OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 - Automounting USB Flash Or External Drives

Jan 19, 2010

I notice that in 11.2 that USB drives are not automounted anymore. There is a notification that a device is found, but I have to actually click on the notification and choose to open it with dolphin. If I do nothing, the drive is never mounted. I remember from 10.3 that it would automount the drive and put a icon on the desktop. Is there anyway to duplicate this in 11.2?

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade To Lynx None Of Of External Drives Cd Drive Or Flash Drives Are Pick?

May 9, 2010

upgraded from karmic through update managerANDnone of of my external drives cd drive or flash drives are picked upad to go back to karmic and will remain there for a whil

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Ubuntu :: External Drives / Flash Drives And Other Partitions Will Not Mount

Jun 21, 2010

I recently had issues with the latest version of the Linux Kernels and I got that fixed but ever since that has happened none of my Drives will mount and they aren't even recognized.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Automounting External Media In Suse 11.1

Feb 23, 2010

I have tried unsucessfully to enable automounting for my 40 GB External Hard Drive in Suse 11.1. I am aware that there should be a line added to the Policy Kit to enable this, but the issue is that all of these files are .xml format and I can't seem to open them for editing no matter what program I choose to open them. I have Device Automounter/Notifier Plasmoid and it shows the SD reader with card in it, but it does not show the USB external HD.

Is there any other way to change this so I do not have to attach this external manually every time I turn this computer on? All of my music rests within my external and it gets to be very annoying when you have to manually mount to listen to music all the time. I'm using Suse 11.1, KDE. The external is a 40GB HD from Seagate.

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Software :: Printable File Catalog Or Index For (external) USB And Flash Drives

Aug 29, 2010

Can anyone point me to already built and mostly working utilities that will catalog the contents of (external) USB and flash media in a way that they might be searched?With cheap (under $100 US) terabyte external drives, it is too easy to get another drive and fill it. I'm looking for utilities or applications that will help me know what I have, cull the duplicates, and avoid the need to spin a drive just to see if it holds what I seek.

Years ago there were utilities that would read the contents of diskette media and create a printable "index" or "catalog" page. The pages were conveniently sized to match the diskette so that one could store the page in the diskette sleeve for future reference.Later, the pages got replaced with applications that stored a disketter ID along with each file name. One could then search for a name, or pattern, and discover which diskette held the file(s) of interest. Today we don't have diskette sleeves, but we do have cases for our external USB drives and wallets for our flash media. A printed index would be nice to have.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx Doesn't Recognize Flash Drives Or External DVD / CD Roms

May 16, 2010

i just installed 10.04 and everything works fine except that it does not recognize my external cd/dvd rom and my usb flash drives, I already found some threads related to this and they that talk about going to config editor and activating these options: media_auto_run and automount_open.

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Fedora :: Automounting Usb Drives In Fluxbox

Feb 10, 2010

I have researched this for a couple of days and I am not getting anywhere. My Fedora 12 install is working just fine with the standard gnome desktop. I can plug in any usb drive and it is recognized and mounted with a link on the desktop. But I want to use Fluxbox. I installed and am running FB just fine except that I can't get usb devices to be recognized and mounted.I don't need a link on the desktop but an entry in /media would be nice.

I am thoroughly confused about which method I should be using to do this simple task. I created a HAL policy for my trackpad to work. Do I need to do something similar for the usb? I have read about udev rules but they seem to be concerned with NOT mounting usb devices. I also read about autofs and thunar but it seems like there should be a much simpler approach and I have certainly missed it.

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Ubuntu :: Usb Drives Not Automounting In Nautilus?

