OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD R/RW Drive Not Working?

Jun 24, 2010

How do i install my drive so that i can burn some dvds? I can burn on windows so i know it still works, but i cant get Linux to recognize it.I dont know how to get the specs for the DVD drive through terminal, so i cant post what i have.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Drive Stopped Working In 11.3

Jan 5, 2011

Seems that my DVD-RW drive has stopped working at some point. I am pretty sure it worked when I first installed OpenSUSE 11.3. I have also tested with couple of other DVD drives - most of the times any of the discs (DVD or CD) I throw in are not recognized, this is what I get in dmesg:

Maybe this happened when new kernel ( was installed as security update but I am not sure. Today I installed yet a another kernel update ( but the issue remains...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Drive Start Working Bad Recently In KDE 4.4.3?

Jun 11, 2010

I have like a month using the KDE 4.4 from factory without problems since a month to now, but suddenly, since yesterday KDE doesnt mount my DVDs or CDs in my internal drive, and of course, doesnt burn anything, so i was wondering if this has something to do with the fact that im using factory or its a known bug or what should i check? I have dual boot in this computer, and in win the drives works without problem.

Should i go back to KDE 4.3.5? If you need some output or something tellme, all i can say know is that appears an error when i excute the command "eject" about something going wrong with ioclt... But it appears some times, and others dont.

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Fedora :: Pen Drive And Cd Drive Is Not Working?

Aug 22, 2009

i have a linux machine. After installation it in not reading pen drive and cd drive. After some googling for pen drive i tried this as follows:[root@arnab]# dmesg | tail -100The output is as follows,

usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
Vendor: JetFlash Model: Transcend 2GB Rev: 8.07
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unable To Access The USB Drive Or Pen Drive?

Feb 6, 2010

I just installed opensuse 11.2 and was invented with a issue where usb was not detected by the OS.

i tried lsusb no details were display

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Intel PRO 2100 Not Working - RF Killswitch Button Not Working At All?

Feb 18, 2010

I followed the sticky about setting up wireless and I have come to an issue where the WLAN switch which is on this computer can be pressed, the light comes on, but no WLAN. When I looked in dmesg, this is what I get:

ipw2100: Detected Intel PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Connection
firmware: requesting ipw2100-1.3.fw
eth0: Radio is disabled by RF switch.

When running iwconfig wlan0 heres what I get:

home/j-dub # iwconfig eth0
wlan0 unassociated ESSID off/any Nickname:"ipw2100"
Mode:Managed Channel=0 Access Point: Not-Associated


Notice it says that the 'Radio is disabled by switch' in dmesg. I can press that switch until the end of the world comes and it does absolutely nothing but make the WLAN light put on a light show. And it shows the wlan to be unassociated with any clients. So, what are my options to get this Wireless up and working?

Computer/OS info:

Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo M7400
1.4GHz Intel Centrino R
Suse 11.1 KDE

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OpenSUSE Network :: Internet Working - Package Management Not Working

Dec 17, 2010

I use an internet connection with a proxy. I have set the proxy in Firefox and systemsettings so now I can browse the web and I can ping Google from Console. But when I start Software Management, it says "Cannot access installation media". Whats wrong?

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Ubuntu :: CD/DVD Rom Drive Not Working?

Mar 25, 2010

I cant get ubuntu to recognize my cd/dvd rom drive. I'm trying to revert back to windows xp and i cant boot the disk on startup because my cd rom drive wont work.

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Ubuntu :: CD/DVD Drive Not Working

Dec 26, 2010

I have a Dell XPS 1530 that came with Ubuntu pre-installed. I've upgraded to the Ubuntu 10.10 and have used it without issues for months. It has been a great laptop. However, I recently noticed that the built-in CD/DVD drive no longer auto-mounts disks. I can boot off the CD/DVD drive just fine, but if I boot the laptop off the hard drive and try to pop in a CD or DVD, the disk is not auto-mounted and the following error appears in the system log:

gvfsd-cca[2423]: segfault at fffffffe ip 001c2e21 sp b7660b10 error 4 in[152000-157000]

I also get an error dialog: Unable to mount Audio disc: Dbus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply Message did not receive a reply (timeout by messagebus)


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Debian Multimedia :: CD ROM Drive Not Working Normally?

Jun 25, 2011

I just made a dist upgrade from Lenny to Squeeze.

CD Rom Drive is not working normally...when I access it in nautilus, the nautilus just disappear.

Though I could read the files in the CD inside (using the right side pane of nautilus)...ejecting the CD produces this error: "unable to eject cdrom0 failed to execute child process "eject" (Permission Denied)"

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Fedora :: Pen Drive Seems To Stop Working?

