Hardware :: Can't Print Fedora To A Vista Shared HP Printer

Mar 25, 2010

my 64 bit XP/fedora 12 box prints fine to a shared printer when I am in XP. The HP color lasterjet CP1215 printer is hosted by a 32 bit vista machine. I can located the printer on the network from Fedora 12 using the add a pinter utility, but I cannot print. I get no error message on the linux machine, but the "submitted " dialog box never goes away (not sure if it is supposed to go away). On the vista machine in the printers dialog box it says "remote downlevel document" in the document name section and "0kb" in the size section, then goes away. the printer does not make any noise.

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Fedora :: Print To A Windows Shared Printer?

Oct 21, 2010

Yesterday I installed FC13.i636, Gnome 2.30.0, on my Dell Latitude D505 laptop. Fresh install from live CD, single partition. Installed all 400+ recommended updates last night. System is working *very* smoothly.I want to print (wireless connection) to my Canon MP160 printer, which is attached to my WinXP machine, and is set as a Shared printer in WinXP. I can print to it fine with my iBook.I used the System/Admin/Printing app to set up a networked printer, letting the app "find" the printer. Printer now shows in the app as:


I choose the appropriate driver and tried a test page. Test page job results in queue showing job "processing" but nothing comes from printer, even ten minutes later. Printer properties show:

Printer state: Idle - /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd failed

How do I fix the "failed" problem?

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Print To Shared Windows Printer From Fedora

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to set up printing on my Fedora 14 laptop, on my home network.


- Home network, single subnet, the desktops are connected to the switch portion of my Linksys via Ethernet and all have static addresses. Name resolution between them is via hosts file entries. The router is running wireless (WPA2/AES/DHCP) to accommodate my laptop which is dual boot XP Pro and Linux Fedora 14.

- The printer is an HP Deskjet F4180 printer. It is attached via USB to a Windows XP Pro box and shared. The XP box is wired and static ip.

- I am able to see all the shares and print to the shared printer from any of the Windows boxes, wired and wireless, including my laptop when I run Windows on it.

- My Fedora 14 is working fine on wireless, using Network Manager and KDE desktop. I am able to access all the Windows shares on both of my wired desktops. One desktop is XP Pro, the other is Windows 7.

This is what happens when I try to set up printing on Fedora:

- I go to Administration / Printing and click to Add a Printer.
- I am prompted for the root password twice, which I put in.
- I select Network Printer / Windows printer via samba and click on Browse...
- It finds my WORKGROOUP and machine name mig29 and prompts for user ID and password which I type in.


the user ID and logon on Fedora is different from the one on Windows. During setup I am prompted for credentials. It seems to me that somewhere down the line Fedora supplies not the credentials I supply but my local user ID and password and it obviously fails.

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Ubuntu :: Print To LaserJet Shared By Vista Machine?

Nov 9, 2010

My LaserJet is connected to an old desktop machine that has it shared. The configuration on that desktop is correct, since I have been printing through it from other Windows machines for a long time (and it still works now).

I recently started dual-booting Ubuntu 10.10 on my otherwise Windows laptop, and I've gotten everything basically working how I like it, except that I can't get connected to that printer.

The Vista machine is at IP address, and the printer is shared as LaserJet. It's set up with workgroup MSHOME.

When I go to add a printer in Ubuntu, I click the Browse button under "SMB Printer," and I see the MSHOME workgroup, but when I try to expand it, there's nothing inside.

If I try to type in the address directly (smb://, the Verify button tells me "Print Share Inaccessible, Connection timed out." Note that I can ping fine. I can continue through the rest of the wizard, but I obviously can't print anything out after I finish the setup, since the connection is failing for some reason.

There is no username or password required to see the shared printer.

Any idea what could be going on here? I'm kind of at wit's end here, and I'd love to be able to ditch Windows--with the obvious exception of Starcraft II, of course

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Software :: CUPS Installation / Shared Printer And Not Able To Access Shared Printer From Any Of Fedora Machine?

Jul 21, 2010

Installed fedora/configued samba, shared printer and i am not able to access shared printer from any of the fedora machine. I am able to access the printer /shared folder from windows machine. I dont know the process of cups installation.

