Networking :: WLI-TX4-G54HP Not Working With Ubuntu 11.04 Or Mint 10?

May 3, 2011

I have a network at home which is bridged with a WLI-TX4-G54HP.On the bridged segment there are 3 computers and a NAS, All the computers run Ubuntu 10.10 and have been happily working with this and other earlier versions of Ubuntu for a long time. I have just upgraded one of my machines (TEST) to Ubuntu 11.04 and have encountered a strange problem.The bridged section is connected via the Buffalo WLI-TX4-G54HP ethernet converter which in turn connects to the rest of the network through my wireless router a Buffalo WBMR-G300N.

Now after the upgrade the test machine had an IP address which it must have got from the via DHCP. but the test system will not connect across the bridge. I can ping anything this side of the bridge but cannot ping devices on the other side, including the gateway and vice versa. The other non upgraded PCs will ping across the bridge I tried to install Mint 10 and got exactly the same behaviour. I then got out my very long CAT5 cable and ran it from the switch directly to the wireless router and it works perfectly, this seems to me a perfectly valid work around, however, STMBO for some reason does not. (which is why the lan was bridged in the first place).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not Working In Mint 9 KDE?

Oct 28, 2010

I used to run Linux Mint GNOME on my laptop. There was never a problem. I'd connect my Desktop wireless adapter to it and then install the broadcom drivers with ease.

Today I decided to give KDE a try so I installed Linux Mint 9 KDE. All is fine except for the wireless drivers. I get this message in 'Hardware Drivers' window "Sorry, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log".

I have noticed that there are not as many Servers available in LM KDE as there are in Ubuntu. Could this be the problem? The drivers are actually not available to download?

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Graphics Card Not Working On Mint

Aug 24, 2010

I activated my graphics card on Linux Mint which is Nvidia GEFORCE GT 130M. Now when I boot up, after bios the loading screen looks like in the picture (sorry its crappy quality). When it gets to the login screen and afterwards it is just blank, but i can tell its running underneath because i can shut down by doing ctrl alt backspace and then tab and enter. I tried entering recovery mode but it was the same. Atm im using a live cd.

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Ubuntu :: Computer "File-Browser Not Working In Mint 7?

Oct 10, 2009

I loaded Linux Mint 7, Gloria, on an Emachine with a 120 gb HD, with 512K ram, dual booted with windows Vista. Re-partitioned the HD into 2 equal portions of 60gb, with 58gb for Mint and 2gb for swap. Got online and got all (>200) updates for Mint 7 Gloria. Mint comes up fine, but if I go to Menu>Computer (file-browser), nothing I click on works. No files will open, (clicking on the little triangles does not open that file).and I can't even close that "page" with the x-box in the upper right hand corner. Any thoughts? A friend thinks is could be the amount of memory (512) and says I should use Ubuntu because it requires less.

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General :: Mint Bootit Ng And Windows Xp Not Working

Jan 23, 2010

I am trying Linux with the mint cd rom install. I have two hard drives and bootit ng on hdo, with windows xp. I installed mint the first time on hd1 using the install cd. When I booted up I could run the linux but not the windows. I reinstalled bootit ng but had not luck. I reinstalled Linux again and this time tried to get it to install grub on a certain partition but still no luck. I reinstalled it again and this time disconnected hd0 and it worked again and I could run the linux with no problem. But when I connect hd0 I can boot windows but not linux. Bootit sees the other hard drive and can see all the partitions on it but every time I try to boot it just says the partition is not bootable.

I have fiddled with various settings and tried setting the embr and hard drive swap but nothing works. Bootit web site had some help pages that said to run grub from a bootable cd and then type grub> find /boot/grub/stage1. I have tried this but always get error code 15 file not found. grub> find /grub/stage1 same thing I install mint using the following partitions. /boot is about 300 megs. / is about 3 gigs and /home is 8 gigs and /swap is 1 gig. I feel that if some knew bootit ng then they could tell me what to do in five minutes. The hard drive is there and recognized and the partitions are there the system works but I just can not boot to it with out disconnecting the one hard drive

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Hardware :: Hp LaserJet P1007 Not Working On Linux Mint 9?

