General :: Sound Not Working With Rhythembox?

Jun 14, 2011

my speakers work with the computer opening sounds and with ....., but I get no sound as rhythembox plays a CD.

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Ubuntu One :: One Music Store As Does Rhythembox?

Nov 26, 2010

I heard that Banshee was going to be the next default media player for Ubuntu. So would someone tell me why Banshee does not yet of the Ubuntu One music store as does Rhythembox?

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Ubuntu :: Listening To The Audio Then Recording Using Rhythembox Music Playeetc.

Feb 14, 2010

I have an audio source that I want to listen to through my PC speakers. My computer has both a mic(rophone) and a line-in audio connector. I am able to use the "gnome-sound-recorder 2.28.1" under Karmic Koala to record from these sources and then I can play back the sound.

However, I'm more interested in listening to the audio then recording. Though, recording would be nice if it where available too. Using Rhythembox Music Player, Movie Player and Audacious2 I am able to play CD(s), Pod Cast feeds, Files and possibly other sources I'm not seeing anything to handle hard wired input to my sound card as an option.

Do I need to open a device as a source? Do I need an extension to one of these players?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Rhythembox Screw Up Iphone / Ipod Touch?

Dec 25, 2010

I tend to buy music on my iPod touch directly, then synchronize it with iTunes later. After goofing around with Rythembox by trying (unsuccessfully) to import some mp3s onto my iPod, I noticed that my recently purchased 'Fame Monster' Lady Gaga album would not synchronize with iTunes, although the music was still playable and indexed correctly on the ipod itself. I also noticed that Rhythembox can't seem to find that album either. It is quite strange.

So I browsed around the file structure on the ipod to try to hunt down these m4a files and found them in a folder called 'Purchases' - they were all there along with a few other recent purchases. These m4a files are different though - they don't seem to have any of the audio tracks' meta-data embedded in the files themselves, that info is instead in associated 'plist' files that are just xml files with all the info about the tracks you'd expect.

When you sync an ipod touch with itunes, it copies your 'on-the-go' generated playlists - so I tried to trick itunes into finding these files by adding my gaga album to a playlist, but sure enough after synching, that playlist simply disappeared. I tried it again, but this time also adding other songs that are not having any problems, and sure enough the playlist was successfully copied to itunes... SANS any of the gaga tracks! This is so weird.

So basically I have these tracks that are paid for, not cheap might I add, that are playable on my ipod touch, but simply refuse to synchronize with itunes. Why not just grab it m4a off the ipod directly? Well thats true, they play on my computer just fine that way, but the files don't have any of the album and track information embedded...

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General :: Sound Stops Working?

Jan 30, 2010

v been trying to fix this for a few days now, and the stress has been building up. I have searched for hours on end trying to fix my sound, and If i can't fix it soon ill have to spend another few hours going back to Windows XP even though i wiped my harddrive for Linux Ubuntu 9.1.My issue is, that my sound changes from what it should be, to a dummy stereo output sound. Which i dont know how to fix. I'd be incredibly happy if someone could give me a link to a tutorial for dummys,

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General :: Sound Not Working In Mandriva?

Jun 22, 2011

I installed mandriva 2010 power pack. But the sound is not working ! the sound card is detected and when i play a song the player shows that it is playing it but no sound is there!! no channel is muted!

My lsmod:
Module Size Used by
ipt_IFWLOG 2374 2
ipt_psd 47523 1


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General :: Sound Not Working In Rhel5?

Nov 16, 2010

i m using RHEL5 ......but only prob i m facing is that there is no sound in my system.

[root@localhost ~]# /sbin/lsmod
Module Size Used by
deflate 7873 0
zlib_deflate 21977 1 deflate


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General :: Sound Not Working On HP Mini 110-3135DX?

Oct 18, 2010

I am having a hard time finding a descriptive solution on how to fix the sound on my HP Mini 110-3135DX. I just got it and put Ubuntu on it. "how to fix the sound for dummies".

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General :: Sound Not Working On RHEL3 System

Sep 16, 2010

My system is p4 3.00ghz, 2gb ram, 945MB, and I am using RHEL3. Sound is not working. I did not use any sound card. When I try to install

cdparanoia-0: 3.2.i386
dvd+rw-tools-0: 3.2.i386

From add/remove application system is asking disk 4, but I did not have disk 4, So from where I can download these files and how to install.

