OpenSUSE :: 11.4 Upgrade - Cannot Find Adobe Helvetica Font

Apr 16, 2011

I recently upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4, KDE 4.6.1. I have /home on a separate partition and it was unchanged in the upgrade. If I open Personal Settings-Application Appearance-Fonts, one of my font choices is Adobe Helvetica. If I open Gimp, open a new file, I can select Adobe Helvetica as a font and insert text in my new file. If I open Inkscape (svg drawing application), I can select Adobe Helvetica as a font, text is inserted but when I reselect it for editing, the window indicates that the font is just Sans. (Inkscape has some font selection wierdness, but keep reading). If I open LibreOffice, Adobe Helvetica is NOT on the font list for selection.

If I run
fc-list |grep Adobe
Adobe Courier:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Italic
Adobe Times:style=Bold
Adobe Helvetica:style=Bold Oblique
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Utopia:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Regular
Adobe Helvetica:style=Oblique
Adobe Courier:style=Oblique
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Italic
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Times:style=Regular
Adobe Times:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Times:style=Italic
Adobe Helvetica:style=Bold
Adobe Helvetica:style=Regular
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Regular
Adobe Courier:style=Regular
Adobe Courier:style=Bold Oblique

However, I cannot find any files named Adobe Helvetica or Helvetica in /usr/share/fonts/* and I am not really sure it is installed. My suspicion is that the upgrade process preserving /home has the system looking at some old information, and that gimp and Inkscape are doing font replacement, while LibreOffice is doing it's own thing. What is the best procedure to refresh the system info on what fonts really are loaded?

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General :: Ubuntu - Install The Helvetica Font?

Jan 12, 2010

I don't know too much about the licensing issues surrounding fonts, but I would like to install Helvetica on my machine for my own personal use. I haven't been able to find a whole lot about this on Google.There are a lot of Helvetica alternatives out there, but I want Helvetica itself.

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Software :: Touchscreen - Calibrate SH Cannot Load Helvetica Font

May 27, 2010

I've installed in Lenny with the 2.6.26-2-686 kernel, the xorg-xserver-input-evouch package, I've edited the xorg.conf, as described in this howto [URL]. It works to the where I am trying to start the script. When I start it, the X screen pops up, but in the console I get a message, that failed loading font '*-helvetica-*-12-*'. After that the calibration tool dies.

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Ubuntu :: Twm: Unable To Open Fontset "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*"

Oct 14, 2010

that's what i get on one of my 2 new lucid boxen when i try to run twm (1:1.0.4-2ubuntu2) inside vnc4server 4.1.1+xorg4.3.0-37ubuntu2). any idea how to fix this? the xfonts packages are installed, and no problem with twm on the console. and no problem with twm inside vnc4server on the other lucid box. both were installed via netboot (minimal), both were fleshed out with apt-get lubuntu-desktop, though there were presumably inconsequential differences, on the one that works fine:


apt-get install twm
apt-get install vnc4server xvnc4viewer
apt-get install lxde-core
apt-get install lubuntu-desktop


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Fedora Installation :: Installation Of True Type Font 'Helvetica'

Jan 31, 2009

My application needs system's default fonts to be set to 'Helvetica'. Fedora 10 does not have this font. How to install this font?

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OpenSUSE :: Cannot Find Recently Added Font?

Sep 6, 2011

I just recently downloaded a font of .ttf format (truetype I believe). I tried adding the font to a couple of places but still can't find it in any applications.My goal is to use the font in GIMP. Even tried using it in Libre Writer, but still no luck.If I simply double click the ".ttf" file, it opens a window that shows all the letters in the font and the "Quick brown fox jumps." sentence. It also shows data about it like Name, Style, Type, Size, Version, etc... And there is a button on the bottom-right of the window that says "Install Font", and when I click it, it doesn't seem like anything happens except the button becomes greyed out and says,"Install Failed" (can barely read the greyed out text though).

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OpenSUSE :: Dependecy With Conkyconf Which Needs Conkyweather And X11org-font-utils Which Can't Find

Aug 24, 2011

I've got into dependecy hell with conkyconf which needs conkyweather and x11org-font-utils which I can't find. I've tried to install through opensuse oneclik but no luck. what is needed and where I can get the dependecies for conkyconf. This is the only thing that pees me off about linux (dependencies), wish it could be fixed. Still better than windows where there's no chance at all if it don't install.

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Ubuntu :: Are Adobe Flash Player Font's Customizable

Oct 9, 2010

Also if is it possible is it any way for the font's to look like this? and not all extra big and out of place..?

^Running Windows XP with adobe flash player.


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Fedora :: Upgrade To KDE 4.4 And "Configure Kmail" Displayed In The Default Font No In Console Font

Feb 25, 2010

In all previous versions of KDE I had Console8x16 set as KDE font for all cases (Settings->Appearance->Fonts). After tonight upgrade, this (only!) font is not working. I can see it in font manager, I can set it in ...Appearance->Fonts, but actually remains default font. Two of about 30 attempts somehow (can not reproduce) succeeded to set "console 12" font, but it disappeared after restart.

