OpenSUSE :: GNOME Spawns Windows Completely Invisible

Jun 20, 2011

I've been running openSUSE 11.4 for a while now and this issue is starting to get more and more annoying, as well as more frequent. Sometimes when I open an application, GNOME doesn't spawn the window but it will still capture mouse events and completely block the top left of my screen. It isn't until I log out and log back in that everything is back to normal.

It's like it starts up the app but just doesn't render the window. It started to do this with the terminal but now it's doing it with other apps like Totem. I am running GNOME 2.32.1

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OpenSUSE :: Dolphin Spawns A Second Window When Search Toolbar Enabled / Is It Normal?

Dec 3, 2010

Like the title says, Dolphin spawns a second window when the search toolbar is enabled.

Does anyone else experience this, and is it normal?

OS: Linux x86_64

System: openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64)
KDE: 4.4.4 (KDE 4.4.4) "release 3"

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Ubuntu :: GNOME 3 Will Completely Replace GNOME 2?

Feb 13, 2011

Or would you have the option of a GNOME 2 session in addition to a GNOME 3 session? Do you think Ubuntu will to officially adopt GNOME 3 when it's released?

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Ubuntu :: Running Solaris Application On Gnome Display - Alert Boxes Are Invisible

May 24, 2011

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 (with the macbunu theme if it matters). From there, I'm running an application on a solaris system and forwarding the X11 display back to my ubuntu/gnome display with the follow command "ssh -X <solaris-host>". Everything seems to display correctly so far except for what I would describe as the alert boxes. The problem is they are invisible. I know it's there because I have mouse pointer jumping turned on and the mouse jumps to the default button and if I click on it the alert box flashes and but disappears. The disappearing is normal due to the button press. So it appears the alert box is present but invisible until I click a button but disappears immediately because of the button press.

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Software :: Invisible Windows In Wine - Programs Never Appear

Aug 10, 2010

I finally got around to installing Linux on my laptop the other day, and I'm trying to use Wine to run some windows apps. Problem is, my programs never appear. They DO start - I can see them in 'ps -e' as well as Gnome System Monitor. Yet the window never appears. It's not just one program either; first I tried running Steam from the terminal and I can tell that it successfully launches. The window just doesn't get drawn. All other windows become unfocused when it launches and I'm even able to type in my password to log in (I know this because after I hit enter the "Steam Login" entry disappears from the taskbar and the "Steam" entry appears in it's place) but no Steam related windows ever appear.

The second program I've been trying to emulate is EVE Online. Similar thing happens: The EVE splash screen DOES appear, along with it's entry in the taskbar, but when it closes, the EVE client never becomes visible - no taskbar entry this time either. Again, I can see it running in ps -e or System Monitor, and one of my CPUs cores becomes maxed out, so I know it's running. Also, I just noticed that I can right click Steam's invisible entry in the tray and bring up the context menu, but nothing more than that. I've heard of fonts being invisible/incorrect under Wine, but not the entire program! I've googled and tried running things in compatibility mode for various versions of windows, but have had no progress. What am I missing?

Debian Lenny
Wine 1.0.1-174-gc4039bd
Gnome (with and without Compiz)
1.66GHz Dual Core CPU

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-panel Is At 100% And Completely Unusable Rendering Gnome Unusable

Nov 19, 2010

I recently bought a second monitor and I had this set up perfectly fine with two panels on my primary display and one on my secondary. I've now gone away for the weekend (leaving the monitor) and I went to turn on my laptop and it didn't work.

When I login to a gnome session (or indeed a failsafe gnome session) I just got two horizontal white bars (where the panels would be). I switch to a terminal, login and run top and see that gnome-panel is on 100%. Running 'killall gnome-panel' does nothing (tried a few times).

I've had to install xfce4 just to type this message. Is there any way I can 'reset' gnome-panel or any other fix? Or even a workaround would be nice. I'm on 9.10 by the way. I am going to upgrade at some point but its not really an option yet.

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CentOS 5 :: Want To Remove X/Gnome Completely?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm installing CentOS from the netinstall in Virtualbox now. I was about to post a different thread because Anaconda kept crashing on me. Whenever I would try to uncheck Gnome, clicking next would always fail. I really don't want Gnome, but I need to get the VM installed, so I just accepted the default software selection. (It's not an iso problem either because I originally tried the DVD as well.)I've been using Linux for several years, but I need to use a GUI-less server. I found some instructions on how to disable X by entering runlevel 3, but that's not what I want to do. Is there a meta-package that I can remove "yum remove" and it will remove all the GUI dependencies, or perhaps something like "yum groupremove"?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Title Bar Completely In Gnome?

