Ubuntu :: Find Out How To Get Adobe

Jan 6, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 on My Acer aspire one D250-1842, and Im haveing trouble finding and loading Adobe Reader on my pC.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Find And Download Adobe Flashplayer 10 On 10.10?

Jan 23, 2011

Can anyone tell me how I can find and download Adobe Flashplayer 10 on Ububtu 10.10?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Could Not Find Package 'adobe-flashplugin'

Jan 31, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.1 and am trying to download the apt file from the adobe web site and use apturl to open it. I enable the partner channel packages finish downloading and an error pops up. Could not find package 'adobe-flashplugin'.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 Upgrade - Cannot Find Adobe Helvetica Font

Apr 16, 2011

I recently upgrade from 11.3 to 11.4, KDE 4.6.1. I have /home on a separate partition and it was unchanged in the upgrade. If I open Personal Settings-Application Appearance-Fonts, one of my font choices is Adobe Helvetica. If I open Gimp, open a new file, I can select Adobe Helvetica as a font and insert text in my new file. If I open Inkscape (svg drawing application), I can select Adobe Helvetica as a font, text is inserted but when I reselect it for editing, the window indicates that the font is just Sans. (Inkscape has some font selection wierdness, but keep reading). If I open LibreOffice, Adobe Helvetica is NOT on the font list for selection.

If I run
fc-list |grep Adobe
Adobe Courier:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Italic
Adobe Times:style=Bold
Adobe Helvetica:style=Bold Oblique
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Utopia:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Regular
Adobe Helvetica:style=Oblique
Adobe Courier:style=Oblique
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Italic
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Bold
Adobe Utopia:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Times:style=Regular
Adobe Times:style=Bold Italic
Adobe Times:style=Italic
Adobe Helvetica:style=Bold
Adobe Helvetica:style=Regular
Adobe New Century Schoolbook:style=Regular
Adobe Courier:style=Regular
Adobe Courier:style=Bold Oblique

However, I cannot find any files named Adobe Helvetica or Helvetica in /usr/share/fonts/* and I am not really sure it is installed. My suspicion is that the upgrade process preserving /home has the system looking at some old information, and that gimp and Inkscape are doing font replacement, while LibreOffice is doing it's own thing. What is the best procedure to refresh the system info on what fonts really are loaded?

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Software :: Removing Adobe Acrobat Reader Installed From Adobe's Binary

May 7, 2011

On a Debian system, I installed Adobe Acrobat Reader using the Linux binary (AdbeRdr9.4.2-1_i486linux_enu.bin) downloaded from Adobe's website. I realized there's a way to install it from a Debian package as opposed to Adobe's binary (and be able to keep up better with security updates), so I want to remove Adobe's version and install the Debian package. What's the right way to uninstall Reader when it was installed this way?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Error "Adobe AIR Could Not Be Installed. Install Either Gnome Keyring Or KDE KWallet Before Installing Adobe AIR"

Jul 4, 2011

I downloaded Adobe Air, both the rpm and the .bin versions. First I tried the rpm, it went through the motions of installing but just disappeared. then I tied the .bin, got tot the installer, accepted the license, entered my root password, but it stopped installing with "an error occurred. Adobe AIR could not be installed. Install either Gnome Keyring or KDE KWallet before installing Adobe AIR". I opened Kwallet and tried again, but to no avail. I am running OS11.4 64 bit. What can I do to get this thing working?

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Ubuntu :: Remove An Adobe Air App?

Jan 9, 2010

Does anybody know how too remove an Adobe Air app?

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Ubuntu :: Install Adobe Air On 10.04 64 Bit?

Jun 24, 2010

I want to install Adobe Air on Lucid Lynx 64 bit.

I read that Adobe Air only has a 32 bit version for Linux.

Since I have already installed some 32 bit apps on my system (Flash, WINE) I think I already have the required libraries/dependencies.

I downloaded Adobe Air's deb from its webpage http://get.adobe.com/air/ and then I
tried to install it with "sudo dpkg -i adobeair.deb"
but I got the error message code...

Please tell me how to install Adobe Air on Lucid Lynx 64 bit.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Adobe Acrobat Now On 10.10?

Oct 11, 2010

Where has the Adobe Acrobat (A.K.A acroread) been hidden? It was in the parters repository on Lucid.

