OpenSUSE :: Command To Upgrade A Single Package?

Sep 3, 2010

Is it zypper in <package> or zypper up <package> or both?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade / Single Package Installs

Dec 2, 2009

I'm currently on opensuse 11.1 and I was looking at the upgrade to 11.2 because it has the DeviceKit package I was wanting But being as the 11.2 uses the ext4 instead of ext3 it may be just a little more than I would like can I, instead, just install the package from the 11.2 into my 11.1 system or is that ext4/ext3 thing gonna hork that up ?just kinda liking the whole " my system works just fine " thing and not really wanting to reload the box..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 9.10 To 10.04 - Package Command Is Broken?

May 30, 2010

I've only been using Linux for a few days (Specifically - I installed Ubuntu 9.10 last week on my laptop for learning the OS and updated to 10.04 over the weekend). I have searched Google (and found answers) for every problem now except for this new one. I apologise in advance for the length but I wanted to include my own troubleshooting as well.

When I installed and setup Ubuntu Karmic - I added my work software. Autopackage wasn't installed by default so I used terminal's package install <filename> command for the first file - and double clicked on the rest to install.With the OS change I wanted to check to see if these packages would have problems installing on 10.04 (mostly to double check).First I checked my Manage 3rd Party Software to remove them - but all my entries here are blank. (I should have quite a few actually - I've done a lot of installing and downloading in the last few days).I double clicked to re-run them but that failed saying there was a problem with the packages. So I swapped to Terminal and found the following:

When I try to install a software package:

sudo package install "SMART Product Drivers 10.package"
Reply: package: can't open config file /home/test/.mailagent
If I type in just


What's interesting, is checking my Fedora and Debian builds (I've done a lot of learning for only a few days! But I know a ton about grub 1 and 2 now) - I can't see a /home/test/.mailagent file or folder to copy either. The only thing I can think of is I have never setup an email account on my system (I've only been using it for a few days) and maybe the blank Manage 3rd Party Software tab is indicating a different problem.

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OpenSUSE :: Single Package Of Wine On The "install Programs" Thingamabob?

Jun 25, 2010

I recently installed like every single package of wine on the "install programs" thingamabob. The only thing is that in my applications, it doesn't show wine. I went to the main site to download it and this is what I getIndex of /repositories/Emulators:/Wine/openSUSE_11.2How do I install Wine from this site?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Single Package From PPA?

Jan 29, 2010

Is it possible to cherry pick packages from a PPA? The problem I'm having is that I'm getting thunderbird 3 from the ubuntu-mozilla-daily PPA, but by adding that to my sources, it is also upgrading firefox. Is there a way to get thunderbird 3 only and stop it upgrading firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Uninstalling Single Apps From A Big Package?

Aug 1, 2010

I recently installed into ubuntu 10.04 the package called "ubuntustudio-audio", it's a collection of audio apps from the ubuntustudio distribution. I tested them, and I wanted to uninstall just a pair of them... but synaptic tells me it's not possible, unless I uninstall the whole "ubuntustudio-audio" package..

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Ubuntu :: Can I Cd And Rm In A Single Command

Jul 19, 2011

I delete a particular file often. first I have to cd then I have to rm.Is there a way to do this on a single line?


cd ./ssh rm known_hosts

that doesn't but is there a way to do it?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Manager Wants To Upgrade Uninstalled Package?

May 1, 2011

Using Lubuntu 10.10. I uninstalled Apache Server (it was once installed). But the update manager is cites many new Apache updates that I need. But again Apache is not installed anymore. Synaptic says it's not installed. I have a checker for orphaned packages it says nothing about Apache. Why does the updater say this? Maybe there's a "residue" of Apache somewhere?

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Ubuntu :: Single Tab To Complete Command?

Mar 7, 2011

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 Server onto a old PC. Everything seems to be working fine except that i can't tab the next command.Like when you are typingcd hom (Then you press tab and the 'e' appears.)When i double click tab I get a list of all the possible directories but I wont seem to work when I press it one time just to complete my command.Anyone got a clue how to fix this?(I am new to this community but I got to say i Love it. We use Ubuntu at our university and it rocks!)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Set Password In Single Command?

