started with normal settings X crashes in runlevel 5, so right at the end of the boot process.If started with x11debug option X works, However I cannot use wine with this option.I don't even have an idea how to look for the problem, but there must be some feature that causes X to crash, which is not included in the debug-mode.

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