Before that you could get it from Medibuntu.

Now I can't find it on 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Install Adobe Crashes

Feb 14, 2010

id like to start by saying im a linux, ive used it before but i dont have alot of experience using it. when i goto ..... it tells me i need adobe flash, when i goto install it the install crashes, install this or get ..... working, im pretty sure im not doing it right. i just installed ubuntu 9.10 and ran update manager to get up to date stuff but that is all ive done since installing it.

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Ubuntu :: Adobe AIR Proxy Authentication

Mar 10, 2010

I have an issue with Adobe AIR, which I use to run Tweetdeck. It keeps on asking me to authenticate for my proxy server - every time Tweetdeck tries to load someone's avatar, for instance, which is making it pretty unusable right now.

I'm not sure why it's doing this, other than that I've just upgraded to 9.10 (well, to Mint 8, actually, but I would think the issue is the same). I've got all my proxy settings working, and indeed AIR seems to be able to read the settings from somewhere (it autocompletes the authenticate box with the correct details), but it just doesn't seem to be able to authenticate once and then be done with it, like it had done previously.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Adobe Air Program

Jul 2, 2010

I want to remove a program installed in the opt file on the root directory. It is a program I installed with adobe air just to see if it worked. It does but now I don't know how to remove it.

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Pdf Creation Software?

Aug 15, 2010

Anybody know of a Linux version of Adobe Acrobat?

I've tried pdf creator which won't install and I've also tried the Open Office Draw sun-pdfimport plugin

Draw will create pdf files but only saves them in odf which is unreadable in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader..

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash In Mozilla ?

Aug 25, 2010

I tried to goto ..... and watch a video, it said i needed the adobe flash plugin, so i went and clicked install missing plugins, it come up with adobe flash plugin, but when i went to install it, it said it was already installed, and i couldnt re-install it, and no videos on ..... will work

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Install?

Sep 15, 2010

I have recently converted to Ubuntu, so I must mention now I am new to Ubuntu. The Ubuntu version I am running is 10.04 I was looking for ways to install Adobe Photoshop CS5, but when I try to run the Setup.exe with WINE, it runs the installing setup, but then after it loads the window closes and it doesn't do anything from that.

Is there any way to fix this at all? As I am starting to miss Photoshop. P.S. I know there is an alternative program such as GIMP, but it takes forever to do something in GIMP which it takes like 1 minute in Photoshop to do. If there is not a fix for this...is there a program that is like Photoshop, but not like GIMP?

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Is Uninstalled But Still Preferred?

Mar 3, 2011

I installed Adobe Reader from the repository, but didn't like it (it takes way to long to load a page evince does instantly).I've removed it with the package manager, purged it with apt-get, completely removed it with synaptic, and set the right click to always use evince; the thing is still the preferred program and double-clicking on a pdf still tries to use Adobe and fails every time. This is really annoying in that Chrome tries to use Adobe to open pdf files too, so now I have to open my download folder, right-click, click "open with", and click "document viewer" (all for something that used to take one click!)

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Ubuntu :: Get Adobe Flash Player On U11.04?

May 21, 2011

I'm an happy new user of Ubuntu 11.04, and I wasn't able to get Adobe Flash Player 10.XXX.normally released for Ubuntu versions up to 10.04. Anybody can help this newcomer to linux world?

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Flash Won't Install?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Mini.

Last week I ran the update that was available and now sites that require Adobe Flash won't run and request an install.

can't seem to get Adobe Flash loaded.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Pandora On Adobe Air?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm running 64-bit Natty Narwahl, and I'm trying to figure out how to get Pandora on Adobe Air. After enough searching I got Adobe Air to install, but I can't get it to install Pandora. It keeps telling me to try again or, if it keeps happening, contact the publisher. Also, I can't seem to understand if this is just Pandora One subscription that I can do this with, or if I can just use the non-subscription service with it.

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Ubuntu :: Download Adobe Flash

Apr 29, 2009

Ubuntu 9.04:After downloading Flash 10 and then try to Install Using package Installer I get an error that says Archive to available uess or something to that affect.

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General :: How To Download Adobe For Ubuntu?

