opensuse v11.2 The Gnome help describes how to install fonts: copy the font files to </usr/share/fonts>. I have some Type1 fonts with PFB, PFM, AFM and sometimes INF face files. The only ones I see in the <Type1> directory are AFM and PFA. Which font files does Gnome actually require? Is a PFA needed? Are the font files moved/deleted from </usr/share/fonts/> after installation? Is there a more obvious way to install fonts in Gnome?
I recently installed KDE (I was using GNOME). After that, I found for gnome applications, KDE font settings is applied even when I log in using GNOME. Whatever I do in appearance-fonts, all gnome applications follow the settings from KDE Personal Settings. (Application Appearance -> Fonts)
I lost all the subpixel hinting, and I finally just found out that if I set it in KDE Personal Settings it actually affects gnome applications. (I'm in GNOME now)
It is possible to install this kind of menu on suse? I watched several movies on yt and it seems to be nice usability improvement comparing to standard OS menu - clean,simple, accessible.
I installed Opensuse 11.2 DVD on a machine with Windows XP. During the installation I installed the KDE desktop. I had not tried out the KDE desktop. I had a Live CD with the Gnome desktop that i had tried out and liked. I think I like the Gnome desktop better. Now I would like to run both desktops. After going to the install new software and changing the view to patterns and select the "Gnome Desktop Environment" I get this error.
#### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2010-03-18 09:47:52 #### pattern:gnome-11.2-20.22.1.i586 requires patterns-openSUSE-gnome, but this requirement cannot be provided uninstallable providers: patterns-openSUSE-gnome-11.2-20.22.1.i586[11.2 - Main Repository (OSS)]
I was able to install the Gnome Base system with no problems or conflicts.
By trying to install opensuse 11.4 / 1 the installation hungsup at a late level. After rebooting the system, the configuration goes on. When finishing the installation on that way, there are no menus so you can to simply nothing. The problem of system hanging exists also with version 11.3 final release but after rebooting the configuration goes on and when finished, you have the menus.
I'm using Gnome in Ubuntu 9.10I install kde but it's runied my firefox fonts -- ONLY FirefoxI tried to remove Firefox upgrade install everything, but nothing works here's snapshot of my Firefox and fontsat 2010-01-29I don't like this font i want the original one
I have used a patched Cairo in 11.2 from Packman and the fonts were excellent. Now I upgraded to 11.3 and installed freetype from subpixel repo. While I have good fonts in Qt now, in Gnome still they are bad. There is no patched Cairo in Packman for 11.3 Installing the patched Cairo for 11.2 from Packman and from Ubuntu-patch project did not help
I'm getting this weird behavior when I have Desktop Effects enabled. When it is on, it's like there are two or three vertical and horizontal lines running across my screen that distort any of certain font characters that are under them. In some cases these characters are trimmed slightly, in others they have an odd skew to them, and in still others the letters are completely removed/missing/invisible. With Desktop Effects disabled, everything appears as normal. I have attached a screenshot in which you can see there are at least three letters missing from the left side (Desktop Effects enabled) and not from the right side (Desktop Effects disabled). There is a missing 'l,' a trimmed 't,' and a distorted 'p.' I'm on a one-week-old 11.4 install with nVidia drivers installed from that repo.
As far as I can tell, Desktop Effects works with few other issues, although there are some aggravating ones (having to click task tray items multiple times to get a response, multiple windows highlighted in the menu bar as though they all had focus, etc) that I will look into once I get this one key issue taken care of.If any other diagnostic information might be useful, please let me know and I will provide ASAP.
I have installed SUSE 11.3 and I am using KDE4. I also installed the font "misc-console".
After installing the NVIDIA driver 256.53 the font misc-console becomes useless because it is displayed so much slanted that it is imposible to read. However, if I disable the NVIDIA driver (by replacing "nvidia" with "nv" in xorg.conf), then it works fine. It also works fine in KDE3 and the NVIDIA driver. So, it seems to be a combination between NVIDIA and KDE4. A lot other fonts are also overly slanted and unreadable (like "Sony fixed", "misc fixed", etc.).