Sep 13, 2009

few days back i forcibly remove my flash drive from the USB, but after that the pen drive seems to stop working whenever i try to insert the pen drive in Windows or Linux, i see the appropriate image but if i double click on the image it says nothing is mounted,

i have seen what is mounted with
#fdisk -l

no pen drive is showing

i have tried to mount it forcibly with

#mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/external -o force

with variou combination of /dev/**** can anyone mount this pen drive or can tell me what's the default for /dev/ ??? i think sdb1 it works with my external drive but i am not sure for flash drive and i am also not sure if it's ntfs file system, it's 4 GB so it should be ntfs

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Ubuntu :: USB Pen Drive Not Working When Inserted?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm an experienced Ubuntu user and have a problem with a certain USB pen drive. It doesn't seem to be recognised in Ubuntu and I can't browse it. Other USB sticks do work and this drive works in Windows.

mick@mick-laptop:/media$ dmesg | tail -20
[ 2494.011373] sd 3:0:0:0: [sdb] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK


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General :: External Cd Drive Is Not Working

Apr 2, 2011

I am complete new with Linux and install Ubuntu-10 on my Windows-7 notebook. The external CD drive is a very tiny small black box model from Taiwan, works fine in Windows. I`m getting it not working on the Ubuntu system. I try many mounted option what I found on the help page from Ubuntu, but no go.

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Server :: Tape Drive Is Not Working

May 17, 2011

We have RHEL4 loaded on the server and our tape drive is not working.While taking the backup on the tape using the command tar cvf /dev/nst0 * the system is creating a tar file by the name of nst0 in /dev directory and no backup is being taken on the tape .Please provide solution.

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Debian Hardware :: CD Drive No Longer Working

Oct 21, 2010

I'm having an issue with my cd drive. It was working perfectly fine the last time I used it, a few weeks ago. It no longer spins up when I insert a cd it sounds like the laser keeps readjusting itself or something. The BIOS picks up the drive just fine, in the right place with the name.Nothing seems to have changed there. I think its a software issue and not a hardware one because I haven't touched the case or anything inside since I cleaned a month ago. I tried installing kvm and qemu a few weeks ago. However my hardware doesn't support it so I removed it. Could one of these programs have broken something? Is there a system log file this type of thing.

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Ubuntu :: 16 Kingston Usb Flash Drive Not Working?

Apr 15, 2010

it now calls itself skymedi. In windows it does not open or format. I tried some utilities from [URL] but i cant figure them out. Im going to try it out with gparted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot From Working CD Drive

Dec 21, 2010

I am trying to a friend setup his computer to dual boot Windows and Ubuntu. While the CD drive works (and can burn cds, rip cds, play cds, etc with no noticible impairment of function), it is unresponsive before the Operating System is loaded. What I mean is that when we put in a bootable cd (we've tried Ubuntu, Windows 7, Puppy Linux, gparted, Windows Recovery Disk) and go through the boot menu right after the computer manufacturer screen (HP), and select CD-Rom Drive, the screen goes black with the exception of a blinking white cursor. The computer will boot from the hard drive, and we managed to boot and install Ubuntu from a flash drive just fine.

Is there any reason why a CD drive might do this? It once, years ago, had a large amount of soda spilled in it, but I would imagine if anything was broken hardware-wise, the drive just wouldn't work at all. I don't know that much about hardware (or anything, really), but the only thing I could think of is that it could have something to do with an OS loading a more complete set of drivers than the BIOS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Floppy Drive Not Working?

Jun 15, 2011

Every time I need to use the floppy drive, I again find it not working.I have reported this problem before, and it has been fixed before, several times.It is broken again.Clicking on the "Floppy Drive" item in Nautilus does not even access the drive.Right clicking and selecting "Detect Media" at least spins the disk, but gives the same non-results regardless of whether there is a disk in the drive.With no disk in the drive this happens:

$ sudo mount /dev/fd0
mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device


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Ubuntu :: USB Drive Not Working On 10.04 It Worked On The First Few Times?

Jun 24, 2010

What happened? I turn on Ubuntu and plug in my USB key. It refuses to do anything other than make a few loading noises.

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Red Hat :: Move Hard Drive Contains RH3 Enterprise From PC To PC And Still Working?

Dec 8, 2010

i have HD contains RH3 enterprise and i wanna move it to new PC, keep the framework is working without any error?

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Ubuntu :: LG Super Multi Drive Not Working?

Nov 3, 2010

When I had Windows (XP x64 or 7 64-bits) installed on my computer, my LG super multi drive worked fine. But now, with Ubuntu 10.10 64-bits, this drive doesn't work. When I click on the physical button to eject the drive, nothing happens.

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Fedora Hardware :: Kingston 2GB Flash Drive Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

I am running a 32-bit Fedora 11 OS (in GNOME).

My 2GB Kingston Flash Drive is plugged into my hp pavilion dv6000; the light on the flash drive is on but there is no icon on my desktop, and it is also missing from the 'Places' tab.

After typing fdisk -l I receive the following message:

Disk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000d7c32


I've plugged in the drive to different USB slots to no avail. I also plugged in my e-reader to see if my USB slots were malfunctioning, but the e-reader was detected by Fedora.

I have plugged the thumb drive into my Windows 7 Desktop PC with the hope of the OS recognizing the drive, but the result is the same as in my laptop.