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Server :: Shared Printer Does Not Print

Jun 26, 2009

A few months ago a client had me build a small file server running OpenSuse for them. They also had me install an HP Designjet 650C on the server and share it on the network for 2 desktops to print to. All went well and there have been zero problems. They use a few specialty apps that don't have good enough FOSS counterparts, so I couldn't talk them into switching the desktops to Linux, although they were very interested in it. One of the desktops runs Vista and has an XP Pro VM on it (they are considering a Linux VM to go with it so they can dip their toes in the water). There was a locally installed HP OfficeJet 5610 on the machine, but printing from the XP VM was a hassle because they had to tell virtualbox to pass the usb interface to the VM, effectively disabling it in Vista. Then to print in Vista again they had to release the interface back to the host OS. The other desktop (running XP) was also unable to print to it. They asked me to install the 5610 on the server and share it like I did the 650C.

Installing it on the server was easy. I just plugged it in and checked to make sure everything was neat and tidy in YaST. It printed flawlessly. I configured the share identically to the way I shared the 650C. I browsed the network from Vista, found the printer, and installed it using Vista's native driver. Then I sent a print to it from Vista and nothing happened. Vista is very slow to communicate with the printer compared to the 650C, but it will eventually report that the print job was successful. The printer never receives the print, though. Where are the print jobs going? The VM and other desktop are as big of a problem. XP does not natively support the 5610, so I have to download a driver from HP's site. The driver uses a stupid binary installer that will not allow the driver to be manually installed. Running the installer works, but the driver will not install until it sees the printer in a usb port. That won't work because we are connecting to it over a network path. Where can I find a driver that can be manually installed?

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Ubuntu :: Set Up The Printer On The Vista Laptop To Print Through My Box

Feb 17, 2011

My question is that i have a laptop with windows vista on it and my main box ubuntu 10.04.

I know there is a way to set up the printer on the vista laptop to print through my box.

I remember part of it, something like :640/my printers/linux printer/hp?

Also how do i set up the linux box to allow the vista machine see the printer?

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Networking :: Vista Printer Will Not Print From Network

Sep 8, 2009

I'm using Slackware64 13.0 on a laptop. I've set up the network printer which lives on a Windows Vista machine (not my choice) in the family room. I am able to send print jobs to the printer. That part works fine, but the printer does not print. It simply stacks up print jobs with "error - printing" in the status of the first print job.I think I understand what's happening. I'm sending the print jobs to the print server as "Guest" and I have no guest account activated on the vista machine. I'm sitting here racking my brain (ie googling my goddamn fingers into stumps) trying to figure out how to send the jobs to the print server as indubitableness.

For the goddamn life of me I can't figure out what I need to do to send these print jobs as a specific user. I've tried adding "valid users = indubitableness" to smb.conf and I've tried using the -U flag when running lpadmin to add the printer to my system in the first place.The configuration wizard for windows doesn't appear to have any options to enable guest access or to add a specific remote location and/or user to the allow list.I'm at a loss and I'm losing my goddamn mind.

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Networking :: Using Samba For Connecting To Vista Shared Printer

May 24, 2009

I'm trying to set up a Samba printer in Debian linux. The printer is being shared by a computer running windows vista. Some of the information I've got in the process. Sharing seems to be working, the printer seems to be detected and authenticating (I've tried invalid values and the utility I'm using to set things up says it cannot verify when I use invalid values, but with things as they are it claims everything checks out).

When I go into CUPS it says it detects the printer and everything is working. However, printing a test page causes the job to be immediately complete and nothing happens. It seems that the job is getting lost somewhere in the process. Could it be a firewall issue? I feel like the right ports must be unblocked since I can query the computer and verify the printer, etc. I have a laptop with vista which I installed a printer on and was able to print to that computer just fine. So it doesn't seem to be a Vista thing.

Domain=[OFFICECOMPUTER] OS=[Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium 6000] Server=[Windows Vista (TM) Home Premium 6.0]
Sharename Type Comment
--------- ---- -------
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
D$ Disk Default share
HP Deskjet D1500 series Printer HP Deskjet D1500 series
print$ Disk Printer Drivers
session request to failed (Called name not present)
session request to 192 failed (Called name not present)
session request to *SMBSERVER failed (Called name not present)
NetBIOS over TCP disabled -- no workgroup available

OfficePrinter (Default Printer) Description: Location:
Printer Driver: HP Deskjet d1500 Series hpijs, hpijs 3.9.2
Printer State: idle, accepting jobs, published.
Device URI: smb:///

ID* Name* User* Size* Pages* State* Control*
OfficePrinter-6* Test Page* anonymous* 17k* Unknown* completed at
Sat 23 May 2009 08:28:39 PM CDT

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Ubuntu :: Cant Print To Windows Shared Printer , Authentication?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a windows 2008 server that has 2 printers attached, both are shared in the same way with the same access rites. One printer I can print to without any issues, I get prompted for my domain username and password then the job is processed, the other I can't print to. When printing a test page cups just ques the job and I get errors in the logs :

E [08/Aug/2011:16:44:39 +1200] [Job 12] Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
E [08/Aug/2011:16:44:39 +1200] [Job 12] Session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
E [08/Aug/2011:16:44:39 +1200] [Job 12] Tree connect failed (NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME)


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CentOS 5 Server :: CUPS Shared Printer Wont Print If Printed From MS DOS?

