OpenSUSE Hardware :: Oddities With Ejecting CD / DVDs And Safely Removing USB Drives

Jan 10, 2011

Failure to safely remove the USB with the following techniques:
1) umount /dev/sdd and I get the error "umount: /dev/sdd is not mounted (according to mtab)"
2) dolphin > right click the drive icon > safely remove: I get the error message "org.desktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure: Cannot open /media/.hal-mtab"
3) konqueror: sys:/info > click the drive eject button (nothing happens)
4) device notifier > click the drive eject button : I get a ERROR in Plasma Workspace that says "Could not unmount the device. One or more files on the device are open within an application" ... NOTE: this will happen on a fresh reboot with the folders of the USB never accessed, much less files being open on it.I have also noticed something similar when dealing with cds/dvds.... seems like I can only eject on a reboot.

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Fedora :: Removing Notifications And Safely Removing Drives?

Aug 25, 2010

These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Removing Alt Installed Kernel Safely

Oct 9, 2010

Hoping for some verification before I proceed.An alt kernel was installed side by side with the current mainstream kernel during an experimental NIC driver install. Unfortunately, since the experiment failed I would now like to remove all traces of the alt kernel since it was given a version ahead of the current main version and I would like to avoid all possibilities of contention should a future kernel upgrade use the experimental alt kernel's version number.

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Fedora Hardware :: Ejecting USB NTFS Drives?

Feb 9, 2011

Not sure where to put this so please let me know if this does not belong here.I recently noticed that the "eject" command will not work on NTFS formatted USB drives. It errors out with something like:umount: <path to mount point> is not in fstab (and you are not rootIt works if you are root. I can also eject the drive from the nautilus desktop as an unprivileged user. This command also works if the drive is FAT formatted and I am an unprivileged user.I only started to notice this behavior after I switch to F14. F11, F12, and F13 did not seem to have this issue.Anyone have any clues as to how to fix this?BTW, auto-mounting works just fine, just plug the drive in (no "mount" command necessary). I'm only having issues with the "eject" command as an unprivileged user.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Removing Partition

Feb 11, 2011

I have a 32-bit laptop running a dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.09 LTS.I've decided that Ubuntu just isn't for me, and I want to remove the partition and restore the extra hard drive space back to Windows 7.

Now, a few months ago, I accidentally deleted my Ubuntu partition through Windows Disk Management, and I ended up not being able to boot up my computer. I can't remember what the exact cause was, but I think it was a problem with the GRUB, and I think I fixed it by reinstalling Ubuntu. Does anyone know how I can safely remove the Ubuntu partition without having to go through all this again?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Safely Removing Ext Hdd

Apr 12, 2011

Cannot safely remove Western Digital 2TB ext hdd. When I right click on drive to unmount, it says: "Unable to stop drive, This file cannot be stopped" Anyone know how to unmount, maybe using the terminal??

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Debian :: KDE - Removing Unwanted Apps Safely?

Dec 1, 2010

I've just installed Squeeze with KDE. I was wondering what is the best way to remove some unwanted apps without breaking everything (I want to get rid of Kopete and a few other apps like Dragon Player as I don't use them)?
I tried to: apt-get remove kopete
but it said it wanted to remove a whole bunch of other stuff as well. (I'm a recent Fedora convert).

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Fedora Installation :: Safely Removing Gnome

Jun 15, 2011

I've been using Gnome for several years and haven't had any real problems with it. Now, however, I find the descriptions of what Gnome 3 and the Gnome Shell quite unsettling. That is, the Gnome devs have added a number of things I don't want, removed things I do want and made it impossible to configure Gnome 3 to work anywhere near what I want without adding unsupported third-party extensions. (Note: this is neither a complaint nor a flame; it's just a statement of my personal taste and any attempts to argue about it will be ignored.)

Currently, I have installed XFCE and am very happy with it on my two F14 boxes. I know that if and when I move to F15 (or F16 if 15 continues to be as problematic as it is so far) the upgrade will include Gnome 3, even though I don't use it. I'd like, therefore, to remove it but without removing any bits and pieces of it that are needed by whatever programs I'm using. What's the safest way to do this?