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Fedora Hardware :: F15: DVDs Drive Not Working Correctly?

Jun 24, 2011

My DVD-ROM drive seems to have issues under Fedora 15.This is the "normal" spin with GNOME3, all updates have been installed.First off, the drive seems to get "stuck" will not eject any media once inserted.Occaisionally, if I just keep pressing the eject button, the media tray will jump out, but then will immediately pull itself back in without any interaction from me.Second issue: video DVDs do not mount. It does not seem to matter if libdvdcss is installed or not. When a DVD video disc is inserted, the DVD drive completely disappears from Nautilus' Computer window. Once I eject the DVD (after pressing eject 50 times) the drive comes back to the Computer window.The drive is a Plextor DVD-RW PX-755SA connected via SATAI have tried using either regular IDE or AHCI configuration in the BIOS for it, no change either way.The drive works fine under Ubuntu and OpenSUSE, but I like F15 better and would like to get this fixed.

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Ubuntu :: Chown Not Working On External NTFS Drive

Feb 27, 2010

I have an external drive which is parted into two partitions:

1) ext4, with filesystem ext4 which I use for backup

2) NTFS with filesystem NTFS

Since I re-installed jaunty the NTFS partition is owned by root. Whatever I do to make it change, it doesn't work. I used:

sudo chown jan:jan NTFS
sudo chown -R jan:jan NTFS

Still it says the owner is root and also the group is root. What else do I need to do to make me owner of this partition? The fileproperties say: drwxrwxrwx Still the partition is read only for me. In ntfs-config it says: "Enable write support for external drive"

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Accessing USB Flash Drive - CD Not Working

Oct 24, 2010

I have a usb flash drive plugged in to my newly created Ubuntu system. A df command shows this:
george@george-laptop:~$ df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdi1 231594420 8825300 211004724 5% /
none 1025976 436 1025540 1% /dev
none 1030196 664 1029532 1% /dev/shm
none 1030196 212 1029984 1% /var/run
none 1030196 0 1030196 0% /var/lock
none 1030196 0 1030196 0% /lib/init/rw
/dev/sdj1 7808768 17152 7791616 1% /media/8G FLASH
How do I change my directory to the flash drive? CD doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Mount Of USB Drive Not Working Via Ssh?

Nov 13, 2010

I have this ubuntu machine that lives under my desk and is basically a utility machine. Mainly I ssh to it and get synchronize/backup files, etc.

When I reboot, for some reason the auto mount for my usb drives doesn't work until I actually hook up the monitor and log in to the gui. When I ssh in after reboot, I'm unable to access my USB drives! "Not Authorized"

I'm not sure how to mount a drive from the command line... really I just want the machine to auto mount the drives when it starts up... gui login or no.

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows Vista But Dvd Drive Is Not Working?

Jan 18, 2011

i want to re install windows vista, here's the problem: my dvd drive is not working, i only have 1 memory stick, when i go to re install vista at the partitions menu i cannot delete i am told that partition needs to be NTFS, is there any way to change the partition or add a new NTFS partition from ubuntu desktop so that i don't have to delete vista install on memory stick, install gparted, then delete gparted and put vista back on? if so can anyone give me step by step?

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General :: NEC CD Ron Drive 28c Error Code 39 - CD Player Not Working

Sep 10, 2010

CD Player not working. Tried uninstalling and re-installing without success.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installed OpenSUSE On Pen Drive Persistence Doesn't Work?

Jun 10, 2010

I successfully installed OpenSUSE on a 4gb pen drive using the instructions contained within this portal. However, for the life of me I can't figure out why the persistent feature doesn't work.

Here's my partition table map:

Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unplug Windows Hard Drive While OpenSUSE Installs?

Jun 14, 2010

I want to dual boot openSUSE 11.2 and Windows 7. I already have Windows 7 installed but I have encountered multiple issues in the past with trying to make dual boots. Usually when I install Linux, GRUB decides it wants to go into world domination mode, and "breaks" my Windows installation. I have reason to believe this is because the distros I use come with legacy GRUB, (v0.97) and for some odd reason it lacks commands such as "update-grub" etc. This means I cannot add Windows 7 to the boot menu without going into extreme complications, which have NEVER, I repeat NEVER succeeded. When I boot the Windows drive directly, I get some error about GRUB not finding the device, and it puts me into a grub rescue command line. Now I am no expert in this field at all, but wouldn't that mean that GRUB wrote itself to the MBR of...oh I don't know, ALL of my hard drives? I really want to install openSUSE 11.2, but from bad experience I am really put off as I know that it ships with legacy GRUB v0.97.I am also running Fedora 13 at the moment, I have quite an experimental dual boot running..been trying to get GRUB 2 for hours now, it is definitely there but no commands work, "upgrade-grub-from-legacy" and "update-grub" return with command not found. I've heard this is just a bug but can anybody confirm that there will definitely be a way for me to "fix" my windows installation after it gets "broken" by GRUB?Second idea, unplug my windows hard drive while openSUSE installs?

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