Apr 1, 2009

My setup is like this: i have a small office network and i bought yesterday a new multifunctional printer Samsung SCX-4521F. It is shared with samba and connected to the server with USB. In the network everyhing works well, users can log on to the domain, print from windows to the new shared Samsung printer and i even managed to enable network scannin. But when i try to print from MS DOS i wont get a single page. We have an accounting program in dos. All the other computers are XP Pro SP3. My server is running for 2 weeks the newest CentOS with all updates. I'v maped the network printer in windows witht the command "net use LPT1 \ServerSCX-4521F. I get a message that maping was completed succesfully. If i start a print job nothing happens. "Printing" or "warming up" flashes several times on the printer and thats it.

CUPS error log:
I [02/Apr/2009:00:03:45 +0300] Adding start banner page "none" to job 125.
I [02/Apr/2009:00:03:45 +0300] Adding end banner page "none" to job 125.


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Fedora Networking :: How To Print Through Another PC Running Vista

May 23, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to make my computer use my network in order to print thru. Another PC, (running windows vista) I know that the printer works, that I can print from another computer (because I have done it using windows XP) but I can't figure out how to print with fedora over my network.

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Fedora Networking :: Print From Windows Vista Computer?

Feb 16, 2011

I have Fedora 14 server with installed cups, samba and shared printer. I am trying to print from Windows Vista computer. Printer is available via network, test page is printing as well as any text document. The problem is in printing of dvi and pdf files only. In this case, Windows sends printing task but the printer does not response. How can I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Canon Mp470 Printer - 10.10 - Able To Print Black And White But Unable To Print Photos

Dec 26, 2010

My wife has a canon MP470 printer and running ubuntu 10.10. I am able to print black and white, but unable to print photos. I got it to work using another driver, but not the 'correct' one for this printer. I have searched a bit and don't see anything about ubuntu 10.10, just older versions. Or should I just network her to my printer....?

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Fedora :: KDE Print Manager In F15 - Printer May Not Be Connected

May 30, 2011

I have a rather ancient HP LaserJet printer that was working fine in fedora 14, but when I upgraded to Fedora 15, I can no longer get this printer to work. The printer's front panel reads "LaserJet 5P", but when I print out a test page, it's a "LaserJet 5MP". The printer is connected to my computer's parallel port, and it's capable of understanding PostScript, and I usually don't have any problems printing to it under various operating systems.

The following error comes and goes under the KDE print manager:
"Printer 'LaserJet_5P' may not be connected."
CUPS reports the following printer state:
"Processing - Printer not connected; will retry in 30 seconds..."

I have double-checked that my printer is indeed powered on and connected. And the following lines appear in the error log:
W [29/May/2011:18:03:02 -0700] no access to /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc
W [29/May/2011:18:03:02 -0700] no access to /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/sRGB Profile.icc
W [29/May/2011:18:03:02 -0700] no access to /System/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Generic CMYK Profile.icc
W [29/May/2011:18:03:02 -0700] failed to CreateProfile: org.freedesktop.ColorManager.Failed:profile object path '/org/freedesktop/ColorManager/profiles/LaserJet_5P_Gray__' already exists .....

The first three warnings are regarding file paths that one would expect in an Apple OSX system. The "bad request" error is troublesome, because it indicates that either my browser or some configuration software on my system is sending garbage to CUPS. The last two errors occurred when I tried to use the KDE print configuration tool, which was not smart enough to ask me for the root password, which CUPS needs. By the way, the device URI is "parallel:/dev/lp0". Is this still the correct URI?

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Fedora Hardware :: Dell 3110cn Printer With Fedora 14 X64 / Unable To Print?

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to connect to a network printer Dell 3110cn from Fedora 14 x64. Till a few days ago, everything was fine. However, over the last few days, I am unable to print anything using my old settings and I am unable to print even if I delete the printer and reinstall it.

During setup, Fedora is able to connect to the printer and I am able to install the drivers and everything. But, when I print something (even the test page), I get the error message
"Unable to write print data - Broken pipe'.