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General :: LVM Removing A Physical Volume Safely

Aug 7, 2010

Let's assume I have a volume group (VG) with six physical volumens (PV) - sdb1, sdb2, sdb3, sdc1, sdc2, sdc3..I want to remove one of the PVs from the group in order to use its space elsewhere - how can I know if it's safe? How can I do that without losing data and without first "pvmove"ing it elsewhere?Reading a bit more, my guess is using the result of pvscan, but I thought I'd ask before removing keeping it safe as I'm not an LVM expert.

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Debian Configuration :: Safely Removing Mounted USB Device

Jan 7, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Squeeze beta 2 or if it's something I've overlooked. I have a Maxtor 250 GB external USB drive that I use for backups. It gets auto-mounted fine, always in the same place, and from my normal user account I can write to it, even delete directories on it if I want to. But when, from Gnome, I select the "Safely remove" option, I get an error to the effect that it can't stop the device. The weird thing is that the thing actually *is* unmounted. I've checked the mount point and it's no longer there.Is there some package I maybe should've installed but haven't? I'm not really worried about data loss, since I'm sure the drive wouldn't unmount unless it was properly synched; it's just the error message that bugs me.

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Software :: Removing Mounted Drive Folder Safely

Dec 3, 2009

I have a nightly scheduled script which creates a $vhostname directory under /mnt, mounts a windows box pointing to /mnt/$vhostname then rsyncs (pulls) some files/folders from the mount point. After this, I want to unmount the drive and remove the /mnt/$vhostname directory. Problem is that removing the /mnt/$vhostname directory sometimes ends up deleting all the files on the source! Example of script (stripped out lots of superfluous stuff):

vRSYNCFLAGS='-ahvz --inplace'
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}
/usr/bin/rsync ${vRSYNCFLAGS} /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}/KAVSHARE /backups3/${vHOSTNAME}/
/bin/umount -l /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}
/bin/rm -Rf /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}

It seems that my umount line isn't disconnecting the mount, leaving the following line to literally delete all directories, recursively. Is there a way of safely just deleting the directory (ie: mount link) without linux accidentally trashing the whole source?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Oddities After Upgfrade To 11.4?

Mar 13, 2011

I upgraded my PhenomX4 machien from 11.3 hoping that it would fix the kernel crashes I am having.This morning was first use since upgrade via DVD. I have been logged out three times without provocation or warning, and just now the machine went catatonic, just flashing the caplock and scrolllock lights. Still rebooting so have not managed to look at the logs if any.In case it matters this is running plain X with fvwm; no Gnome or KDE, No desktop

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Debian Multimedia :: VCDs Do Not Play - Drives Otherwise Work Very Well - Also Write DVDs And CDs Often

May 8, 2010

I have one desktop and two laptops. It is strange to find that none of the three systems play VCD, when I use Totem, Totem-xine, Gxine or VLC media player, even with the codecs updated. Worse, each of the three DVD players then act in a loop, seeking the LG DVD-RAM drive endlessly. But the drives otherwise work very well and I also write DVDs and CDs often.I have tested the VCDs in Windows machines with VLC media player, and the VCDs work wonderfully. This is kind of strange. So I thought may be I should report this.

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Ubuntu :: Drives Not Listed After Removing Raid Works In Windows 7?

Oct 29, 2010

I have two 1.5TB hard drives (neither one are my OS drives) that don't show up under "Places", but are detected under "Disk Utility". I tried to reformat them, but Ubuntu tells me that they are in use (even they are not mounted). gparted also detects them and shows them as being NTFS parition. I have deleted and repartitioned to NTFS as well. This works until I restart my computer. The funny thing is that Windows 7 sees them just fine. More detail as to how this happened below after system specs.


