General :: Proxy - Linux Alternative To Fiddler2 ?

May 5, 2011

my use for fiddler is completely different; Fiddler2 is my example.In Fiddler2 I can download streams from websites ; for example if I stream a video or listen to music I can download the entire stream from Fiddler.In linux is there something similar? I compare to fiddler because it acts as a proxy and allows me to download these streams in windows quite easily.would be can I download a full stream from Wireshark?

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General :: Text - Is There A Linux Alternative For AutoHotkeys?

Jan 27, 2010

Is there a Linux alternative for AutoHotkeys? (or something to create hotkeys and text expansion?)

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General :: What Is Closest OneNote Linux Alternative?

Nov 19, 2010

I would especially appreciate notes import from OneNote, some notes sync option and gtk base.
Or maybe it is not an overkill to run OneNote on Wine?

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General :: How To Configure Proxy Server On Linux

May 19, 2010

I am new to Linux and need to configure a Linux machine with any server. I plan to configure Proxy server. What should I do?

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General :: 2 Linux Boxes / Proxy And Ssh Tunnel Forwarding

May 25, 2011

I need create ssh forwarding to other linux box that works as a proxy.I have two linux boxes(centos 5.5), one in the office(server1) behind firewall, other at colocation(server2)server1 has squid proxy instaled on port 3128.i cant use server1 as a direct proxy from home because its behind firewall.iwas able to create ssh tunnel from server1 to server2 and when i log in to server2 ican ssh root@localhost -p 12312 to server1

what i need is configure server2 so it forwards port server2:3128 to server1:3128....and i could add server2 ip addres and port to firefox proxy's and access ofice network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Alternative To Ps3 Proxy

Nov 26, 2010

I would like to have some software on ubuntu which does what ps3 proxy does.

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Networking :: Setting Up Squid Proxy To Virtual Linux Soho Router?

Mar 31, 2011

i must make this work with the use of virtual pc's. I have vm player and installed fedora ( the latest version ) and one xp . So i have 2 virtual pc's. I'm making it simple for start so i can add more pc's when i see that it is working. I have setup a dhcp server at the fedora virtual pc. The fedora virtual pc is like a soho router. The xp pc is getting ip from dhcp while the fedora one has a static one.

My pc is behind an adsl router. Both virtual pc's can see each other which means i have no connectivity issues.Im trying to setup a squid proxy ( transparent one ) so for example the xp pc can access porn sites and such. I used all required configuration for the squid to work and started the service. Ive also inserted with iptables the commands to forward all incoming port 80 packets to port 3128 ( the squid ). It doesnt seems to be working and i thik i know why but i dont know how to fix it.

Because the xp has a gateway at ( the adsl router ) packets go directly to it and not to the soho router ( fedora virtual pc as i intend to do) What can i do to solve this problem ? How can i forward all packets to go to the fedora virtual pc first and then the fedora pc to forward them (if necessary) to the adsl router? PS. I used Bridged connection on the networking configutration on the vmware player ! If you also want i can post the code for squid or iptables if needed !

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General :: Moving From Paid Linux To Unpaid Linux CenOS - Red Hat (KVM Virtualization)

Dec 21, 2009

if anyone of you have shifted using Paid Red Hat Linux with CentOS, and what are your experiences of moving from Paid Linux to Unpaid Linux CenOS. When do you suggest a person use Paid Linux and when to use Unpaid Linux?

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General :: Verifying Qlogic FC HBA Adapter In Linux ( SUSE Linux)

May 5, 2010

i would just like to verify that the command

lspci would show the FC adapter installed

is there any other command that i can use to verify the FC adapter is being installed

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General :: Migration Of C++ Application From SuSE Linux To Red Hat Linux

Feb 12, 2010

I want to Migrate my C++ Application from SuSE Linux to Red Hat Linux.What impact analysis i should do?

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General :: Convert HTTP Proxy To SOCKS Proxy?

Feb 27, 2010

I've been doing some security testing in a lab environment that does not have direct internet access. It's actually a little complicated: From home to connect to my lab machine, I

1. SSH to machineA.
2. SSH from machineA to machineB

where machineB is my actual lab machine. neither machineA or machineB allow anything other than SSH, and machineB is only accessible from machineA. However, I really need to run yum on machineB. I have managed to get internet access via Firefox on machineB by creating a series of SOCKS proxy via SSH.

