Debian :: Pulseaudio Rtp Local And Remote Listeners

Mar 18, 2016

I am trying to stream audio from one machine to several others via pulseaudio.

Following a bit of digging, I configured the "sender" with:

load-module module-null-sink sink_name=rtp
load-module module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor rate=48000 channels=2 format=s16be

..and the "listeners" with: load-module module-rtp-recv

Then, playing on the sender, and using PulseAudio Volume Control /Playback to set "Null Output", my listeners all start working as expected. The outstanding problem is that the sender is silent - nothing from its speakers. Perhaps not surprising after the "Null" setting above.

Is it possible to stream like this and also listen on the sender at the same time -

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Fedora :: Pulseaudio - Access For All Local Users ?

Apr 8, 2010

This one made me scratch my head for a very long time

I want to give access to the sound device to all local users.

Currently only the user currently using the X11 system and root are able to use the sound hardware.

So it appears it's a problem of permissions but I couldn't figure where ...

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Pulseaudio Server On Multiple Computers In Local Network?

Dec 5, 2010

I will cut to the chase. I am running three ubuntu computers on my local network:my desktop which runs ethernet, and two laptops which run wireless on the same network, and all from the same router. For purpose of this thread, I am concentrating on this one issue with pulse(assuming its pulse doing this). When I have two computers running at the same time, or even all three, I can hear bursts of sound coming from the other computer, not all the time, but consistently. I don't know what is causing this. I've searched hi and low in all ubuntu pulse audio forums and those mentioning pulseaudio and I have not seen this issue posted anywhere. Most threads deal with issues of not being able to get pulse to recognise audio from one computer to the other...mine is just the opposite...I'M TRYING TO STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING!...... If I'm listening to my music on my desktop, I don't want to hear what my son is playing on his laptop...and vice versa. all the computers at my home are running lucid lynx, latest updates and latest approved kernel as of the date of this post. 2.6.32-26-generic.

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Fedora :: Make Pulseaudio Working In A Remote Desktop?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a PC installed with Fedora 11 and I want to use this machine headless as a music server, my amplifier is connected to this machine. After a normal installation I've changed the default runlevel from 5 to 3. I can connect from a client, using FreeNX, to this machine and I get a normal Gnome desktop. So far so good.

The problem is there is no sound. But when I log into the machine directly, still in runlevel 3 and execute the script /usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 an make a new remote-desktop connection there is music. Is there a way to make pulseaudio working in a remote desktop.

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General :: Bringing Up Oracle XE Listeners

Oct 23, 2010

Instead of using sudo to start the listener, first use su - oracle, then start the listener.

su - oracle
password: oracle
lsnrctl start LISTENER
lsnrctl status

I was then able to bring up the Oracle home page a few minutes later with: [URL]

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General :: Su -c "yum Remove Alsa-plugins-pulseaudio Pulseaudio" - Distribution With No Pulseaudio?

May 22, 2011

I've had nothing but trouble with Pulseaudio in Fedora 14. I had managed to get rid of it in Fedora 10 with the command: su -c "yum remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio pulseaudio" I just don't want to have to deal with Pulseaudio anymore. It does not like my sound card and gets in the way. Is there a Linux distribution that does not use Pulseaudio ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Remote Desktop Access "Your Desktop Is Only Reachable Over The Local Network. Others Can Access Your Computer Using The Address Or Tabatha.local"

Feb 19, 2010

Running Ubuntu 9.10. In the Remote Desktop config dialog I get: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address or tabatha.local." I understand this means only the loopback ip address is available. All my other machines show their true local ip address (e.g., in this dialog. Thus I cannot log on to this desktop from other machines.

When I try to do a remote logon from another Ubuntu 9.10 box (or from an XP box using a VNC viewer), I get: "Connection to has been closed." What steps are needed to make this machine show its actual ip address? All file sharing between the various machines is working properly and all windows shares back and forth between XP and 'nix, and among the the vaious XP boxes and linux boxes are available as designed.

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General :: Why Can't 'scp' From Remote To Local Host

May 31, 2011

I am having difficulty sending files from a remote machine to local one using

. It is working the other way however. local > remote. I am using the verbose options


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Software :: Rsync From Remote To Local?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to rsync a folder(and all subfolders) down to a local directory, upon completion I'd like the remote folder to be deleted.

What I've come up with is

rsync -rvtW --remove-sent-files -e ssh /local/folder

What this is doing is simply wiping the remote files within folders(not the folders themselves) and not actually syncing anything down to my local folder(as in no files at all on my /local/folder)

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Programming :: SSH Remote To Local Chat?

Nov 14, 2010

I have the need to SSH into a Slackware 12 box to provide remote support. I got this, but it doesn't provide for a real 2-way communication.

while : ;
do read -p "Enter text to Local: " TXT ;
DISPLAY=:0 Kdialog --inputbox "$TXT" ;

So this loops and all, but it doesn't have a history and I have to wait for a return from the Local operator. If the operator has changed focus I can be waiting all day for a response and I would have to start another session to post a second comment.