I have searched online quite a bit about this problem. Most suggestions were to look if the printer status was "Idle - Ready/Accepting Jobs" since the problem in those cases was that the printer status was "Printer not ready". But in my case, the printer is recognized but unable to print.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Connect To Win XP Shared Files And Printer?

Apr 24, 2009

I have just got my network to work on Fedora, and now I have run into an new problem... I can't access any shared files or printers. The computer that has the printer and the files I want to access runs windows XP Home edition, and when I boot into XP on my machine, I can access the files and printer. Can this be fixed, or is Fedora incompatable with Windows XP in this case?

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Fedora Networking :: Net Worked HP Printer Will Not Print-broken Pipe

Apr 10, 2009

my net worked HP printer will not print-broken pipe - this started after I had to switch off the printer at the mains in order to attend to a paper jam. Now it will not print apart from a test page. I am using Fedora 10 and the device info is "hp:/net/Officejet_Pro_L7500?ip="

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Fedora Servers :: Print From Windows 7 To CUPS Printer Is Slow?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a FC12 machine installed with CUPS and a CUPS-PDF printer. Printer are shared and works fine with this URL:


I have both client machine Windows XP and Windows 7. Both has setup the above printer and print fine without any problem. I can get the PDF file from windows test print. The only problem is I face is wait for around 20 seconds for printer dialog prompt out when I press print button in Windows 7. However, my windows XP never t have this problem. The printer dialog prompt out immediately when I press print button.

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Fedora Hardware :: Canon S100 Printer Doesn't Print

Sep 6, 2010

F13 showing that Canon s100 printer is founded, installed drivers and everything seems to be OK. But when i try to print text, testpage of what ever, nothing happened. Installed system-config-printer 1.2.4-1.f13, same udev and libs. Cups 1:, libraries, php modules Here is the Error msg:


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Fedora Hardware :: Cannot Print One Page From Front Panel Of Printer

Mar 9, 2011

I am using F14 Laughlin on my laptop HP Compaq6715b AMD turion 64x2. Installation went fine, only problem is with printer LQ680 24pin series. It is not a real problem that printer want print, it just want print 10 or 15 or 20 pages from tractor bin. I get message: '/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoepson failed. It stopped printing after every page, send message, I have to cancel error message, then I can print again. All this is happened if I try to print one by one page from front of printer, I just have to print page with command <ctrl>P.

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Fedora Hardware :: Brother AIO Printer Will Not Print Test Page

May 24, 2011

I've recently installed F15 LXDE RC from the livecd and connected my USB Brother All-In-One MFC-5440cn printer. After following the Brother installation page, the Cups & LPR drivers are installed but when I'm in the cups page (http://localhost:631/admin), the printer will not print a test page or print from any application. The LCD panel on the printer does show 'receiving data' but nothing comes out. The last version of Fedora I had running was F13 and the same printer worked fine.

Are there any other printer drivers I need to install besides the Brothers? The printer does show up in the Print Manager but nothing prints. I did have this same type of issue with Mageia Beta 1 and ended up installing a2ps, which wasn't included in the original print drivers, and it is now printing. So I had to install a2ps with F15 but still no print output. Something must have changed with the recent distros causing this. After looking at the output of dmesg I see this:

WARNING! power/level is deprecated; use power/control instead
[14.867397] udev-configure-printer[587]: add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.2/usb1/1-3/1-3.2/1-3.2:1.0
[14.867991] udev-configure-printer[587]: parent devpath is /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.2/usb1/1-3/1-3.2
[14.869115] udev-configure-printer[587]: Device vendor/product is 04F9:016D
[14.880470] udev-configure-printer[587]: MFG:Brother MDL:MFC-5440CN SERN:- serial:BROM5F412304
[14.880520] usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
[15.902920] udev-configure-printer[587]: failed to connect to CUPS server; giving up .....

Any idea why it's failing to connect to Cups or any idea how to find out? Is it possible to have too many USB devices connected? I'm using a 4 port usb hub in use and also using a usb mouse/keyboard connected.

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Fedora Hardware :: Print To A Printer That Is Connected To A Router Wirelessly?

Jul 17, 2011

Linux and I have trying to get my Fedora 15 (x86 64bit) on my laptop to print to an Epson Stylus NX515 printer/scanner. I have the printer connected to a router through a wireless connection. I have other computers that are on the network that are Windows based and they of course are printing/Scanning just fine. The printer is located in a different room. I have been searching for a solution but non that explains how to install a printer driver for one that is connected to a router wirelessly.

