General :: Unable To Boot After Installing Ubuntu 10.04?

Sep 17, 2010

recently i installed ubuntu 10.04 from a cd to my pendrive. it worked fine but i can boot only with my pen drive inserted. i visited two more threads in this forum with same topic but no answers worked for me(i have not tried any third party mbr repair softwares). i have to go through grub to access my recovery drive which is a part of my hdd.( i do not have any command prompt options in my windows recovery console which is in my hdd. i want to be able to use grub and linux but i dont want to insert my pen drive for every boot.

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General :: Unable To Boot WinXP After Installing Ubuntu 10.10

Oct 27, 2010

I have ubuntu 8.10 & Windows XP installed on my PC. I formatted the C: partition and installed a new fresh copy of Win XP. After that I was not able to login to ubuntu 8.10. It is clear that Win XP overwrote the MBR. I tried to re-install the boot loader (Grub) again by boot ubuntu 10.10 CD. Finally, I was able to boot both ubuntu version 8.10 and 10.10. However, I was not able to boot Win XP. There is an entry in grun menu of ubuntu 10.10 specific for WinXP, but when I press enter to boot Windows I get back to grub menu.

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Ubuntu After Installing Fedora 15?

Aug 12, 2011

I am new to linux and started using ubuntu and was so impressed with it that I decided to try out other distros as well. So, I installed fedora 15 into another partition and made ubuntu as default. Now fedora works fine but ubuntu doesnt.It gives error 13- unknown file system. What should I do to retain Ubuntu

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Installing Win Xp

Oct 7, 2010

I initially had Win XP Service pack 2 installed on my system. Then i installed the desktop version of Ubuntu 10.04 (dual boot). All was fine until then. I could access both. Later on, i re-installed Win XP (excessive errors). After this I'm unable to boot into Ubuntu. The option that comes at the start 'Win Xp or Ubuntu' doesn't appear at all. System boots directly into XP.

But in the Administrative Tools > Disk Management option under Win XP, there is an unknown partition of 15.3 GB. So i'm guessing Ubuntu still exists on my hard drive. Any way to bring Ubuntu back from the dead other than a re-install?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Boot Vista After Installing?

Jul 27, 2010

I just installed the Fedora12 on my laptop, on which originally thereas only one partition with Vista before. I resized the Vista partition and made a free space and installed Linux on it.Fedora works fine, but when I try to boot Vista, it opens the system recovery options menu, without being able to do anything. After the end of each option it boots again, giving the two options between Linux and "other" and if I choose "other" it goes back to the recovery menu.

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Software :: Unable To Boot Mint9 After Installing UEC?

Jul 22, 2010

I have installed UEC and eucalyptus and all its packages on a single pc.there are the instruction on the site to do this..after successfully configuring all the setting when I reboot it hangs and remains in the same position.It showing error that eucalyptud-cc teminated with exit status 1 and retrying spawning etc.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Boot Window 7 After Installing 12?

Feb 8, 2010

i have installed fedora 12(from dvd) on my laptop having window 7 OS as deafult(intel processor i330)I wanted dual boot up, so I shrink the existing C partition using window using Disk Management. And then delete the newly created volume.Clean installation of fedora.But when I tried to boot window it is showing "No C drive exist".Although from linux all hardrive is coming as one file system and all data on Drive are intact i.e not data is lost.

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Installation :: Unable To Boot Window XP After Installing Fedora / Solution For This?

Sep 25, 2009

My hard disk is a 40 gb seagate drive with 3 logical partitions - C (Win 98), D (Data), E (Win XP Home). Yesterday, I decided to format Win 98 partition and install Fedora 11 on it. I used Live USB, custom partitioned for /, /boot and swap. Installation went fine until the Add/Delete boot screen came when I got multiple Unable to mount partition errors. Then I added Win XP (which was on sda6) and restarted the system. When the system booted, I selected Win XP but it didn't do anything. It showed blank screen and then reverted to grub boot loader screen. Then I selected Fedora time and completed installation and it works fine but XP doesn't boot.

Thinking something might have gone wrong, today I reinstalled Fedora. I chose "Install over previous Linux" and this time the installation went smoothly without any errors. However it still doesn't let me boot into Win XP. It gives a "Booting into WinXP in 3/2/1 seconds" and then goes blank and keeps repeating that message.

