OpenSUSE Hardware :: Automounting External Media In Suse 11.1

Feb 23, 2010

I have tried unsucessfully to enable automounting for my 40 GB External Hard Drive in Suse 11.1. I am aware that there should be a line added to the Policy Kit to enable this, but the issue is that all of these files are .xml format and I can't seem to open them for editing no matter what program I choose to open them. I have Device Automounter/Notifier Plasmoid and it shows the SD reader with card in it, but it does not show the USB external HD.

Is there any other way to change this so I do not have to attach this external manually every time I turn this computer on? All of my music rests within my external and it gets to be very annoying when you have to manually mount to listen to music all the time. I'm using Suse 11.1, KDE. The external is a 40GB HD from Seagate.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.2 - Automounting USB Flash Or External Drives

Jan 19, 2010

I notice that in 11.2 that USB drives are not automounted anymore. There is a notification that a device is found, but I have to actually click on the notification and choose to open it with dolphin. If I do nothing, the drive is never mounted. I remember from 10.3 that it would automount the drive and put a icon on the desktop. Is there anyway to duplicate this in 11.2?

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Fedora :: Disable Automounting Removable Media When They Inserted (CD And DVD)?

Dec 23, 2010

I want to disable automounting removable media when they are inserted, especially CD and DVD. I use F13 and Gnome. I went through System/Preferences/File Management/Media and set everything to "Do Nothing", see below:

I have installed gconf-editor and verified that all automounting options are unchecked:

according to "/sbin/chkconfig --list" haldaemon is off and automount is not installed.
What else should I check?

I would not mind if USB (flash) disks were automounted

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Ubuntu Servers :: External Drive Not Automounting

Jul 16, 2011

I have a home server running from a Kubuntu install. I am using a partitioned external hard drive to store media. I have been suffering from power outages and I have discovered my external drive will not automount. How do I get my drive to mount at boot?

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OpenSUSE :: Change Permission On External Media?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a phone with a removable media card plugged in and loaded some music onto it. i just went to delete everything and some of them would not delete saying they were read only and i dont seem to be able to change the permissions.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Suse 11.3 Stuck In Boot-up Because Of Inserted Media?

Feb 9, 2011

I have SUSE 11.3 on an Acer Aspire 3620 (laptop). When it boots up, it gets stuck and doesn't complete the process. Can't use safe boot either because I can't get past the login- when I type the password, no keystrokes appear, regardless of the key I strike. Here's how I got into this situation and a little more description of the problem. After my laptop got some nasty bugs that damaged Windows XP so badly that I couldn't use the rescue disk (that I so obediently made per instructions), I bought several linux flavors on Live CD/DVD and decided to go with SUSE. I had been using the Live DVD for about a month and everything worked well so I installed it last weekend (SUSE only -no dual operating system). Everything went well for a couple of days and I even used Yast to get Adobe Flash. Then I plugged in my MP3 Player to recharge it and quirky things started happening.

Once, the computer went in to standby and I couldn't get to the login screen - I started pushing all the keys and something worked. That evening I closed the laptop (so it should have gone to suspend) with the MP3 player attached still, and pulled it out, probably as the computer was going through the motions or shortly thereafter. (My player and usb stick suffer no ill consequences if not ejected properly.) Since then I have not been able to boot up. I powered down several times and tried. It seems to start normally with the green screen and little reptile appearing as the monitoring bar grows. Then it goes black, except the cursor's spinning wheel indicating activity. Then comes back to the green screen, with the bar still increasing and nearly making it to completion. Then the black screen and cursor-- forever. Eventually I can hear that the harddrive is no longer spinning.

Also, when the black screen appears, there is an error message that says that the configuration settings for Gnome Power Manager were not installed properly, which I highly doubt since I had no trouble in the installation, but maybe that is pointing the right direction to the problem. Anyway, now I am back to Live DVD, so that I can surf for the answer to this problem. Least that works! Before installing, when I was using SUSE as a live DVD, it sometimes was a little quirky when I inserted the MP3 Player and USB Stick- sometimes wouldn't recognize them, sometimes would, sometimes wouldn't/couldn't unmount. Firefox also would start crashing after alot of use, but I could reboot and things were fine, so I thought this might just be due to the fact that it was Live and not Installed.