Jul 26, 2010

What I am trying to do is remove the title bar completely in gnome, it would be nice to be able to choose which applications had the bar and which did not, but I would be perfectly satisfied with just removing them from every window. I assume this is controlled by the window manager which would make it a metacity setting? Anyway, I have an 11in screen on my netbook and I cannot stand having such a big chunk of real estate wasted by such a useless feature, especially when I can perform all the window functions with keyboard shortcuts.

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Debian :: Remove Gnome Completely And Install Kde?

Sep 9, 2010

i just installed debian with a net installation but it installed gnome now i want to completely remove gnome and install kde, how do i do this?

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Debian :: Keepass2 Window Is Completely Black In Gnome

Nov 11, 2015

My Keepass2 window is completely black in Gnome. Its possible to open my database and use autotype, but I cant edit anything coz its black. Everything works from KDE.

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Debian Installation :: Know If Gnome Desktop Is Completely Removed?

Mar 17, 2011

I have corrupted my /usr/ partition. I thought I recovered my server thingies okay. The problem is with gnome desktop. It won't show the login screen and furthermore there's a lot of error in ldconfig messages -- because of the corrupted /usr/ partition.I started picking out these erring files -- using aptitude purge and the rm command if it cannot be purged...That's how I tried to clean my /usr/ corrupted partition.How do I know I managed to cleanly removed all traces of the desktop gnome? -- also how could I install the desktop again.

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Fedora :: GNOME Clock / Weather Missing Completely

Jul 5, 2010

After upgrading to F13 certainly - but from time to time my clock in Gnome will throw a wobbly. Not even consistent wobblies, sometimes the weather is missing completely, as now, sometimes only a slice of the weather icon appears, and the time/date display can be garbled. It seems to happen after a change such as booting up or a weather update, I've tried removing the applet from the panel and re-installing it, and even removing and re-installing the top panel. I'm reluctant to try removing and reinstalling Gnome-applets as that can remove a whole slew of dependencies and possibly bork an otherwise reliable install, after all I can live with it.

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Fedora :: Completely Hide Gnome Panels Without Deleting Them

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to completely hide the gnome panels on my desktop. When using auto-hide there is still a visible line of about 1 pixel, and the panels are still there anyways. I have gone into gconf-editor and changed the autohide size to 0 and it still doesn't completely hide it or make them so when i hover near them they don't appear. I am also not looking to completely delete the panels either. I went into gconf again and blanked out the required_components field, (didn't turn out the way i expected, lol), and had to start gnome-panel manually afterwards and lost a lot of functionality in the OS.

I found this tutorial last year for sending gnome-panel to the widget layer for Ubuntu, but cannot get it to work in Fedora.This works perfectly in Ubuntu (once you log-out), but it doesn't work in Fedora. Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can this exact same thing to work in Fedora. It seems like it tries to work, but maybe my syntax is wrong or something.

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OpenSUSE :: Yast Randomly Appears Invisible

Apr 10, 2011

Opensuse 11.4 gnome/fglrx/compiz Something strange happens when I launch yast2, the controlpanel appears invisible. Meaning that if I ramdomly click around the desktop, the relevant yast modules will start. But I cannot see the controlpanel at all, alt-tab does nothing to remove it, it just stays on top of everything.

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.4: Strange Nfs V4 - Invisible Files?

Mar 11, 2011

Yesterday I installed 11.4. First it did run very nice but now I am facing an odd problem: I am mounting on my new 11.4 box a folder via nfsv4 from an opensuse 11.2 server (updated to kernel

I got some folders where the 11.4 cannot see files which are defenitely present on the server. They are completely invisible to the client! In one particular case I have eg. 108 files in the folder on the server, but the 11.4 box only sees 107. One is missing. It does not show up using ls and I also can't access it blindly using eg. cat. The file does not differ from all the others in that folder regarding permissions/ownership/acls etc. It is also not big (1728 bytes) nor is it a special file (link/socket etc.just a plain C header file). That single file is just not visible when mounting with nfsv4 on the 11.4 box. When mounting it with nfs3 instead the file is visible. But for obvious reasons I want to stick with nfsv4.