What is nice is that it's small and I can create the .sh when I remote in.

-----Update since I started

I now have two scripts to take over from the first one. I have to have 4 SSH running to get this to work.

1 SSH to move(archive) and create a chat.txt; it also fires off a .sh that fires off a console that tails a chat.txt so the operator can see the chat history
2nd SSH to fire off a .sh that loops a Local kdialog input box that appends the chat.txt 3rd SSH to tail -f the chat.txt file on the remote so I can see the chat history 4th SSH to loop a read -p on the SSH so I can append the chat.txt

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General :: FTP From Remote Host To Local System?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using Windows XP. I'm connecting to a UNIX box using putty SHH(ksh). Now I want to copy a text file present in remote host to my local system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Remote Desktop Only Allows Local?

Jul 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 (fresh install) and it is my work computer/Server and i'd like access to this PC from my home. But with Remote Desktop it only says i can do local.

I've look around and opened up port 5900 in my router. Set this IP to to static and forwarded the port to this computer.

I've read that unchecking the "configure network automatically to accept connections" as it seems to cause an issue in ports i've read. Still nothing.

Here is a screen cap of my settings

Uploaded with

How can i allow access from my Windows Based PC to this computer over the internet?

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Ubuntu :: Is Remote Development Over VNC Using Local Devices Possible

May 12, 2011

I'm looking to convert my HTPC into a remote android dev server for my girlfriend and myself, however I want to make sure that it is possible to do what I am looking to do.Is it possible to map local devices to the VNC server (such as an android phone) so that we can work on development over VNC with phones we have on our client computers? I know its a trivial matter to map local drives over VNC, but what about non-HD devices, can I still maintain full functionality as if the device itself was plugged directly into the server?'ll be installing ubuntu again this weekend, never got around to it after my last HD failure.

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General :: Redirect Output From Remote To Local?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm doing some commands on a remote server (using ssh to log on to the remote server, did a ssh key swap), how do i redirect the output of a command back to the local server ?the person who helps me out is my HERO i'm really stuck on this and it would bring me a lot further if i get this to work

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Server :: Local And Remote Paths On .htaccess?

Oct 15, 2010

As many developers probably do, I have a Windows based machine on which I run XAMPP locally to test my code and a Linux machine with Fedora as my remote server.As I sometimes use .htaccess as a way to authenticate some parts of the website, I end up having two .htaccess files: one with the local path (something line D:My_Webs) and one with my remote path (something like /var/www/html/) to the password file.I have searched high and low, but I cannot seem to find any trick so that I only have to maintain one version of the .htaccess file which can work on both Linux and on Windows machines.

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CentOS 5 :: Enable 5.5 For Remote-to-local X Display

Sep 1, 2011

my local box is centos 5.5 running gnome.

I have a eucalyptus instance (vm) running an older version of centos (5.3?). As a vm it has no graphical display. I'd like to run a graphical app there so that it displays back on my local machine.

Used xhost locally and it shows the remote IP (eucalyptus instance) as enabled. On the remote side (eucalyptus instance) I set DISPLAY with:

export DISPLAY xx.xx.xx.xx:0.0

where xx.xx.xx.xx is my local ip address. Oh, I did install X in the vm instance (yum groupinstall "X Window System"). X is installed but not running there (does the point of origin of the x app need to have X running as well - and what does this mean in a vm which is a non-graphicla environment?).

Anyway, I try to run (from remote to local) xclock and get the typical

Error: Can't open display.

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General :: Sync Local And Remote Directories Using Rsync?

Jul 14, 2010

I have two linux box that i would like to keep in sync. I see option -avz syncs the remote with local but new local files are not pushed.

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General :: Transfer File From Local Mac To Remote Machine

Aug 12, 2010

How do you transfer a file from a local Mac to a remote Linux machine

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General :: Transfer Files From Remote To Local Machine Using SSH?

Jun 28, 2011

I have a Ubuntu server hosted on Amazon EC2. I need to create an automated backup scheme so I created another Ubuntu instance on my local network which is hosted in a virtual environment. I managed to transfer the necessary files between 2 machines on the same network using the rsync command:

rsync -azvv -e ssh /home/path/folder1/ remoteuser@remotehost.remotedomain:/home/path/folder2

How can I do the same thing but transferring files from my Amazon server to my local server? Is there a way I can achieve this with port forwarding, or by VPN, or anything else? It doesn't have to be rsync. If you know about a better method, kindly let me know.

