OpenSUSE Hardware :: Printing System Continuously Prints Same File?

Apr 1, 2010

I made a BIG mistake and tried to print a PDF document from Evince 2.28.2. Evince sends a garbage filled print job to the queue that results in nothing but garbage being printed. I noted the problem an tried to kill the print job but could not because it does not show up in the print queue. It appears that the printer sent an error back to the print system and the print system now continues to print the job forever - that is, anytime openSUSE is running, even after reboots.

Note that printing the test page works and that the printer also works fine with gedit and OpenOffice.

If I go to Control Center -> Printing then right click on the icon for the printer and click View Print Queue, the print queue is empty.

In YaST Control Center -> Printer -> Policies the "Specify error policy" is set to "abort and delete the job and proceed with the next job." The "Apply this error policy to all local printer configurations" checkbox was checked when this policy was set. If this is what should have ultimately killed the job it did not work.

how to stop the print system from trying to print this garbaged print job. It has been trying to print the same garbaged print job for the last five days!

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General :: Find Continuously Growing Files In The File System?

Apr 23, 2010

How to find continuously growing files in the file system?

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OpenSUSE :: HDD Working Continuously And System Running Hot

Feb 17, 2010

With what software I can slow down my HDD. With Power Manager if i change from Performance to Aggressive Powersave my HDD still working all the time and it's hot all the time on my laptop.

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Slackware :: Not Getting Proper Printing In 13.37 - Prints Out Text Of Postscript

May 22, 2011

I have Brother HL2250N. This worked out of the box with 13.0 using the Brother drivers. I also have a Brother MFC-7820N which works fine in 13.0 and 13.37. In 13.37 the testpage from CUPS prints fine. However when I try to print anything from kate or libreoffice I just get pages and pages of text starting with


I assume this the post script file that is printing out. How do I get this to print properly?

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Debian Hardware :: Mc4695MF - Test Page Prints Fine But App Prints Blank Pages

May 19, 2014

I'm struggling on installing a KONICA-MINOLTA printer magicolor 4695MF printing properly with Linux Mint Debian Edition (up to date). The test page works fine...

KONICA-MINOLTA delivers 2 PPDs: one for standard printing and one for OpenOffice printing (available on the KONICA-MINOLTA support site).

Leaving a side the one for OpenOffice which is poor in using the capabilities of the printer, I concentrate only on the global one (M4695PX.ppd).

It's much more difficult for other applications, starting with EVINCE: some PDF files are printed properly (i.e. those generated in OpenOffice by the CUPS PDF printer), others come out as one only blank page, regardless to the original length of the document.

So documents received from 3rd party may be "printable" or not. And trust Murphy, the most critical aren't printed...

Attached, the troubleshooting file generated by [system-config-printer] => [URL] ...

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Fedora Security :: System Is Continuously Hang When Log To Yahoo Webpage?

Dec 6, 2009

i am afraid that some one palying in my fedora 12 system , " hacked " first i got this message when i log to my broadband internet provider

Quote: You have asked Firefox to connect securely to ******, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure. Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.


then when i log to yahoo mail , my system hang for a while then continue. how do i know that my system is secure ? what are the steps i should follow to secure my system ? i am still newbie and i dont have time to spend it in search in google or reading blogs

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Programming :: Getting A Script To Continuously Monitor Appended Data To A Log File?

Oct 13, 2010


if ! [ -f ${PATH}/myfile.txt ];then
echo $(date +%Y%m%d"_"%H%M%S)": Nu am gasit fisierul ${PATH}/myfile.txt"
ps -fxu pin | grep "/usr/local/coreutils/bin/tail -f ${LOG_PATH}/x.log$" | awk '{system("kill "$2)}'
cat ${LOG_PATH}/x.log | sed -n -e '/LONG/{x;1!p;g;;}' -e h > ${PATH}/myfile.txt


I have a continuously growing log file (x.log) in which i have to look for certain lines that contain "Long". The line above each line containing the word "Long" it contains a time stamp. I want to extract each line containing the time stamp into myfile.txt and check the difference between time stamps. Whenever there is a difference i need to run another script (${CAL_PATH}/${APP_NAME}), then sleep 1, then continue searching. Lines with "Long" do not appear continuously, but in blasts. The script runs fine until the first pause encountered. Starting with the first pause, tail -f doesn't write in myfile.txt anymore. Can someone help me understand why "tail -f" it stops writing into myfile.txt? Or does someone know an alternative to "tail -f" of achieving the initial scope of the script?

