General :: Rewrite Cellphone's Firmware In GNU?

Jun 6, 2010

To update it or just to rewrite if it is unstable.

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General :: Arch Update Failed - Error "firmware: /lib/firmware/radeon/R700_rlc.bin Exists In Filesystem Note That In The Beginning"

Jul 4, 2010

I can't my system because of this error: Code: linux-firmware: /lib/firmware/radeon/R700_rlc.bin exists in filesystem Note that in the beginning, it asks:

Code: :: Replace kernel26-firmware with core/linux-firmware? [Y/n] There are so many updates by now that the list fills in a few pages in the terminal! Also, I wonder why so many Arch updates get stuck or broken compared to almost any other distro? Is it poorly designed packages? Is it a design flaw in pacman/the package format?

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General :: Want To Copy With Rewrite

Jul 23, 2010

I want to copy but without asking method or -r option .

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General :: Alternative 'cleaner' Solution Instead Of Rewrite

Mar 14, 2010

i have the following script which takes as input parameter a webpage and extract the emails from it. The results are correct but i was wondering whether i could rewrite it in a better, 'cleaner' manner. I think my for loop is a bit. primitive and also each email is printed twice

echo $1
echo "The script starts now."
echo "Hi, $USER!"
wget $1 -O webpage.txt
awk '
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {

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General :: Regular Expression For Mod Rewrite - Match Directories Ape/ And Apes/

Dec 13, 2010

I have this..

RewriteRule ^(apes|ape)/(.*)$ $2?fh=$1 [L,QSA]

I only want to match the directories ape/ and apes/ but I think it is matching any directory that ends in "ape" or "apes" or maybe does it match any string containing those characters in any order? I am not great at regex, and have read alot, but still not sure if I understand this correctly.

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General :: Burn Data (file) With Command Line (at Terminal) To DVD Rewrite?

May 17, 2010

Now, I use Fedora Core (version 8) with core linux OS 2.6
I have some file data with size about 2G and I want to burn (write) this file to DVD rewrite.

I know linux OS can install software to burn data to DVD, but I don't have permission to install more software. I only use command line over Terminal (Gnome Terminal).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount Cellphone ?

Feb 25, 2011

When ever I plug my SANYO in, I get the following messege box, I there some sort of 'magic' I need to work in terminal?

Also when it's plugged in, SANYO will 'flash' in and out of 'Places' menu and won't stay long enough for me to click on it.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Driver Firmware - Error "Wireless Connection (Firmware Missing)"

Jun 4, 2011

after installing Ubuntu Natty Narwhal 11.04, I'm experiencing tons and tons of complications with the wireless Internet connection. I have solved most of them. Now I have only one thing left. When I hit the drop-down menu for wireless connections, it says "Wireless connection (Firmware missing)"

I have installed the driver for my wireless card but what is the firmware? I honestly don't know what it is although it's very basic. I have a Broadcom 43xx as my wireless card (specifically 4306). How do I get the firmware for it? Do I find it in Windows? Also I cannot get b43-fwcutter because I have absolutely to Internet connection on Ubuntu. To post this, I'm using Windows.

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Ubuntu :: What Cellphone Syncs With Thunderbird?

Apr 24, 2010

I have recently got an iPhone and find it is not possible to use it with my Ubuntu 9.10. I want to do full syncing with Thunderbird and Lightning. I would like to change this mobile phone for one which will do the syncing with Ubuntu. What phone do you recommend I get?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add Music From Computer To Cellphone?

Jan 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to transfer music from the computer to a cellphone that has a memory card by usb port

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Ubuntu :: Using Cellphone As Bluetooth Modem In Hardy?

Mar 17, 2010

I recently got myself a bluetooth dongle. I frequently use my Sony Ericsson K800i mobile phone as a modem to connect my computers to the internet. I've had to use a USB datacable to link phone to computer, so I'm pretty stoked at the idea of using a bluetooth connection instead.

I used this tutorial to set up the modem connection. It's a bit aged: it was written in the days of 6.10, and goes on about bluez-utils; but it wasn't hard to update it, for instance replacing the command

sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

and there's now a little graphic interface to pair devices and such, whereas when the tutorial was written you had to use command-line to pair and authenticate. Also, I use Gnome-PPP to start the internet connection rather than the ponand poff commands suggested in the tutorial.

I can connect to the phone/modem simply enough now with my EeePC running Jaunty. But when I put the same dongle in my Hardy-running desktop machine, I cannot establish a link. This really puzzles me: the same bluetooth device is being used in both cases, and I'm following the tutorial in both cases so I'm doing the same in both cases. I can do other stuff with the dongle and the Hardy box: for instance I can transfer files from one to the other. It's just the dial-up internet function that won't work.