Sep 30, 2010

My HP Laserjet P1007 not functioning. I am using Linux Mint 9. As per the advise from linux Questions/Answer I deleted "server.crt" and "server.key" from ssl directory, and reinstalled by using "sudo /etc/init.d/cups start" command. Still my printer not working.

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Hardware :: RT2070L Usb Ethernet Mint 2.6.32-21-generic - Not Working

Sep 23, 2010

Got my cheap wireless adapter to work simply by doing this & nothing else.


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Software :: Get Japanese IME Working With SCIM Under Mint(Gloria)?

Jan 24, 2010

I have what seems to be an incomplete or incompletely configured configuration of SCIM on my Netbook running Linux Mint(Gloria).To tell the truth, I am not even sure SCIM is the best choice, since I see claims (in LQ forums) that SCIM has been discontinued, and I cannot connect to the SCIM website.So what I want to do is get SOME Japanese Input Method working under this installation of Gloria, for now, I presume SCIM is the right choice for its front end. But I am certainly open to other suggestions.But I must shrink from the idea of installing language support for all languages, which is what Control Center>Language Support seems to threaten to do: it is only a Netbook, I can't afford to waste that much space.

what I see is the above Control Center option, and one other that must be relevant: ControlCenter>SCIM Input MethodSetup. But I don't see any documentation for this, and the menu item names are vaguely suggestive of their functions, not descriptive. So I am quite unsure which of them I need to use to get it working. Is it true, for example, that SCIM itself does not include the Input Methods? I have to download a Japanese IME from somewhere else? Which one? Is that what Control Center>Language Support will do? What DO they mean by "Front end module"? Why does SCIM only recognize an English keyboard layout and a "RAW CODE" (in IM Engine Global Setup)? have Greek and Russian layouts enabled on this machine, too.So now that you have a pretty good idea how disorienting I find the current situation, please point me to something that will clear up the confusion and possibly even give a list of step-by-step directions for getting a Japanese IME working on this machine.

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Hardware :: Sound Shows Audio Working But Hearing No Volume Mint 8?

Feb 9, 2010

I am running Linux Mint 8. I try playing a video file.t plays but there is no audio and the ,movie player acts as if there was. How can I correct this

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General :: Wifi Device Isnt Working On Compaq Mini 110 - Mint 10

Mar 26, 2011

I am brand new to linux and i am finding it really frustrating cause i always thought i had quite a knack for computers. ive looked online and searched a bunch of stuff but because im so new to linux i am having a hard time even understand some of the stuff. i really want to get comfortable/fluent with linux and unix and what not.

My netbook model is HP Compaq Mini 110 the distribution i am using is Linux Mint 10

My broadcom wifi device isnt working or something.

When i first installed mint, it said that i needed non-free drivers?

The ethernet cable instantly gave me connection and i was able to run updates but the wifi still doesnt work i think the updates only updated the free ones and not the non-free ones cause i dont remember ever specifying to download the non free ones how do i manually specify to download all available updates?

I also typed:

The output says:

Also when i right click on the little network sign on the bottom right corner, then it says "Wireless Networks device not read (firmware missing)"

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General :: When Switching From Mint To Windows - 70% Of The Time My Wireless Stops Working

Feb 5, 2011

I am currently dual booting between Linux Mint 10, and Windows Vista SP2. Wireless works fine in both these OSes, but when I quit Mint and load Windows, 70% of the time my wireless stops working.

ie, it does not detect any wireless networks nearby, althought there are tons of them.

Restarting the wireless device doesnt help, I have to restart my computer at least 4 times for wireless to start working again.

And as of now, my wireless in Linux Mint has stopped working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Add A Software Source Server In Mint?

Oct 29, 2010

I have noticed that Linux Mint 9 does not have a 'Software Source' server for Ireland. This is odd since LM originates in Ireland.

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Networking :: Enabling Wireless In Mint?

May 23, 2011

i cannot connect to the internet wirlessly,only via eternet cable which works fine,it tells me my wirless is not enabled

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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files In Dual Boot( 10.04 And Mint)?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a dual boot ( Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint), but I spend most of my time in the Ubuntu 10.04 partition. The point is that I have a huge files in the Mint compartment and I would like to gain access to those files from my Ubuntu 10.04 partition. I have tried samba and could not get the file sharing system to work. I had used samba when I was dual booting between Ubuntu and Windows and it worked but not in my present Linux dual boot.