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General :: System Sound Not Working On New User Account

Jan 10, 2010

I am running Debian Lenny with the default Gnome desktop. When I set up a new user the sound is not available. It says the device in not installed. I have used the Gnome system menu as follows.System, Administration, Users and Groups, then used the add user button and entered the appropriate info. I then went and clicked on the properties button and then the User Privileges section and checked off the "use audio devices" button. Still no sound. When I go to System, Preferences, Sound, Devices, and do the sound tests I get report that device is not installed.

When I am logged in to the user (jon) that I set up when doing the D.Lenny install, the sound on all various media play back works fine.There is one with 1 exception when loged in to this user(jon). I can not get any sound from the system sounds like select check box = toggle .wav, chose menu item = beep, etc. It would be realy nice to know how to repair or configure tis issue as well.under system info, pci devices it lists as follows Multimedia audio controller, Intel Corp 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW. Mother board is a ECS 915P-A2 and I guess about 2007 or so vintage. 1 G mem installed and a P-4 2.66 chip. It has the sound built in to it. It works fine on WinXP.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Stops Working After 1-5 Mins Of Playing Sound?

Dec 14, 2010

Playing a song works at first; then it quits after 1-5 minutes. If you select a different output device, it will work for another 1-5 minutes, but switching back to an already used up device will not play sound. Running 'sudo killall pulseaudio' resets everything and each output device works for another 1-5 minutes. This is on on 9.10.


lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)
Subsystem: EPoX Computer Co., Ltd. Device 4002


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Sound Stopped Working, IEC958 Light Turns On Instead Of Sound Playing?

Jan 30, 2011

The sound stopped working on my Macbook Pro 1,1. It was working fine before, and I can't think of any changes I made that would make it stop working. I know it's not a hardware problem because the Apple sound plays when I turn on the computer. Everything is unmuted in ALSA Mixer. None of the hardware options in Sound Preferences produce sound. Plugging in headphones or speakers does not solve the problem. I'm using 10.10.One curiosity: Whenever I do something that would normally cause sound to play, the optical audio red light in the headphone jack turns on, but no sound plays.

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General :: Sound Not Working Properly On Runescape - Java - Debian GNU

May 30, 2010

My sound on Runescape stops and picks up, is very choppy and annoying. I'm using Debian "Lenny". Sound on everything else works just fine (Flash, VLC, etc...)

Here are the Java packages I have installed:

Here is my computers hardware:

Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8Ghz
nVidia 8600GT

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General :: Earphone Not Working - When Plugin - Sound Continues Coming Out Of Speakers

Aug 8, 2011

I am using dell vostro 1088 ,my earphones are not working.When i plug in the earphones , sound continues coming out of speakers.I had tried different earphones as well.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Not Working | No Sound Hardware Found?

Mar 18, 2010

my computer after being updated a few months back lost its ability to make noise. the sound and volume settings see no input (i have an internal mic) or out put (speakers) hardware. they see no sound hardware at all. im running this on a sager so im assuming its an intel HDA audio thing. is there a package where i could report this bug?

running ubuntu 9.10 64 bit

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Sound Card Working...but No Sound?

Apr 17, 2010

Just installed an Asus Xonar DS sound card. Installed the latest ALSA 1.0.23 drivers. The new drivers see my sound card just fine:

aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****


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Fedora :: Sometimes Sound Is Working And Sometimes Not Working

May 30, 2010

I just upgrade my fedora 11 to fedora 12 using the dvd and upgrade setup. I know that there is Fedora 13 released however now I`m with fedora 12. My problem was with sound. Sometimes the sound is working, sometimes it is not working. Here is the information for my PC:


however If i killall pulseaudio or kill -9 PID of pulseaudio, pulse audio starts again and sound is working. I do not know every time when my sound goes off to kill the pulseaudio.

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General :: XEN - Can't Use Sound Card And Windows Is Unable To Find Any Sound Hardware

Aug 17, 2010

sound card is working well inside SuSE and everything is ok there. But when I install Windows 7 or XP inside Xen Virtualization software, I can't use sound card and Windows is unable to find any sound hardware.

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General :: Sound Card Apparently Installed But Sound Doesnt Work

Jun 16, 2010

trying to get everything set up in Debian lenny on my new Toshiba staellite L500. I have successfully installed the wireless drivers and graphics card and have them both up and running. But I'm having trouble with the sound card. Specifically, it appears to be installed but I cant get any sound or any devices related to sound (speakers, volume control, alsamixer) to work at all.

this is my kernel:

uname -r

and this is the result of lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Device 0044 (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 0045 (rev 02)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Ibex Peak HECI Controller (rev 06)


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General :: Buzzing Sound From Speakers ONLY When No Sound Is Playing Ubuntu

Feb 21, 2010

This problem presented itself upon upgrading to ubuntu 9.10. Any time something affects the sound system the buzz goes away. If a song plays, no buzz. If I simply adjust or mute the volume, no buzz. But after 10 seconds of no sound related activity, the buzz returns. This is a very loud and aggravating buzz, most likely made worse by the fact that I run my sound through an amplifier.

