Fedora Installation :: Safely Removing Gnome

Jun 15, 2011

I've been using Gnome for several years and haven't had any real problems with it. Now, however, I find the descriptions of what Gnome 3 and the Gnome Shell quite unsettling. That is, the Gnome devs have added a number of things I don't want, removed things I do want and made it impossible to configure Gnome 3 to work anywhere near what I want without adding unsupported third-party extensions. (Note: this is neither a complaint nor a flame; it's just a statement of my personal taste and any attempts to argue about it will be ignored.)

Currently, I have installed XFCE and am very happy with it on my two F14 boxes. I know that if and when I move to F15 (or F16 if 15 continues to be as problematic as it is so far) the upgrade will include Gnome 3, even though I don't use it. I'd like, therefore, to remove it but without removing any bits and pieces of it that are needed by whatever programs I'm using. What's the safest way to do this?

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Fedora :: Removing Notifications And Safely Removing Drives?

Aug 25, 2010

These should be my last pleas for help with regard to Fedora 13. I've been unable to turn off the notifications that appear in the top right corner, despite a decent amount of searching on google. I can't remove any notifications package without removing a bunch of important software along with it. Also, F13 refuses to "Safely Remove" either of my external disks. I have to yank out the usb cord, touching wood each time.

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Fedora :: Switch For Gnome To KDE Safely?

Aug 3, 2009

So, how do I switch from Gnome to KDE safely? Every time I attempt this, I crash the whole thing and have to start over.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Removing Partition

Feb 11, 2011

I have a 32-bit laptop running a dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.09 LTS.I've decided that Ubuntu just isn't for me, and I want to remove the partition and restore the extra hard drive space back to Windows 7.

Now, a few months ago, I accidentally deleted my Ubuntu partition through Windows Disk Management, and I ended up not being able to boot up my computer. I can't remember what the exact cause was, but I think it was a problem with the GRUB, and I think I fixed it by reinstalling Ubuntu. Does anyone know how I can safely remove the Ubuntu partition without having to go through all this again?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Safely Removing Ext Hdd

Apr 12, 2011

Cannot safely remove Western Digital 2TB ext hdd. When I right click on drive to unmount, it says: "Unable to stop drive, This file cannot be stopped" Anyone know how to unmount, maybe using the terminal??

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Debian :: KDE - Removing Unwanted Apps Safely?

Dec 1, 2010

I've just installed Squeeze with KDE. I was wondering what is the best way to remove some unwanted apps without breaking everything (I want to get rid of Kopete and a few other apps like Dragon Player as I don't use them)?
I tried to: apt-get remove kopete
but it said it wanted to remove a whole bunch of other stuff as well. (I'm a recent Fedora convert).

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General :: LVM Removing A Physical Volume Safely

Aug 7, 2010

Let's assume I have a volume group (VG) with six physical volumens (PV) - sdb1, sdb2, sdb3, sdc1, sdc2, sdc3..I want to remove one of the PVs from the group in order to use its space elsewhere - how can I know if it's safe? How can I do that without losing data and without first "pvmove"ing it elsewhere?Reading a bit more, my guess is using the result of pvscan, but I thought I'd ask before removing keeping it safe as I'm not an LVM expert.

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Debian Configuration :: Safely Removing Mounted USB Device

Jan 7, 2011

I'm not sure if this is a bug in Squeeze beta 2 or if it's something I've overlooked. I have a Maxtor 250 GB external USB drive that I use for backups. It gets auto-mounted fine, always in the same place, and from my normal user account I can write to it, even delete directories on it if I want to. But when, from Gnome, I select the "Safely remove" option, I get an error to the effect that it can't stop the device. The weird thing is that the thing actually *is* unmounted. I've checked the mount point and it's no longer there.Is there some package I maybe should've installed but haven't? I'm not really worried about data loss, since I'm sure the drive wouldn't unmount unless it was properly synched; it's just the error message that bugs me.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Removing Alt Installed Kernel Safely

Oct 9, 2010

Hoping for some verification before I proceed.An alt kernel was installed side by side with the current mainstream kernel during an experimental NIC driver install. Unfortunately, since the experiment failed I would now like to remove all traces of the alt kernel since it was given a version ahead of the current main version and I would like to avoid all possibilities of contention should a future kernel upgrade use the experimental alt kernel's version number.