This is the result of fdisk -l code...

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General :: Unable To Get GUI After Installing RHEL 5.0

Mar 10, 2010

I am not getting GUI in after installtion RHEL 5.0

My Mother board: Mercury
Model no1845 gcm
Moniter :LG 15''

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Windows Vista Installation And Only Boot Fedora

Jan 28, 2010

Having a major issue with my laptop. I am unable to boot into my Vista installation.I am currently posting this through my Fedora 11 installation which I had already. If anyone is interested, the BSOD error is:

0x0000007B (0x80399BB0, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

As far as I know, a '7B' BSOD is usually a hard disk error but I am 100% sure the HDD is fine as I can read and write from both Fedora and Knoppix without issue. Steps taken so far: Obviously, I have tried the usual steps of trying to start windows in safe mode, last good config, and all of the F8 options. When they failed, I used fedora to check for some solutions online (Mostly useless answers from MS) and I found one successful case when a person flashed his BIOS back to an earlier time. Unfortunately, I cant get the BIOS update I got from the Dell website to boot from a USB drive (Says invalid boot disc - the BIOS on it is in the .exe format which I can't use in linux) and I do not have a floppy drive on the laptop.

So, I put in my Dell drivers and utilities CD hoping that it would give me some option to update (Or roll back) the BIOS but there was no such option. However, it did give me a load of diagnostic options including repair options by symptom so went with the "Unable to boot from BIOS". Unfortunately, that didnt help me at all. So, I got my Vista installation disc (OEM supplied) and managed to get to the repair menu (Which I had among my F8 options anyway) but this also has the option to reinstall. Unfortunately, it states that "Upgrade is unavailable" and that a clean install is the only thing I can select (At the expense of my files and settings).

As for the repair options, the automatic recovery doesn't seem to find any errors, asks to reset and see if all is well (It isn't). For some reason, system restore doesn't detect any restore points. There are no windows memory errors detected and I have no backups. So, i'm left with a command prompt that, by default, is asking for a file in this folder: X:/WINDOWS/System32/ I have no idea where it is getting the X: drive from - I have C and D drives for windows only. As per another online guide, I tried:


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General :: Installing Gcc In RHEL5 - Unable To Find Any Rpm

Dec 5, 2010

I currently dont have the cd/dvd of RHEL 5. But i need to install gcc. I have been searching all day but wasnt able to find any rpm that is related to RHEL5. I download the following file


and extracted it, Then i run the following command

[root@WAN-Admin gcc-3.0.4]# ./configure
Configuring for a i686-pc-linux-gnu host.
Created "Makefile" in /root/new/gcc-3.0.4 using "mt-frag"
/tmp/cNf11430/cNf11430.pos: line 7: cc: command not found
*** The command 'cc -o conftest -g conftest.c' failed.
*** You must set the environment variable CC to a working compiler.

Now i am really hanged as what to do now. I added rpmfusion as my yum repo, i searched for gcc file for RHEL5 but it seems its not there for this version.


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General :: Unable To Start Windows After Installing Red Hat

Aug 12, 2009

i was using win xp sp2. i just installed red hat linux by making one of the windows drive as unpartitioned space . i kept windows as my default os .my linux is working properly , but when i goes to start windows , it shows error " windows unable to start , hal.dll file is missing or corrupt".so to solve this problem , i decided to repair windows , but when i isert win xp bootable cd , cd starts booting , after showing messege " setup is inspecting your hard ware " , black screen appears , nd nothing happens after that.what should i do ? i want keep linux as it is and also want to start my windows again . tell me how to repair windows . what should i do to boot win xp bootable cd properly.

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Software :: Unable To Boot To RHEL 4 32bit After Installing RHEL 64bit - Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Apr 27, 2009

I have 4 partitions in my system, out of which two(sda1, sda2) have windows on them. I have installed RHEL 4 32 - bit on sda3 and after that , installed installed RHEL 64-bit on to a partition sda 5. Now i am unable to boot into RHEL 32-bit. The error i am getting is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Boot Windows After Installing CENTOS 5.4

Nov 18, 2009

I've Got one Problem with My Computer soon after success installation of when the boot-loader ask me to choose OS at CENTOS 5.4, multi boot boot-loader if i choose windows then computer tries to boot windows but fail and give the error message that there is a problem on reading the hard disk, But when i restart it and start with LINUX then computer start successful with no error message, now i do not know what to do cause i need to use Windows and all my programs are in windows..