1. What can be the problem in 4.4?
2. In /usr/share/fonts tere are 3 files named console8x16.pcf, console8x8.pcf and console9x15.pcf, but in the font list in Appearance->Fonts I can see only 2 - one named "Console" (seems to be 8x16 and "console" (8x8). File 9x15 does not appear at all. Why?

Last results of attempts: cannot use console font in part of areas, while part works OK. For example: kdevelop editor, kmail message body text works OK. But kmail other parts - does not. The most interesting is that although setting the kmail body message text to console displays the message body text correctly (with console font), but the example message in "Configure kmail" dialogue "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog" is displayed in the default font, as if there is no console font!

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OpenSUSE :: Can't Change Font - Font Size FIrefox 3.6.8

Aug 16, 2010

I can't change fonts in Firefox preferences (Content).

My OS is openSUSE 11.3, KDE 4.4.4. release 8.

Any type and size of font I use, nothing happens. It's still same font which I choose for the first time I've started Firefox afer installing openSUSE 11.3.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Error "Adobe AIR Could Not Be Installed. Install Either Gnome Keyring Or KDE KWallet Before Installing Adobe AIR"

Jul 4, 2011

I downloaded Adobe Air, both the rpm and the .bin versions. First I tried the rpm, it went through the motions of installing but just disappeared. then I tied the .bin, got tot the installer, accepted the license, entered my root password, but it stopped installing with "an error occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR". I opened Kwallet and tried again, but to no avail. I am running OS11.4 64 bit. What can I do to get this thing working?

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Ubuntu :: Find Out How To Get Adobe

Jan 6, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 on My Acer aspire one D250-1842, and Im haveing trouble finding and loading Adobe Reader on my pC.

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Software :: Find A Font Using Its Name?

Feb 1, 2011

I have many fonts in my system that I've never used. I want to remove some of them but I don't know where were they. Is there command to list or find a font using its name? For example with the input

Liberation Mono
I want to find

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CentOS 5 :: Cannot Find TimesNewRoman Font

Nov 8, 2009

I installed OO3.1.1. I cannot find TimesNewRoman font. Also in the system is not visible. Where can i install those fonts?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Kernel Upgrade On 11.1 - Cannot Find Module After Reboot

Nov 10, 2010

I've upgraded kernel to on openSUSE 11.1. Before I tried to upgrade to where I encountered the same issue. After reboot it can not find the modules for which puzzled me to no end. Now I have found that the /boot which is on separate partition of ext2 type is not mounted. The mount command does not recognize ext2 and xfs anymore.

Clearly the initrd does not have the right modules. Since this is standard zypper up process I would expect this to work without issues since it has worked until the kernel without issues. Has something changed with the last 2 kernel versions that requires some extra actions from me and if so what do I have to do.

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Fedora :: Can't Find Any How To's For Changing Default Font?

Jul 23, 2011

Been googling around but can't find any how to's for changing default font. Is this possible to do.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find And Download Adobe Flashplayer 10 On 10.10?

Jan 23, 2011

Can anyone tell me how I can find and download Adobe Flashplayer 10 on Ububtu 10.10?

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Fedora :: No Console Font After Upgrade To 4.4

Mar 5, 2010

That is - most of the applications using console (8x16) font does not display it after upgrade to KDE4.4, including "System settings->Font installer". kdevelop (kate), contrary, still sees it, and one-two more applications...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Font Not Used After Upgrade To 10.10

Nov 2, 2010

Just upgraded my second computer to 10.10, however the new ubuntu font is not being used by any of the themes. It appears in the log-in screen just fine however. On the first computer I upgraded it all worked fine, however the upgrade disabled some ppas eg. nautilus-elementary, which i had to re-enable. Second computer I disabled the ppas first, then re-enabled them after upgrade. Weird thing is that they didn't automatically select the maverick distro, just stayed on lucid. I had to manually change them whereas for the first computer they updated themselves. Is this normal, could this indicate some bigger issue?

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Slackware :: Bad Font Rendering After Upgrade To 13.1?

Jun 4, 2010

i have upgraded my desktop from 13.0 to 13.1 and the font rendering suffered big time (did the same procedure on the laptop but no problems there). anyway, the fonts on kdm are really bad as well as konsole and firefox. other qt apps don't seem too bad but should be much better. xterm and xmobar don't seem to be affected at all. the machine is running the 13.1 sbo of nvidia drivers.

i have tried a few things: playing with the anti-aliasing settings in kde control center (all the settings offered differnet level of 'badness' and no 'goodness') and trying to use the settings in the nvidia control panel but that didn't seem to have any effect.