I installed it with the default, KDE. I read another post somewhere with a similar problem in which the author says KDE is very bad with inserted media but I wouldn't know if that's true or not. This is the first time I've used linux, apart from a little bit of experience at work. It really has it's ups and downs, when it was working, it was so exciting, when I got hung up so soon, disappointing. The only thing I can think of to do now is reinstall and tip-toe around being extra careful about the quirks when connecting devices. Not very practical though. Thanks for listening to this long story. Will be trying to get it fixed in the evenings after work EST.

PS IF you can bear to read another line. The live DVD I bought was rather badly scratched and scuffed in my opinion. Although there were no installation errors that I could see, would this have had an unknown immeasurable effect that could account for weird behavior?

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Ubuntu :: Change The Mounting Point Of A Usb External Drive From '/media/disk' To '/media/Movies'

Jan 16, 2011

I was trying to change the mounting point of a usb external drive from '/media/disk' to '/media/Movies'

Here is were the stupid part takes over... I right clicked on the desktop icon for the device and selected Properties. From there I selected the Volume tab and in there I changed the mounting point to '/media/Movies' It accepted it and said the changed would take place when I unmounted it and remounted it. However, when I did this it now says it cannot be mounted as it says mount_point contains invalid characters usually /

Unfortunately, now I cannot get back into the properties to remove my error.

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SUSE / Novell :: Media Files Not Working In Opensuse 11.1 I586 Installed System

May 14, 2010

i hav a system which is never connected to internet. I had installed opensuse 11.1 from dvd.But the media files r not working. I had installed gstreamer all sets. And tried to install codecs using a .ypm file i downloaded from the opensuse server but not working without internet. I can download any files in other system and copy it to my system.

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Ubuntu :: Setting Nautilius To Not "show Desktop" Prevents USB Media From Automounting

Jul 25, 2011

Is there a way to get removable media to automount to the /media folder when the "show desktop" option in nautilus is not checked?

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OpenSUSE :: DVD Not Automounting

Mar 19, 2010

When I insert a dvd into the drive, it's not automounting but cd's and usb stick drives automount just fine. I'm using 11.2. Any suggestions? Should I dig up the old mount command and do it manually?

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OpenSUSE :: (not) Automounting Disks?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm running opensuse 11.2 with gnome. When I plug in a USB disk. It automatically mounts those partitions that it recognizes. I'd rather it didn't. It creates icons on the desktop although I've managed to stop it opening a file manager window for each partition.But how do I stop the mounting altogether? I've looked in the menus, yast, gnome control centre and sysconfig editor but haven't found anything. And google hasn't given me any clues.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: CD / DVD Not Automounting

Nov 15, 2010

I saw an earlier thread on this but I'm still stymied.Running 11.3 x86-64. If I insert a cd/dvd into the drive, the drive is not mounted.I can mount the drive manually and the drive then works - just no automount. Tried with CD, DVD, both data and music formats - no go.A sandbox installation on the box works as expected so it's not hardware.I tried deleting the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-cd.rules file, rebooted -no change. USB devices automount just fine and a Virtualbox WinXP session with pass-through to the device works just fine.

I can't find any differences between the setup on the 2 installations so it's time to holler for HELP!! I'm about out of hair to tear out.

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OpenSUSE :: CD-ROMs No Longer Automounting In 11.3

Jul 18, 2010

When I insert a CD, the system no longer offers to automount it and CDs no longer show up in the list of disks on the left side of Dolphin windows. USB keys still work properly and I can still manually mount CDs through the command line? Was there some tweak to the HAL rules that disabled CD/DVD automounting and is there any way to fix this?

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SUSE :: 11.2 Not Mounting All Media?

