Hardware :: Can't Find Driver For Broadcom

Sep 17, 2010

I said good bye to Windows and moved to Linux. I am using OpenSUSE 11.3 on my netbook (Acer Aspire d260) and really happy with that. Im having problem with my wireless card that includes Bluetooth as well. I Googled and found that its partially supported by b43 (guess its a driver that comes with kernel). I installed Broadcom STA and it seems that my wireless is working but still not sure about that.I want to check if the wireless is really working and I want my Bluetooth to work as well but couldn't find a driver for that.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Macbook Pro 5,5 - Late 2008 - Wireless - Download The Broadcom Driver And Create A Driver Module

Feb 20, 2010

I have Centos5.4 loaded on a late 2008 MACBOOK Pro and would like to get wireless working. I've attempted to download the broadcom driver and create a driver module with no luck.

Using these instructions....


When I make the WLAN driver, I get this:

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Ubuntu :: Broadcom STA Driver Activated But Not In Use

May 11, 2010

System-->Admin-->Hardware Drivers States my STA driver is activated, but not in use... ug. having so many wireless issues with 10.04 i've been pulling my hair out for a week now. I assume this is why it says my network UNCLAIMED as well.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable The Broadcom Driver?

Feb 4, 2011

The Linux-phc kernel, available here, for 10.04, used to work fine for me, but starting awhile ago, it broke the wifi. I can't enable the broadcom driver, it says, installation of this driver failed. Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log


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Ubuntu :: Solve The Wi-Fi Broadcom-driver In 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

As you might have noticed the new broadcom driver in 11.04 is not working anymore, but you can use the old one from 10.10 if you follow these steps:

1. First you need to download the old broadcom driver (10.10) here:


2. Now it's time to delete the current driver:

open the console:

sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status

search for "bcmwl-kernel-source" and delete the lines that are related to the driver.

3. Install the driver you have downloaded before by double-clicking the .deb file

4. Go to the Synpatic-Package-Manager and search for "bcmwl-kernel-source" again. Click on on it and go to "package" and make sure you lock it, so it won't be updated.

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Networking :: Activate Broadcom Driver

Oct 6, 2010

Is there a way to activate the Broadcom BCM4322 driver in Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro 5.1? The instructions that I found should work, but don't.I am currently running 2.6.32-24 but would like to install the driver to the 2.6.32-25-pae kernel (the standard kernel uses only 2.7 of 4GB RAM). According to wireless.kernel.org this Broadcom driver is not supported. Do I have to switch to Debian? The other day I installed vpnc, and it works but only over the wired connection. AirPort in Mac OS works, so there is nothing wrong with the hardware.

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Fedora Networking :: Getting Crashes With Broadcom-wl Driver In F11?

Jul 16, 2009

My F11 x86_64 machine has regularly been crashing at boot up. I removed broadcom-wl and installed ndiswrapper, now the crashes seem to have gone.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed issues, I have this Broadcom wireless model:

0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)

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Fedora Installation :: Updating Broadcom Driver In F12?

Jan 18, 2010

I'm running kernel-2..32.12 from updates-testing. I have a Broadcom 4312 wireless card, how do I upgrade the drivers so they work with this kernel? There isn't undated versions of broadcom-wl & kmod-wl in updates-testing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Neither Broadcom B43 Nor STA Driver Is Working?

Jan 23, 2010

I just deleted my windows XP and installed Ubuntu 9.10 earlier this morning. I used wired connection to get drivers for my wireless network card.

When I did lspci, the very last line states:

Network Controller: Broadcom Coporation BCM4311 902.11b/g WLAN(rev 01)

I used the System -> Administration -> Hardware Driver and found 2 drivers. I have tried them both to connect to my D-Link Router. Neither of which worked.

For Broadcom B43 Driver, the wireless is able to detect wireless networks. However, it fails to establish connection.

For Broadcom STA Driver, the wireless cannot even detect wireless networks available.

What is the issue here and how do I resolve it so that I am able to connect onto the internet wirelessly?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broadcom STA Wireless Driver - Keeps On Asking For PW

May 23, 2010

I decided to use the STA wireless driver in my Ubuntu 10.04, and my connection actually became faster! Only problem is that it keeps on asking for my wifi password. I didn't have this kind of problem when I was using the b43 wireless driver - it just automatically connects everytime I reboot. how I can make my laptop stop asking for my password everytime I reboot?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom STA Driver Active But Not In Use?

Oct 16, 2010

After trying to make audio output work on Lenovo b560 notebook I finally succeeded but the wireless stopped working. The driver was removed. I tried to follow the instructions from Broadcom http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt and it started showing the driver in admin - drivers, it shows that it is activated but not in use, but once I get to this point

"modprobe wl"
it shows this:
install /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wl
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic-pae/updates/dkms/wl.ko
FATAL: Error inserting wl (/lib/modules/2.6.32-25-generic-pae/updates/dkms/wl.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Rfkill Does Nothing Under Broadcom STA Driver?

