Software :: Get Nautilus To Sort Filenames In Lexicographical Order?
Mar 14, 2010
I have a bunch of files named in hexadecimal, which get displayed in order 0A, 0B, 0C, ..., 0F, 01, 1A, 1B, ..., 1F, 02, 2A, ... 2F, 03, 3A, ..., 9F, 10, 11, 12, ..., 99, A0, ...
I'm trying to get Chinese filenames to be listed in alphabetical order according to pinyin. Long ago I remember having to install a particular package for that to happen, but in the past year or so I believe that ubuntu at least was doing that automatically. On my most recent linux installation, however, I find that it's not sorting file names by pinyin order. I'm wondering if I have forgotten to install something this time.
I am using Red hat linux .. i just wanted to know, is it possible to arrange or sort filenames numerically?i have saved several files with the follwing names : 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, 4.png ...... 11.png 12.png. and so on.... but the containing folder sorts this alphabetically in the following manner 11,12,13...... 1, 2, 3, and so on...
Is there any way to manually sort the order of Places (KDE's "bookmarks") that show up in the side panel of Dolphin, or to have it automatically sorted e.g. alphabetically?One might think such a feature, if it existed, to be well-documented and easily-accessible.
I've recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu and have a question regarding tweaking the character order Nautilus uses for alphabetical sorting. In my music/graphics/etc folder hierarchies, I have used a hyphen at the start as a 'hack' to 'sticky' some folders above the rest for quicker access. This worked fine in Windows, but Nautilus ignores a hyphen in it's sorting calculations. Is there anyway, simple or complex to replicate this behaviour in Nautilus?
I have a china phone which has mp3 player and unfortunately it reads the file names in its memory card in sequential order according where the file is saved. The file system is NTFS. cod
**Note: DDD song was last because I saved AAA to EEE songs then later added DDD song
Then suddenly i deleted BBB song and replaced it with FFF song code...
This is kinda lame. but the OS of the phone has no capability sorting the file according to filename in its built in mp3 player.
my question is how can I sort the files sector by sector(is my term right?) so the lame mp3 player would read the files finally in alphabetically sorted order. I Will plug my phone on my PC
I can't have autorun of data or video DVDs and CDs in Lucid. The system simply just won't open the disk in Nautilus. It is such an annoyance that I can barely bear. I've even added the CD and DVD in fstab, but no use. Since those assholes replaced HAL with DeviceKit, I have to open the removable media manually. I've set the behavior of Nautilus to browse media upon insertion but no use.
HiI still have a issue where nautilus occasionally wont show my home folder's contents. (it has no images or videos or music in the home folder directly (only in sub-folders), only other folders and text files, incl dot files for settings)
I have to reboot to get it to work. Sometimes it does it right after a reboot, a 2nd reboot then allows nautilus to see contents of the home folder.
This thread was from F12 Beta stage, now closed:
What options should I use when I'm using the sort command to sort the top 5 CPU processes (ps -eo user,pid,ppid,%cpu,%mem,fname | sort ??? | head -5) showing max to min usage?
We switched from unix to linux and we have an old report that extracted data from a database, output to an ascii file and then sorted the results in the file based on different arguments. The report now blows up when it runs,and I can only guess it is because the options for sort on linux differ slightly from unix.For example, here is one of the commands issued from within the report app that ran on the old unix box:
I will eventually rewrite the report to store the data in a local table, but I can simply adjust the options to suit the requirments of linux. Basically, I need to know if this can be a quick fix for the short term.
I was transferring data from one computer to my laptop and crash error came up on my laptop...
Error 1:
Nautilus-2.32.0-1.fc14 Reason: Process/usr/bin/nautilus was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
Error 2:
Openoffice.Org-Brand Crash
Reason: Process/usr/lib/openoffice.org3/program/soffice.bin was killed by signal (SIGABRT)
What could be the problem? Is it serious issue? I have been having security issues with Windows and are those issues begun once again? I have been under targeted attack since 2005.
Is it possible to change my current nautilus window to have sudo capabilities,? e.g. to delete locked files. It may be lazy but if it takes a lot of navigation then it would be handy to somehow activate sudo from the open window without the terminal command (gksudo nautilus) which always begins at root.
I attempted to install Nautilus Elementary...the results were not what I expected however. First of all, it doesn't seem to even have installed correctly, but thats not the main issue...after installing, Nautilus looks like this...
I've added a new Nautilus action and I'd like to use another icon that those provided in the nautilus item con list (see attachment).
But whatever image I try (some PNG or even SVG files) I can't get them to be displayed. It seems there is a very special format, size, type to match the Gnome/GTK+/Nautilus icon requirements...
Does anyone know how I can move the location bar in nautilus up by the toolbar, as shown by this pic:
I'd rather not have to download the source of nautilus and edit the code / compile it myself.
By the way, a guy on Ubuntu Forums thought this was a mockup. It's not. It's the regular version of Nautilus, only I removed some toolbar buttons through the /usr/share/nautilus/ui xml files.
I just want the location bar next to the toolbar to conserve screen space, and be a bit more like Finder.
I am currently working on a script which makes regular backups of some data I have, and I would like to name the compressed TAR files with the date it they were created, in short I want to rename a file:
I want to travel for a while and need winfdows 7 for that. I want to copy my Linux Thunderbird profile with many years of emails across to windows7 then back to Linux when I'm finished with win 7. I copy the "profiles" folder at ~/.thunderbird/profiles folder over to win 7. Being thorough, I then run the windows app "chkdsk" to see if windows dislikes what I did in a filesystem context. Chkdsk finds three illegal filenames in the copied folder. The filenames contain colons.
They are as follows: a directory named "mailbox:" a directory named "mailbox:.sdb" a file named "mailbox:.msf"
I try to manipulate them in windows (e.g. rename, delete, open, whatever) and get error messages about invalid names. It sounds to me like the items really are corrupt. So now I have a partially corrupted Thunderbird that works in Linux and doesn't work in windows and has years of emails in it. How do I straighten out Thunderbird in Linux? (I'll worry about windows later)
list filenames one-per-line, in BASH without including directories. I think he was either wrong or making that up. There is a way to list just the names and one per line but there aren't any arguments I can find that can be used to exclude directories.
IFS=', '; files=`ls -m`; for i in $files; do if [ -f $i ]; then echo $i; fi; done That does only use ls as a command, however he said his GSI thought he could do it without all that...
The (WD 320GB) drive has a single ext3 FS on it. It has had some problems in the past, but all were fixed with fsck -y. Now there are several directories with duplicate filenames. The files with duplicated names are hard links of each other, but the names are identical. I've run several diagnostics over them, looking for, eg, non-printing characters in the name, but they are completely identical. Here are some examples:
These are (obviously) from a directory of mp3s, but similar duplications occur throughout the fs - there are several thousand files affected. Some of the diagnostics were programmes I wrote that accessed the directory itself (through the dirent structure). I always thought duplicate filenames in the same directory were impossible in unix/linux; this appears to prove me wrong. Am I missing something? (Kernel version 2.4.20 with xfs extensions. The installation was originally Red Hat 7, but I've changed almost everything, so it's probably more accurate to call it a custom distro.)
I have filenames like such: abc (e).doc And I want to rename them to abc.doc I have a directory full of files names like this. How can i do this using the sed command? I have looked online for about 2-3 hours now and am frustrated that I can't find an answer.
I have a large number of files, all of them named /*/*.xyz I need to match them to potential files name /*/*.abc I have tried find -name *xyz |awk '// {print '$NF'}' | awk '{print $NF }' but the result has the full path I just need the filename without the extention, and without the full path.