Programming :: Awk Multiple Column Into Single Column?
Jul 15, 2010
I have a multicolumn datas, like
a1 b1 ... f1
a2 b2 ... f2
. . ... .
I would like to make a file with all these data in one column, like
Can it be done with awk or some other command? Also, is it possible then do add another column in front of this one with numbers of the lines (for every previous column), like
Have this script which is reading in a series of files, one at a time with while-do-done loop, each file goes through various greps/awk's where this info is then saved to various files for later use. i.e....
Script is being run on Linux Red Hat,
In one of the grep/awk's the output (currently) are 2 columns (min max), i.e....| awk '{print $1, $2}' | sort -u which outputs (e.g.)
The number of "min max" pairs varies from file to file. Want to output a single column of unique numbers from the min max pairs & get the number of them for input to a file...i.e...
Where <PROCESS> is some process/technique that will generate a single column of integers (increment of 1) to pipe into the next one (sort -u)
i.e. (example from above)
Have tried command seq - only works for single pair input i.e.
Is there any command like seq etc which will output a single column based on a input of min max numbers (increment 1) to pipe onwards to next command?
I need to transpose a file with over a 1000 rows of 5 columns of numbers into a file with a single column of numbers. The numbers are separated by a single space and range from one digit to 5 digits each. I tried using awk, but can only get it to grab one column of numbers.
1 2 3 4 50 600 7 8 9000 10 11 12000 13 14 15
Desired output:
1 2 3 4
Tried using: awk '{split($0,a,""); print $NF}' <filename> and got:
I am writing a script to mine data from my game server logs which are going to mysql. My first question is syslog-ng is sticking $msg into one colum it self, $msg tends to be a long string here are a few examples:
cn name team frag death flags role host. 0 Maik CLA 2 0 0 normal *.70.233.118. 1 lizardncd RVSF -1 3 0 normal [*.22.247.40] lizardncd fragged Maik.
And they are not always in the same format, How could I parse this data to do something useful, like creating a user stats page with frag counts and flag counts. Should I create a script that runs in a cronjob that parses this data to a new table maybe once a day. Even then the $msg string value is random and I am thinking in terms of awk.
Second. I would like to keep track of what ip's are using what nicknames. Kinda in the sense of and ip associated to a array of names that have been used on that ip address so I can keep track of users. How would this work logically with a mysql db, could a column allow multiple values, then loadable into an array, which then can add, remove, and store to mysql.
i use this script to get the time and date of back and fourth transactions for a particular execution id. I use a substr command on the 5th column to to cut the milli seconds off the time value. - otherwise the times would look like 08:30:04.235
Problem is simple but I can't figure out how to solve it, I tried any possible way that I know but with no result.I'm using simple perl script with DBI and do select from one table and do update in other table with results from select, but I can't preserve my '' returned from select when doing update. I simply want my '' from first table to be '' in second but postgres makes them real new lines. I tried to escape '' with , '',"",E(I mean E'value here') in front of value that updating but they are always real new lines not '' in new table.
I am running Linux from a DVD, not installed. I am not good with installing software, but since the DVD cannot be corrupted, I am content to operate this way. Lately, I have been having problems that previously did not occur. When I try to click on the checkbox to get rid of emails, it doesn't register in most cases, or when it does, I am clicking multiple times so it registers twice, meaning it is unchecked again. Even more frustrating is some issues that are affecting my ability to update my business. I am trying to modify spreadsheets (text not calculations).
Whenever I try to click & drag to select something to change, it keeps jumping around to select only some of what I want, something else or some combination of the 2. When I try to copy and paste several fields from 1 column to another, everything from the several fields in the source column ends up together in the last field in the target column. I am also trying to download some images from a website. There is a single column of links to the images. I have to click on the link to get to the image in order to copy it, then back out to continue looking for more links to do the same.
My computer keeps jumping back 2 steps, then forward 2 steps, and sometimes I lose my place in that list. I could deal with it if it were a small number of links, but this is a list of probably close to 20,000 links. Again, i am operating off of a live DVD so this should not be corruptible, but this has just started happening, and has been an issue the last several sessions.
#!/bin/bash ls -lhGg | while read line; do echo "$line"; done | awk ' { print $3" "$6 } '
what i want to do is be able to print column 3 and every column greater then 5. Has to be to the end of the line, since different filenames can have different amounts of words in them and the blank space is the separator. my current code works just fine if the file has no blank space.
I have a text field that is just list of servers and I need to add the word hostname in front of them... It must be brain fart but I can't think of how to do this. Basically I need this:
With tr '''' < file I can select all columns to become separate rows,but as you see x3 and x4 have to be grouped when transposing.Or should I use awk for this one?
I have a large tab delimited text file, about 17gb. It only has 6 column. On column number 4, it is all numbers. Ranging from 1-1000. I want to count how many times each number occured. So the output I want is in 2 columns, first one is a number, second column is how many times it occured. I tried
head -n 1000 coverage | cut -f 4 | uniq -c
Didn't work for me, the first column returned is not unique.
i've been using a awk script to calculate my data... i have 3 files:
file a1.txt:
2 3 4
the results were (3.5, 6 and 3) which is pretty easy.. now i want to combine all this into 1 file and each have different columns and called it avg.txt which have something like this in the end:
I'm having problems adding up column totals using arrays. I've got it to add up the row totals and display at the end of the row. Here is my code so far
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> const int maxrows=10;
What i need it to do is, add up the columns and display it at the bottom of each column similar to how the row totals display
I need to extract the Info from the RC column for the first 4 players of liverpool. The test code i have does the same,but can anyone show me a better way of doing it.I could do it easily with gawk -F"|" and print the respective column,but i need to do this in perl.
I have a huge (over 10 gb) file with a list of IP's each followed by a corresponding number like this:
Code: 10 11 12 13 14 and so on..
I'm trying to sort this file numerically and weed out any duplicate IP addresses. How do I do this on bash? I have come up with this but obviously it does'nt work.
I just started programming in PHP so I haven't figured out how to do this yet, but I have a multi-dimensional array that I need to sort by one column. That's fine...but I need the sort to ignore case! Right now I have it sorted by 'name' (the other column is 'uid').
The problem is that by the default the sort is case-sensitive so the array looks like this: Code: Apple 4015 Banana 4011 Cherry 4045 avocado 4046
I want to be able to sort the the 'name' column in a case-insensitive manner so that the array actually looks like: Code: Apple 4015 avocado 4046 Banana 4011 Cherry 4045
How to accomplish this? Just FYI I'm not actually sorting the PLUs for fruits...but it was a simple example. I'm actually doing this for a Facebook application.
I need a better tutorial than the out of date books I own or I can find using Google. If someone has a place they would recommend, please provide a link. I have a web page that is 3 column. I would like each column to vertical scroll separately. I would also like to keep the jump code in the left column if that is possible. Go here for the my web page and source code. [URL]
All I want is a command that reads one data file with several columns and prints it in another one.However, whenever the value in one specific column alters, it prints one empty line in the new file. For example, consider the file