Jan 5, 2010

i have a wierd problem i have a couple of mp3 cd's and data dvds when i put the dvd into the drive , device notifier picks it up but does non of the options work . the mp3 cds are not detected at all . When i boot into windows xp all the discs work so i know its not the drive thats faulty .

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: USB Automounting And Windows Partitions On Desktop

Sep 17, 2010

I have had opensuse 11.2 installed on my netbook for a couple of months and it has worked smoothly. Recently after a couple of updates however, I have noticed that when I plug a usb drive into my netbook, opensuse is not automatically mounting the drive. Just then upgraded my system to 11.3 and I still have the same problem.When i run a "fdisk -l" I can see that my usb is there and when I run a mount command I can successfully mount it and access my files. However opensuse seems to no longer mount it for me automatically. I am running gnome and my netbook is a dell inspiron mini. Is there some way to turn the mounting of usb drives back on so I don't have to run a tedious command every time?

I have also noticed recently, that my windows partition appears as an icon on my desktop, whereas it never used to. I am confused as to why it has suddenly appeared here and my usb's are no longer mounting.

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SUSE :: Turn OFF Automount Of Media In 11.1?

Apr 28, 2010

I have Suse 11.1 and am running a customized server on it that will take care of mounting/unmounting media (DVD, USB key, etc) on its own ..How can I get Suse to stop mounting the media automatically when I insert a dvd into the drive or plug in a USB key? I already got it to stop opening a window showing the contents, now need to get it to stop mounting automatically ..

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Play Media In Firefox

Mar 17, 2010

i am using Windows XP and opensuse11.0.Using wine i can open the firefox web browser (installed in windows) in Linux.It is working fine.But i am not been able to play any video from ...... It says

" Additional plug-ins are required to display .........."

I have flash player in windows and in Linux.

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Networking :: Access External Media On Ftp?

Sep 2, 2010

I am trying to access an external hard drive mounted on /media/disk_label/ over FTP anonymously. The thing is it does not work as intended.

I tried fiddling with se-linux, manually mounting the media, playing around with file permissions and stuff .. but nothing sufficed.

Things work fine when I set anon_root to a directory on the local hdd but and also with the default /var/ftp but as soon as I set anon_root=/media/disk_label/ftp ..

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SUSE :: Windows Media And QuickTime - No Proper Codecs

Jan 30, 2009

Every single time I try to watch streaming video in either Windows Media format or Quicktime format, I get an error that the proper codecs are not installed. I have installed the win32codecs at least ten times now (both from the repositories and from the codecs-kde.ymp one-click install) and still no joy. I had this running great before I upgraded from 10.2 to 11.1.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without External Media

Feb 8, 2010

I was recently given an old laptop that runs Windows XP. Obviously, I want to put Ubuntu on it instead. However, the laptop is so old that it does not have a working USB connection; nor does it have a CD tray. I am aware of using Wubi to install an Ubuntu system within Windows, but I was wondering if there were any ways to install a clean Ubuntu system right onto the hard drive, without Windows being required. Or, perhaps, does Wubi have some feature to allow full-drive installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Without External Media?

Jun 10, 2011

I don't have any CD's, my USB stick is missing and I don't want to have a WUBI-retarded system. I saw something about a 'frugal install' but can I move from it to an actual install, and how?

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Debian :: Unable To Mount External Media

Mar 8, 2009

Unless I am logged in as root, I am unable to mount an external device (such as a flash drive or music player) This is what I get: I can, of course, pull up a root terminal and use the mount command, but I don't want every user to have access to the root terminal, but I would like everyone to be able to mount external devices. Code: Linux debian 2.6.26-1-686 #1 SMP Sat Jan 10 18:29:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

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General :: Playing Video Media Files In Open Suse?

Jan 10, 2011

How con i install win32 codecs (free)in 0pen suse 11.... I have got gstreamer codec pack but on compiling it says missing packages like c, gcc, can i get them from where do i get them....