If I launch konsole from a terminal, I receive the following warning:
konsole(6928) Konsole::TerminalDisplay::setVTFont: Using an unsupported variable-width font in the terminal. This may produce display errors.
Is there a way that I can use "misc-console" without having to uninstall the NVIDIA driver? I'm just used to this font for my terminal.
The same happens whether I install the driver manually or through YAST, 32 or 64 bit. The video card is NVIDIA 8400GS, the system Athlon 64 4400+
I have done this installations a couple of times before and everytime it's been working for me.
I emailed their support about it as well.
They told me it should work by just doing these first steps, but since it didn't they asked to take a look at it. So they did.
I got this mail back from them:
It seemed that your server is missing some packages/services.
Therefore, I need to ask you first if you acknowledge the ability of being charged with the additional support fee of 37,25 Euro per 15 minutes support?
I will never pay more for 15 minutes of support then I payed for the server thats for sure..
while installing openSuse on my PC, I dont get Desktop but only command line. I can see the following:
1) during boot process its staing: "Failed services in runlevel 5" and "waring GdmDisplay: display lasted 2.1317348 seconds" and " GdmLocalDisplayFactory: maximun number of X display failure reached.
2) /var/log/Xorg.n.log files (n=1-5) "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0"
I installed Gnome desktop environment recently then ;I' ve lost KDE desktop effects settings. I just can see Compiz Configirator. I cant configure effects independently. There is same settings in gnome and kde. And also I cant change windows appearence.
I have just installed openSUSE 11.2 X86_64 on my laptop, I then used KDE to install lots of type 1 fonts for my printer. These get loaded to /usr/local/share/fonts/...These installed fonts are visible to KDE (KWRITE) and GIMP so I assume that the installation was O.K. When I start openOFFICE writer I do not see these fonts. The font selection appears to be the fonts located under /usr/share/fonts. I have not tried other ooo3 components. I assume that they are not going to see the fonts either.
I have searched google and it appears that /usr/local/share/fonts is the correct location for non-packaged fonts. Has anybody any idea what is wrong? I think I could move all the fonts to /usr/share/fonts and ooo3 would work but this seems to break the installation directory structure. I have considered symlinks but I don't like the idea of defining a font twice to Linux and creating the syslinks is more work than reinstalling the fonts if they are lost
I would like to install opensuse 11.2 on my children's new pc with nvidia 7025 graphic onboard card. which desktop environment is better between kde or gnome? I haven't a preference yet but I wolud like to install a light graphic system that can be used by a child of 5 yo.
I'm using opensuse 11.2 GNOME. While going through the Add/Remove Software I found that I've some KDE libraries installed on my system. I don't think that I need them on my system. Will removing them affect my system in any way?
1)Smolt KDE notifier. 2) PIM storage service library 3) PIM storage service 4)KDE Base libraries 5)KDE core libraries 6)KDE PIM libraries
After upgrading the distribution from 10.1 to 11.3 I was not able to start the GNome-Desktop. The first error message I received was "maximum number of x display failures reached". I figured out that there was a problem with the ATI Display driver. I guess I fixed this one now, since I do get a Login-Screen.
But after login, I only have a completely empty Desktop (no Icons, no Taskbar, etc.). Also Keyboard-Shortcuts don't work. I tried it with different user-logins, but always the same result. Then I found information regarding gconftool-2 and the recursive -unset switch. Tried this one for /apps/panel and /apps/nautilus. But still no Desktop. Below is some information from .xsession-errors, which I don't know how to resolve.
I have updated Opensuse 11.3 to 11.4. I have also updated to the latest NVIDIA drivers. Now, when Gnome desktop starts it freezes: it draws all the shortcuts on the desktop but I cannot use my wired mouse to click anything as if the desktop has freezed. The cursor shows that something is loading. I cannot also use Ctl + F2 to start xterm... But I can use Ctl + Alt + F12, so the keyboard is working.