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General :: Wireless Networking - Use Mint To Act As A Router?

Oct 7, 2010

Can I use Mint as a Router service, similar to the service in Ubuntu (called: Router Advertisement Daemon?). Does Mint support this and what solutions are available for this?

Have dabbled in Linux very briefly, but almost no experience on how to install or find programs, so please explain in detail!

EDIT: I'm looking for something easy and simple, like what Virtual Router or Connectify does for Windows 7...

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Networking :: Iwconfig - No Wireless In Mint And Fedora

Mar 28, 2011

In our family we have an Eee PC / in Windows7 and openSUSE 11.4 everything is working. In Mint 10 Gnome 64 and 32 bit and Fedora 14 Gnome 32 bit we don t have wireless with persistent USB. iwconfig > no wireless and Networkmanager does not show wireless.

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Networking :: Mint 10 Ethernet Connection Gone Broadcom?

Mar 6, 2011

OS: Linux Mint 10 | Windows 7 Install Type: WUBI inside windows 7 Computer: HP Compaq Presario CQ56' Network: Realtek PCIe FE Family controller w/ Realtek 8102E chipset Problem in: Network Connection Issue: After I woke up my computer from Sleep, I lost ethernet. No connection. It told me that I had lost my connection. Why? Now, after several restarts, nothing.

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Networking :: Get USB Network Adapter To Work In Mint?

Dec 15, 2010

I used Several Distos, went to school up to Linux 225, but haven't used Linux for years. I have an older (P4, Win xp) laptop I use at the coffee shop. I want to put Linux Mint on it. I use a USB Adapter (Arilink101 AWLL6075) for Wi-Fi. I tried the live CD and, of course, USB Adapter doesn't work. In the half hour I looked at it, I realized I forgot a lot of things. I could not even find the laptop USB. Will tring to get it to work be the typical Linux thing, where you download the drivers, do the install right, and it doesn't work? You compile drivers, set everything up right, and it doesn't work?

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Connection Mint 8 - Won't Connect With My Wireless Router

Feb 12, 2010

I have just installed Linux Mint 8 to an Asus A6000. My problem is that the computer won't connect with my wireless router. I have tried with MAC-adress and such, but still no respons. I also tried to connect with a cable to my modem, but no response there either.

I think I may lack some drivers, to what I think is Broadcom b43, but I am not sure. I tried to download the drivers on my other computer, and transfered them to the Asus. I managed to install 2/4 drivers, but on the two others, I get this message "Failed to fetch ... Couldn't reach"

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Networking :: Reconfigure A Wired Etho Connection That Has Been Deleted In Mint 9

Jul 6, 2010

I've brought a friend over to linux from windows. He has some how deleted his "Wired Etho" connection. He said his computer would not shut down(Mint Linux 9), so he unplugged it. You guessed it right after restarting no internet. After checking under "Network Connection" his wired connection is gone. My question is? How to reconfigure a "Wired Etho" connection? He has a dsl connection running a Linksys router(sorry I don't know the model number). I have only talked with him on the phone, so I have not personally checked the system out. I just finished working on it this past sunday and everything was fine.

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Networking :: Get Wireless To Work On HP Compaq 6735s Laptop With Mint 9?

Aug 17, 2010

I cannot get wireless to work on my friends HP Compaq 6735s Laptop with Linux Mint 9. The wireless button is lit up. I can use my Desktop USB wireless adapter alright.

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Networking :: Automatically Connect Xbox Live On System Mint?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm using Linux mint and get Internet wirelessly from the router downstairs. i have xbox live and get Internet by following the instructions from this page:

but i cant seem to get the script file to run automatically or for the commands to run, so i have to run it everytime i want to connect to xbox live. is there anyway i can solve this?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet After Adding Mint To Boot Menu

Sep 28, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 onto my computer on top of Linux Mint. Originally I was using Mint's bootloader, but I'm ditching Mint soon for another OS so I'm migrating to Fedora's bootloader to make the transition easier. For a while I couldn't get Mint to appear on Fedora's Grub menu, but during that time I could still access the internet on Fedora. However, once I successfully added Mint to Fedora's grub menu, the wireless suddenly stopped working on Fedora (though it still works on Mint.) I can connect to the network on Fedora but it gives me the awesome "host does not exist" message when I try to ping anything. Any insight as to why this might have happened after I managed to successfully boot Mint from the Fedora boot menu?

