General :: Windows - Exporting A Virtualbox VDI To A Harddrive To Boot It Natively

Feb 3, 2011

I have a VirtualBox 3.1.2 image of Debian 5.0.2 running on Windows XP SP3. I would like to export that Debian image to a USB harddrive such that I could boot to that drive and run it natively. Is that possible to do with a VDI?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running Windows 7 Natively Through Wine?

Dec 1, 2010

I've been thinking recently about switching to Ubuntu as my full time OS, BUT I still like aspects of windows, and want to use some of its features.My question is this to you:Is there any way (and if so, how?) for me to run Windows 7 natively on Ubuntu as well as seamlessly using wine?

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Ubuntu :: Oracle Vm Virtualbox Wants To Partition Harddrive?

Mar 27, 2011

Im trying to run Arch Linux off Oracle vm virtualbox and everything going fine until It wants to wipe my entire hard drive. To be fully honest im afraid to touch it. I feel like it might bite my finger off if I poke at it in my usual way (first time ever using VM) so I was wondering if anyone has any tips or advice for me. Maybe someone elce has tryed this before and can tell me my computer wont explode when I partition. (I know it wont but I only have 1 computer and afraid to ruin it with my "experiments" cant afford a new one) I think because its VM it will only partition the space I set for it when I started the VM box. Just looking to be safe before I try it

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General :: Windows XP Setup Doesn't Recognize Netbook's Harddrive?

Mar 4, 2010

Before Christmas, I wiped all partitions off my Acer Aspire One D150 netbook and installed Jolicloud Linux to try out. It's great, but I'm missing too much of my Windows-only software so I'd like to switch back.The problem I'm having is that the Windows XP Home setup CD is starting up the installer fine, but when it comes to selecting the harddrive to install on it's not finding anything.I've tried using GParted to wipe all partitions again and create a new FAT32 partition, but that's not being picked up by Windows XP setup either. (I've tried setting the 'boot' flag on this partition in GParted as well, but no change.)Is FAT32 not the correct paritition type for Windows XP Home? I'm thinking this isn't relevant at this point, because Windows XP setup doesn't seem to be mounting the HDD, nevermind analysing what partitions it has on it already.

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General :: Boot From Harddrive - Grub Error 22 ?

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to boot up linux on a SATA drive. The SATA drive already had some other linux. I 'fdisk' the SATA drive and cleared all partitions. Now tried to CD boot with linux, it copied over to the SATA drive, however, when i tried to boot from harddrive, it gave me a GRUB Error 22. Why does this happen ? Shouldnt the linux have created its own partition ?

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Ubuntu :: How To Boot Windows In Virtualbox

Feb 12, 2010

I have VirtualBox installed as well as Wine, and I want to run Windows from the VirtualBox (Ubuntu 9.04 is my OS). VirtualBox won't start because "no bootable medium found." Another words I don't have an OS on VirtualBox. How do I get Windows install on VirtualBox, or how do I get Windows to boot through Wine in VirutalBox?

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General :: Puppy Installs In Ram Instead Of On Harddrive - Could Not Use That Computer As A Dual Boot One?

May 24, 2009

Since puppy installs in ram, unstead of on harddrive, does that mean you could not use that computer as a dual boot one? I mean won't puppy always be wanting to run on boot up, since it's not on a seperate partitian ?

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General :: Get Windows Virtual Machine Via VirtualBox Without Windows?

Jun 2, 2011

My goal is to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine running on Ubuntu. The Lenovo machine came with Windows 7 installed, but did not come with a boot disk. What are my options? Should I ask Lenovo for a disk? Will I need to purchase Windows just for the virtual machine?

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General :: VirtualBox And Security From Windows

Aug 21, 2011

If I have VirtualBox, hosted by Windows 7 and I install Linux Ubuntu on this, is there any security risk if I use the Linux OS for the internet but the hosted OS (Windows) has no Virus protection software and I am in Admin mode?

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General :: Safe To Run Windows(r) In Virtualbox?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm planning on running Windows in a VM for the purpose of playing
some game (what else). In the past I have experienced Windows
_arbitrarily_ writing to disks which it has no business touching.
IIRC, Windows will write some BS code to a USB stick if only you
just stick it in there.
I have several encrypted partitions spanning a few disks which I'd
like if Windows didn't even know about. I can't risk Windows messing
up those partitions by scribbling some crap about how "this disk is
not yet formatted" or something right on the disk itself.

I have been googling this for a couple days, and the best I can come
up with is a couple anecdotal references about Windows writing to
the MBR of a HDD even if you don't tell it to do so.

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General :: Switching And Keeping Windows With VirtualBox?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm currently running a Vista machine, but would like to switch over to Linux, Ubuntu in particular. My question is can I switch over to Ubuntu, keep my Windows partition and use VirtualBox to access the pre-existing Windows partition? Or does VirtualBox require me to create a new install for Guest operating systems?

If not, are there any other free alternatives to accomplish this?