Feb 22, 2010

i am very new to ubuntu and have limited comp knowledge... what do i do to download adobe flash player, im pretty sure i have 32-bit linux but i am still unsure of the process

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install Adobe Air And Tweetdeck

Jan 3, 2010

Today is my first day with ubuntu and I'm trying to figure out how to install Adobe Air and TweetDeck but can't get anything to work at all.

Is there a guide somewhere to do this with Ubuntu 9.1?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 9.10 No Adobe Flash For X86_64?

Jan 6, 2010

Have installed all of the flash plugins I can find but no Adobe Flash? Can't run video clips.

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Ubuntu :: What's The Deal On Adobe Flash Player

Jan 10, 2010

A couple of the sites I go to, very professional and legit sites, tell me I need Adobe flash player. Now that I don't run anything with Ubuntu other then a FW is this safe? What about "NoScript" for Firefox?

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Ubuntu :: Print Out PDF Docs Through Adobe Reader?

Mar 3, 2010

I have Adobe Acrobat installed in Ubuntu 9.10 and want to print out PDF docs through Adobe reader. I want to use 'Reader because it allows me to do multiple pages on one sheet. BUT Adobe does not let you print to file a PDF. HOW can I set that up.

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Ubuntu :: Install Script For Flash 64 Bit From Adobe

Mar 21, 2010

EDIT: This install is old...see the new post: [URL]

For those running the native alpha 64 bit Linux flash plugin from Adobe, I have updated Romeo-Adrian Cioaba's script to download the current update,

automating the use of the Adobe version of Flash for 64 bit Linux systems.

To run:

Download then cd to location where you saved the file (typically ~/Downloads) then:

chmod 700 native-64bit-flash-installer10.0.45.2.sh

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Air And Tweetdeck Suddenly Fails?

Apr 8, 2010

So I was happily using tweetdeck on Adobe Air in my Ubuntu 9.10 x64 installation when it suddenly stopped. It now reports a series of errors. First I get a pop up that says. "You are trying to connect to an unverified server s3.amazonaws.com (on port 443). Do you trust this server, and want to go ahead with the connection? - view certificate - This Session - Never"

Selecting any option makes no difference and takes me to the second error. "Ooops, TweetDeck can't find your data. TweetDeck is having trouble using some of your passwords that are stored securely on your machine. Clicking Submit will clear this data so that you continue to use TweetDeck. Please note that you will have to add your accounts to TweetDeeck again. - OK"

I then click OK many times. Eventually I get the third error; "Sorry, Adobe AIR is having a problem running on this computer. It looks like your computer is one of a very small number of computers that don't play well with Adobe AIR. We're actively working with Adobe on this, and it would really help us if you would let us know that you're having trouble by opening a ticket at http://support.tweetdeck.com/tickets/new - OK"

I then click OK many times and get a blank Tweetdeck. Nothing works. I can not setup an account or even load the settings pane. I can "close" it, but the icon in the top bar stays and I cannot remove it till I reboot. I've uninstalled tweetdeck. Then Adobe AIR. Then re-installed both and I get the same error.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Adobe Flash For AMD Architecture

Apr 25, 2010

I was just wondering if there is an alternative to Adobe Flash. I just checked the Software Center and it told me that "there is no version for your architecture". As everyone is well aware a lot of sites are Flash heavy. Anyone have a solution? I am running Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic on a Dell Dimension E521 with AMD Athlon X2 4200+.

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Ubuntu :: Is It Possible To Run Adobe Flash Version 9 In One Browser And 10 In Another?

May 12, 2010

I'm noticing some sites I go to work flawlessly in version 9, but flicker with version 10.Other sitese work great with version 10, and some sites need version 10, like Fancast and Hulu. Is it possible to have separate browsers, for example Firefox running version 9, and Chromium running 10?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Adobe Flash Player

May 21, 2010

i am running ubuntu 10.04 i installed ubuntu restricted extras, and i went on videos. although i can view the video, i can't click on pause, the volume controls, or seek through the video, or put it into fullscreen mode. i went into the software center and searched "adobe flash player", and it came up with adobe flash plugin 10. it doesn't have an "install" button on it, so i double-clicked it, and it said " sorry, 'adobe flash plugin 10' is not available for this type of computer (amd64)."

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