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Fedora :: Printing From A Samba Printer Error Test Page Failed To Print

Jul 20, 2009

I have a FC11 box, with an HP prineter attached. I trying to print from my laptops after I have setup samba and shared the printer , It was working fine when I was installing FC4 and FC5. I am not sure what is missing. when I tried to print from the XP box I got "Test pge failed to print" error.

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Ubuntu :: Printing - Print Job Shows The Printer Status As "idle" And The Print Queue Is Empty

Jul 15, 2011

Our one remaining problem seems to be printing. She has an HP OfficeJet 6500 USB printer. We have the computer conntected. Strangely, when I boot from the CD the printer shows up as installed even though I did nothing to install it. After having submitted a print job it shows the printer status as "idle" and the print queue is empty. I tried deleting that printer and re-installing. The installation went as one would expect. However the results are the same. I'm beginning to think that somehow the problem is related to the fact that we are operating from the live CD. getting this thing to print from the live CD.

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Ubuntu :: Print From Vista Partition But Not From 11.04?

Jul 18, 2011

Bottom line: I was able to print to a network printer before. Now I can't. I can print from my Vista partition, but not from 11.04.

Level of Linux experience: Like listening to a conversation between a Brit and an American.


(1) HardwareDual boot on Dell Inspiron 530 (11.04 and Vista)iomega print server GPSU21hp Office Jet 5610 All-in-One(2) Test page: pdf file from a usb drive; other test pages produce same results

Installation of network printer:

I followed what I believe to be standard procedure: Using the Unity interface, I opened up the Printing application. I then clicked "Add". Then "Network Printer", then "Find Network Printer". I typed in the Host (; static assignment made while in Vista via iomega's software). Then it searches. It fills in its own blanks thus: Under the heading "Devices" > "Network Printer" it says, "JetDirect ( (". In the panel on the right it says, "Host:", then, "Queue: ipp". I click "Verify..." and an error message pops up that says, "Inaccessible The print share is not accessible"

If I proceed forward, I can install drivers, but nothing will ever print. Following procedure, I click to print a test page. The job is sent to the queue and then I get this Printer State message: "Stopped - Destination printer does not exist!"

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Fedora :: Load A Print Driver And Network Driver For An MX860 Printer?

Apr 15, 2010

This is my first attempt with Yum and Fedora for that matter. I need to load a print driver and network driver for an MX860 printer. I downloaded the drivers and they are in the download folder. When I try to install I get what is below. How do I resolve? Do I need to identify where the driver is? If so, how?

[compaq@compaq ~]$ su -c'yum install cnijfilter-mx860series-3.10-1-i386-rpm.tar.gz'
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
updates/metalink | 15 kB 00:00
Setting up Install Process
No package cnijfilter-mx860series-3.10-1-i386-rpm.tar.gz available.
Nothing to do
[compaq@compaq ~]$

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Networking :: Network Printing - Can't Print From Vista

Nov 7, 2010

I'm running Mint 9 as my main network and my wifes Acer Aspire 5610 running Windows vista. My problem is that I can't print from vista. It prints a test page just fine but when I tell it to actually print a document, the status says: "Access denied, unable to connect" I have 2 printers connected and they installed fine in Vista one is a HP LaserJet 2100 series and the other is an HP Photosmart C5280. Like i said, they both print the teat page just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Samba 9.10 - Cannot Print Or Browse To Shared Drives From IMac

Feb 4, 2010

I had a box running 9.04 that I upgraded to 9.10 and I cannot print or browse to shared drives from my iMac. I have several other Macs and PCs that work fine. This was the first that I setup to print on 9.04. I have attempted everything that I can find including installing in CUPS, using the ip address, etc. I can browse to workgroup and I see the computer but when I try to use either USERID guest or userid/passwd - I get no response.

I looked in the /var/log/samba for this computer and here is what I am getting for an attempt:
[2010/02/04 12:09:08, 1] ../librpc/ndr/ndr.c:374(ndr_pull_error)
ndr_pull_error(11): ndr_pull_advance by 469762046 failed
[2010/02/04 12:09:08, 1] ../librpc/ndr/ndr.c:374(ndr_pull_error)
ndr_pull_error(11): Pull bytes 2
[2010/02/04 12:09:08, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:2332(api_rpcTNP)
api_rpcTNP: srvsvc: SRVSVC_NETSHAREENUMALL failed.

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Shared Printer ?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a file server running 11.04 w/ a shared printer connected to it, all my windows machines see it as shared & connect to it no prob. My laptop running the same OS 11.04 can see all the shares but no printer?

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