Jan 9, 2010

I can manually mount my iPod shuffle and USB key however they wont auto mount. I cant remember when this stopped but i will admit i did move my install to a new disk. Perhaps there is a permission problem somewhere? the media folder my be incorrect? drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 2010-01-09 16:34 media

The devices are listed correctly in lsusb:
Bus 001 Device 008: ID 05ac:1301 Apple, Inc. iPod Shuffle 2.Gen
and dmesg | tail
[ 2233.640852] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[ 2233.640858] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 64 00 00 08
[ 2233.640863] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through


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Software :: Something Other Than IVMAN Automounting Drives

Apr 25, 2010

Even with ivmount killed, my external devices are auto-mounted (under the names of disk, disk-1, disk-2 etc in /media). This would be fine, however I always have to re-mount the drives as by default they are autmounted as read-only no matter their filesystem. Could I have another daemon automounting my drives, and if so, how do I identify it?

I do not have the gnome-desktop environment installed, but instead run Fluxbox with Rox pinboard and filer. I hated having to manually mount drives from the command line, so I installed a certain package (which I forgotten the name of) which is probably culprit. Now I know how to setup pmount, ivman and rox-pinboard to work together.

Debian Squeeze AMD64

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Debian :: Automounting USB Drives Without Touching FSTAB And GNOME?

Apr 11, 2010

Before I leave with a bad taste in my mouth forever from the linux communities here, I'd like to ask one more question. I've been snooping around a bit about this issue of how to automount USB Drives, have them show on the desktop in file managers like PCManFM and not have to touch fstab at all.

How do I do this? Without touching Fstab, GNOME, any other DE. I only want openbox around.Another question I also hope to answer: How do I make shortcuts in PCManFM?

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Fedora :: Automounting Hard Drives Other Than The System Drive

Oct 5, 2009

I've installed Fedora 10 short time after it came out. Now I am having some problems unmounting thes drives on restart or shutdown. It hangs at the stage of 'unmounting file system'. I've looked into this matter and discovered that those drives are automatically mounted and shown on the Gnome file browser. As the /etc/fstab indicates, it is not mounted by it. I must have done something to have all the hard drives shown in the file browser and now Fedora seems to be unable to unmount them.


# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Mon Sep 7 20:25:11 2009
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'


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Ubuntu :: Karmic Stopped Automounting USB Drives And Internal DVD

Feb 28, 2010

yesterday my 9.10 stopped automounting my external USB drive, and in general any pendrive I put into any USB slot. What's worse, it also does not recognise CDs put into my DVD drive. (The only update I recall doing was the official update to the "sudo" package.)

1. The USB issue.I plug in my external hard drive. Seemingly, nothing happens. No new icons appear anywhere.
b) I tried gconf-editor and in apps -> nautilus -> preferences "media_automount" is set to YES.
c) After searching around these forums, I even put "usb_storage" into /etc/modules

2. The DVD drive issue.I put an audio CD in the drive. Usually an 'Audio CD' icon appeared after a few seconds, but now nothing happens. There is a "cdrom0" icon visible in the explorer, but when I click it, I get the following error: Code:Unable to mount cdrom0

So, it seems that for some strange reason my Karmic stopped being able to automount any new media. Does anyone have an idea why it is so and what should I do to bring this much-needed functionality back?

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Ubuntu :: Automounting Remote Drives For Automated Backup

Apr 17, 2010

What's the current best practice for automounting a remote drive for automated backup? I want to use Back in Time and maintain snapshots but it can't do that remotely so I have to mount a folder outside of Back in Time. I have used sshfs from this howto in the past and it works mostly but seems to lose connection and not reconnect a lot. [URL]. Is there a more "modern" way? NFS is horribly unreliable and dog slow for me so it's OUT unless it's changed in the last year.

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Ubuntu Servers :: External Drive Not Automounting

Jul 16, 2011

I have a home server running from a Kubuntu install. I am using a partitioned external hard drive to store media. I have been suffering from power outages and I have discovered my external drive will not automount. How do I get my drive to mount at boot?

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OpenSUSE Install :: CD And Two Different Flash Drives (using The Dd Command

Dec 16, 2010

I downloaded the KDE openSUSE live-cd image and I burnt it on a CD and two different flash drives (using the dd command, as intended) and my computer freezes even before it boots the live cd/usb, at the bios laptop welcome screen (where you access the boot menu etc.)