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Ubuntu :: PDF -Cannot Find Or Create The Font TimesNewRoman - Bold

Nov 17, 2010

We are having problems opening some PDF files: get error and whole document is unreadable using acrobat 9.x on karmic. "Cannot find or create the font 'TimesNewRoman,Bold'.Some characters may not display or print correctly." I also ran upgrade from ubuntu software center and retried but same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Find Out Which Character Is Missing (non Installed Font)?

Feb 16, 2011

A client has sent me a docx. Actually it's not the first he's sent and it always causes me some kind of problems. When I open the document (a normal boring 3 page text document) with Open Office some of the characters are replaced with little empty boxes. From context I suspect they are things like slashes and commas - but I don't know for sure.

I copy and pasted some into gedit and there they appeared as boxes with letters and numbers inside like FF04. Is there some way to find out what these symbols are? I don't need to see them or print them, I just need to know if it is a plus sign, back slash, u with umlauts, or whatever.

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Ubuntu :: How To Upgrade Adobe Flash Player

Nov 18, 2010

Does anyone know the correct procedure for upgrading Adobe Flash Player. I just installed Linux Mint Debian and noticed that my flash plugin is the old Shockwave Flash.

I've tried downloading the latest Flash Player from adobe. I unzipped it, and moved to where I thought the plugin directory was.

My main problem is that I don't know where to look for the plugin file. I tried /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but as much as I played with the '' file there, I could neither remove the plugin nor upgrade it. I've also tried the /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree directory but once again, I was unable to affect the plugin.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Could Not Find Package 'adobe-flashplugin'

Jan 31, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.1 and am trying to download the apt file from the adobe web site and use apturl to open it. I enable the partner channel packages finish downloading and an error pops up. Could not find package 'adobe-flashplugin'.

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Ubuntu :: Opera 11 Upgrade With Adobe Flash Update?

Dec 21, 2010

I upgraded Opera to version 11.00, and also upgraded on my computer Adobe Flash to version (or 65 if I recall). The Flash update reflects properly in Firefox and Google Chrome, but unfortunately it does not show up properly in Opera. It shows that Opera has as the flash version. Why is this not updating with the Opera and Flash updates?

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Ubuntu :: Why Upgrade Would Change Terminal Font Settings

May 17, 2010

Directory names and certain filenames appear in a bold font that gets cut off on the right side of each string of text. This issue only arose after upgrading to 10.04 LTS. I can not figure out why the upgrade would change the terminal font settings in such a way.

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General :: Upgrade My Browser In System Debris And Install Adobe Flash?

Mar 2, 2011

Giving me a step-by-step description on how to upgrade my browser and also install Adobe Flash, in Linux Debris.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adobe Flash Player Plugin Version 10 Upgrade Breaks

Mar 27, 2011

Today I installed an upgrade through update manager of the Adobe Flash Player Plugin and it breaks the flash in all three of my browsers: Firefox, Opera and Chromium. Had to revert to previous version to get it to work. Ubuntu Version 10.10 i386 Sony Viao Laptop.

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Debian Multimedia :: OpenOffice Font Anti Aliasing Broken After Upgrade To Lenny

Sep 14, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade a headless terminal server like box from Etch to Lenny. Users log in to this box using a GoGlobal client and use applications such as OpenOffice and Iceweasel. Because of the ended support for Etch we want to upgrade this machine to Debian Lenny as soon as possible and in order to save time we decided to dist-upgrade instead of installing a new machine. I've done this upgrade in a test environment and everything is working as expected except for OpenOffice, which seems broken after the upgrade:

The problem seems to be caused by the anti aliasing features of OpenOffice and disabling these features in the options panel (Extra -> Options -> View -> Screen font anti aliasing) fixes the UI somewhat:

However, as can be seen in the last screenshot, disabling anti aliasing makes the whole thing look terrible. I've searches the net for solutions such as this one but so far I've not been able to fix this. Is there anyone who can point me towards what has changed in the way fonts are rendered since Lenny and what might cause this breakage for OpenOffice? Other applications such as Iceweasel work perfectly and look better then before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Upgrade: Restore Default Desktop And Font Settings?

May 18, 2010

I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid recently. Before upgrading, I had customized my desktop on Karmic with Compiz, Emerald and new set of fonts. After upgrade (which appears to have gone smoothly, yay!), my desktop retained the previous appearance settings. I want to try the factory default gnome appearance settings for Lucid and still stuck with restoring fonts.

What I have done till now:

0. Enabled Visual Effects from Appearance menu.
1. Theme -> Changed to Human
2. Window Manager -> Still using Compiz
3. Window Decorator -> Switched from Emerald to GTK
4. Font -> Changed first 3 font types in the Font tab to Sans, size 10, 4th to Sans Bold and 5th to Monochrome. Rendering -> subpixel smoothing (LCD)

What I want:

1. Is this the default setting? Have I missed anything in restoring default settings?

2. I have done too many changes to firefox font rendering over time. How do I restore default 10.04 font settings for Firefox? I would ideally love to have an option in Ubuntu which would help me restore factory settings.

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