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Software :: Removing Mounted Drive Folder Safely

Dec 3, 2009

I have a nightly scheduled script which creates a $vhostname directory under /mnt, mounts a windows box pointing to /mnt/$vhostname then rsyncs (pulls) some files/folders from the mount point. After this, I want to unmount the drive and remove the /mnt/$vhostname directory. Problem is that removing the /mnt/$vhostname directory sometimes ends up deleting all the files on the source! Example of script (stripped out lots of superfluous stuff):

vRSYNCFLAGS='-ahvz --inplace'
/bin/mkdir -p /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}
/usr/bin/rsync ${vRSYNCFLAGS} /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}/KAVSHARE /backups3/${vHOSTNAME}/
/bin/umount -l /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}
/bin/rm -Rf /mnt/${vHOSTNAME}

It seems that my umount line isn't disconnecting the mount, leaving the following line to literally delete all directories, recursively. Is there a way of safely just deleting the directory (ie: mount link) without linux accidentally trashing the whole source?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Oddities With Ejecting CD / DVDs And Safely Removing USB Drives

Jan 10, 2011

Failure to safely remove the USB with the following techniques:
1) umount /dev/sdd and I get the error "umount: /dev/sdd is not mounted (according to mtab)"
2) dolphin > right click the drive icon > safely remove: I get the error message "org.desktop.Hal.Device.Volume.UnknownFailure: Cannot open /media/.hal-mtab"
3) konqueror: sys:/info > click the drive eject button (nothing happens)
4) device notifier > click the drive eject button : I get a ERROR in Plasma Workspace that says "Could not unmount the device. One or more files on the device are open within an application" ... NOTE: this will happen on a fresh reboot with the folders of the USB never accessed, much less files being open on it.I have also noticed something similar when dealing with cds/dvds.... seems like I can only eject on a reboot.

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Fedora :: Removing Gnome Desktop?

May 3, 2010

I have an interesting question. I had originally installed Fedora 12 with the Gnome desktop. Later i also installed the kde desktop and alternated between them. What would haven if i removed the gnome desktop elements? Would it function and only be a single boot kde system? Or would it kill the whole thing?

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Debian Installation :: Removing Useless Parts Of GNOME

Mar 3, 2010

I've been trying to purge my system from packages I don't normally use, like Epiphany and Evolution, and I think I have been somewhat successful but I'm still struggling with GNOME when trying to keep the gnome-applets package and the system forces the installation of the evolution-data-server-common and libedataserverui1.2-8 packages.What is the role of this packages? Are they hard-wired into GNOME and cannot be remove at all? Or is there a way to discard the packages and keep the one I want?

I'm not doing this for the sake disk space; I'm only trying to take control of my desktop to always have the most clean system possible.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dpkg Error Coded 1 When Removing Gnome-shell?

Jun 22, 2010

Tried sudo apt-get remove gnome-shell -f Didn't work Still returns:Errors were encountered while processing:gnome-shellE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)How so I fix this?

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Fedora :: Gnome Shell Crashing After Removing 'user Theme' Extension

May 27, 2011

Since I do not like any of shell themes i downloaded, today I decided to remove user theme shell-extension.I removed it from the : Add/remove software, from menu.After logging out, and in, I keep getting : Gnome shell crashed, please log out.I have downloaded few shell themes from gnome look, and they all work.. But did not like them, always used default theme, so I decided to remove extension..

I removed "user theme" extension, but I did not delete "theme selector extension" from ~/.local/gnome-shell/ extensions.I just deleted it's folder from extensions, restarted, and I'm back in my Fedora.

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Fedora Installation :: Safely Remove Unsupported Packages After FC13 Upgrade?