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General :: Wireless Networking - Wi-Fi Connection Download Speed Is Cut In Half In Mint?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a pretty decent DSL connection that usually gave me about 105KB/second download speed over wifi. The "official" download speed was 1.5 megabits so I should have been getting a bit more, but that's not my question.

I recently switched to Mint from Ubuntu. Now my download speed is significantly slower, to the tune of 45 KB/second. Since the connection runs at normal speed when I connect via an ethernet cable, my guess is that mint doesn't give enough power to the wifi card. Is there any way I can fix that?

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Networking :: Mint Current Distro - Shut Off DHCP For A Wired Ethernet INC?

Apr 16, 2011

I recently did some troubleshooting on a USB wireless dongle hooked up to my Mint distro. I need the USB wireless to access a home DSL wireless modem out to the Internet. The wireless DSL is on

I also have a 10/100 ethernet NIC in the computer, for non-wireless connections. The wired ethernet is all I noticed in /var/log/syslog that there are numerous "DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67" messages.

Since eth0 has a hard-coded IP, I dunno why DHCP is trying deal with it. Can I turn off DHCP activity against eth0? How to do that?

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Fedora Installation :: Add Fedora To Mint Main, Mint KDE (from LiveCD)?

Jul 15, 2009

I started to install Fedora thinking I was just going to place it in the / and /home partitions I already have but the installer only seems to give me the option to use the whole disk.I have 3 / and 3 /home partitions 2 of each are occupied by Linux Mint and Mint KDE so I wanted to use the last / and /home for Fedora.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Suddenly Stopped Working AND Rfkill Command Not Working

Jul 13, 2011

When originally installing 11.04 I had problems getting my Ralink 5390 wireless card to work.

Today my computer froze completely and I had to turn it off via the power switch. When I turned it back on, wireless was no longer recognized! My iPod can connect to the network just fine, so it must be an Ubuntu problem. There are no problems with my ethernet connection either.

I researched this and found several threads about blocking and unblocking wireless devices using the rfkill command. Well, unfortunately for me the rfkill command doesn't work. When I type sudo rfkill list or sudo rfkill unblock all, nothing happens; it just returns me to my bash prompt. I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling rfkill...nothing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Internet Not Working Since Update / Wless Not Working

Jun 21, 2010

I have been looking around the forums searching for similar problems, it seems not only me had this problem. About a month ago I did a regular update via Upd Manager. The next day - no wired connection.Still managable, since the local library has wireless. Now that won't work either.Just after I upgraded from Jaunty, I accidentally removed NetwMngr from the top right corner of the screen, but that should not have anything to do with how the program works, right? I now cannot reach NM, if I run it from the terminal, nothing happens visibly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Internet Working But Evolution Mail And GTalk Not Working?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D530 Laptop (500 GB HDD). Installed Windows XP and then Ubuntu 10.10 to do dual boot. everything works fine in Windows XP.In Ubuntu 10.10 I had issues connecting to Internet(Through Wirelss), I was able to rectify this issue by dsiable ipv6 from firefox about:config and setting true to network.dns.disableIPv6. After this I was able to connect to internet and browse websites from Firefox.But I am having Issues with Evolution Mail(Connection Timed Out) and Google Talk Client(Connection Timed Out).Empathy Internet Messaging gets connected fine.I was wondering if I will have to disable IPv6 System wide and hence I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf

#disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Working On 10.04 32bit But Not Working On 10.04 64bit!

Jul 25, 2011

I had an Ubuntu Server 32 bit installation and everything was working fine. Now that I installed Ubuntu Server 64bit on a new drive in the same machine, the ethernet card is not working!! This is insane cause when I put the hard disk with the 32bit installation back and booting from it, the ethernet card is working without any problems but in the 64bits installation it is not shown at all using "ifconfig -a"

lspci output:


02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8151 v1.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

How can I check which module is being loaded in the 32bits installation to try to load it manually in the 64 bits installation?

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