General :: Remove The Quorum Disk From One Of Server?

Mar 12, 2010

i want to remove the quorum disk from one of our Linux server (Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1).I am attaching the current setup. stopping the pkg & cluster what i have to do .or what will be the procedure.I am not interested to put a new disk. i just have to remove it & make sure that without having a quorum it's working fine.

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General :: Can't Delete Files From External Hard Disk / Remove It?

Mar 26, 2010

Can't delete files from external hard disk.
Getting message,"Input output error or unreadable/corrupted file"

Is there any way to delete this?

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Fedora :: Remove F7 From Disk?

Jul 26, 2009

I'm having very unpleasant experience with fedora 7. I have removed all my windows and installed fedora 7. AND IT WAS NOT BEAUTIFUL AS I THOUGHT!. AND I need to remove it now.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Remove A Disk From A Lvm?

Feb 28, 2011

my file server i am trying to replace a small 30gb disk with a larger one i just purchased. i need to find a way to backup the data on it to another part of the lvm and then remove it hopefully with the backup and the rest of my data intact.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Grub From Other Windows Disk

Feb 14, 2010

I have windows XP on one disk, I added another disk and I installed UBuntu 9.10 on it. I wish to temporarily remove the ubuntu disk, however grub cannot load unless that disk is connected. It appears that grub has got to the windows disk and my system was booting from there. I wish to remove grub from all disks, (or at least the windows disk). I tried removing it from the synaptic package manager, but it's still there (but it looks different, maybe another version loaded or something). I'd like to just be able to boot from either disk using my bios boot menu.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Wubi Of My Hard Disk?

Sep 28, 2010

I was told I don't have Ubuntu installed, how do I remove "wubi" of my hard disk. Can't find it anywhere in partitions or anything.

And would anyone know a Free FTP Backup server for about 6gs of space so I can backup my music & such?

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General :: How To Add And Remove External FAT32 Usb Drive To RHEL Server?

Jan 8, 2010

I need to get a backup copy of a huge directory on one of our RHEL servers. Rather than hook the external USB drive up to my PC and manually copy it all across the network, can I just plug it in to one of my USB ports on the server and rsync it?I know how to do the rsync, I just don't know how to get the USB drive to show up when I do a df -h and how to properly remove it before unplugging it from the server. this is a live server, so I can't go playing around and possibly mess something up.

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Red Hat :: Increasing Disk Device To / Root Disk Enterprise Server 4?

Mar 25, 2010

I am having problem with the root disk / fill up. So now that i have the disk information provided from SAN team Id 0:3, how would i do to add this device to / to increase space on Redhat Enterprise server 4?

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Fedora Security :: Remove Encryption From An Hard Disk?

Feb 24, 2009

I was trying to install Fedora 9 on my new laptop that came with Win XP. I have selected the option to wipe out all partition and create a default layout with the Encryption option selected. But that installation got stopped on the middle, therefore I have started the installation again. This time it asked for the encryption password as expected but don't know why, its not accepting my password. I am 100% sure that the password is correct but it is not allowing me to enter into the hard disk partition section.

My question is, how do I remove encryption from my hard disk? I don't need to preserve the data, I just need to use my hard disk again. Is there any boot CD that allow us to format encrypted disks without prompting for a password?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Large File On External Disk?

Jan 27, 2010

1. An external hard disk with VFAT32 file system has a continuous 23GB file (old HD disk image). It is too large to 'remove to wastebasket' and unlike MS Windows remove to wastebasket does not sense file size and wipe file index .

How to remove a large file in SUSE 11.2?

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Ubuntu Security :: Remove The Whole Disk Encryption Without Reinstalling?

Jul 31, 2010

Is there any way to remove the whole disk encryption without reinstalling? I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Server :: Copy Of IBM Server Hard Disk Data To Another USB External Hard Disk?

Sep 1, 2009

Copy of IBM Server hard disk data to Another USB External Hard disk?

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General :: Can Boot Machine Without Using Hard Disk / If Its Running On PXE Server?

Jul 20, 2011

I have an old unuseable computer at home that became useless after a hard disk failure. I don't want to spend money on buying a new PATA IDE HDD for it, so I was wondering if I can use a PXE boot server on my notebook (using a virtual machine with Linux) and boot a Linux on the old machine with PXE without using Hard Disk. It is possible? Do I will need to make some extra configuration or use some specific enviroment do do this?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Everything Down To The Bare Min Without The Graphical Junk From A Desktop CD Disk Install?