1. machineB: ssh -L 12345:localhost:12345 user@machineA
2. machineA: ssh -D 12345 user@machineC
3. machineB: configure firefox to use socks proxy, localhost, 12345

where machineC has internet without limits placed. This is the only way I have managed to get internet working. I tried using ssh -L all the way from machineB->machineA->machineC but it didn't work (even when setting Firefox to use http proxy). I tried using ssh -D all the way, but again that doesn't work either.

I do have access via Firefox using socks proxy. However, yum update fails to retrieve mirror list, and from what I have found I don't believe yum supports socks proxy directly. Instead, it uses http_proxy / ftp_proxy. how to get yum to go out over the SOCKS proxy I created (same one using in Firefox)? It seems like since Firefox can access the internet and everything without issues, i should be able to get yum to tunnel through the same connection to access everything.... I tried


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General :: Force Wget Proxy To Non Environment Proxy?

Aug 17, 2010

is there a way to force wget to use a specific squid proxy when making connections ? - I use a squid proxy normally, but I need this specific request to go via a different one. I dont have to use wget, I just need a way to test squid's blocking rules by requesting various pages through it, this proxy is not my normally proxy on the network and so I cant rely on wget taking the environment variable.

Also, this is as part of a script, so anything that avoids editing wget config files would be best. - Perhaps curl can do this ? - currently im using the exit code of wget to determine if the connection was made.

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General :: How To Share A Folder From Linux To Linux

Mar 17, 2010

how to share a folder from linux to linux systems and setting password to open that folder

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Fedora :: Insert Unlock Code In Linux Using Any Linux Tool?

Apr 16, 2010

I have learnt that the network locked huawei modems may be unlocked to use any sim card bu getting a special unlock code and it should ask for it when a "foreign" SIM card is inserted. This procedure works well in Windows, but in Linux where I use wvdial, I dont get prompted for this unlock code. Does anyone know how to insert the unlock code in Linux using any Linux tool (GAMMU/GNOKII/Minicom etc)?

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Fedora :: TOR Onion Routing - Set Proxy For HTTP And HTTPS In Firefox But Say's 'unknown Proxy'

Jul 7, 2010

I've been trying to make myself anonymous, but I cant find 'Tor' anywhere, tried 'yum & kpackagekit' neither have it. I did find 'Privoxy', installed it, set proxy for HTTP and HTTPS in Firefox, but it says 'unknown proxy' when I try to use it! I've been to the Privoxy web site and read through the 'User manual', but most of it is 'geek' to me!

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Networking :: Squid Proxy Server On Ubuntu And WPAD - Proxy Auto Detection?

Dec 9, 2010

Currently my DHCP Server is working now what i want to have is auto detection of squid proxy in any browser but I still got an error in my dhcp server when I restart it.

My Config:

# DHCP configuration generated by Firestarter
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;


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Server :: Set Up Squid3 Proxy As A Transparent Proxy & Iptables Config

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to set up my squid3 proxy as a transparent proxy - right now, I have to manually configure browsers to access via proxy. I understand that I have to put some rules into Iptables and also some further directives in the squid.conf.

I have a couple of specific questions. The proxy server is running on a Ubuntu 10.04 workstation and this machine also acts as a dhcp server for the network. I have just one subnet , namely There is only 1 network card. Is it much easier to put in a second network card or is it just as easy to configure the existing lan card as a dual IP?

Is it necessary to configure these 2 IP's ( whether they are via 2 lan cards or dual IP on single card ) to be on different subnets. i.e ETH0 and ETH1 or is ok to have something like ETH0 and ETH1 ( where ETH0 is the one facing the LAN and ETH1 points to the modem router / switch i.e The Internet ) Where specifically do I save the Iptables rule configuration file and what must I call it ?

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General :: Finding Alternative Filesystems For SSD?

Feb 14, 2011

I am tired of watching fsck check my filesystem when my eeepc 901 shuts down abruptly due to a crash. I know that with a journaling filesystem, I won't have to wait for a check. However, I am well aware of the poor I/O performance of the SSD, so I can imagine using a journaling filesystem being even more frustrating, since there will be constant writes to the journal? I will buy a new laptop without such a crummy ssd someday but, is there anything I can do now, on the software side of things?