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General :: Can't Boot Into Ubuntu After Installing Wubi

May 10, 2011

I had Maverick installed and it was running nicely. I decided to upgrade to Natty Narwhal using the update manager. After doing that, Natty Narwhal wouldn't boot. I don't remember what the errors were. I decided to uninstall the wubi installation of Natty Narwhal and start over again. When I tried to install Natty Narwhal, I got the option to boot into Ubuntu, but when I did, I got the following errors:

Try (hd 0,0):NTFS5:no wubildr
Try (hd 0,1):NTFS5:no wubildr
Try (hd 0,2):NTFS5:no wubildr
Try (hd 0,3):invalid or null
Cannot Find GRLDR

Then it goes back to the boot screen. I'm trying to install with wubi on Windows 7. The upgrade must have messed something up, but you'd think it would be wiped out after uninstalling. Oh, yeah, I tried to install Linux Mint with mint4win and got similar errors. Anything I can do about this?

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General :: Windows Doesn't Boot After Installing Ubuntu?

Jan 10, 2010

I had Windows 7 installed on my PC. After that I installed ubuntu to dual boot the system.Now my windows doesn't start up (As soon as the windows logo appears,it restarts!!!)

I want to do a clean install of windows 7 now removing ubuntu but the windows disk does not recognise any hard disk.

What is the problem? How do I install windows again?

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General :: Windows XP Won't Boot With Grub After Installing Ubuntu 8.04?

Jul 8, 2009

I am completely new to Linux as of today.I finally took the plunge and downloaded and installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my Windows XP computer (dual boot), using the Ubuntu installation wizard to "make room" on my hard drive for Ubuntu by creating a separate partition. The installation finished successfully and Linux boots just fine, but Windows XP will no longer boot at all.

I have read many threads on this and other sites, giving advice of how to correct this problem. I am not at all experienced in editing and working with different ways of booting (other than Windows default). But after some frustration, I located (according to the threads) a couple places to try making changes to the boot commands and I tried various lists that were suggested. Before I changed anything, the Windows XP boot screen would appear and then it would revert right back to Grub.


what drive number Ubuntu and/or Grub installed to, or assigned to the Windows partition, and I have no idea how to find out. I do not have a Windows XP installation CD (it came pre-installed on my computer), so I CANNOT wipe out that partition and simply reinstall it--I MUST be able to fix the problem without harming Windows!!! I also have data in the Windows partition that I don't want to lose. I could possibly uninstall and reinstall Ubuntu (as I saw suggested somewhere online), but I have not the slightest clue how to accomplish that task--and WHAT IF it didn't work?

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General :: Can't Boot After Installing Upgrades

Dec 17, 2010

After fighting with Windows for many years I finally decided to try Linux; still so new at it, I am practically still in the package and just picking my way out.

I have a 1.8Ghz AMD and 6HDDs on an ASRock K8Upgrade Board with 1GB of RAM, running XP Pro. Two of the drives are 500GB SATA drives. I installed Ubuntu10.4 on the first SATA drive (two partitons) and until yesterday it worked just fine.

Yesterday I decided to finally use the update manager to update the system and installed 201+MB of upgrades. Somewhere along the way a window popped up showing my HDDs with check-marks beside the 'C' drive and the 2 SATA drives. I was asked if I wanted to install Grub; I take it that is the boot-loader, on all the drives so, I checked all the drives and then read on. Further down I was told that, putting grub on all the drives would make it unreliable so, I unchecked all the drives but the 2 SATA drives.

Now, when I boot up, I get the option to boot into XP or Ubuntu but, when I choose Ubuntu, the machine just gives me a black screen and reboots endlessly. I suspect, by un-checking the 'C' drive in the above mentioned window, I somehow deleted or incapacitated the boot-loader.

I have lots of instances of Grub in various locations, mostly recycle bins but, are they useful and, what do I do with them? Here is one:

#This file is modified at runtime by bootmenu.nsh
set default=0
echo "$(title1)"
echo "$(title2)"
if sleep --verbose --interruptible 5 ; then
set timeout=0


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General :: Can't Boot In Ubuntu After Installing Windows 7 / Retrieve Its Options?