Sep 19, 2010

is it possible to install with just the very min of things, no GUI, etc so I can use it as a compact OS for an old Pentium2 system with a 10 GB hard drive? Should I have downloaded the server edition ISO for this? Is it possible to remove everything down to the bare min without the graphical junk from a Desktop CD disk install? Maybe I should use [URL]

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Debian :: Hard Disk Repository - Which Makes Program Install / Remove Very Quick

Mar 15, 2010

I have now almost completed my aim of using Debian and PClinuxOS on different installed hard disks. For PCLOS I use an On-Disk set of disks which I have installed on a separate hard disk which serves as a repository from Synaptic, which makes program install/remove very quick. Is it possible to do the same thing with the 5 DVD's for Debian lenny on another hard disk?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot With Vista - Remove One Of Them To Save Disk Space

Jan 15, 2009

I installed the live CD version of fedora (dual boot with vista) on my laptop. After I connected to the internet the updates downloaded and all went well. however when i restarted at the boot screen I found two instances of fedora such as


The "other" is vista. I am wondering if this is OK or whether I have two fedora. If so i would like to remove one of them to save disk space.

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Installation :: Remove Ubuntu Including The Grub Screen And Free The Space Up On The Hard Disk?

Dec 1, 2010

I had Vista on my laptop and then started dual booting with windows.downloaded ubuntu today and installed but just not feeling it. i have looked in add remove programs but its not there. can someone point me in the right direction. How do i remove ubuntu including the grub screen and free the space up on the hard disk because i'm missing 25gb.

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Server :: Disk 2 Disk Mirror ?

Aug 4, 2010

I have some servers running rhel5,they are in mirror disk 2 disk there is no any hardware RAID only software RAID and they in remote place.

Assume RHEL5 hda(Disk1) & hdb(Disk2) currently in mirror, i have to install some patches in it. Before that i have to break the mirror and boot from hdb if it is successful. then i have to apply the patches to hda.

After that i have to boot from hda and check whether the latest patches updated and working fine. finally i have put them in mirror. the same scenario for solaris.

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General :: Windows 7 Disk Management Utility Doesn't Show Disk With Ext3 Partition

Oct 10, 2010

I have a 2 TB disk in an external SATA dock, formatted with a single ext3 (Linux) partition, which doesn't show up in the Windows 7 Computer Management->Disk Management utility, even as a raw/blank disk. I've verified that there's nothing wrong with the disk by connecting it to my Linux machine and mounting it, and I've verified that the dock is functioning properly by connecting a different FAT32-formatted disk, which mounts flawlessly as expected.I realize that I can't actually read the ext3 partition without additional software (e.g., Ext3IFS), but why doesn't the disk show up at all? Is there some sort of stupid anti-Linux filter built in? Is there any way to force Windows to recognize the disk, so that I can at the very least use direct block access with it?

Background: I want to clone an identical 2 TB disk onto this one. Due to my hardware layout, it's much easier to have the source disk attached to one machine and the destination disk connected to another, and do the clone over the network (the network is not a bottleneck with switched gigabit ethernet), than it is to hook them both up to one machine.(1) I did this once before when both machines were running Linux, but I've since upgraded the destination machine and decided to switch back to Windows for regular desktop use. I've got Cygwin installed, and have verified that the same basic method (dd + nc) will work, but I can't do anything if Windows doesn't even consider the destination disk to exist.I only have one eSATA port on each machine. Opening them up just to do this clone is a rather large annoyance. Also, since this is my backup disk, I'd like to eventually automate the cloning from the active disk to another one that I regularly swap with a third disk that I store off-site.

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General :: Migrated From Ext3-disk To A Ext4 Disk - Warning: Unable To Open An Initial Console

Feb 4, 2010

OS: Debian unstable 32bit, kernel 2.6.32-2, grub 1.98 from late january 2010 (only have working net-access from work now, so I am grabbing information from memory). EXT3 and EXT4 support is compiled into the kernel along with chipset/scsi/sata support (not as modules), and I have tested to boot ext3 with it before proceeding. Prereq: my old disk started to have too much S.M.A.R.T errors, so I bought another one, put in a USB cabinet, added swap and ext4 partition/filesystem to it, and copied over all data from the old system to the new that was mounted at /dest using the command "find ./ -xdev -print0 | cpio -paV0 /dest". Swiched disks, so I now have the ext4 disk sitting at /dev/sda (partitions: sda1 => ext4, sda2 => swap), and booted into rescue-mode from cdrom, using /dev/sda1 as root with a shell on. After doing this, I performed the following commands:

mount --bind /dev /dest/dev
chroot /dest

modified the /etc/default/grub to instruct the kernel to boot using ext4, ran grub-install --recheck /dev/sda
ran update-grub to modify /boot/grub/grub.cfg (which looks as it should) After doing this, grub finds my partition and mounts it. It however stalls with the message: "warning: unable to open an initial console" and does nothing after this point. I have no ramdisk, but my old kernel booted fine from ext3 (and still does if I copy it to a ext3 partition), and since the ext4 support is compiled into the kernel - should I really need a ramdisk?