AMD Phenom II x 4 955
ASUS M4A79XT EVO motherboard
8GB DDR3 1333
1 500GB WD SATA drive (dual boot Windows 7 & Ubuntu 10.10)
2 1TB WD SATA drives (extra storage)
2 1.5TB Seagate SATA drives (extra storage, these are the problem children)

Here's how I got here:

Installed a dual boot w/ Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10. Everything was fine and ALL drives showed up and were mountable in Ubuntu. I decided to set up a RAID 1 w/ my two 1.5TB drives. I restarted, changed my SATA to be RAID instead of IDE and created my RAID 1. I then realized that through this motherboard's RAID setup, I couldn't have it copy files from one disk to the other to set up the mirror. So, after I rebooted and the RAID started building, I cut the power and unplugged my drives in a desparate attempt to keep my data. I then went back into the bios and set my SATA back into IDE instead of RAID. I was able to back up my data, but this is when the problem started.

Again, Windows 7 sees and uses the drives just fine. I copied the data I wanted from my 1.5TB drives to my 1TB drives and restarted into Ubuntu. But, no 1.5TB drives appeared under Places. I started Disk Utility and confirmed that Ubuntu does actually see the drives. However, it still lists them as being part of a RAID array (I did delete my RAID array properly through the BIOS after backing up my data). I'm not sure why it thinks that and I believe that's my problem. Also, Disk Utility lists a THIRD 1.5TB drive under "USB and Peripherals". Could that be my MB telling Ubuntu that a RAID is still set up even though I deleted the RAID pair?

What I have tried:Reformatted drives via Windows 7 as NTFS. This completed but didn't solve my problem.Repartitioned the drives with gparted as NTFS. This works until I restart my computer. Attempted to reformat under Ubuntu, but it gives me an error saying the drives are busy.Reinstalled Ubuntu (but didn't reformat). Didn't work. What I'm thinking:Flash my BIOS so my MB starts out fresh and hopefully doesn't tell Ubuntu I have a RAID anymore. Reinstall Ubuntu again (this time reformatting my OS drive).
Anyone have ideas as to what's going on? FYI I'm new to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: A Few Oddities With Nouveau After Upgrade To 10.04?

Jun 20, 2010

I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4 this morning on my Dell Precision M2400 laptop. When I rebooted I got a half-black screen with lines. The top portion had 3 miniature login screens also with lines across and too tiny to see anything.I looked at my xorg.conf. It had this in it:

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Configured Screen Device"


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Ubuntu :: ALSA Oddities And No Sound After Soundcard Change In Natty?

Jul 2, 2011

I've just bought myself a E-MU 1820M audio interface for use in home recording after seeing online that a number of people have managed to get it working. The card replaces a Terratec DMX 6Fire (which i only managed to get outs from, no in's). I have done everything and anything suggested all on the forums and websites i can find and still no in's or out's at all, and no lights on the dock functioning.

Having tried and failed on a number of things i decided to see if Alsamixer had picked it up, only to be shown a blank grey window with nothing showing. I purged ALSA and started again (I have even done a fresh install of natty in case it was anything else getting in the way that i had done previously) but to no avail. I am using ALSA driver 1.0.24, which is the latest version, and according to the ALSA website, the EMU support was addded in post-1.0.15, so all should be well.

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OpenSUSE :: How To Safely Update Evolution

Jun 22, 2010

The latest version of Evolution is 2.31.x.There is a GnuPG performance bug affecting me that was fixed since version 2.30.x that I would like to get rid of.How can I safely update to 2.31.x or 2.30.x taking care of the appropriate dependencies?Via I can locate newer rpms in various repositories but they all seem to be GNOME (I am using KDE).

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 'Safely Remove' USB HDD?

May 28, 2010

Is there a good/simple way to do this?OK - Under certain other OSs, the 'safely remove' option on usb devices will...1/ On usb pen drive with a power/activity led, switch it off (trivial nicety, but reassuring).2/ On usb HDDs, spin down the disk - seems more important.I don't know if it really is but 'pulling the plug' on a spinning HD makes me nervous!I have tried a number of linux distros recently and only ubuntu 10.04 with gnome seems to do the same. Most others (including openSUSE 11.2, kde 4.3.5 - which I have) only seem to unmount

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OpenSUSE Install :: Over Vista SAFELY?