Jun 2, 2010

I managed to successfully upgrade FC11 to FC13. While doing the post upgrade steps, I made a HUGE mistake. After identifying the unsupported packages, I used "yum remove package1 package2" command to remove the obsoleted ones without realizing the yum was also removing many FC13 packages! Here are the cmd sequence used:

# package-cleanup --orphans
# yum remove compat-db45-4.5.20-5.fc10.i386 flash-plugin- gnome-spell-1.0.8-5.fc9.i386 ifd-egate-0.05-21.i586


I simply typed Yes and left unattended for a few minutes after yum prompted there were # of packages to be removed as I blindly believed it would do the job. After returning to the computer, I found many installed icons were disappearing, the wireless suddenly turned off etc. I killed the yum process right away but it was too late.

-Is there anything I could do to undo the yum remove process?

-How to safely remove supported packages?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Evolution From Synaptic Vs Just Removing The Applet

Feb 27, 2011

what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.

im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.

all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.

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Fedora Installation :: Removing Package With Dependencies?

May 9, 2010

How do most experienced Fedora users remove packages with large number of dependencies?

I know that the question is as old as yum, but still I can't find solution. There is package-cleanup tool, which supposed to do the job with "--leaves" key, but it doesn't seem to work. Right now I have F12 installed. I installed rosegarden with `yum install rosegarden`. Then I removed it with `yum remove rosegarden`. If I understand right, `package-cleanup --leaves` must show all of 12 dependencies that was installed with rosegarden, but it shows none of them (although it shows few packages). Is this a bug? For years I used Ubuntu and Debian and I was completely satisfied with apt.

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Debian :: Removing Totem From GNOME

Mar 8, 2011

I recently switched over to Debian Squeeze and now that I'm over the transition shock I'm starting to enjoy it a lot more than I thought I would. One little thing that is very irritating, though not show-stopping, is the fact that I cannot change the default media player in GNOME.Totem I just can't stand it for some reason and I would like to just remove it. So I whip out my'apt-get remove totem' only to see that Totem is tied to a number of GNOME components that I want to keep. Now why a media player is so intertwined with GNOME I have no idea, at least that would be appropriate to express here.Normally to change my default media player I right click on a media file, open with, remember this app for this type of file, and then I'm done. I also tried using the 'Preferred Applications' option under the 'System --> Preferences' menu with no success.

As I said this problem isn't a show-stopper but it is blankety-blankin' annoying. Any thoughts on how to resolve this would be appreciated. I have spent some time searching online but to no avail. Although I no absolutely nothing about software development I can only hope that this is a bug and that the GNOME developers didn't actually intend this. If it were intentional it would seem analogous to Windows 7 in that there is no way to remove IE from the system. Oh but you can disable it and hide it from the menu. . .

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Removing GNOME

Jan 13, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu Studio to check it out alongside my normal KDE system, and have decided to remove it. Problem is, having installed GNOME, I also got programs and libraries I no longer want or need alongside my existing KDE ones (ex. File Roller and Ark, I don't really need both, so I removed FR; I've removed other such programs I know about, as well). But I don't know all the programs or libraries that are still on here; in my package manager with a filter set for only installed programs I see a lot when I search 'gnome', but I'm wary of uninstalling things when I don't know what they do or if they're being used (I do have GNOME applications; I prefer Pidgin so I chose that over Kopete, for instance).

I ran apt-get uninstall ubuntustudio-desktop but despite the install process taking about 20 minutes it removed it in about 20 seconds...and seeing all these programs weren't removed along with it, I can see why. Is there a way I can remove all these things? They're taking up room and I'm not using them. I already did apt-get autoremove, as well. Anything else I can do to find and remove these programs besides reading through every single entry in my package manager's list of installed programs?