Dec 1, 2010

Can we set password for linux board's in non-interactive mode.I didn't find suitable option for this in man page.

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Programming :: Grep, Cut, Cat In A Single Command?

Apr 26, 2010

Would like to know how to cat the below output.

grep userlist_file /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf | cut -c15-
Below which is the output for above command.


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Ubuntu :: Every Single Command Produces An Error

Apr 15, 2010

I went to a help site because I wanted to install an IRC client named seamonkey. I followed the directions step by step, copy and pasting each and every command into my terminal command line as per the instructions. Every single command produced an error. Needless to say, I was unable to install it. What's even more frustrating is I can't even post the url for the site here so someone can see what commands I was using.

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Debian :: Update One Single Thing On Machine Without Apt-get Upgrade?

Jan 27, 2011

i wonder how i can update one single thing on my debian machine? without apt-get upgrade. lets say i just want to update my awstats install but not my php install, or my kernel version but not someting else, how can i do this ?

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General :: Creating User With Password In Single Command?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm trying to create a user john with default password 'abcdef'. I used the following command.

useradd john -p abcdef

I can't login with the password. in /etc/shadow file I can see the password in clear text format. how I can create a user along with password.

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General :: Sudo For A Single Command With No Password Entry

Apr 20, 2010

I wish to allow a user to use sudo to run a single command (service app status) to determine if my application app is running, in my sudoers file i have: user ALL= /sbin/service app status I understand that there is a parameter called timestamp_timeout that will set the timeout for the 'user', but requires at least 1 entry of the root password.

I wish to allow the user to do "sudo service app status" and not have to enter the root password ever(maybe once is ok), but still make the user enter the root password for all other root activities. Is there a way to prevent the password entry for this command only and no others?

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Ubuntu :: Installing 64 Bit Adobe Flashplugin Preview In Single Command

Sep 17, 2010

I posted a blog on how to install 64 bit adobe flash plugin in Ubuntu Lucid in a single command


The command is

sudo aptitude remove flashplugin-nonfree flashplugin-installer && mkdir -p flashplugin-64 && cd flashplugin-64 && wget -c && tar xzf flashplayer_square_p1_64bit_linux_091510.tar.gz && sudo cp /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/

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Ubuntu :: Two Files Containing Bits Of Info That Both Need To Be Included In A Single Command?

Mar 18, 2011

I've been searching high and low for a solution to my problem, and have not had much luck as to yet!The situation is: I have two files containing bits of info that both need to be included in a single command, such as a for loop, but as separate elements. What I need to do is basically this:Code:ssh <servers in list a> ls -la | grep <items in list b>Does anyone have any thoughts on how I might do this? Is it possible to do using bash scripting alone?

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Ubuntu :: Remove All Foldernames Which Contains Spaces In Desktop With A Single Command?

Jun 8, 2011

How to remove all foldernames which contains spaces in Desktop with a single command?

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General :: Check Performance Of Multiple Machines With Single Command?

Jul 5, 2011

i have 30 linux PCs running. i need to check the performance of all pcs( memory,ram and process usage) in single command or in GUI mode.In solaris we have perf script to check performance in GUI mode. i need same type in linux?

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General :: Copy A File To All Subfolders In A Directory Using A Single Command?

Jul 18, 2010

I'd like to copy a file, say widgets/water.txt, to all subfolders in the folder widgets using a single command. So if the folder widgets has 10 subfolders like widgets/blue, widgets/green, etc. I'd like to copy water.txt to all of them with one command.

I tried the commands


cp water.txt ./*/water.txt
cp water.txt ./*/

However these don't seem to work. The latter gives 'cp: omitting directory' errors.

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General :: Move 10 Files Of .dat Extention To .txt Using Single Command Or Script?