I have an HP 6735b: ATI Radeon HD 3200, Broadcom wireless card. How could I fix this?

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Server :: 2 Separate External Hard Drives With ESata To Minimize An Electrical Failure To The Drives?

Mar 26, 2011

I am building a home server that will host a multitude of files; from mp3s to ebooks to FEA software and files. I don't know if RAID is the right thing for me. This server will have all the files that I have accumulated over the years and if the drive fails than I will be S.O.L. I have seen discussions where someone has RAID 1 setup but they don't have their drives internally (to the case), they bought 2 separate external hard drives with eSata to minimize an electrical failure to the drives. (I guess this is a good idea)I have also read about having one drive then using a second to rsync data every week. I planned on purchasing 2 enterprise hard drives of 500 MB to 1 GB but I don't have any experience with how I should handle my data

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Flash Drives Not Mounted With Correct Permissions

Feb 11, 2011

had trouble writing to a flash drive. checked the permissions, the correct user it there, but the id is root.when logged in as root and attempt to change permissions i get Could not modify the ownership of file /media/disk-3. You have insufficient access to the file to perform the change.

now how as root can not have enough permission? i've been up and down the forums and google to no avail. poked around in the fstab and even mtab as there are two files, one a lock, that seems to come from mtab.

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Fedora :: Prevent Mounting Of External Drives & CD / DVD Drives

Oct 18, 2010

I suspect this is not new but I just can't find where it was treated. Maybe someone can give me a good lead.I just want to prevent certain users from accessing CD/DVD drives and all external drives. They should be able to mount their home directories and move around within the OS but they shouldn't be able to move data away from the PC. Any Clues?

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OpenSUSE :: System No Longer Responds To Removable Media Such As Flash Drives And Insertions Of DVD/CD Disks?

May 20, 2010

Through some recent update, which one I am not sure, my system no longer responds to removable media such as flash drives and insertions of DVD/CD disks. Whereas before, for instance, if I inserted a USB flash drive, the "Device Notifier" would pop up, tell me that a new device had been detected, and ask me what I wanted to do with it, now nothing. "My Computer" (sysinfo:/)does not update either. The kernel knows the device is there, since I can see it when I do "lsusb". OpenSuSE x86_64 11.2.

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OpenSUSE :: DVD Not Automounting

Mar 19, 2010

When I insert a dvd into the drive, it's not automounting but cd's and usb stick drives automount just fine. I'm using 11.2. Any suggestions? Should I dig up the old mount command and do it manually?

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OpenSUSE :: (not) Automounting Disks?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm running opensuse 11.2 with gnome. When I plug in a USB disk. It automatically mounts those partitions that it recognizes. I'd rather it didn't. It creates icons on the desktop although I've managed to stop it opening a file manager window for each partition.But how do I stop the mounting altogether? I've looked in the menus, yast, gnome control centre and sysconfig editor but haven't found anything. And google hasn't given me any clues.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: CD / DVD Not Automounting

Nov 15, 2010

I saw an earlier thread on this but I'm still stymied.Running 11.3 x86-64. If I insert a cd/dvd into the drive, the drive is not mounted.I can mount the drive manually and the drive then works - just no automount. Tried with CD, DVD, both data and music formats - no go.A sandbox installation on the box works as expected so it's not hardware.I tried deleting the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules file, rebooted -no change. USB devices automount just fine and a Virtualbox WinXP session with pass-through to the device works just fine.

I can't find any differences between the setup on the 2 installations so it's time to holler for HELP!! I'm about out of hair to tear out.