Dec 29, 2009

In attempting to install Opensuse 11.X, I have repeatedly encountered a warning I am not sure how to get past safely. The systems I wish to dual-boot Opensuse with will either be primarily Vista, Win 7, or XP, all of which will hopefully also have a third boot option for Windows Server 2008. If there are suggestions of which order to install these operating systems, but I understand if no one wants to waste this thread simply discussing that. When installing Opensuse over a Vista installation, it comes to a point where it finds the previously used partition, which is one a single HD laptop. It will warn, no matter which direction I try to go, that I will lose the entire partition.

This is the step I wish assistance with, as it seems to happen with any option chosen. Otherwise, I am aware that another partition could be created on this single drive, from within Vista, and that one could be chosen during Opensuse installation. I have understanding of the MBR. If someone was to make a reply and mentioned what they know would occur to the MBR, if I chose to install Opensuse to a separate empty partition than the one Windows is using, it would be helpful. A step by step explanation of which option to choose, when all options I've tried keep telling me that the partition will be lost, If someone knows a separate page that lists steps to take at that point of the Opensuse installation, designed to help those that are warned that the partition will be lost, it would be good to mention for novice users like me.

I was hoping that downloading and burning the installation disc would be half the battle for an experienced OS user of 15 years, but it wasn't. I am getting in to Opensuse because it is the alternate OS of choice for IBM, my future dream employer, as I get closer to a Computer Science degree and begin to learn programming. All systems that will use Opensuse will be experimental, and never mission critical, in my education.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Safely Move Bootloader To Another Disk ?

Aug 25, 2010

Ages ago I installed Linux on a "spare" 40GB disk and I don't remember how, but that disk is where I still boot the computer from, in Bios it's listed as a primary master and HD0.

Over the time my installs moved to the "main" disk where it is now Suse 11.3 alongside Windows.

I want to get rid of that original "spare" disk altogether, physically take it out, but don't know how to move the bootloader to the "main" one.

I'm confused by all the options offered in Yast Boot Loader Location menu.

Can I just tell it to put itself into a custom boot partition and point it to dev/sdb, the current designation of the "main" disk?

Would I need to edit Grub as well? I figure the current "sdb" would be called "sda" after I take the old disk out. Would it be safe to simply rename /sdb entries, things like /sdb4 to /sda4 and so on?

Additional question - I used to play with Win7 demo, deleted that now, but its loader still pops up when I boot into Windows with their "earlier version of operating system" menu. Their offered solution is to run "mbrfix" from a WinXp recovery CD.

My question - what would that mbrfix do to the Linux bootloader and how can I get it to point back to to Grub afterwards?

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Ubuntu :: Ejecting Cd And Can Still See / Access It?

Jan 22, 2011

When i put CD in i can see it and everything. But when i eject pressing the button on my laptop it ejects fine but i can still see the CD on desktop and in my computer and i can still access it and run programs ect on it still. Even though the CD it ejected. If i eject by right clicking then that works fine but its just annoying.

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Ubuntu :: CD Broken In Drive Now Not Ejecting Properly

Jan 9, 2010

I am using computers from past 10 years and never seen or heard this type of problem which I faced few hours back. I wanted to copy data from some CD's and DVD's onto my HDD, after some time I heard loud noise like some thing exploded in the CPU cabinet, I switched off the computer and I was shocked to see that the whole CD in the Drive is broken into pieces!

Immediately I removed drive and dismantled the DVD Drive and removed all the pieces, again fixed it, now everything works but the tray is not ejecting properly. Now I am worried to insert some important CD's and DVD's, I don't know what exactly happened? and I even don't know whether to continue with the same drive or its time to buy new drive? I am using it from 2006....

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Ubuntu :: Brasero Error After Ejecting Disk

May 17, 2010

So I popped in a blank CD, opened up brasero, told it to create a new video project, added my files.... It told me to install vcdimager, so I did that and restarted brasero. I then told it to burn the video files to the disk as an (S)VCD. It began converting the files before the burn. After the conversion was complete, it gave the message "ejecting medium" and then it ejected the disk. After that, it said it encountered and error and wouldn't do anything from there. I tried a different CD, I tried just closing the disk drive. It just gives me the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Ejecting USB (Volume Busy) - Nautilus Process

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to "Safely Eject" my USB mem stick and am getting:
"Volume is Busy"

And it's showing that it's the application:
as the culprit.