Jan 10, 2011

I have Intel Pentium dual core T4300 2.10ghz processor in dell inspiron laptop. i had windows vista home basic by default and then i got ubuntu 9.04 installed on it from one of my friend. i was using ubuntu mostly (and upgraded it to ubuntu 9.10)as i never liked vista. so i installed windows 7 over windows vista. now vista is gone and windows 7 is working. but i no more see the boot options and cant access ubuntu at all. the boot options (F12) does not show linux partition at all. however the linux partition is seen in device manager. but its only seen.
how do i retrieve my old boot options including linux os? which asks me which os to boot from.

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General :: No Boot Loader Entry For Ubuntu 10.04 After Installing OpenSUSE 11.3?

Jul 22, 2010

When I installed openSUSE 11.3 I already had Ubuntu 10.04 installed and I installed these 2 OS's side by side but openSUSE didn't seem to add a Ubuntu menu entry in GRUB boot list So now I can only boot into openSUSE 11.3 and not Ubuntu 10.04. How can I fix this?I found in YaST an option to add extra boot menu entries but i don't know how to use it... or maybe there's also another way i can add Ubuntu entry to my GRUB boot menu?

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General :: Cannot Boot After Compiling And Installing Kernel

Apr 14, 2010

I have a virtual box running CentOS 5.3. I am experimenting with compiling and installing a kernel 2.6.33 on this.

However, the kernel compiled ok, but when I did the install it gave me these warning, not sure if they are important or not.

The steps I did was:



In my grub.conf I have the following:


When I try and boot I get the following problem:


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General :: Installing BT4 Dual Boot Windows 7

Jun 10, 2010

I'm looking for a good partition scheme to install BT4 dual boot with windows 7, I've freed up about 160 G for my install and was going to use BT4 as an everyday distro and wanted enough space to install extra packages like vlc and what not as well as use to create a substantial dictionary. These are my initial partitioning plans 3G /,6G usr, and about 3G swap with the rest being /home for word lists and whatnot would you mind sharing your partitioning setups so I can make this efficient as possible?

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General :: Installing Programs For Use With Live Boot?

Apr 16, 2010

[URL] I'm currently running simplyMEPIS 8.0.15 (rel 32). It's booting automatically off a USB. The way I have it configured right now, it just loads right up without a root menu or boot-options, just basically going straight to "hey, u ROOT or DEMO?" I'm not sure if there's a way to get back to the bash and load directly to RAM at this point.

In another thread I was looking into burning backups from k3b as I run live because my DVD-player isn't behaving right now under windows... 'still working on that I want to get a backup done before I do a hard install. It's my goal to get either Kismet, wireshark, or Airsnort/crack/peek running on this machine so I can start gathering packets and doing analysis. Is that a way that (atleast for the timebeing until I can work out backups) that I can install any of these programs directly to the USB (by editing the ISO somehow?), so that they'll be available when I liveboot?

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General :: Ubuntu 9:10 - Unable To Boot To GUI?

Nov 3, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu 9:10 in a VM Fusion virtual machine on an OS-X "Hackintosh" for the last year with no problems. Recently I have had a dialogue box come up saying I was low on memory. I increased the Virtual Machine Memory from 20GB to 72 GB, and then decided to back up my emails (Evolution) and home folder, and install Ubuntu 10:10 in the Virtual Machine.I had previously been able to backup to my NAS drive, so I wasn't expecting any problems, however after (apparently successfully) copying the Evolution files, I tried backing up my home folder to a USB, a dialogue box came up saying it was backing up in the background, so I left it alone for a couple of hours.

Turns out that neither the USB backup nor the NAS backup have any files across, just the respective folders.I rebooted the VM and received the following error message :"The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your system administator" Looks like my Gnome installation has fallen over, from other posts on forums, it seems this happens when a memory shortage is experienced.I cannot get into the "Gnome Failsafe" mode, nor into "xterm" which are the options offered at boot up. For some reason I find I also cannot log in as root, as my password isn't working.

I have booted to the terminal, and would like to set the boot process up to enable me to run off a CD in "Trial mode", which should let me get to my files. My intention was to partition and format the surplus space in the Virtual machine and move some files across to the new partition which hopefully might either let the machine boot up, or at least let me retrieve my data files.I assume this will have to be done through the terminal, and have no idea how to go about it.