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General :: Alternative To Alt-ctrl-fkeys For VT?

Mar 7, 2010

Recently alt-ctrl-F1-6 to drop into a VT stopped working. I don't use that everyday so cannot really isolate why it may have happened (investigating WM rebuild).

Could something in a kernel rebuild do those? I don't recall seeing such an option.

Anyway, does anyone know of another way to get into a VT from X?

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General :: Finding An Alternative To Ubuntu?

Apr 27, 2010

Looking to get some input on finding a distribution to move to from Ubuntu.Overall, there's some changes--mostly unimportant overall, but stick in my craw--on the horizon, and I'm looking for alternatives. I'm a casual user, only one using my machine, don't need anything extra-special...something that isn't extremely utilitarian from the get-go, and doesn't come loaded with a boatload of things I'll never use. I enjoy putzing around in a CLI, and I'm not opposed to having to get used to slightly different commands when using it (though I expect that, on the whole, most things will be the same).I know, a little vague on what I'm looking put, a stable system that doesn't require me to do TOO much, but lets me do what I want even if it means breaking things every once in a while.

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General :: FOSS Alternative To Skype?

May 10, 2011

Given the recent dealings between Skype and Microsoft (here), one can guess that Linux support will be dropped. It wasn't amazing, but it ran. Moreover, security of transmitted data, in my own opinion, will be more questionable as of this acquisition.

What are the alternatives? If there are no full solutions - I propose the unification of several partial solutions into a merged FOSS project. I recommend a secure chat/video client with SIP capabilities and native ports for Linux Console, X, and FreeDos.

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General :: Non-root Alternative To Iftop

May 27, 2010

I like how iftop shows at a glance and in real time where my bandwidth is going. It requires root privileges, however. Is there a similar command or tool that a regular user can use to visualize bandwidth use? Say the kind of user who shouldn't be given the keys to the kingdom?

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General :: Alternative Command For Browsing?

Jun 21, 2011

Apart from lynx, which other linux command can I use for browsing the web incase I don't have lynx installed?

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General :: Alternative To $0 In Bourne Shell?

Aug 25, 2010

I am looking for an alternative to using $0 in bourne shell. I am in the process of migrating all my production shell scripts to a new tool that will automate execution and release of "jobs" in my production system. And this tool does not like the usage of $0. Which means echo $0 or "basename $0" returns null.

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General :: Getting An Alternative To UTorrent To Run On Ubuntu 11.04?

Jun 26, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good alternative to uTorrent to run on Ubuntu 11.04? I've tried running two versions of uTorrent in wine and the result were less than impressive to say the least. I also downloaded uTorrent for linux from there site but can't get either package manager to see or access the .tar.gz archive or any extracted files?

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General :: Visio Alternative In System / What Is This?

Jun 11, 2011

What is the Visio alternative in linux if there is one?

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Networking :: Unable To Ssh Linux Box From Other Linux Boxes

Mar 12, 2010

I am unable to ssh a Linux box from other Linux boxes; also tried to window putty.Although I am getting the password prompt instantaneously.So far, by comparing logs of other server, I am just able figure out that "debug2: callback start" is not coming in ssh -vvv logs.

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General :: Get Alternative Minimize Effect In Ubuntu?

Apr 19, 2011

I don't know if I saw this minimize effect in ubuntu but definitely have seen it on other nix systems. It's basically a little button in the menu bar that when clicked, "minimizes" the window so that only the menubar to get it working on ubuntu.

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General :: Use Keys For Mouse Buttons / Alternative To AHK?

Jul 22, 2011

On windows I have an autohotkey script which:
- Only works when caps lock is on
- Generates left, middle and right mouse button events when left control, menu and alt keys are pressed
- Allows holding the keys down (for dragging objects)
Is there an easy way of duplicating this functionality in linux?

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General :: Alternative To /proc/bus/usb/devices For Use In A Terminal?

Aug 24, 2011

/proc/bus/usb/devices should not be used anymore (and can't be mounted anymore on Ubuntu 11.04) But what is an alternative to it, for use in a terminal? I could easily grep that output to look for a certain device, but I'm lost in all the /sys/ entries...

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