Nov 22, 2010

I have 10 files of .dat formatsayA MCDR .datB MCDR .datand so one upto 10 dat filehow i convert these 10 dat files to txt files using single command or script

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General :: 'watch' A Command Including Both Of Single And Double Quote?

Aug 12, 2010

I want to watch a number of processes in "D" status repeatedly with following command:Code:# watch -n 1 'top -b -n 1 | awk '{if ($8 == "D") {print; count++} } END {print count}''but it didn't work. I also tried with double quote. Can I use 'watch' command is this case?PS: I know 'while' and 'sleep' can do the same but it is dirty workaround.

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General :: Script To Open All Subdirectories Of A Single Directory And Then Run A Command?

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to write a very simple script that will go to every subdirectory of a single directory and run a command (lets call it make_ndx).I know I can write this the long way with in a text document with something like:

cd /"the directory"/"the 1st subdirectory"
cd ..
cd "the 2nd subdirectory"
cd ..

Alternatively, I also tried: for i in 'find /path/somemorepath -type d -mindepth 1'; do cd $i; make_ndx -f *.gro; done which returns me with the error cd: find: no such file or directory. But if I run the find command by itself to test if I am calling the right directories, it gives me the exactly the output I am looking for. Any ideas? Should I just write the find results to a file and loop through the contents of the file (which seems a little bit like overkill) or am I just making a simple typographical mistake and I am just not seeing it?

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General :: Vim To Input A Single Character And Continue In Command Mode

Jun 23, 2011

I increase my knowledge in vim in two ways. Little hints about doing this or that and scattered studies using the vim help files. Please do not believe I always rely on the first one.

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SUSE / Novell :: List Out All Cron Job Details With Any Single Command

Mar 31, 2010

I am using SLES10 and i checked with command crontab -l and when i compared it with the cron.d/daily/monthly/hourly , all they are different. is there any single command that list out all the cronjobs that exist under the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade - Install Any Package From Error ""Couldn't Find XML File" Or Anything Same This"

Aug 2, 2010

When I want upgrade and/or install any package from I've got error, "Couldn't find XML file" or anything same this.

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Ubuntu :: Package Manager Says Have A Broken Package And Wants To 'upgrade' To The Older Broken One?

Sep 1, 2011

I was having a problem with a fresh 11.04 install and the VPN software I use for work. I found the fix was to upgrade the software, so I downloaded an RPM, converted it to .deb and installed it via dpkg. The install worked and the VPN software now works, but Package Manager says I have a broken package and wants to 'upgrade' to the older broken one. How can I fix this without breaking my VPN SW again?

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Ubuntu :: Single Command That Will Remove All 'other'permissions From All Files And Directories Under /home?

Sep 10, 2010

What is the single command that will remove all 'other'permissions from all files and directories under /home.
Just starting to learn Linux.

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Programming :: Multiple Input Into Seq Command From Pipe - Single Column Unique Numbers

May 13, 2011

Have this script which is reading in a series of files, one at a time with while-do-done loop, each file goes through various greps/awk's where this info is then saved to various files for later use. i.e....

Script is being run on Linux Red Hat,

In one of the grep/awk's the output (currently) are 2 columns (min max), i.e....| awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u which outputs (e.g.)

The number of "min max" pairs varies from file to file. Want to output a single column of unique numbers from the min max pairs & get the number of them for input to a file...i.e...

Where <PROCESS> is some process/technique that will generate a single column of integers (increment of 1) to pipe into the next one (sort -u)

i.e. (example from above)

Have tried command seq - only works for single pair input i.e.

Is there any command like seq etc which will output a single column based on a input of min max numbers (increment 1) to pipe onwards to next command?

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OpenSUSE :: Start Up Package Manager Or Package Finder In 11.3?

Sep 3, 2010

Am I the only one who gets this on gnome everytime I start up package manager or package finder in 11.3?

System management is locked by the application with pid 6890 (/usr/sbin/packagekitd)

I literally have to kill -9 pid everytime I run it. What is going on here?

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