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General :: Check Some Folder On A Shared Disk - On Local Disk?

Sep 20, 2011

How to check if some folder is on a shared disk or on a local disk?

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Server :: RHEL 5 Proxy Server - Remove Temp Files And Cache

Oct 9, 2010

RHEL 5 is my proxy server. i want to remove temp files and cache . How do i remove cache and temp files.

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Server :: Ubuntu Netbook - Remove All Unnecessary Packages To Run A Server Role?

Nov 22, 2010

I'm trying to turn an old Acer Aspire One with a tiny 8GB solid-state drive into a lean web server, so I'd like to remove as many packages as possible to free up space. It will be running a standard LAMP install and nothing else. Right now it has Ubuntu Netbook installed, so I need to know everything I can delete and still have it boot and run mysql, apache, etc.

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General :: Disk Utility And Df Show Different Disk Space ?

Nov 18, 2010

I don't understand disk sizes in Linux. I have a 500GB drive. It's ext4. I have run "tune2fs -m 0" on it to reserve the amount of space reserved for root to 0.

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 that comes with a Disk Utility. When I run "System->Administration->Disk Utility (palimpsest)" the disk shows up as 500GB (see picture). But when I run df -h it shows up as 459GB. So, I don't understand the discrepancy.

When I run df I get the following:

Question: Why is Disk Utility showing me something different than "df"?

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Ubuntu :: Remove "320 Hard Disk" From Partition Names And Arrange Them By Media Location?

Dec 16, 2010

Every partition in my ubuntu machine starts with "320 GB Hard Disk" followed by partition name, Even If I renamed it. I want to remove this, can I ? Another question. Can I arrange those partitions by there locations in the physical hard drive? meaning that the first 30 GB in the disk appears with there names at first.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The Installation And Get The Disk Space Back?

Sep 1, 2011

I have never had to do this before But I'm giving my laptop to my mother when my new one arrives and I need to remove the ubuntu installation and get the disk space back.

A few months ago the install stopped working. I can't remember what the error said... and tbh I can't be bothered to reboot twice to read it, but it has to be removed now anyways.

Had a look in windows to see if I can do anything in the disk manager, but it appears I can't. Oh wise ones, please, which path should one take?

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General :: Non-System Disk Or Disk Error?

Oct 17, 2010

I have windows and linux distros on my /dev/sda. I tried to install fedora 13, but after reboot I cannot boot up to any of installed systems. I'm getting: Non-System disk or disk errorreplace and striky any key when readyWhen I use ubuntu 10, boot from first hard disk, I'm able to get GNU GRUB version 1.98...nd boot up to any system. but without ubuntu in a cd-rom I'm getting this error.I tried: grub-install /dev/sdX in one of my installed linux distros, but without any success.

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General :: See Disk Details As Disk Manufacture?

Dec 22, 2010

subject: LINUX - release.5.4- verify disk details from linux

with sfdisk -s I can see the disk capacity as the following:

sfdisk -s
/dev/cciss/c0d0: 143338560
total: 143338560 blocks

but how to see also the disk details as disk manufacture ... etc.

hdparm -i /dev/cciss/c0d0
HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device

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General :: Disk To Disk Copy Fedora 12?

Aug 17, 2010

S.M.A.R.T.tells me my primary fedora drive has lots of bad blocks,so I ordered a used identical drive from ebay.I want to do the very basic process of making a full backup of my existing drive - so as to replace it with a more or less identical replacement. Logically identical - not necewsarily sector to sector not literate in unix and its children - and seem to find a plethora of descriptinos of how to do what I want to do. which is

1. format the drive - what you may call low level format - ie op sys independent.

2. create a partition system compatible with my existing disk.

3. copy everything from my existing disk to the new disk.

4. put existing disk on the shelf as a backup and start to use new disk.

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Server :: File Server For Windows - Mount More Than One Samba Shares As Network Disk

Jun 17, 2011

I want to setup a Linux File Server for a small windows network (around 50 users). I do know that I am gona need Smb service/pkg for that. I haven't used Samba for a while now and as per the best of my knowledge, entire communication (including usernames and passwords) between a samba server & windows client machines will be plain text. Is there any way to secure all this communication??

Secondly, if i remember correctly, MS windows wont let me mount more than one samba shares as network disk when all my shares can be accessed by different smb users with different passwords?? is there a solution to this problem? OR may be if there is any other package available for this purpose so that i wont have to use samba?

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