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General :: Getting Sound To Application From Sound Card Line-in/microphone?

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to use an application (e.g., mplayer) to play sound that comes in my sound card (via the mic jack). (What I'm really trying to do is sync a sports broadcast by putting a delay on AM audio, as described here. I'm stuck at the part where it says "this shouldn't be too difficult".) I've seen some hints that there might be code-heavy solutions using LADSPA or some JACK SDK, but there's just gotta be a simpler way. I'm hoping for something like


mplayer -delay -7 - < /dev/mic

but I'm darned if I can find it. I'm sure there are plenty of other sports fans who would find this useful for syncing radio with the digital TV feed...

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General :: Usb Sound Card Won't Make Sound When I Put Headphones In It In Alsamixer / Fix It?

May 12, 2011

My usb sound card has been identified by alsamixer, however it won't make any sound when i put headphones in it. The volume is up, I know the sound card works.

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Fedora :: Sound Is Not Working

Jan 14, 2010

What my problem no sound is working on my machine.This is fedora12..I dont know what to do and where to start trouble shoot. For example in mplyer i switched between differnt audio drivers But no hope.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Is Not Working In 10.04?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a newly installed Ubuntu 10.04 Operating system. As soon as i booted it up, i realized that my sound was not working, for anything (movies, ..... videos, music, etc.) How do Make the sound work?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Not Working / What To Do?

Nov 14, 2010

I have both Windows 7 and Ubuntu installed on my laptop. Since the last few days my sound in Ubuntu is not at all functioning when it works just alright on windows.

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Ubuntu :: Sound Not Working On 10.04 LTS / Get That?

Feb 25, 2011

I installed last night Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (I had XP) and now sound is not working!

My sound card: VIA Audio HD

In volume manager is sound and I can make volume 1-100 but not working on ..... or any song or anything.

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Slackware :: Sound Not Working In S13.1?

Aug 19, 2010

I was reluctant to start yet another sound thread, but after days of searching sites and reading mini HOWTO's I'm still mute. I have tried configuring ALSA via:

# alsaconf
# /etc/rc.d/rc.alsa start
# alsamixer - all relevant sliders unmuted...
# alsactl store

...and still nothing. KDE reports that 'Audio playback device ALC889 does not work.' My kmix app doesn't even start. At boot I get this message 3 times:

"ALL CONFIG FILES NEED /etc/modprobe.d/sound - it will be ignored in a future release"

Even starting xmms brings up 'Check that - your soundcard is configured properly/the correct plugin is selected/no other program is blocking the soundcard'. btw, Windows reports I have an ALC888, not a 889. KDE lists it as present as both digital and analog, and the legacy system (whatever it is) as well as esound, but none work. I certainly had no difficulty with S11.

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Debian :: Input Sound Not Working?

Jul 9, 2010

So I have this cable going from a cassette players "phones" jack to my computers input jack but there is no sound coming from my speakers though it did with Windows XP.

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Fedora :: Sound Is Not Working Anymore?

Oct 1, 2009

after a couple of updates... my sound is not working anymore

HTML Code:
alsamixer -c0

HTML Code:
killall pulseaudio
pulseaudio --start
didn't fix the problem (user member of pulse-rt)

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Fedora Hardware :: F12 64 In HP Dv7 - Sound Not Working?

Nov 18, 2009

I have just installed the F12 64 on my hp dv7 and nor the sound neither the microphone works. In F11 64 the sound works fine (I have never tested the microphone), as well as in all the Ubuntu most recent versions, but not now in F12 64, which is frustrating (I am a Fedora fan).

I have checked the configuration in Sound Preferences and it is identical to the one shown when I use the Ubuntu 64 liveCD (where both sound and microfone works perfectly), which has exactly the same interface in the recent versions as F12, which I believe that excludes the possibility of an error in the sound configurarion. Am I correct ?

Just a note: I am having kernel problems also, with a constant alert that indicates some incompatibility with the BIOS, with the message of broken BIOS (which was not removed when I updated the BIOS), but I am not sure those are related problems...

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