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Ubuntu :: Mirror Remote Server To Local Folder?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a remote drive mounted on my system(ubuntu 10.04 x64), and i have the contents of that drive backed up to dropbox. the problem is, if i unmount the drive, the files disappear from dropbox. is there a way to mirror the contents of the network drive to a localfolder(preferably in such a way that all changes and file deletions are changed on the local folder instantly, but unmounting doesn't delete it all)? It looks like rsync would work, but im not sure how to make it work.

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Ubuntu :: Script To Pull Data From Remote To Local

Jul 1, 2011

I want to have a script that pull db from remote server to my local. Beside that the filename should contain current date the time the db was dumped.

Ex: getdb databaseName

Then the filename should be like this:

So basically I have an archive of DB. Similar to this I need also a script that pull directory from remote to my local.

Ex: getdir htdocs

Then the filename should be like this:

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General :: Ssh Login Without Password From Local To Remote And Further To Another Remove?

Apr 15, 2011

I know I can ssh login without password from a local to a remote. My question is how I can ssh without password from the remote to another remote. Say, I have three machines: A, B, C where A is the local machine. I use the same private/public key pair for all the login. What I can do are:

1. ssh from A to B.

2. ssh from A to C.

3. If I am sitting in the computer B (or B is local), then I can ssh from B to C.

What I am not able to do is:

After I ssh from A to B, I cannot ssh from the B to C. When I try to ssh from B to C, it asks me a passphrase.

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General :: Move A Process From One Shell To Another (local To Remote)?

Jan 28, 2010

Is is possible to move a process from one shell to another (local to remote)


if &
[1]- Running &

was started on one remote shell is it possible to move it to the foreground on another shell as root or another user?

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General :: Copying Files From Remote Server To Local?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a problem while copying files from a remote computer to my local one using the scp command. I am sure that I am using it correctly, please check it below:
---> scp .
What I get in return (instead of the statement saying 100% of file copied) is:
On this machine the G4SYSTEM=Linux-g++

The interesting point is that the above returned statement is one of the Environment variables set on both the machines that are necessary to work with a toolkit called Geant4. Here is what I get when I type 'printenv | grep G4' just to show you (note the statement in bold):
The other thing that I would like to mention is that these Geant4 Env. Variables are loaded each time a new (bash) shell is started as a result of the bash login script.

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Security :: Use Different PAM Modules Depending On Local/remote Access?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm using a fingerprint reader on my laptop, works pretty well:

$sudo echo hi
Please swipe your finger:
[swipe finger here of course]


Like I said, it works nicely... until I try to SSH in and sudo something remotely, when it will ask me kindly to swipe my finger over the reader that's attached to the laptop which is on my desk at home thirty kilometres away. Naturally there's no method built into pam_fprint to abort via a keypress.

So, is there any way to tell PAM to only use certain modules if I'm in a locally logged in session?

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Programming :: GIT - Remote Repository Moved - How To Tell My Local Repo To Use The New One

Jan 12, 2010

I have a local git repository that pushes to a remote repository. That remote repository moved to a new server. How do I make "git push" and "git pull" push/pull to/from the new repo?

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Slackware :: Control Local X Session From Remote Computer?

Dec 31, 2010

I have a slack 64 13.1 box, that I want to be able to control the monitor of from my laptop. Here's the scenario: I can already control the music remotely via X forwarding banshee to my laptop (banshee shows up on the laptop and music comes out on the desktop). Now I want to be able to open a movie on the desktop's display via the laptop.

Now googling this comes up with solutions for X forwarding, but I don't want it to forward X I want it to display on the desktop.

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CentOS 5 :: Syslog-ng Remote Clients But No Local Logs?

May 13, 2010

I installed syslog-ng so I can receive remote logs. this is working however since I disabled syslog on my syslog-ng server I am not logging in /var/log/messages cron and some others.locally)I know this is because my syslog-ng.conf only references remote and not local.How can I edit the syslog-ng.conf file so that I can receive remote and local? I tried this however when adding in portions of the default config, I only receive local and not remote logs anymore. I am forwarding my config.

# syslog-ng configuration file.
# This should behave pretty much like the original syslog on RedHat. But


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OpenSUSE :: Export Remote X To Local Dedicated Virtual Terminal (VT)

Apr 20, 2011

I have a "remote" server and I want to have it's X exported to my "local" laptop. Preferably, it gets done automatically from boot. I know that virtual terminals 1-6 are all text terminals and 7 is the local X. How can I get my laptop to automatically create a virtual terminal on 12 that's dedicated to receiving the X display from the server?

I know how to get it over SSH/putty. And also how to stop the local and restart the X client on 7 to use the remote. But one of the beauties of Linux is the automation and multi-user environment. It's essentially going to act as a KVM with gui replacement over IP.

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General :: Need To Synchronize Local And Remote Directories In Real Time

May 18, 2010

I'd like to have a copy of a web site on my local drive. Then when I make changes to that copy, have those changes automatically updated on the site's server. Ideally I'd like to tell it to only do this for certain file types. Does anybody know of a way to do this with Linux?

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