I restarted all nfs related daemons on both the server and the client a couple of times but it does not make any difference. I also cannot find any problems in any log files on the server or client up to now. I rebooted the client but not the server (I can't do that right now as it is in heavy production).

I do not see these problems with other opensuse boxes running 11.0/11.2 or 11.3 in my network. They can see/access these files quite nicely. This is really strange. Does any have a clue what is going on here or how I can narrow that problem down?

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Programming :: TCL Expect Script That Spawns A Telnet Session To A Nortel - Response In Expect_out Is Not Consistent

Dec 2, 2010

I have a TCL expect script that spawns a telnet session to a Nortel DMS100 to execute some commands. The strange thing is that the response in expect_out is not consistent. It sometimes contains a extra enter or newline. This results in differences in the expect out buffer. Here is a part of the script:

send "time
sleep 1
expect -re ">"


This command displays the time. The correct output should be (with log_user=1):

Time is 11:44:04

But sometimes the output is:

>timeTime is 11:45:04

As you can see here the is missing on the command that expect sends , or at least in the echo that is comming back. I use a split command to filter out the response in the expect_out buffer, but this fails when the is missing. Here is a example with the debug enabled:


I suspect it has something to do with a slow response of the switch. I tried to send the time command slow and with the send_human but the result is the same. A timeout between the send and expect also doesn't help.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: PDA With Windows Mobile 6.0 And Suse 11.1 With Gnome?

Oct 28, 2009

I spent more than a week trying to understand how to synchronize my PDA (Windows Mobile 6.0) with Suse 11.1 and no result. So far I learned what is PalmOS and what is not (I've been trying J-pilot and Gnome Pilot) I've tried with USB-cable and Bluetooth.

What I have so far:
- SynCE (installed via YaST, with some other components)
- Blueman just in case.
Was by default in my SUSE 11.1
- Evolution
- working bluetooth (Gnome Aplet + OBEX)
- Multisync (it does see the SynCE, doesn't see the Evolution)

So how to synchronize is one case, but first of all I need to know: how connect my PDA that SUSE will see a device for synchronization? I've tried Bluetooth and I can only get a paired OBEX PDA. I can send files. that's all. I would like to ask You for help. How to do it, step by step. We can start from scratch. During debug we can use text-terminal mode. But after is finished I would like to have a GUI terminal. I can promise, that if we manage to set-it up. I can describe it as a WIKI for other. Step-by-step.

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Debian :: Completely Removing Windows Partitions

Apr 18, 2011

When installing Debian, I had to left out 2 windows partition because I originally thought I could install Debian into Windows C: drive. Then I knew I had been wrong. After I moved the data of the 2 partitions out of the hard disk today, I want to merge these partitions into the linux file system.Is this possible without a reinstall? How can I do this?

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General :: Windows - Best Way To Completely Reformat An USB Stick?

Jul 7, 2011

Possible Duplicate:
Reusing a USB Boot Drive - Format back to factory state?

I have an 8GB PQI USB stick, which has been giving me a hard time lately. Sometimes a file can't be read, other times uploading files to it gets stuck.

I was thinking about reformatting it completely, probably even erase the partition and create it from scratch?

I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 available. What should I do with the USB stick to "restart" its life?

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Ubuntu :: Delete Windows Partion Completely

Sep 3, 2010

How do I completely delete the Windows partion using GParted in Ubuntu? I heard that the boot option for Windows still shows even after deleting the partition using GParted

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Ubuntu :: Completely Remove 10.04 And Install Windows ?

Oct 26, 2010

I had Windows. Installed Linux 10.04 over it. I want to switch back to Windows. When I pop in my Windows XP disc I get and error after it loads a bunch of stuff. I tried booting from m 10.04 disc, going into Disk Utility and changing the file system to NTFS no luck. Tried burning another copy of XP and still same error. Now I burned a copy of Windows 7(desperate times call for desperate measures) but its on a DVD-R instead of a CD-R and every time I try to boot it, Linux just boots.

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Ubuntu :: Natty - Windows Not Opening Completely

May 3, 2011

I am having the following problem, and it has been persisent over several distros.