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Software :: Script That Prints Text File To Disk As PDF?

May 5, 2011

I have a script that is supposed to run after a job is sent to a printer that prints a text file to disk. It is supposed to turn that text file in to a PDF. How I do this is my making a fifo /dev device that cats the print job to lpr and then runs my script. The script works expect for 1 thing. I have to use dos2unix to remove some extra characters that shouldn't be in there. I've also tried used sed and that didn't work either.

I should say they both work from the command line, just not when used in the fifo/dev. I know there are weird things that can happen when not running a script from the command line, and maybe I'm doing this all wrong. Part of my script works fine, but dos2unix doesn't work in my script. Sed also doesn't work in my script. But a2ps works and so does ps2pdf.

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Ubuntu :: Sort The Output To A Text File So That It Prints To The Text File At 1 Process Per Line?

Feb 6, 2011

im trying to output a list of running processes via a shell script. At the moment i got this which outputs the processes to a text file called out.

echo $(ps aux) >>out

The problem is though, the processes are all just one big block of text which makes it hard to read. Does anyone know how to sort the output to a text file so that it prints to the text file at 1 process per line? I know its probably simple but im very new to linux.

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Fedora :: Starting File Manager - Continuously Loops In Bottom Panel

Apr 7, 2010

I don't know what I did differently before this happens. Now I cannot access files or see icons on the desktop. The "starting file manager" continuously loops in the bottom panel, continuing to load forever. in the system monitor, if I kill the process "gnome panel", it resets itself, then continues the process. Only thing different I did was install that one thing that gives you System->Preferences->Windows by hitting "yum install control-center-extra".

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General :: Bash - Show Prints And At The Same Time Redirect It To A File?

Jul 12, 2010

I have this script in the past for csh: Code: ./a.out |& tee prints.txt which will redirect all printfs in the C program to the prints.txt file and at the same time show them in the console. How do you do this in bash? I have seen this, [URL] but it does not work for my bash and sh shells. It says:

Code: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `&' and
Code: -sh: syntax error: unexpected "&"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A 64 Bit File System To Read 32 Bit File System Drives?

Feb 2, 2010

Have just assembled a new computer and thought I would install the 64 bit version of openSUSE 11.2 in a "Windows free zone". After a hiccup or two I have managed to get a system of sorts running but on trying to copy files from my old computer(via a memory stick) it tells me that Vfat is an unknown file system.On my old computer I am running 32 bit openSUSE 11.2 as a dual boot system with Windows XP and have no problems moving files between the two different file systems.Is it possible to get a 64 bit file system to read 32 bit file system drives and if so how do I do it?

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OpenSUSE :: Kwrite Continuously Crashes In SU?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to change attributes in my /etc/fstab file.

I cant change my fstab file because apparently Kwrite only crashes when accessed by Konsole in SU mode.

I type this input/output:

linux-mg28:/home/me # kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab
kdesu(13370): Session bus not found
KCrash: Application 'kdesu' crashing...


I have a dual XP/suse11.3 system. I even removed my old Suse along with all its partitions, leaving only the NTFS XP, re-downloaded the 11.3 ISO image, burned a new fresh install disk and reinstalled 11.3. I updated the software in YaST.

I still can't modify my fstab file. But I can locate the file in Dolphin and click it to open in a Kwrite window. Read only of course.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Epsonstylusd120 Prints Only Black Pages?

Jul 24, 2010

I configured my printer via YaST (Suse 11.3). YaST finds my printer and offers me the Gutenprint driver: Epson Stylus D120 with driver Epson Stylus D120 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.4 I selected this driver and finished the configuration.

The problem now is, that if I print something, the printer only prints a totally black page. How can I solve this? Should I use another driver?

PS: With Suse 11.2 and Gutenprint driver it worked.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 - OfficeJet 6500A Job Completed But No Prints

Mar 15, 2011

I installed the 64-bit version of OpenSUSE 11.4 last week and tried to print from it today. I couldn't get anything to come out. I've tried both USB and network printing, and nothing ever works. Any attempt to print anything results in the HPLIP Status Service app telling me the job is "completed" immediately, with nothing printed, but the CUPS web interface reports "/usr/lib/cups/filter/hpcups failed".