I realise the next LTS version (Lucid) is coming out soon; and I'm pretty confident the bluetooth modem connection will work okay with Lucid. But in the meantime, I really would like to use the bluetooth connection now. Sometimes my phone can get a 3G signal only if it's sitting onmy window sill, and the datacable isn't long enough to do that. So, if anyone can point me in the right direction for info on how to use a phone as bluetooth modem with Hardy,

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Ubuntu :: SMS Gateway That Is Working Without Using A Cellphone(GMS) On My Side?

Apr 25, 2010

I would like to have a sms gateway that is sending sms without using a cellphone(GMS) on my side.

Is there a pack that can be used this way?

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Programming :: Connecting A PC With Android Cellphone Through Wif-fi Network?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm a very experienced Java programmer, have a very basic knowledge about android and java networking.I need a basic idea about how to make a desktop application that connects to android cellphone through wi-fi ? What classes should I use ?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Use Internet Using Cellphone As Modem?

Jan 1, 2011

This is my first post on forums.i am using centos 5.5 on my pc. i want to use internet on my using my cellphone as modem.internet is running successfuly on my handset.i have got a usb cable to connect it with pc.details are given below:-

1.cellphone= samsung c3200(gprs,edge,3g supporting)
2.connection method= usb cable
3.os= centos 5.5

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Networking :: Failing To Connect To Internet Using Cellphone As A Modem?

Jan 26, 2011

I am unable to connect to internet using my cell phone(sony ericsson X1i xperia). When i connect from wired internet it connects without a problem. What settings should i change/ programmes to execute? Thank u in unticipation

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OpenSUSE Install :: Middle Of Copying Files From Comp To Cellphone The Xp Has Crashed?

Apr 9, 2011

in the middle of copying files from my comp to my cellphone the Xp has crashed. When reboot, got a notification that:rootnoverify (hd 0,0)NTLDR is missingchainloader +1I found a way to possibly repair the xxxxxp, I just don't know if it can mess up my suse side, have 11.3this is the solution for xp;If you get the "NTLDR is Missing" error, follow these instructions:

1. Load Windows XP CD into CD drive.
2. Make sure BIOS is set to boot to CD drive.
3. Boot the computer from CD.


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General :: Unable To Install B43 Firmware

May 2, 2010

Actually,my ubuntu 9.1 was running smoothly but now it gives a message to install b43 firmware and a site name to install it.I could have installed it but ubuntu just get stuck after that message.Is there anyway to install through windows?

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General :: Drivers / Firmware For Wireless Networking?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a Live minimal install Gentoo CD that was made from a downloaded ISO that does not contain the drivers/firmware for my wireless networking card in my laptop. So I unpacked the ISO image and un-squashed the squashfs and added two folders that contained the firmware in the /lib/firmware directory. Then I squashed the file system back the way it was (squashfs), and re-created the ISO again. Then I burned the ISO to an image on a blank CD but when I tried to boot from the new CD, the CD was ignored and the laptop went directly to the hard drive for booting. So the live CD is no longer a bootable CD. I can't even tell if the firmware will work because the CD is not detected at POST. The BIOS is set to boot from a CD before it pages the hard drive. The original CD booted fine before I made the modifications to it. I compared the contents of the original CD to the one I modified and everything is identical. What did I do wrong.

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General :: Where Is Firmware Driver Located For ATI Radeon

Apr 21, 2010

Where can I find the firmware driver RS780_pfp.bin for ati/radeon? [URL please]
Trying to resolve this message.

[ 2.880560] platform radeon_cp.0: firmware: requesting radeon/RS780_pfp.bin
[62.880180] r600_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/RS780_pfp.bin"
[62.880262] [drm:r600_startup] *ERROR* Failed to load firmware!

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General :: Broadcom BCM4312 Firmware In Ubuntu 10.10 Beta?

Sep 26, 2010

I recently switched from 10.04.1 Ubuntu that I had for only about a week, to Ubuntu 10.10 Beta. I switched because I heard that 10.10 comes with firmware right out of the box for BCM4312. I am new with Linux, and Ubuntu, but I do know what some of the commands do and etc. I got 10.10 installed, but the wireless options say "Not connected|Firmware Missing" What do I need to activate the firmware, or install it?

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General :: Missing Firmware Preventing Internet Connection?

Jul 13, 2011

just did a dual boot or whatever you call it last night)and I can't figure out how to connect to my home wireless internet. I checked in one of the menus, and it says "firmware missing". Does anybody have an idea of what I need to do to fix this? If I haven't been specific enough, please ask for more information. I'm not really sure what to include.