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General :: Installing Ubuntu On Lenovo Thinkpad Laptop - Won't Boot From Cd Drive

Nov 27, 2010

I've just joined the linux gang(or I am trying to) I have

-downloaded desktop/netbook edtion

-burned to dvd using infrarecord

-changed bios settings to boot from cd

-didn't work

-used the override feature that gives a bootlist at splash screen but cd drive not listed so I assume the cd is not recognised as a boot disk

-tried the usb/cd maker that comes with in the rar but its looking for the cd .iso file, but I can't find one in folder.

ubuntu says I can run a trial from the cd alongside vista but when I open the executable it just offers intall, no try and if selected starts to install I think I can do the partition thing if I have to but I don't want any vista running on my machine.

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General :: Unable To Boot Ubuntu After Update?

Apr 2, 2010

I have installed kubuntu 9.10 inside windows Xp and I installed ubuntu-desktop to get both gnome and kde .I upgraded to 10.4 from gnome and I updated problem. Then I updated the kubuntu and restarted the system, I am unable to boot ubuntu or kubuntu but still i am able to boot windows Xp.

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General :: Installing Grub On A Dual-boot RAID Config?

Sep 29, 2010

Ive created two RAID0 partitions on my drives, a 500GB and a 60GB. Im trying to install Ubuntu on the smaller partition (ive already put Win 7 on the larger one) and every time when i get right to the last part of installation it says Grub couldnt be installed. "the grub package failed to install in arget......."

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General :: Installing Mint On An HP Laptop With Windows 7 For A Dual Boot?

Mar 9, 2010

I got to the part where I'm supposed to partition Mint. I've got a 500GB hard drive, and I thought I'd give 300GB to LM--but I'm unclear about using ext2, 3 or 4. What about the swap file? Is that automatic?

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General :: Win7 User Installing Dual Boot Slackware 13?

May 29, 2010

I'm a pretty experienced Windows user, and have coded in x86 and win32 API for a while, so I know the system reasonably well. I've used windows since the days of Win95, and prior to that I had an Amiga - so I'm pretty rusty in unix-like operating systems. I have little C coding knowledge beyond reading it, though I can understand what the programmer is doing from reading the source. My only experience with installing linux was on a 486 laptop that failed spectacularly when the CDROM couldn't be detected and used, so I'm necessarily a little wary of doing this, but I've become quite exasperated with Windows lately.

I have decided to make my life interesting (if not easier at first) by dual-booting Linux with Win7. My current machine is a dual-core intel laptop with 2GB of RAM and an ATI X1250 mobile GPU, with a 120GB HDD. I have two partitions currently on this machine - both 60GB-ish. The main C: drive is Win7. I'm aware of the hidden partition that Windows installs. I have an external 1TB USB drive for my applications and data, so space shouldn't be a problem. There is no floppy drive (unsurprisingly) and I can boot from the internal DVD drive.

I have chosen the Slackware 13 distro because it seems to be well respected as a learning tool for unix-like operating systems. My main aim here is not to abandon Windows at first, but to learn a new OS. I'm aware that Slack may not be the most user-friendly distro, but will give me knowledge that I might not gain under other distros. If I'm making a mistake here, then let me know! I have plenty of free time to devote to this little project, and I'm not afraid to learn. I am however afraid to destroy my Win7 fall-back. If all else fails, I need to be able to go back to a working OS to jump on the net to find the answer to what went wrong.

So my question, as per the subject title, is: What do I need to know before I do this? I have no idea what I'm doing with regard disk partitioning beyond Partition Magic - which I don't actually possess anymore. I can use the Windows disk management app. I have no idea how to manage a boot sector. So are there any gotchas that I need to bear in mind? I've already read this thread: [URL]. Which I must admit looks very complicated! I have a fair bit of time before my Slackware 13 DVD-ISO image downloads (20KB/Sec) so have some time to gather information.

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General :: Re-installing XP In The XP Partition Erase The GRUB Boot Menu?

Mar 3, 2011

The XP partition ceased to boot (in fact when it seems to start Windows, it re-boots once and again). I can access the XP partition from Ubuntu 9.10

If I boot with the WXP CD and reinstall it in the original NTFS partition, will it wipe the boot menu out, loosing any chance to boot in Linux?

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