May 3, 2011

I've been seeing a lot of people checking for hardware and software blocks using the rfkill command. I can't seem to get it to do anything at all on my Broadcom "4321AG"/"4328" wireless using the Broadcom STA driver. Of course, I have an old-fashioned hardware switch on the front of my laptop.

Here is some information on my working wireless setup (that rfkill can't seem to see):


lspci | grep work
03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)
description: Wireless interface
product: BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n


When I try rfkill list all, it does nothing, just returns me to my BASH prompt. The wifi, wlan, bluetooth, and wwan identifiers also seem to do nothing with rfkill list. It looks to me like it "hooked" IRQ19 in the BIOS, and the wireless does work quite stably (although it does need several seconds to auto-reestablish wireless when Linux goes to "sleep," say overnight).

This page doesn't really tell me much more than rfkill did with no parameters:


Is this just because I have an electromechanical wireless switch, or is it a 64-bit problem, or...

EDIT: Oh yes, sudo rfkill list all also just returns me to my BASH prompt without any whistles or bells (after entering a password)...

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Debian :: Broadcom Wireless Driver For Squeeze

Feb 17, 2011

I have this PC that came with W7 installed..i am removing it to install Debian Squeeze.I already have burned the 8 DVDs plus the Squeeze Kde CD.AFAIK, BCM 4312 is a proprietary driver, not shipped with Squeeze, but present as source in Unstable..I have already downloaded the files also... will the built *.deb be enough to enable my wireless, or to i still have to do it by hand. remove confilicting modules, build the module, insert it, put it in the corresponding filder. does the deb install do all that, or do i still have to do it, "the good 'ol way"?

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General :: Broadcom Releases OSS Driver For Their Wireless

Sep 10, 2010

"Broadcom would like to announce the initial release of a fully-open Linux driver for it's latest generation of 11n chipsets. The driver, while still a work in progress, is released as full source and uses the native mac80211 stack. "

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Debian Hardware :: How To Manually Install Broadcom B43 Driver

Jul 3, 2014

But let'start from the scratch.The wireless card interface in my laptop is one belonging to the "infamous", not Linux-friendly broadcom family.it is the BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (PCI-ID 14E4:4315). I downloaded the .iso image file of Wheezy 7.5 from the official repositories, put it on a USB key, and started the installation process with no internet connection. But during the installation, the installer informed me that some firmware was missing, i.e. ucode.fw and ucode15.fw.

Anyway, I went along and finished the installation. Of course, running Wheezy, I could not connect my laptop to my wireless modem just because of this problem, and so I needed a solution to install the right driver(s) but without a connection in my laptop! After long googling, finally I have found the solution [URL] ...., that is using the b43-fwcutter to extract the firmware from the Broadcom's proprietary driver. I simply report here the procedure to be followed, in a clear way:

By means of another PC with an internet connection, download the b43-fwcutter (version 018) from here: URL...Copy this file in the PC where you want the driver to be installed.Extract the b43-fwcutter tarball in a folder (tar xjf b43-fwcutter-018.tar.bz2, if you use the terminal), and then:

cd b43-fwcutter-018
make install

Now, after installing b43-fwcutter, download version 5.100.138 of Broadcom's proprietary driver from here: URL...Copy this file in the PC where you want the driver to be installed.Extract this tarball in a folder (the same as previous or another one): tar xjf broadcom-wl-5.100.138.tar.bz2 and finally extract the firmware from it:

b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-5.100.138/linux/wl_apsta.o.

The standard place in Wheezy 7.5 where firmware is installed to is /lib/firmware. In another distribution this could be different.

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Fedora Networking :: Linksys WPC300N - No Broadcom-wl Driver

Aug 16, 2010

My 32-bit Celeron M laptop has a Linksys WPC300N PCMCIA wireless N card (Broadcom 4321 chipset).

I tried but have been unable to install the akmod version of the broadcom-wl driver:






FATAL: Module wl not found.


The card is recognized by lspci but the driver module broadcom-wl is not found. I don't see b43 and ssb modules so I can't blacklist them.

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Fedora :: Process To Install Broadcom Driver In Kernal 3.0.4?

Sep 8, 2011

i just compiled my kernal now uname -r says>3.0.4 i m using fed 15 WIFI IS NOT WORKING is the issue wats the process to install broadcom driver in kernal 3.0.4 lspci | grep BC 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)

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OpenSUSE Network :: Broadcom BCM57788 Driver Not Working?

Aug 31, 2010

I have bought a new Dell Studio XPS Desktop with Broadcom BCM57788 network card. The installation of the tg3 driver from Dell was done according to Documentation

But still, the network card is not there. When I call ifconfig, there is only "lo" and no "eth". In Yast it says that the Netlink BCM57788 card cannot be configured because the firmware is missing. I also already did modprobe tg3 and rmmod tg3.

BTW, I have installed OpenSuse 11.2 x32 which is Linux

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Patching The Broadcom Hybrid Driver?