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OpenSUSE :: CD-ROMs No Longer Automounting In 11.3

Jul 18, 2010

When I insert a CD, the system no longer offers to automount it and CDs no longer show up in the list of disks on the left side of Dolphin windows. USB keys still work properly and I can still manually mount CDs through the command line? Was there some tweak to the HAL rules that disabled CD/DVD automounting and is there any way to fix this?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Automounting And Windows Partitions On Desktop

Sep 17, 2010

I have had opensuse 11.2 installed on my netbook for a couple of months and it has worked smoothly. Recently after a couple of updates however, I have noticed that when I plug a usb drive into my netbook, opensuse is not automatically mounting the drive. Just then upgraded my system to 11.3 and I still have the same problem.When i run a "fdisk -l" I can see that my usb is there and when I run a mount command I can successfully mount it and access my files. However opensuse seems to no longer mount it for me automatically. I am running gnome and my netbook is a dell inspiron mini. Is there some way to turn the mounting of usb drives back on so I don't have to run a tedious command every time?

I have also noticed recently, that my windows partition appears as an icon on my desktop, whereas it never used to. I am confused as to why it has suddenly appeared here and my usb's are no longer mounting.

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Fedora :: Can't Use Shares On External Drives

Apr 5, 2010

I can't use my shares on external drives. I've tried to work with this and I really like Fedora but enough is enough. enough having to recover from multiple crashes attempting to get Nvidia drivers installed but I've given up on this. I haven't found a solution after HOURS and HOURS of searching. I was willing to wait for 13 to have 3d support on my Nvidia card but if I can't find a solution to this one

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Mount External USB Drives?

Apr 12, 2011

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my machine as dual boot using WUBI but on a seperate partition to Windows. Loving it so far, but i cannot get any external drives to mount - i've tried pen drives, camera memory cards and hard drives but nothing comes up.

I have just tried restarting with a pen drive plugged in, and it finally showed something in the computer folder - "memory stick drive" is shown (and my internal CD drive, which i'm not sure was there before.), but i still can't access it and when I try to unmount it gives me the message

Error detaching: helper exited with exit code 1: Detaching device /dev/sdc
USB device: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-1)
SYNCHRONIZE CACHE: FAILED: No such file or directory
(Continuing despite SYNCHRONIZE CACHE failure.)
STOP UNIT: FAILED: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu :: USB Drives And External HDD's Not Showing Up

May 29, 2011

Im having some problems, when I plug in a USB drive or an external HDD to my computer it doesn't mount or show on the Desktop. It only shows up in "disk Utility".

I have tried ALT+F2 then typed "gconf-edit" went to Apps> Nautilus> desktop and check "Volumes Visible" but when I plug in anything in the USB it still doesn't show.

it shows up in the side pane only. I would like it to show up on the Desktop

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General :: Unmounting External USB Drives

Apr 7, 2009

Sometimes I get a problem with the basic "umount" command. I get an error message telling me that for one reason or another, the device couldn't be unmounted. Usually, it says the device is busy, when I can't see how it possibly can be. When this happens I'll use "umount -l" or "umount -f" or sometimes "eject" but I'm still not happy, because at the back of my mind I'm worried about damaging the integrity of the device's filesystem. What's the CORRECT way to deal with this problem?

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Fedora :: Get The UUID For Some Of External Hard Drives?

Apr 7, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to get the UUID for some of my external hard drives.the internet revealed a couple of promising leads, this is what I have tried so far:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid -> didn't list the hard discs
blkid -> didn't list the hard discs
lsusb -v -> listed the hard disc but no uuid

A normally formatted usb key is listed with uuid. The external hard discs are fully encrypted by truecrypt(realcrypt). I have been reading not so great things about that itself, but for now I don't have a promising alternative that I can use with windows as well.Any google searches don't seem to cast any new light on this for me,I'd be open to suggestions if there's a better way to get a definite ID for a hard drive... I just need to be able to mount it with realcrypt

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General :: Should External Drives Be Converted To Ext3

Jul 29, 2010

I switched over from Windows to Linux. I have an external drive that has basically just media files on it. Are there any advantages to converting this to ext3, or should I just leave it as ntfs3?

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