It's connected to the network router and hp-setup discovers it when I use manual discovery and give it the IP address, but it still won't print even a test page, whether as root or as a user. I've also used the CUPS web interface to add my user to the list of users allowed to print, and added my user to the lp group. But I still get the same error and nothing ever prints.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Sounds Mutes / Unmutes Continuously On ASRock M3A770DE

Aug 22, 2010

My sound keeps going on and off, with some variation but generally about twice a second. I can watch the speaker icon in the system tray with a red x appearing and going away. When I play anything the sound is very broken. I'm running on an ASRock M3A770DE uploaded my ALSA information: [URL]. I've tried a number of things to attempt to correct the problem, but nothing I've tried makes any difference.

This MB does have two separate sound devices, I think. This shows up in YAST/Hardware/Sound with one entry as "ATI Technologies Inc." and the other as "SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)". I've tried disabling each one separately, but that doesn't seem to make any difference. The description of the board says it has "7.1 CH Windows Vista, Premium Level HD Audio (VIA VT1708S Audio Codec)". I don't run Windows except in VMs, so I don't know what happens with this in Windows.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Internet Connection Extremely Patchy And Continuously Drop

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to get my wireless to work on my laptop (dell inspiron 1520 broadcom 4311). I installed the b43 firmware and was able to set up my wireless connection. However, the internet connection is extremely patchy and seems to continuously drop (in fact most of the time it doesn't work). I can ping certain sites such as Google and get all packets received.


Furthermore, in Firefox the opening websites only works some of the time. Sometimes the google search page will load and sometimes it won't. I've disabled ipv6 using yast-network settings.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Printer Prints Black Horizontal Lines

Jan 14, 2010

I have an HP Printer which prints black horizontal lines after each line or colors an entire blank line black, so a blank page will come out all black. Others who have access to the Printer are able to print well, without any problem.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Brother HL-2040 Prints Empty Pages?

Mar 14, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 and printer Brother HL-2040 connected to my openSUSE laptop. It was correctly recognized by manufacturer and model and was "automagically" installed by downloading the appropriate driver. Whenever I click "print" its name correctly appears on the page on which you choose where to send the print jobs to. And when I click "print" it prints... empty pages. When I chose to print the test page, 10 empty pages came out.
This printer worked just fine under Ubuntu 9.04 and winXP. I read the topic here about HL-2040 in openSUSE 11.2 using the driver of 2060 but upon checking both the printer config page and CUPS web admin page it was confirmed that the driver is actually the correct required one, HL-2060 Foomatic/Postscript.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Prints Mirror Image Or Top 1/2 Inch Of Page Missing?

Jan 19, 2010

I have two different ways to print to my HPOfficejet Pro 8500. They look like two different printers to the software.

When I attempt to print a PDF file one of these prints a mirror image; the other cuts approximately 1/2 inch from the top of the page. files appear to print without problems.

I have openSUSE 11.2 and HPLIP 3.9.8

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General :: Printing From Bash Shell / Concatenate Files Into One File With File Names Included?

May 11, 2011

I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.

Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?

something like: -printfunction -printername < file*

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OpenSUSE :: .jar File Runs Fine In Command Line But Not From File System?

May 3, 2010

My .jar file needs and uses some files in the same directory it's in (everything, including the jar was unzipped into said directory). It runs perfectly when I do java -jar file.jar in the command line, but there's trouble when I double-click the file when running from the file system manager. I've tried a custom command under properties ie java -jar, but the problem is that the .jar file doesn't seem to be able to use any of the files in the same directory. When running, the jar can't find any of the files that it needs.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keep Getting .gvfs (gnome Virtual File System) File Appearing As Corrupt In /~/usr Directory