Apr 20, 2010

Im making plans to buy a 15" Dell Inspiron notebook as it's currently the cheapest 15" notebook which is available in my country, and from what I have read, the Dell WiFi card used in the notebook is Broadcom based, and that Broadcom had recently released hybrid drivers for their cards. Now, after browsing through OpenSUSE's HCL [URL] it seems that a patch to the drivers is needed.how do you patch the driver? Do you just go to <extracted driver directory>/src/wl/sys/wl_iw.c and just throw in this whole chunk of text anyway into the file, or is there something more to it?


@@ -580,6 +580,7 @@
range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_TKIP;
range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_CCMP;
range->enc_capa |= IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA2;


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Get Broadcom 4313 Driver On Fresh 11.3?

Jul 19, 2010

From my lspci output I get Broadcom 4313 and 0x14e4:0x4727It appears that Broadcom supports this card with their Linux STA driverBroadcom.com - 802.11 Linux STA driver guess on that page mine is 4313 2.4 Ghz 0x14e40x4727 Dell 1501even though my notebook is Toshiba.Then they say that the driver is included with Fedora and Ubuntu but nothing about OpenSuse. Then they go on about compiling the driver myself. I'm pretty sure the modules required for compiling drivers are not available on a fresh install and without Internet connection.Is there an easier way to get the driver? Could someone knowledgeable make some .rpm that I can download on another machine and put on a USB stick? Or do I have to wait until Suse developers get to it?

Or could someone make wl.ko file they are talking about on Broadcome Readme? It looks fairly easy to install the driver, if I knew exactly what to disable/blacklist and what security module to load.Another thing I got from dmesg, not sure if it's of any help, was that for this card pci entry that goes like 07:00.0 there's "support D1 D2", then "#PME supported from D0 D3hot D3cold" then the next line "#PME disabled". I've searched this forum but the only time 4313 was mentioned when someone made a mistake with the model number

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Ubuntu :: Broadcom STA Wireless Driver Failed To Install?

Jan 20, 2010

My Broadcom STA wireless driver has failed to installed. The error report says that "PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT THE LOG FILE FOR DETAILS: /var/log/jockey.log WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO GET THE WIRELESS STA driver functional.? Gotta see it functiioning back!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broadcom Wireless LAN Driver - ISO File

Jun 19, 2010

installing the Broadcom Wireless LAN driver. I am working from an HP Pavillion dv6-2 2150us (if that has any relevance). The problem seems to be with the installation method I have used. I burned the ISO file properly onto a CD, but I did not install through the disk boot-up method. The reason for this is because I couldn't partition my HDD correctly (I am trying to dual boot with the Windows 7 OS already installed). So, I installed Ubuntu via the option from the CD Installer through Windows 7. I am not sure how to go about getting and installing the Broadcom Wireless LAN driver onto Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Activate Broadcom STA Wireless Driver

Jul 10, 2010

After successfully installing Ubuntu Karmic on a friend's MacBook 3,1 I tried to get the wireless working. On the Live CD, the Broadcom STA driver worked fine, but now that I've finished installing, I'm having problems. The driver is installed, but Hardware Drivers says it isn't enabled. I try to activate it, put in my password, and the "Enabling Driver" dialog pops up for a split second, disappears, and the driver doesn't get activated. I've tried Google to no real avail.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing The Newest BroadCom STA Driver

Nov 28, 2010

I just recently recieved a Mini CQ10-525DX with a Broadcom 4313 wlan card. when loading ubuntu i notice it says that it supports 4311 4312, so i looked on the broadcom website and they have a newer update with 4313 coverage. I downloaded it but do not know how to install it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Activate Broadcom STA Driver?

Jan 15, 2011

I cant get the STA driver activated. I keep getting the error:

SystemError: installArchives() failed
Synaptic can't mount my install CD, maybe that has to do something with the problem.


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Ubuntu :: Broadcom STA Wifi Driver Only Working In Terminal?

Jan 24, 2011

I just bought a Lenovo B560, everything working except the Broadcom 4727 wireless (only in terminal it works)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Install Broadcom STA Wireless Driver

Apr 29, 2011

In Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit
Dell Studio 1558

Everytime I want to active it I got the following: installation of this driver failed. have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log I don't know if this is related to Software Sources, I only have Canonical Partners and Independent. I installed Ubuntu 11.04 from an ISO file and used the whole disk

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing Broadcom Wireless Driver?

Jul 29, 2011

i have windows vista with a broadcom 802.11g network adapter.I dont know much about computers but i would like to know how to install it on the ubunto OS so i can use internet ?

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Ubuntu :: Finding Broadcom Driver File With INF Extension?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to find a Broadcom BCM4312 driver that has a .inf file extension. I cannot find one anywhere. I need to atleast once use wireless inside of ubuntu.

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Debian :: Broadcom-sta Driver Won't Build On 2.6.32-trunk-amd64

Jan 23, 2010

I can post a log file later if needed, I just turned off the laptop in defeat...

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