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Fedora :: ShowFoto Launches On Mounting External Media

Mar 29, 2011

For some reason everytime I open nautalius or mount an external media showFoto launches, I tried looking at "Perferred Applications" but not seeing anything useful. I tried searching google and this site with a possible solution but no joy. I am using Fedora 14 with Gnome.

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Ubuntu :: Writing To External Media Is Slow To Finalize?

May 21, 2010

I have a USB hub on my desk, and also a multi-card reader in the front-panel of the computer (connected to a USB PCI card).

I have found that when I write files to a USB "thumb" drive plugged into the USB hub, or to a card in the multi-card reader (I have tried SD, SDHC, CompactFlash and MMC) the file is written quickly. The progress bar that appears on the screen goes to almost 100%, but then stops...

If I try to unmount the filesystem (either umount on the command line, or MB3 and eject or unmount option) I get a message that the device is busy. Sometimes, this stays busy for three minutes.

The filesystems on these cards are almost always FAT32; they are for digital cameras, media players, or are for exchanging files between home and office (where I use WinXP).

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SUSE / Novell :: Play Video By Banshee Media Player Under Open 11.2?

Feb 10, 2010

All the three files I downloaded can not been played by Banshee. I got the message like below when I use search the code, so I installed all the Gstreamer I can find.

* Windows Media decoder (GStreamer, 32 bit, i586)
* Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) demuxer (GStreamer, 32 bit, i586)

During that I also did some update, but the problem still the same.

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General :: Different Graphic Cards Drivers While Booting From External Media

Sep 14, 2010

I am booting a certain system of mine with ubuntu 9.10 from external HDD. I am satisfied with the setup and it works fine, however I would like to modify it so that I can choose which graphic card drivers to load during the boot time. Specifically I would like to choose between:

nvidia proprietary driver
ati proprietary driver
generic driver

Currently if I am using proprietary drivers then dont boot into X, delete xorg.conf, start gdm and reconfigure the system using jockey (for hardware drivers).

What would be the steps to make this (semi-)automatic and avoid restarting X?

Where could one find examples of such scripts?

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Ubuntu :: External DVD Drive Vanishes From List On Inserting Media?

Jan 20, 2010

I just bought an external USB DVD (ASUS SDRW-08D15-U) to use on a Kubuntu-based LinuxMCE system. The idea is to set up the computer in the basement and to retain the ability to play DVDs on the 2nd floor home theater. Unfortunately the DVD would not play movies, music, or show files when connected to the Kubuntu/LinuxMCE machine. I tested the drive on my windows laptop and it worked fine. Then I connected it to my Ubuntu desktop machine and got the same behavior as on the MCE machine.

This leads me to believe that my hardware is functioning fine, but I have an Ubuntu/Kubuntu issue. I figure if I can get the drive to work on my Ubuntu desktop, then I can apply the fix to my MCE machine. I opened the Palimpsest Disk Utility (System>Administration>Disk Utility) and saw my internal DVD listed (ASUS DRW-1612BL). When I hot-plugged the external DVD it appeared underneath the internal drive. But here is the strange part - when I insert any type of media into the external drive it Vanishes from the list, accompanied by a repetitive pattern of clicking and whirring noises. Very mysterious.

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General :: File Permissions Handled On External Media And Other Computers?

Jan 30, 2010

I was wondering, what if you had a flash drive formatted with an FS that has UNIX permissions. Then what if you copied some of your files onto it. And then put it into another computer that has a user account by the same name. WIll the user be able to access the files?What if you named your own user differently on the other computer, will you be able to get your files?

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General :: Set NTFS (fuseblk) External Media To Mount With UTF-8 Filesystem

Dec 24, 2010

Kubuntu 10.10 nicely mounts vfat external media as UTF-8, see for example my disk-on-key:

/dev/sdd1 on /media/DOTANCOHEN type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks,uid=1002,gid=1002,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec)

However, NTFS external media is not UTF-8, and it is giving this user a hassle as her native language cannot be represented in ASCII: Code:

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