Often, when presented with a nautilus window, and asked to drill-down to select a file, the window will not completely open, leaving the 'Open' and 'Cancel' buttons invisible below the lower gnome-panel. I will then have to click the maximize button, to get the window to fill the screen and make the 'Open' and 'Cancel' buttons visible. This also seems to happen with some of my apps...

For instance, I never have this problem with Firefox, but I always seem to have it with Ubuntu-Tweak, and some other apps. This 'appears' to be happening randomly, although it could be related to 'inode-meta-data' about the window state not getting updated.

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General :: Restore Windows 7 Completely On Laptop?

Mar 26, 2011

I had windows 7 preinstalled.Then I created 10GB space for ubuntu-9.04.Somebody tried to restore windows 7 completely on my laptop.As a result Now following error occurs

cannot load grub stage 1.5 When I try to boot with ubuntu 10.04 live cd . Screen goes blank after I select 'try without installing' So I tried 'mandriva 2009 live cd' Then it said 'vesa could not find suitable driver' & then 'xserver is disabled' I press ctrl+alt+f1 to get virtual terminal & login as root fdisk -l shows three partitions of 15GB (recovery),100MB (boot manager) ,284GB (windows 7 partition) respectively. The same configuration I had before installing ubuntu.


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General :: Completely Delete Windows From Computer?

Mar 11, 2010

drive E: still is running windows. How can I completely delete windows from my computer?

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Do - Compiz Causes All Windows Title Bars To Disappear

Mar 25, 2009

So I've been testing Gnome Do and I now want to activate docky. To do that I have to activate the desktop effects, so I installed drivers for my graphics card which work fine. But I have an infamous issue with my compiz which causes all title bars of windows to disappear. Is there a solution in which I can activate docky and still have my title bars?

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Ubuntu :: Minimizing Windows Makes Completely Disappear

Nov 18, 2010

When I minimize windows they completely disappear. Doesn't matter if its a program or my home folder, anything I open disappears when its minimized.I can run the system monitor and check running processes and they are still running. I just cant see them. All I can do is kill them with the system monitor.I can log on as another user and they work fine. It's just in one account. Is there a way to fix this, or to completely reset my desktop to the default settings? I know it's something I did but I can't find out where to fix it.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 Completely Wiped Windows From Hard Drive?

Nov 13, 2009

I dual boot with Ubuntu and Windows, and I just about an hour ago upgraded to 9.10 from Jaunty. After I restarted my computer two versions of Ubuntu could be booted, Windows was not on the GRUB menu. I am new to programming, and am completely clueless as to why this happened, and how I can fix this.

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OpenSUSE :: 'maximize Window' Effect - Delay When Maximizing Windows (Gnome)?

Mar 2, 2010

Using gnome I love the desktop effects, except the 'maximize window' effect. There is an annoying delay when I maximize a window. Is there a way to turn this particular effect off, while leaving all the others on. I looked in control center>desktop effects, but the option is not there. The only way I could turn off the maximize effect was unchecking the "enable desktop effects" checkbox. But this turns all effects off. All other effects run smooth and snappy.

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Ubuntu :: Completely Delete Windows Data And Clean Install 10.10?

Dec 6, 2010

First how can I clean install Ubuntu 10.10? I am currently using Windows 7 and want to clean install Ubuntu 10.10.

Secondly, I have Apple iPod Touch 4th generation 32GB model. So how can I install iTunes on Ubuntu??

installing Ubuntu. I want to completely delete my windows data and want to clean install Ubuntu 10.10

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Ubuntu :: After Starting A Program That Displays Graphics Some Windows Will Go Completely Black?

Jul 22, 2010

After running for a while, often after starting a program that displays graphics, such as Shutter, Gimp, Ocular, or maybe simply having previews in Dolphin (as some of my folders default to large previews)most menus, and some windows will go completely black. Some simply grey out (only ksystemlog does this that I have noticed so far)Blindly clicking anywhere on top title bar has no effect (would expect minimize/maximize etc to work if hitAlt-leftmouse or alt-middlemouse will allow window move/resize - black actively conforms to new window size/shape.

Often this blackening is preceded by a loss of all global hotkeys, which may not be related.With no visible menus or buttons, and with no hotkeys I am forced to hit the PC power button and allow kubuntu to shutdown.If I am lucky and hotkeys still work i can simply log out with ctrl-alt-shitft-del and logging in again fixes the issue.Linux betlogbox 2.6.32-23-generic #37-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jun 11 08:03:28 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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