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General :: Cannot Ssh Into Ubuntu Guest On Virtualbox 4.0.4 On Windows 7

May 15, 2011

I have an Ubuntu guest installed on Virtualbox 4.0.4 running on Windows 7 Home Premium. I have two firewall rules for Vbox which allow any, any inbound for both TCP and UDP and those rules have edge traversal enabled. I have host ports 9080 and 9022 forwarded to 80 and 22 on the guest. The Win7 box is on an Ethernet connection

After some testing, I have a netbook with a Wifi connection and Ubuntu netbook remix which cannot make an ssh connection to the Ubuntu guest.

But, the same netbook can telnet to port 9080 on the Win7 machine's address and successfully connect to a web server running on port 80 of the Ubuntu guest.

In order to check this out, I ran initctl stop ssh on the Ubuntu guest, verified thagt port 22 had no listeners, and ran ssh with /usr/sbin/sshd -d -e. This shows various bits of debug info from the console. Then I ran Putty on the win7 machine to connect to port 9022 on it's own IP address (that it got from DHCP) and made a successful connection to the guest Ubuntu.

The variable that I don't know much about is the landlord's cable router setup, but I can't figure out why that would block packets to 9022 but not packets to 9080.

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General :: Exporting GUI Console ?

May 9, 2011

Is it possible to export the console display to my desktop?

I'm running Exceed 14.x the console is RHEL 5.6 running gnome.

I know how to export my display in an individual putty session and run whatever x app I need, but would like to be able to export the console session to my desktop also.

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Fedora :: Changed Harddrive Priority To Second Harddrive?

Mar 9, 2011

i've worked with Linux for a while now, but never in a double boot kind of way (except using wubi), and i'm still kind of a newby.i have 2 harddrivesfirst one has only 1 partition; Windows XPsecond one has 1 empty partition, simple storageand another partition where i installed fedora core, and GRUB is also located on this harddrive.I changed harddrive priority to my second harddrive, result:GRUB comes up, no problem, but when I try to boot windows, it tells mentldr is missing ctrl alt del to continueso i changed the harddisk priority back to the way it was, where the first drive containing windows is first priority... but then, no GRUB.i've tried editing the grub conf,i've tried fixboot/fixmbrtl;dr:no ntdlr when linux harddrive is main priorityno grub when windows harddrive is main priority

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General :: View Specific Virtualhost From Within Virtualbox Windows XP?

Aug 25, 2010

I currently use to refer to my localhost ip address, and I setup port-based virtualhosts because this seems like the only feasible/practical way to view this from within Windows XP on my Debian's VirtualBox. Is anyone else aware of some advanced techniques in which I could view it by the ServerName instead? I would assume I have to hook it up to some sort of DNS server? I know I can also edit the hosts file in my Windows XP and point certain urls to my IP address, but it will always resolve to the primary default virtualhost.

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General :: Share Files From Windows 7 To Ubuntu 10.4 With VirtualBox?

Sep 17, 2010

How to share files across Parent Operating system Windows 7 and Virtual Operating System Ubuntu Linux 10.4?

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General :: VirtualBox - Internet Access Via Guest OS (Windows)

May 20, 2011

I have an USB internet key (multimode GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA) that only works on Windows. Though, I mainly use Linux for development activities and I don't want to move them to Windows. For this reason I decided to use a Windows guest on VirtualBox for internet access and the Linux host for the other stuffs, but I'd greatly prefer to use Linux for everything (internet too) and Windows only as internet gateway.

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General :: Windows XP Running As Guest On VirtualBox Is Very Slow

Aug 9, 2011

We had an old Windows XP server running a Filemaker database on a 2.6 GHz Intel CPU, but that server died. It's been replaced by a box with two 2.4 GHz Xeon CPUs and 5 GB of RAM that's running Ubuntu 11.04 natively, and Windows is running as a VirtualBox guest. 2GB of RAM has been dedicated to the Windows guest.Of course, these old Xeon CPUs don't have the VT-x extensions, so I wouldn't expect to be able to add CPUs to the VirtualBox guest, but the Filemaker database is running at least 2-3x slower than it did on the old server. I would expect that utilizing one 2.4GHz CPU out of four available shouldn't result in such an astounding difference.

I would also like to be able to continue using this setup, since it would also mean we'd be able to remove our Linux server from the rack, which is running on even slower hardware (not that the system requirements are high for its job though).So my question is: Why is this so slow? Is there anything I can do to change the situation? Or should I just give up now and find more suitable hardware?I understand that the "new" machine should be about 1% slower in theory, so please don't tell me this "should" be fine. I need more concrete answers (as in, "I've tried this before and you should do X") since in the real world, it appears to be about 50% slower. I'm about to blame "virtual" CPUs to multithreading on single core processors, and possibly the difference in CPU architecture between Xeon and Pentium 4 CPUs.

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General :: Exporting A Variable From Within .xsession?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm trying to export a variable from within the .xsession so it will be available to any application started afterwards.

Here is a minimial .xsession file:


export MYVAR=123
exec gnome-session

The problem is that when I start a terminal and do:


echo $MYVAR

I get an empty string, meaning it's undefined.