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Ubuntu :: Removing Gnome Screensaver

Mar 12, 2011

The Gnome Screensaver preferences window is freezing my desktop. I went into synaptic and tried to remove it (to use xscreensaver instead). But synaptic, in removing gnome-screensaver package, wanted to ADD a bunch of packages, lots of KDE stuff (which I don't want). Is there any way around this? If not, is there a way to reset the gnome-screensaver config file (whatever it is) so that it doesn't freeze on startup? This problem arose after I selected a particular screensaver in the gui window.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Removing Kernel Module

Jun 19, 2009

I had the 180.xxx nvidia drivers on my FC10 setup.I installed the 185.xxx and am running into issues. It gives me the fatal server error: no screens found message. Before that it says that the nvidia kernel module is 180.xxx and the driver component has 185.xxx. I can't seem to figure out how to uninstall the previous module to make this work. I removed the yum kmod nvidia. I'm running this using sh nvidia.185xxx.xxxx.run . The weird thing is that it sometimes would work but then I would restart and it would break again.
Thanks in advance,

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Fedora Installation :: Removing The Blue / White Progress Bar?

Jan 28, 2010

I have installed F12 on my laptop, and got rid of the two-tone blue and white progress bar at boot time. On my other machine it just refuses to go!

How can I get a normal text-mode bootup, so I can see which services are starting?

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Fedora Installation :: Removing Older Kernel Installs

Mar 31, 2010

I just did an upgrade and it included the kernel. As time goes by, I will be stuck with a lot of kernels to choose from, and lower disk space. How do I remove an older kernel and everything it's related to it without breaking stuff?

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Fedora Installation :: Removing And Installing Different Windows Manager

Apr 13, 2011

Is it possible to install a different windows manager?Currently I am using a HP Netbook 210. The windows manager I am using is gnome-shell that comes as default with Fedora 15. However, I am wondering if I could completely remove this and install a different windows manager. For example I would like to try the xfce 4.8.

I am not talking about completely removing Fedora 15 and then installing Fedora 15 xfce spin. Just the window manager.How easy would it be to remove gnome-shell windows manager and then install xfce 4.8 windows manager?

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing The Gnome Status Bar

May 2, 2015

I would like to remove it, because typically I don't need to see it all day. Its enough if it shows up when i go to the upper left corner and see all running applications.

I found this: [URL].... but if you add the repo in that article and update apt,the repo fails.

second try(this one works): [URL].... different extension, same goal. but this one works with gnome 3.14.2 allow gnome to change files when firefox asks.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Removing Kde Installing Gnome

Jun 19, 2011

I'm planning to replace kde with gnome so my plan is to visit Yast pattern view check Gnome Desktopand Gnome Base System then unchecking Kde4 Desktop and Kde base system.i'm seeking stability I know openSUSE has it but no with kde.is this the right way to replace my desktop environment , I will not download the gnome iso and make a new installation

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Fedora Installation :: Replace Ubuntu With Removing Or Disturbing Windows?

Jul 13, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.4 side by side But i want to replace ubuntu with fedora i have a 64 bit machine I have downloaded fedora 14 iso image. My pc does not boots from a usb and I do not have a cd rom. I want to replace ubuntu with fedora with removing or disturbing my windows.

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Debian Multimedia :: Removing Gnome-linked Applications

Aug 14, 2010

i have 2 boxes w/ squeeze/gnome. my home one has bigger HDDs (to me anyway), so i can install/trick out for days. my work box however, has a single paltry 12Gb HDD (and no, i can't afford to run out and buy a bigger one).my question is this: can i slim down my gnome install my removing what are to me at work, non-essential apps (evolution, totem, etc)? if you try to remove any of these in synaptic, it says it will ALSO remove gnome altogether.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Gnome Panels In Lucid An Option?

Jun 14, 2010

I am interested in removing the gnome panels from my desktop in 10.04. I know i can auto-hide the top and bottom panels and there is also an option to delete them. When they auto-hide a small white line is still visible and i accidentally hover over them sometimes briefly showing them also. I also do not want to do anything permanent like deleting them.In some past forum posts i saw people saying go to System>Preferences>Sessions but this option seems to be missing in lucid and these seem to be for slightly older versions on ubuntu. I then added the gnome-session-properties command in the Edit Menu... of System but all it did was launch Startup Applications. One post i saw said to go into Sessions, required sessions and make it empty. Should this work like i want it too and if so, is there an option like this still in Lucid. I basically want to remove the panels completely from my desktop, but still want to be able to bring them back if i want too also (Hopefully without having to edit them again, but i can live with it if i do).

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