Jun 24, 2011

Why do I keep getting .gvfs (gnome virtual file system) file appearing as corrupt in /~/usr directory, I can get rid of it by unmounting, but it re-appears later on. It is causing problems as it interrupts my backups (which are automated) with an error message,ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/jimt/.gvfs'

drwxr-xr-x 2 jimt users 4.0K Jun 22 22:00 .gstreamer-0.10
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimt users 132 Jun 24 11:50 .gtk-bookmarks
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .gvfs
-rw------- 1 jimt users 4.3K Jun 24 11:50 .ICEauthority
drwxr-xr-x 3 jimt users 4.0K Jun 23 08:41 .icedteaplugin

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Network Manager Stuck On 'setting Network Address' Then Continuously Prompts For Hex Or ASCII Key

May 28, 2011

When I attempt to connect to a wireless network, the network manager asks me for the network's password, then says 'setting network address' for 20 or so seconds, then asks me for some random Hex or ASCII key in the same type of window I put the password in (Secrets for Noel -- KDE Daemon). Since a key is already typed into the window, I press OK, which then causes the network manager to go back to 'setting network address', then the window pops up again and keeps repeating itself.

I'm running Opensuse 11.4 with KDE, and my driver is ath9k. I don't know much about linux so please don't tell me to 'recompile this' or 'change this setting' without explaining how to do it. Please help, I've been unable to connect to wireless in OpenSUSE for 2 weeks now.

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Ubuntu :: System->Administration->Printing , Menu Missing?

Sep 15, 2010

Well like the title Implies, In my Administration menu in Gnome I don't have a "Printing" option. So I can't search for/install printers right now.I'm running 10.04 Server. I installed the gnome-desktop-environment package to get a GUI up and running for manipulating the filesystem, But not all the menu's I was expecting appeared. Is this because I used the gnome-desktop-environment instead of the ubuntu-desktop-environment package? ecause I have two PC's setup next to each other. One using the ubuntu-desktop-environment, and one using the gnome-desktop-environment package and the two desktops are clearly different.All I want to know is how to add the Printers menu to my PC running the gnome-desktop-environment package. I already looked at gconf-editor and the printing menu isn't hidden or anything, it's just not there. And me being a new user to Linux, I don't know how else to get to those printer abilities without the GUI

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General :: Set Printer Options When Printing From System To Windows?

Jun 17, 2011

We want to print PDFs from a Linux server to a HP LaserJet 1320 PCL 6 which is attached to a Windows print server.

The command we use is
lp -d LaserJet sicl_rcpdebtnt_5.pdf

Problem is, the printout comes with the top 10% of the page not printed. i.e. the printing starts from about 10% of the PDF. The header and top information is not printed.

We tried the scaling option:
lp -o scaling=75 -d LaserJet sicl_rcpdebtnt_5.pdf

But that also has no effect. Only the characters become smaller but still the same problem is there.

What can we do to print the entire PDF in ONE page. When we open the PDF in Windows and print it we have to say Fit to printer margins for the printer's page scaling property.

How to set this in command line Linux?

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General :: Best System Distribution For Color Management And Printing?

Apr 22, 2010

Is any one distribution of Linux, particularly suited for color management and printing? I have alot of photo printing to do that needs to be accurate color wise, I have already installed Open Suse with Gnome to try Linux, on an old machine and the printing although good, is very slow...

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Hardware :: Printing Raw From A File?

Nov 3, 2010

I am in the process of writing a script to prints prerinting on different printers in a way that directly sends a raw file to the usb lp device file. Kind of like printing to a prn file in windows. Is there any way to accomplish this in linux (i.e. prepare the files before with a print driver and filter then to a raw send?

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General :: Printing File Name , When Using Awk?

Jul 12, 2011

i am going throw all files in directory and want to print the files that having more than 1 "%" in their content...what should i exchange in BOLD?

for file in * ;
do awk -F'(%)' '{ t += (NF - 1) } END
{if (t>1) print $file ;}'

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Ubuntu :: Printing Applet (system-config-printer) Won't Start?

Apr 23, 2011

Trying to add printers to a new install, and system-config-printer doesn't start. CUPS is working, and I am able to add and manage printers using http://localhost:631, but I would prefer to use the applet.

lee@tycho:~$ system-config-printer
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/share/system-config-printer/", line 104, in <module>


Similar problems (possibly different causes) include [URL], from only three weeks ago, but no responses, and this one [URL], which I don't think is the issue because I don't seem to have an "extra" python install at /usr/local/bin/python.

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