I'm wondering how to reset the gnome desktop.i.e. the task bar and everything is molested, etc. etc.I've seen some posts with a shell command for this, however would you thinkits resettable to default via the gui in gnome?
I finally performed my upgrade from Karmic today, everything went smooth and looked great. I decided to check out how KDE looked so I logged out, went into KDE and poked around for a bit then went back to GNOME. All my fonts are now that horrible tiny KDE font and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to return the fonts to their previous glory.
Can anyone, please, point me in the right direction? I've totally removed KDE from my system, I took all the files out of ~.fontconfig and set antialiasing to false in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/10-antialias.conf but still no joy. I haven't found the settings to get back to default but I've installed the MS font pack which looks better than the KDE stuff
I'm planning to replace kde with gnome so my plan is to visit Yast pattern view check Gnome Desktopand Gnome Base System then unchecking Kde4 Desktop and Kde base system.i'm seeking stability I know openSUSE has it but no with this the right way to replace my desktop environment , I will not download the gnome iso and make a new installation
What I try is to execute Linux programs from Windows. What I do:
- I run an X Sever in Windows (Xmin). - I connect to Linux server using putty. - Stablish DISPLAY to Windows X Server. - Run Linux application.
Really, what I do for simplifying the work is create, in a shared folder, Windows direct access to do this work. Ex: I create a link called "tora - Run Oracle Administration Tool.lnk".
When users want to run Tora in Windows, they don't have to install it. Just press the link and it runs a .cmd which does the previous operations. So users can run konsole, LibreOffice, tora, ... and all Linux programs as if they where installed in Windows Clients. And as the Linux and Windows computers are joined to Active Directory, each users access has its own configuration for each program.
Thus, they can try this programs without having to install them.
So as I can run all Linux programs... Why not allowing to run a remote desktop (I know I can do it with Vnc, Xrdp, NX, ...) If user run "konsole", a Linux konsole is open in Windows client. And then he can open X programs (I don't create links for all Linux programs, so the can run the konsole link and run any program). After displaying konsole, if I type "konqueror", konqueror is opened in Windows client.
If type kdesktop, desktop of kde is open, but the menu bar, tool bar doesn't appear...
Here is an image: [URL]
I detail it:
- My client is a Windows 7. - Open a konsole in a remote linux (titled shell-konsole) - Run kdesktop command. - A new window titled "KDE Desktop" is opened.
But no menu or application bar is opened. An it doesn't takes my configuration (my configuration is Spanish).
How can I add menu and application bar to that desktop?
i recently installed OpenSuse 11.4 on VirtualBox into Windows Xp, i read some where that dvd version has both KDE and Gnome desktops, so my OpenSuse desktop is KDE now, How can i change Desktop manager to Gnome
I am trying to install openSUSE 11.2 with Gnome desktop from the DVD in February's Linux Magazine which I hope guarantees a good disk. However both the live DVD and a trial full installation load to a green screen without taskbar or icons meaning I cannot run any applications or even close down. The live KDE version runs OK but I wanted Gnome because I have had problems backing up Kmail in the past. I have run version 10.3 with Gnome successfully on this computer previously.
I am trying to get OpenSUSE 11.2 working. Everytime I install it, it installs with errors but when the user I setup auto logs in to the GNOME desktop, the desktop never loads. I can get into failsafe mode sometimes. I've replaced the harddrive and installed it again = same issue. I've redownloaded and burned a different DVD, verifying the checksum, and running the "check media" option = same issue. I've done a repair install = same issue. I've removed the added Ethernet and modem cards and reinstalled = same issue. I've deleted all partitions from previous install and reinstalled = same issue. Currently, I just defraged the HDD on a windows machine and am running the install once more (one a completely different machine) but what's going on here? I need 11.2 for Clonezilla SE (not 11.3)