i wanna sort the 3rd column in a table numerically ( no actual borders...only tabs seperating the columns) it should be something like this but i cant get it right
I have a china phone which has mp3 player and unfortunately it reads the file names in its memory card in sequential order according where the file is saved. The file system is NTFS. cod
**Note: DDD song was last because I saved AAA to EEE songs then later added DDD song
Then suddenly i deleted BBB song and replaced it with FFF song code...
This is kinda lame. but the OS of the phone has no capability sorting the file according to filename in its built in mp3 player.
my question is how can I sort the files sector by sector(is my term right?) so the lame mp3 player would read the files finally in alphabetically sorted order. I Will plug my phone on my PC
I have two different table in a database in mysql that has no share key with each other and I want to sort them with each other on their date time column I mean when I sort it row X of table A that is older that row Y of table B comes earlier.
I was trying to redirect the output of two variables to different columns of a .csv file in MS excel like this,
Code: echo "$a $b" > abc.csv But I am getting both $a and $b in the same column, is there anything I can use instead of to move the value of $b to the next column? Or is there a good different approach to do it?
I have a file that stores employee login IDs, names, types, and permissions. Our software reads the information based on byte-columns, so it reads a column as any ASCII character (spaces, letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.). I want to create a web-interface for adding and removing users, and storing the data in a MySQL database. However, if I am creating the files from the MySQL output, I need a way to write to specific column locations in the file ...
User ID: Columns 1-4 User Name: Columns 6-30 Type: 32-40 Permissions: 42-45
I want to use a scripting language, preferably C-Shell, to call MySQL for the data and write the data to the correct columns of the file. I wrote a script that takes the data from the file, and dumps it into the MySQL table, so maybe I can pad the remaining space in the table column to fill with spaces ...
Is there any way to manually sort the order of Places (KDE's "bookmarks") that show up in the side panel of Dolphin, or to have it automatically sorted e.g. alphabetically?One might think such a feature, if it existed, to be well-documented and easily-accessible.
I have a bunch of files named in hexadecimal, which get displayed in order 0A, 0B, 0C, ..., 0F, 01, 1A, 1B, ..., 1F, 02, 2A, ... 2F, 03, 3A, ..., 9F, 10, 11, 12, ..., 99, A0, ...
i use this script to get the time and date of back and fourth transactions for a particular execution id. I use a substr command on the 5th column to to cut the milli seconds off the time value. - otherwise the times would look like 08:30:04.235
I am using some "Numerical Recipes in C" routines in my C code.(I am using ludcmp() & lubksb().)These are used to find inverse of a matrix.After compiling my c code, I get following warning messages.I have not understood them at all. What is the meaning of these and why did they pop up and how to remove them?
Code: nrutil.h:11: warning: 'sqrarg' defined but not used nrutil.h:14: warning: 'dsqrarg' defined but not used
I would like to make a file with all these data in one column, like
a1 a2 . .
Can it be done with awk or some other command? Also, is it possible then do add another column in front of this one with numbers of the lines (for every previous column), like
Is been a while since I was last here requesting help. Now I need some of that LQ magic. I have a script file that extracts data for a date range, create a zip file for the data and then ftp it to a remote server. Now the script is working perfectly if it is run manually, but now I want it to execute automatically. So I use the crontab, but for some reason the script fails when run from the crontab.code...
Question: what command can I use swap item1 and item2 around and keep the attributes in place. A space seperates the first and second column. The file has many hundreds of lines in which these need to be swapped
#!/bin/bash ls -lhGg | while read line; do echo "$line"; done | awk ' { print $3" "$6 } '
what i want to do is be able to print column 3 and every column greater then 5. Has to be to the end of the line, since different filenames can have different amounts of words in them and the blank space is the separator. my current code works just fine if the file has no blank space.
I have a text field that is just list of servers and I need to add the word hostname in front of them... It must be brain fart but I can't think of how to do this. Basically I need this:
I can't play mp3 from Rhythmbox music player, it says MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin required, and also I can't play mp4 from movie player it says h.264 decoder and MPEG-4 AAC decoder plugin required. what a joke!!! can you imagine for a newbie and for the first time like me use linux operating system find something like that.
I'm new to Linux world. I'm using Ubuntu 9.04. I'm unable to go online using Ubuntu because I'm unable to run an executable client application provided by my ISP. I called them and they are not able to help me instlling this client applicatoin for me on my Ubuntu. "I cannot go online untill I install this ISP client application on my Ubuntu." I'm entering my ISPs weblink in this blogpost so that it would be easy for you guys to help me resolving this issue. http://www.spacenetindia.net/download.php This is the weblink where I downloaded that ISP client application from. I clicked on this link and clicked on 24online clients.exe tab located on the left and downloaded linuxclient.gz. Please help me if you find any resolution for this issue. Though I tried downloading Wine but I could not as I cannot go onlnie in Ubuntu. In windows I don't know how to install wine to make it work offline in ubuntu.b