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General :: How To Copy Information From System Harddisk To Windows In Virtualbox

Oct 7, 2009

I am using virtualbox to run windows there a way to access the harddisk occupied by linux and copy the information to the virtual memory in windows xp

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General :: Exporting Environment Variables In Ubuntu?

Jun 2, 2010

I know many people have asked about environment variables before, but I am having a hard time dealing with these paths while ensuring I don't mess around with the original settings. How would you go about executing these commands in Ubuntu in terms of environment variables?

put /home/stanley/Downloads/ns-allinone-2.34/bin:/home/stanley/Downloads ns-allinone-2.34/tcl8.4.18/unix:/home/stanley/Downloads/ns-allinone-2.34/tk8.4.18/unixinto your PATH environment; so that you'll be able to run itm/tclsh wish/xgraph.


(1) You MUST put
into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


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General :: Using Samba To Share A Folder From A Guest With A Windows Host In VirtualBox

Mar 15, 2011

I would like to share a folder from a Linux Guest with a Windows host (with read and write access if possible) in VirtualBox. I read in these two links: here and here that it's possible to do this using Samba, but I am a little bit lost and need more information on how to proceed.

So far, I managed to set up two network adapters (one NAT and one host-only) and to install Samba on the Linux guest, but I have the following questions now: What do I need to type in samba.conf to share a folder from the Linux guest? (the tutorial provided in one of the links above only explains how to share home directories) Are there any Samba commands that I need to run on the guest to enable sharing? How do I make sure that these folders are only available to the host OS and not on the Internet? Once the Linux guest is setup, how do I access each of the individual shared folders from the Windows host? I read that I need to mount a drive on Windows to do this, but do I use Samba logins, or Linux logins, also do I use localhost? or do I need to set up an IP for this?

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General :: Accessing Windows Network Printers From A VirtualBox WindowsXP Client

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to access windows network printers from a VirtualBox WindowsXP client running under Ubuntu 10.10 host? The networking type is NAT. Would Bridged Networking solve the problem? If so, is there a tutorial on how to set up bridged networking for virutual box?

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Ubuntu :: Had 32 Bit Installed In A Virtual Machine On Windows But Wanted To Install It To Harddrive?

Jan 14, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 64bit using Wubi. I had 32 bit installed in a Virtual machine on Windows but I wanted to install it to my harddrive (and wubi was easiest). I'm trying to install Cinelerra following the instructions at: I get to:autoreconf -i --forceit gives a few errors. Here's a copy and paste from the terminal:Quote:

lee@ubuntu:~/hvirtual$ autoreconf -i --force
Can't exec "libtoolize": No such file or directory at /usr/bin/autoreconf line 196.
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/bin/autoreconf line 196.


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Fedora Installation :: 15 Install On & Boot From A 3TB Harddrive?

Jun 24, 2011

I want to install Fedora 15 on my new computer. It has 1 new 3TB hard drive. I know I need a GPT to use all the space. Does Fedora15 installer support setting up this drive to boot from GPT?

Will there be any issues if I try to load windows 7 on another partition after I install fedora?

Yes my motherboard has UEFI.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Live Iso From Portable Harddrive

Mar 11, 2009

I'm making life difficult for myself. Summary, I have a laptop with F10 installed on a portable harddrive (sdb 1-3, i.e., no logical volume) Works great, no complaints so I guess this reduces to a grub question; how do I edit grub.conf to boot an iso on sdb4? Fedora10.iso for example.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Dual-Boot Win7 Harddrive ?

Sep 19, 2010

My brother has been a long time Linux fan, and has been getting on me forever to dual-boot my computer with Linux. So I finally got around to it and dual-booted it with a partition, and it works just fine, problem is all my stuff is on the Windows 7 partition of the hard-drive. I hear the big Linux feature is being able to take everything from the Windows side of the computer and transferring it over to the Linux side...

My only question is, where would I find that feature? I browsed around the administration system capabilities but couldn't find anything related to the partition, so I could use a little guidance in finding the feature, or whether I need to download a program to use it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Shared Harddrive ?

Nov 10, 2010

I decided to tk tha plunge with ubuntu !

For this I repartitioned my harddrive (erasin org windows) into 3 drives. :

Now I want to use drive 3 as a common drive (music and pictures nd documents). Bet windows and linux.

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Ubuntu :: Formatted My Internal Harddrive Now Computer Won't Boot / Fix This?

Feb 6, 2011

I accidentally formatted my internal HDD and unmounted it and now my computer won't detect it as a bootable device. I have a system recovery disc but it doesn't seem to be making any difference. Also I do not have my windows 7 installation disc nor can I write discs.
Is there a way I can fix this and keep all of my important files?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot Error 15, Can`t Mount Harddrive, And Can`t Run Fsck?

Apr 28, 2010

I was running 11.0 and it stalled in the middle of a number of updates. On reboot I now get (if I remember correctly) Error 15: File not found.I managed to get my hands on a 11.0 live cd and started trying to fix grub. However, when I try mounting the harddrive using "mount /dev/sda1" I got

can`t find sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
"mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" gives


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