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General :: Install The Driver/firmware Information In Ubuntu 10.04

May 1, 2010

I have the HVR-2200 TV card, which works great in windows, And I have found the linux driver.[URL]... What I cant do is figure out how to install the driver/firmware information in Ubuntu 10.04.

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General :: Boot Options Whilst Working With Open Firmware?

May 4, 2010

I am going to attempt to install Linux (probably Ubuntu) onto an 500GB USB external hard drive. I was wondering what my boot options where as i am installing on to a powermac G5 that uses open firmware. From the boot menu, i dont have the option to boot to USB(like i can from firewire, CD or Internal HD) though i have found this page;[URL]... this enables me to boot from usb and works fine with Mac Os X (as i had to do this to boot from a usb stick i installed the os on when doing a spot of data recovery) but im not sure if it would boot into linux cleanly. I'm also unsure as to wether in instalation i'd need to install yaboot or not, and if not wether this is actualy an option o n the install cd.

Any info on whether anybody had installed a similar system, had any experience installing onto open firmware for an external Usb hard drive booting system or just any general knowledge about linux on open firmware would be great.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Use Testdisk To Rewrite MBR?

Jun 14, 2011

Is it possible or wise to use a program like 'testdisk' running on an Ubuntu 32-bit system to rewrite the MBR of a Windows 64-bit system hard drive? I am only asking because I am cleaning someone's HDD after they got infected with a Trojan called "Dos/Alureon.A. They were worried that they might have to do a re-partition and clean install.

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Server :: Apache MOD REWRITE ?

Jan 19, 2010

I want to redirect [url] to [url] how to do this? The only solution that came up is just redirect everything to a php file, and than ask the php file do the redirect..... I want to do it using .htaccess file instead of using PHP or CGI.

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Ubuntu :: Using Cellphone Headset With Computer - Error "no File Transfer Occurs"

Nov 17, 2010

I have a bluetooth headset for a cellphone, which I would like to use with my Ubuntu computers. I'm currently trying to do this with a computer running Jaunty. I have successfully paired the headset with the computer. But when I try to send an audio file to the headset, I get the "Sending files via Bluetooth dialogue box, immediately followed by the error message:

Quote: org.openobex.Error.NotSupported and no file transfer occurs. I am able to do other Bluetooth operations with other devices - eg I can send/receive files between the computer and my cellphone. It just seems to me that using a Bluetooth cellphone headset is not supported, or that I am doing something wrong.

UPDATE: I just tried doing this with my other machine running 10.04, with similar results. It looks momentarily like it's going to transfer the file, then reports that "an unknown error occurred". Is it just not possible to use bluetooth headsets for cellphones with Ubuntu computers? That doesn't seem very likely: when the computer detects the headset, it reports it as being a "headset". So why won't it work? What am I doing wrong?

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General :: HP ProLiant DL380 + Debian Squeeze + Firmware-bnx2_0.28_all

Apr 2, 2011

I have a HP ProLiant DL380 server and I am trying to install Debian on it. I had an error that said dhcp config failed at the installation and Debian could not find my NIC. I've Googled it and found out that I need to install required Broadcom NIC drivers.

There are images that 3rd people have created but I don't want to use them as it will be a server.

Another way to install them is to download .deb package and install it from a removable media when asked.

So I went ahead and did an exper install mode and choose adding packages from a media so an option appeared for me to install stuff from removable media now.

Each time I choosed it, my flash drive's lights were blinking but then I was getting an error says this package can not be installet are you sure to instal non signed package.

I say yes at that stage but I still can not install and it says this is probably happening because of kernel version miss match.

I downloaded latest stable copy of debian from official debian site and downloading the stable squeeze copy of the driver from official Debian site too.[URL]..

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General :: Access Each Drive Of A RAID Array In Order To Update The Firmware?

Feb 2, 2011

I need to access each drive of a RAID array in order to update the firmware - I am completely new to linux. I think there are probably some potential challanges along the way to get this "working" For example, it seems to me that the array may present itself to application code as a single device. I need to drill down into the RAID and talk to each physical device in turn via some sort of pass-through mechanism. I'm currently pretty lost - can anyone point me in the "right" direction

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Ubuntu :: Apache Rewrite: Can't Turn It On?

Feb 10, 2010

I have done a2enmod rewriteand rewrite.load appears in the mods-enabled subdirectory.

My httpd.conf file contains DocumentRoot "/usr/appl/prod/htdocs/" <Directory />Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny, allow


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Server :: Rewrite To Redirect All To A Php File?

Dec 13, 2010

I have simple blog I created myself. I am using mod rewrite to redirect all to a php file. But I have links in google like [URL]

How can I match it with regular expression? I try with variants of ^([^/?]+)/$ but with no success.

The desired result is to redirect such addresses to [URL] or to 301 page

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