Should I should down the Nautilus process? How can I unmount/eject the stick?

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Debian Multimedia :: GNOME CD Icon Doesn't Disappear After Ejecting It

Mar 6, 2010

This problem showed after fresh installation of Debian Testing (image is dated at 1 march 2010). When I want remove cd I click button on device but the icon is still at the desktop and in the nautilus too (in the left sidebar). I have to remove it manualy from nautilus or desktop ( option: eject ). This problem shows with packages like gnome-mount or gnome-volume-manager ot without them.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Brasero Video DVD Burning - Ejecting Medium

Feb 16, 2011

I've encountered a problem when trying to burn a video file to DVD using Brasero Disc Burner. I put the DVD and then open up Brasero and click on "video protect" then I chose the video file I want to burn, I click the "burn" button and choose the settings I want then when press the "burn" button once more.
I then get this screen...
It then ejects the DVD and I get this...

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OpenSUSE :: Burn DVDs But Cannot Mount Them?

Feb 9, 2010

I am able to burn DVDs with either Brasero or k3b, but opensuse then cannot mount them .

Those DVDs do contain the burned data since I can see it and read it on a Mac...

On openSUSE, I get the following error when inserting the DVD :

I added my user to 'disk' and 'cdrom' groups, but to no avail.

Here's the output from dmesg :

[275598.245976] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
[275598.246011] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
[275598.246039] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 2
[275598.246065] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 3
[275598.246091] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 4


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OpenSUSE :: PCM Volume - No Sound In VLC For DVDs Or .mp3

Mar 4, 2010

I am having trouble with sound on my box. soundcard: audigy SE openSUSE 11.2 I know where the PCM is supposed to be in YaST, but... Is it actually marked as PCM because my only options are: Master currently 100% and Center/LFE also 100% In addition there are separate volumes for the individual channels in the volume area all set at 100%

I have sound when playing .mp3 in amarok and I have sound in DVD with Kaffeine. but no sound in VLC for DVDs or .mp3. I also have no sound in web browsers for watching flash video. I have configured the desktop sound settings so that they work but I feel that I am missing something here

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OpenSUSE Install :: Where Are Installation CDs (not DVDs) For 11.3

Dec 15, 2010

I've been a SuSE user since 6.3 days. I just built 2 more old PCs to learn DRBD, and they only have CD drives (not DVDs). To my chagrin I just found out that there are no 11.3 install CDs? These old computers can't boot from USB either so I can't stick the DVD on a USB drive. Or am I just missing the installation CDs somewhere? I did some searching on the download site and in these forums but came up empty.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Can't Automount UDF-Based DVDs In 11.3?

Sep 8, 2010

Once I insert a UDF-based DVD, such as a movie or Windows 7 OS install DVD, the disc will not automount in the GNOME desktop. As a result, Nautilus and other gnome programs like Brasero, cannot read the disk.

However, KDE-based apps like k3b and k9copy are perfectly able to detect a DVD with the UDF filesystem for burning or extracting data. The disc drive is a Plextor PX-716SA SATA-based model. The problem seems to be endemic to openSUSE 11.3, as UDF-based DVDs automount perfectly fine in Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows Vista on the same computer. In fact, these DVDs had no problems automounting in openSUSE 11.2 prior to performing a clean install of 11.3. Manually mounting such a DVD does work, using a command such as:

sudo mount -t udf /dev/sr0 /mnt -o ro,session=0,lastblock=1 The DVD movie can be accessed from VLC media player and mplayer, but nevertheless, gnome apps like brasero cannot be used. Why is this happening?

I searched for solutions on these and other forums and I came across these posts here, and here. The solutions proposed therein did not work, including modifying auto.misc and fstab. In another thread on these forums, modifying fstab for removable media was discouraged in versions 11.2 and 11.3.

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